I wanted to try this game, since a recommendation from an Extra Credits video. Seems like a really neat concept, with something lovecraftian that appeals me.
Missed the free weekend because adulthood, but I really wanted to try it.
My captain's name would be... Obed Marsh, in honor of "Shadow over Innsmouth"
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Hi! I actually played fallen london for a while and still get their mails so I'd like to try their game. I didn't know about the free weekend after it ended so I missed it. And all my characters are named Magnus so I'm dreading the thought of permadeath...
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Good idea! Between all X-coms (originals and reimaginated), FTL and roguelikes I believe somewhere there's a mountain of digital corpses of all the Magnuses that sacrificed themselves to my tactical mistakes through the ages.
Also thanks for the whitelist!
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Being a hopeless lovecraft fan, digging Darkest Dungeon and being a tapletop rpg enthusiast for almost 20 years (started as a kid)- so you know, kinda dig open world, story filled games and such- this game got eyes my since EA. Now that im currently running a pirates meet the occult table (tabletop rpg) playtesting a ruleset im developing im now even more pumped with anything naval when i remenbered Sunless Sea... to discover it was on a deeper discount (AND freewekend) that i completely missed. Damn it!
Not to mention i love indie games.
So yeah, this one hits the spot on many things i love so i have no doubt i will enjoy the heck out of it; My only doubt and fear is if im not creating over-the-top exagerated expectations, because the reviews are so freaking good and it mixes so many things i love... i know i will enjoy, but in my mind i think im gonna be blow away and i hate when im over hyped for something :P
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It's not a perfect game by any means - the combat isn't great and the difficulty at the start is pretty steep (or so I found it), but it is dripping with atmosphere and lore, which more than makes up for that in my experience.
I've (somehow) never read any Lovecraft. Do you have a recommended starting point?
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Thats a hard one to answer. Some consider his more dense work a bit harder to read and sugest starting with his more typical horror stories- wich also happens to be his less interesting ones (his quality varies quite a bit and improved over time a lot). I on the other hand don't quite agree on being 'harder', i would say its just not everyone's taste (like anything else). Im telling pretty much like a friend told me when i asked him the same and interested in the mythos i went straight starting with Call of Cthulhu (and i don't regret it). While its clear some of his stories are worse i like many fans enjoy then because of the latter work- its interesting piecing together his influences and development, and many things piece together even before he started purposely thinging of it all as sharing similar background (the so called Mythos).
So its up to you. If you think you would prefer starting with some more typical horror before meeting his peculiar and famous unique take Reanimator would be a good call. If you're heard anything about his mythos and elder gods and whatnot Call of Cthulhu makes a good start. From there on i would pick any of his short stories and save his novellas for latter- they're some of his best work and are more enjoyable after his short stories (in my opinion). Keep in mind he wrote way more short stories.
I don't know exactly how Sunless Sea's lore is but it definetly have a strong Lovecraftian vibe to it (madness and horrors of the sea); In that vein 'Dagon' then 'The Shadow over Innsmouth' would be good calls- but i would recomend reading then after started with any of the two above.
But all in all- don't overthink it. One of the great things about Lovecraft is that each and every single one of his stories stands on its own. Theres the much praised 'mythos' (even a bit overrated i would say, altought it does deserve praise)- this thinly and misterious lore that permeats his work from Call of Cthulhu foward that makes many of his stories as tiny events on a much darker reality; But thats a treat for those who read more and more rather then any linear reading. So cool out, read any synopsis and goes with the one that picks your interest the most first without worries.
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The Shadow over Innsmouth if you want a "sea related" story. For me the Dunwich Horror remains his real master piece.
I discovered Lovecraft 30 years ago and no horror writer has come to close to matching his stories, although a warning that they are very different to the "usual" horror writings. His style is very unique and definitely not for everyone,
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I wishlisted it as soon as it was released, a friend bought it and gave a very positiv opinion about it (even though he had some valid complains).
Didn't play on free weekend, my grandpa was hospitalized and I stayed there with him.
Captain Wilson!! An old castaway survivor...
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Oh he is getting better, thanks =)
Yeah, that's what I heard, I hope I'm lucky enough to check it out for myself ^^
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What makes this game interesting to you?
I like the option to do what you like, and exploration/roam type games. Also I like the artstyle of the game.
Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it?
No, I did not. Was away for the weekend on some camp but from the videos and reviews, I can tell it is similar to This War of Mine, but with a crazy exploration twist.
What will you name your first captain?
Goofy Goofer
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It's sort of survival i guess, like you are forced to do everything you have to survive. I guess it's quite an accurate depiction of how a war is. Sort of like either you die or i die choices. I think you should play it, depressing games are the best. Lol
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Played on the free weekend for a little bit, didn't have much time though (just enough time to die once!). Still, was on my wishlist before and definitely stayed there, I liked what I saw :) Also a friend had been bugging me for many years to play Fallen London, but I never got around to that either ... Thanks for the chance!
And my first captain was named like me (real name).
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Sunless Sea looks like a GREAT game.
