I'm giving away a copy of Sunless Sea!

I really love this game and I think the devs are pretty cool people, so I want this game to go to someone who will appreciate it and (hopefully) spread some positive feedback to others.

Obviously there is no way to guarantee that will happen, so the next best option I've thought of is this: to do a whitelist giveaway. In order to get on the whitelist, all you have to do is tell me the following:

  • What makes this game interesting to you?
  • Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it?
  • What will you name your first captain?

At the very least it will stop bots from entering and maybe we'll get some good discussion about the game too.

Since the giveaway finishes on the 19th of February and I have a full-time job, I'll add people who comment up until 21:00 GMT on the 17th of February. Just to give myself enough time in case real life gets busy. If I've time I'll add anyone who comments afterwards but I guess it depends on how busy the thread gets.

Cast off into the Neath!

9 years ago

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  1. I am interested in the game because I've never ever seen a sea without sun!
  2. I haven't played it - I wasn't even aware it had free weekend...
  3. Captain 'Hook the Spiky Cook'. Yeah, he will be cooking all day for the whole team!
9 years ago

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You might not like his culinary taste!

9 years ago

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You've gained a new quality: Unaccountably Peckish! ^_^

9 years ago

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Side note.I am more of a lurker and i can't get my head around the deal with whitelisting/blacklisting.I mean i understand it's use,but i will never understand the decision making behind it that most people here do.And i am not talking about you OP,but in general.You obviously want the game to go to the right folks who genuinely want to invest time in this game.But most people do that randomly from what is see on the forums.Personally i don't even know how to see if i was whitelisted/blacklisted and i don't bother.

Anyway i have this game for a long time on my wishlist.I've looked into reviews and lets plays and since i like management/strategy games,has interesting style and most important can run on my fossil PC(my most important criteria) which is rare this day.It's not high on my play list,since i play grim dawn at the moment but it would be nice to have it in my library,to play it down the line.Never played the demo but i've seen the letsplays and reviews.And i would name my captain Hector or the name from my other favorite fictional characters.

9 years ago

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The giveaway has been over for a bit but you can get it from humbles latest bundle.

9 years ago

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Lol sorry for necro.It poped out on the discussions list but i didn't checked the date.Plus i am drunk a bit :D.

9 years ago

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