the hats!!! think of all the new hats! and i guess the new game mode and weapons would be kind of cool... BUT THE HATS
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Oh yes. Valve indoctrinated most of the TF2 population to have a compulsive desire for hats. The cruel part is, that some may not even realize how they have no will of their own and just dream, think and hallucinate of hats. They have become...hat fetishists.
Stares adoringly at the Geisha boy and strokes medic's head-hat..hat-head..hat...hat...that's a good medic..yessss...
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Why fix the stuff that isn't working when you can just release new game modes completely unrelated to the game itself. Don't forget that you can level your skills, upgrade your weapons and earn incredible loot. TF2 is now dungeon defenders.
0/10 will not play.
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Tf2 originated as a quake mod/sequel thing. Now it's adding a core defend/rpg-fps game mode. Even if it's related to the game's lore or story (I still can't believe that people actually care for this), it has nothing to do with the game itself.
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TF2 originated as a sequel to Team Fortress Classic.
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It all began as Quake Team Fortress, which was a mod for quake released around 1996. Valve took an interest on it and hired a few of the devs who later released a standalone game by the name of Team Fortress Classic, which later evolved into Team Fortress 2. So yes, tf2 far down the road originated as a quake mod.
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It's just another game mode. The "leveling up" will probably be on a "per game" basis. If you don't like it, there's a plethora of other game modes you can do. no one is twisting your arm to do this. Sue them for keeping things fresh, adding lots of content FOR FREE. I swear, some people bitch just for the sake of bitching.
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I know that I'm not forced to play it, that's not my problem. My issue is that instead of focusing on fixing stuff that doesn't work, they add modes and items to break what is already working. When they release this mod most servers will break, because that's what happens when a big update (and with most small ones too) is released. Plugins break and until they are not fixed servers break too. Not even talking about item servers that always die when an update is released.
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TF2 is a great game, definitely my most played game, but I don't see how transforming it into dungeon defenders is good. If I wanted to play a co-op core/base defense game I wouldn't play tf2 anyways. It'll just be another crappy mode that people will forget about a week after release, like what happened to doomsday.
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It'll just be another crappy mode that people will forget about a week after release
We'll see about that
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You already have a formed opinion on a game mode that not only has not yet been released, but of which you've only seen a teaser cinematic? That's nice. And no, I don't hate hats, in fact I love hats. But I don't see what it has to do with anything.
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"You already have a formed opinion on a game mode that not only has not yet been released, but of which you've only seen a teaser cinematic?"
"TF2 is now dungeon defenders."
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Fps co-op base defense mode with skill and weapon levelling up. That's basically all it says in mvm's site. I never said it'll be good or bad.
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Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see anything about leveling-up weapons. Can you show me where that is?
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Mann vs. Machine is a new co-operative game for Team Fortress 2 that lets you and five friends wage a desperate battle to stop a lethal horde of robots from deploying a bomb in one of Mann Co.’s many strongholds.
This is the core defense part.
Take advantage of breaks between waves to upgrade your abilities and weapons.
This is the level your abilities and weapons up part.
Survive all the waves in any of a variety of missions to earn incredible loot.
This is the survive waves to earn loot (aka what the fuck where they thinking) part.
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Didn't see that. Sorry. Also, You're criticizing someone for predicting it will be great, meanwhile you're predicting that it will be awful and forgotten about relatively quickly?
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Yes, DD is a good game, but I already own it, if I wanted to keep playing DD I'd keep playing DD. This is the same thing that happened when DD first introduced PvP, most people thought it was a fucked up outright retarded idea (which was true) because PvP had nothing to do in a tower defense game, the same way core defense has nothing to do in an fps.
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"No Valve, don't give me free content which I can choose not to play."
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Oh Valve, please go ahead and keep releasing shitty content that nobody plays a week after release like doomsday or kong king. No, seriously, nobody cares if you fix things before adding more stuff to break the game. Truly, I insist. I rather have no new content at all, or paid quality stuff.
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Honestly, most TF2 players won't care, plus, the game isn't broken because of a couple of small bugs/weapons with reused or not-so-good animations, etc. Also, