Packages don't work well with charts, I'll fix it
Edit: hopefully that's good enough
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Thanks for the thread been waiting to say how bad this is compared to Fanatical
Edit: This along with Choices for Feb I hop Humble isn't going out of business
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Why would they go out of business when they have the best bundles by far in general. Fanatical gives us a good one like the charity one 2-3x a year, they prefer to rebundle games to death and ofc garbage mystery bundles, but people love to gamble so probably they are best for them from a financial standpoint.
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They used to be very good for bundles I agree but lately with the fact that the other week was the first time in ages they didn't have a normal bundle for sale and then only the Destiny bundle which is just a older bundle for a cheaper price with maybe one dlc added - made me worry for them - this bundle also is mostly repasts so the table shows
Edit: just saw that Cat Quest has a 5 month only to use they - why? it has been out since September 2019 and has less than 5k reviews - can't still be selling well on the Steam store - weird
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It's not bad, it just doesn't seem as good compared to... a once-a-year charity bundle which is limited to 10,000 bundles. So yeah, not a surprise.
It's still a very good bundle which makes it the cheapest the games have ever been.
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Previously "given away"/Part of Sub via different places based on my memory:
However do note that none of the games in this bundle support , according to steam feature list, cross-platform co-op play (this usually means no epic/steam crossplay too not just PC to Console)
Across Obelisk is Paradox game so it has like 50 - 69€ "worth" DLC (that might or might not add lot of content. Optional, of course)
Another meh bundle from humble imo. I'd only care for Trine 4 and its currently 5€ alone
Steam is also soon having couch co-op event sale next too, who knows what sales are there
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£59.49 worth of dlc including one that came out on my sons birthday
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Tier 1 - 6.75€
Tier 2 - 9.65€
80% off on 3 games I really want, and 3 repeats. It is quite a humble bundle indeed, but I might just grab it. If playing For the King with friends taught me anything, it's that after the deed is done, a good co-op gaming experience feels like it was worth way more than what you paid for initially.
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Tribes of Midgard and Risk of Rain Returns are locked to CIS/RU for me. Everything else is global
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only wanted 2 games from this bundle was able to snag in trades
other person also from USA so USA gets these
Trine 4
Cat Quest II
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Bought in Canada.
Cat Quest II redemption deadline is May 31, 2025 at 11:59:59 PM PDT.
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What's the difference? You easily can activate it within 4 months, right? It isn't even a trouble to gift it away.
It's only a burden if you want to trade. Which is against Humble's TOS anyways, so why should they attempt to please traders?
I'd actually prefer them to limit all keys, as that would enable better bundle quality.
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I mean I tend to buy a bundle and the extras I eventually give away, but it takes me more than 5 months almost always because I'm extremely unmotivated at times, sometimes for an entire year, if you look at my acc. I don't trade any of my keys, I give them away, but sometimes it takes me forever to do it, maybe if I did it as I get the bundles and kept current with it I wouldn't end up with a backlog.
"I'd actually prefer them to limit all keys, as that would enable better bundle quality."
This, I don't know, at first you'd think that's what it's gonna be, then it goes that way, and then they adjust backwards to make higher profits. Kinda like restaurants raising prices right now on items that contain eggs because of the bird flu, well when it resolves will they lower prices on those items, I'm willing to bet no, they'll just maintain the market.
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I'm also not exactly hurrying to give away my keys. The last and current giveaways, were from the Humble Heroines: Warriors, Dreamers, God Slayers from March 2023. I'm slowly crawling through my list, week by week-
But there is little to no doubt that more publishers and devs would be willing to participate if they wouldn't have to be concerned about the grey market too much.
Maybe prices would rise too, to reflect an increase in quality, who knows. But I'm getting tired of these 80% of the content are rebundles offers.
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i figure right when i buy a bundle there's tons of giveaways for those games. so i hang onto my extras for a year (or more lately because i'd forgotten to actually create giveaways for a while) and then make giveaways when there aren't many for those games. sometimes this means the game turns free or i might get no contributor value instead of almost no contributor value, but it frustrates me to not be able to enter all the giveaways for a game i really want.
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Region locks heavily speculated, trade/gift with caution
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Only missing two games, Risk of Rain Returns and Across the Obelisk. Plus the very limited time to claim Cat Quest II makes this a skip for me.
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At this point, there are really only two bundle sites that offer high-quality games: Humble Bundle and Fanatical, and this deal doesn't seem bad to me.
Bundles are becoming less common, and game developers are becoming more skeptical about offering their games cheap in bundles. I would like to avoid having duplicate games on the list, but that would be wishful thinking. I'll buy
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Without gift link notifications from ROW countries, it's not possible to correctly determine the region locks.
I didn't buy the bundle, thus I cannot provide them.
