Call of Duty Black Ops 1. I pre ordered it and couldn't play for 2 weeks until they fixed the game. Even though it was still bad for me. I lost all my faith in the CoD series because of this.
Also Dishonored. Don't get me wrong, I understand why people like it, but I can't like that game no matter how much I try to. That happens with all Bethesda games for me: I hate Fallout, and don't like Skyrim that much (It's good, but it can't catch my attention for much time).
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i've never preordered a game, i've been told that it's kinda risky on pc, although i haven't preordered on gaming consoles too before. that's a shame though, that an experience like that ruined CoD for you. i liked MW3, although i hated the campaign. i thought the campaign was awful. i own Dishonered, but i haven't gotten around to playing it yet. i've heard it's a pretty good game, along with Fallout from my boyfriend, & Skyrim from what i've seen. the hours some people spend on Skyrim scares me.
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Saints Row 2 and the third with all the damn DLCs, i tried out the game and its not my type.
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Brink, It seemed like it was going to change gaming. It was really fun too! But then after about 3 hours of game play you do literally everything there is to do and the challenge died.
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never heard of it before. i youtube searched its 2010 E3 trailer & i was like huh, it seems pretty cool. then i looked it up on steam & noticed it had mixed reviews. seemed like a lot of game news sites hyped it up & allowed a lot of gamers to be rather disappointed.
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I had the same issue, Microsoft seems to have completely given up on GFWL support.
I forget the exact steps I took, but it was akin to me signing into a guest account, or like not signing in at all or something, which allowed me to play the game offline. Though it took me so damn long to get it working, what with that and setting up a bunch of mods to make the game bearable on PC, that I barely even played it.
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Pixel Piracy... it wasn't as nearly as good as I thought it'd be
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Both of them are games that are hard to learn and to begin with, yet awesome and deep. You should try and force yourself to play them for a little more time.
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Got that free with xbox and it was pretty boring too. Couldn't get into it at all
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The Misadventures Of P.B. Winterbottom. Frustrating and boring. And now the game is sold much cheaper than when I bought it... (>_<)
Also, Final Fantasy XIII. Lame and very disappointing... (I had it on the Xbox 360).
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I preordered Diablo 3 :(
I deeply regret that purchase.
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Same though for PS3. Spent hours levelling up a monk only for the saves to become corrupted not just once but twice - over 40hours invested in each character gone down the drain. As a final kick in the teeth they later announce RoS for the price of a full game and then expected me to pay for both copies again on the PS4 by which time I'd had it with Blizz.
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3...People killing me before I even notice them from corners and my bullets don't register.... Didn't have such problems like this with Battlefield 3 or Garry's mod, Left for Dead 2 so I know its just that freaking game....Its my first online COD game and may be my last..
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May be your ping or the host etc. I've never had any problems like that on MW3, Cod Ghosts however can go burn in hell.
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Magical Drop V in terms of pure regret
the DMC classic bundle in terms of "that could have really waited"
And Dino D day, Gun Monkeys, an some other mass giveaway stuff for "Why did I take them?" (also why I'm pickier about what mass GAs I do go to)
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Absolutely horrid fan service, I was expecting much more T&A in the wardrobe.
Do not buy!
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Terraria's community? That's weird. On the servers I played, everyone was nice and the admins were cool too. Of course, this was during the first months of the game and a little after they "stopped" development before they added that HUGE update last year (or this one?).
How bad was your experience?
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Quite frankly, I don't think Terraria is the game you would play with a group of strangers. Either solo or with a friend or two ;)
That said, I never had any downright negative experience with Terraria's playerbase.
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Think you can use hamachi on it, open up the server launcher, wait for it to get done with its loading of the map or more, right click up on hamachi and copy the IP4 address, try to connect using your own IP, if you can connect so can everyone else (At least should be able too). I'm not sure if there was a server launcher though, if not I might create a server later to check how to set it up.
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+1... Terraria is probably one of the best games to play with a group of friends. Playing it with strangers had not even crossed my mind until now, it must be awful.
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Mafia. I really wanted to like it but I felt that the missions weren't good and that the story was a little slow. Mafia II felt a little better but I wish it was a bit more open-world.
Now a game I regret HAVING on my account is District 47 or whatever it is. I'm glad my laptop didn't have it on my account when I put Steam on it. Never again...
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Terraria and MW3, and well, to be honest, pretty much half of my library since I spend more time in online games
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title. i don't really have any games i regret purchasing since i haven't played about half my games. except for Takendown: Red Sabre. that was a bad idea.
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