What makes this game interesting to you? - Well, for one, I like the setting. Gothic Victorian London is a great time period for literature, so I'm eager to see how it's used in a game. I love the artwork I've seen from the screenshots, and exploration games are some of my favorites. As far as eating your crew, well, not every game can be a home run, right? ;)
Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it? - I didn't. I tend to work a lot so I missed it.
What will you name your first captain? - Morgan. :D
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What makes this game interesting to you?
Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it?
What will you name your first captain?
Also thank you so much for the giveaway!
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I'll be honest and say that I don't know. I've removed you from it now. Anyone else on my (small) blacklist I remember specifically because they were being abusive to others in the forums but your name doesn't ring a bell at all.
Apologies for any offence.
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It seems like a fun game. Definitely in my top 50 in my wishlist. I'm unoriginal though I would just be a narcissist and name muy first captain after me.
I did play it during the free weekend and it was pretty cool but I only played for an hour and most of that was offline since I was in the middle of moving and had no internet for a few days.
What made it interesting it's the lore, the atmosphere, and the inspiration. I love Darkest Dungeon so LoveCraftian themes always makes me smile.
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1 2 Ive played it for few hours during free weekend - I was kinda disappointed the map isn't procedurally generated - I was almost sure it would be another roguelike. Despite of it I found a game which merged survival, adventure game with rpg elements. Basically Ive found it easier to focus on hauling things early on before setting sails for deeper adventure.
It's on my whislist since march 2015 .. I keep it there as the game is one of the few steam pearls offering interesting story not just good gameplay. As fanboy of dwarf fortress and its adventure mode (ASCII one) I like Sunless Sea's concept of the struggle with Unterzee :) the grahpics are far superior for a game which is determined by dialogues and descriptions :)
3 Gentleman Aknozorm, unknown sailor who will manage not be the food for Salt bats this time.
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What makes this game interesting to you?
Sunless Sea is a beautifully atmospheric game in a simultaneously sinister and ridiculous way that becomes surreal and truly otherworldly. There's no other game I've seen that manages to combine such minimal but beautiful graphics with gorgeous illustrations and an entire world of fantastic writing.
Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it?
I did. It was glorious. Beautiful, haunting, and engrossing. I've never been so disappointed to let go of a game at the end of a free weekend. For someone with crippling fibromiyalgia pain, books and games are my life. Sunless Sea is a masterful blend of both of my favorite things.
What will you name your first captain?
Lethe. The name of the sister river to the infamous river Styx. Lethe is the waters of oblivion, the river of forgetfulness and loss.
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There really is. It's somewhere between Mundane, arcane and steampunk. It reminds me a little of Arcanum with a more...sinister bent to the world and a more tongue in cheek approach to the dark humor. The writing is just fantastic. I love The Alarming Scholar and (it's?) snapping teeth.
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Thanks in any case.
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Well, I know it's based on Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos and I love it! His weird stories always had a lot of potential and I'm happy that people remember about that in game industry - I wish film producers one day would do the same. ;) Thanks a lot for your giveaway!
As I said - Lovecraft, Lovecraft, Lovecraft ;)
Unfortunately no - I was really busy and I didn't even try to download it, because I would probably fail with other responibilities ;)
Of course - Charles Dexter Ward!
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If you didn't - just go go go! ;D Amazing stuff, he basically invented something we call modern popculture. He was interested in biology, astronomy, he read Freud, Nitzsche and understood their works. I'm really disappointed that despite a few movies we don't have any great productions based on his novels.
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on wishlist since a bit :)
What makes this game interesting to you? The setting and the adventure part, trying to figure out what would i do if it was my life at stake in the game.. would I try to look for a further but maybe more rewarding port or would I go the "safe" route? things like this :)
Did you play the free weekend and if so, what did you think of it? nope, i was busy :(
What will you name your first captain? not sure, maybe spongebobbo
cheers and thanks for nice giveaway
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Current builds have a lot of positive reviews and I saw on forums that they ported game to Unity 5 plus an expansion pack is on the way so future for this product looks very bright :)
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I was all set up to play during the free weekend but I was just too damn busy, sigh. I watched TotalBiscuit play it and was instantly smitten, just like with Invisible Inc. and Transistor. I love a good story driven game, and Sunless Sea's story is weird and interesting. First captain would be named after myself of course. Cap'n Janus, zeefaring underwater explorer.
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2,672 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Dyna18
I'm giving away a copy of Sunless Sea!
I really love this game and I think the devs are pretty cool people, so I want this game to go to someone who will appreciate it and (hopefully) spread some positive feedback to others.
Obviously there is no way to guarantee that will happen, so the next best option I've thought of is this: to do a whitelist giveaway. In order to get on the whitelist, all you have to do is tell me the following:
At the very least it will stop bots from entering and maybe we'll get some good discussion about the game too.
Since the giveaway finishes on the 19th of February and I have a full-time job, I'll add people who comment up until 21:00 GMT on the 17th of February. Just to give myself enough time in case real life gets busy. If I've time I'll add anyone who comments afterwards but I guess it depends on how busy the thread gets.
Cast off into the Neath!
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