But at least we have a confirmed list of subs from US:, Tribes of Midgard (WW), Cat Quest II, For The King - Deluxe Edition - Retail - Digital (WW), Risk of Rain Returns (WW), Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, Across the Obelisk
Customers from China confirmed to receive the same subs as ROW regions for all games, except:, Risk of Rain Returns (CN), Tribes of Midgard (CN)
which pretty much confirms that from the entire bundle, only these two games have region locks.
(they also receive the same WW-redeemable package for For The King - Deluxe Edition as everyone else).
Across the Obelisk includes the dummy app Paradox packages always have hidden apps that enable you to activate a key on top of a store purchase, for the exact same content. Make sure to not waste your keys by redeeming them this way.
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I got the same subs from my EU purchase.
Tribes of Midgard and Risk of Rain Returns region lock warnings according to the gift link notifications:
No other region lock warnings
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Are you sure you didn't get {sub/948658}? The region lock warning seems to line up with that sub
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According to ASF I got [1147991, Risk of Rain Returns (WW)] but Humble gave me the region lock warning for the countries above.
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This confirms that Tribes of Midgard and Risk of Rain are the only region locked keys, allocated to AM, AR, AZ, BN, BO, BR, BY, BZ, CL, CN, CO, CR, EC, GE, GT, GY, HK, HN, ID, KG, KH, KZ, LA, LK, MD, MO, MX, MY, NI, PA, PE, PH, PY, RU, SG, SR, SV, TH, TJ, TM, TR, TW, UA, UY, UZ, VN in their respective region-locked subs.
**Tribes of Midgard**
* RU/CIS: probably [{sub/610715}](
* SEA: [{sub/1148005}]( ([confirmed](
* LATAM + MX: not indexed yet
* TR: not indexed yet
* CN: [{sub/1148004}]( ([confirmed](
* Everyone else: [{sub/1148008}]( redeemable worldwide ([confirmed](
**Risk of Rain Returns**
* RU/CIS: probably [{sub/948659}](
* SEA: [{sub/1147988}]( ([confirmed](
* LATAM + MX: probably [{sub/948657/}](
* TR: not indexed yet
* CN: [{sub/1147987}]( ([confirmed](
* Everyone else: [{sub/1147991}]( redeemable worldwide ([confirmed](
(TR is not included in the RU/CIS subs, so they probably get a separate region-locked key, not indexed yet)
(for the other 4 games, you can remove the region locked subs, because everyone receives WW keys for them)
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Tribes of Midgard (ASIA)
Risk of Rain Returns (ASIA):
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Very nice bundle.
Only missing Risk of Rain Returns and Across the Obelisk, but still worth it.
Risk of Rain Returns is way better than the 3D version.
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too expensive just for risk of rain returns. this goes even better locally, my currency is still melting and government dictatorship doesn't even let me convert via google anymore (the usual "10 usd to brl" doesn't work anymore). shits here keeps getting better and better.
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I suppose Across the Obelisk key should be global, i'm in CIS region and it activated in Greece without problem. I've checked gift link also and it didn't have any region restrictions.
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Finally, a new bundle.
I bought Across the Obelisk in a Steam sale. It's a fun game for anyone that doesn't have it and likes deckbuilder games.
Only one I'm interested in there would be Cat Quest 2 and it's not worth buying Tier 1 just for that (I own the other 2 lol).
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When you buy a bundle, HB will give a key that will activate in your region, but maybe not other regions.
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Cat Quest, For the king, Risk of rain, Trine 4 and Across the obelisk out of stock at the moment. WTF Humble.
I am only waiting for Cat Quest but I didn´t see such an amount of games out of stock.
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The heck? Thats almost WHOLE BUNDLE.
And with ToS going "In some cases due to various reasons, a key may not be available to replenish and in such cases, Humble Bundle may offer the same game on a different platform (“Alternate Keys”) if this is a possibility. In cases where Alternate Keys are not available to replenish, Humble Bundle is not obligated to provide them"
This seems rather troubling, hope they replenish the STEAM KEYS asap and not just give epic keys or something X'D
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Even if they bother to give you anything at all - and yet they are still selling it - they should e shut down - what 's next not have ps5 in stock and sending you a Switch copy?
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I only want Risk of rain returns (love risk of rain series) and would only try Across the Obelisk (low hopes of it being actually good).
Definitely not worth this price too expensive for our wallet.
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Better With A Friend: Co-Op Adventures
2 Tiers, 6 Items
07 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025
View this bundle on: ITAD -
⚠️ Region locks ⚠️
Tribes of Midgard
Risk of Rain Returns
Cat Quest II redemption deadline is May 31, 2025 at 11:59:59 PM PDT
Tier 1 - 7 USD | 6.75 EUR
Tier 2 - 10 USD | 9.65 EUR
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread.
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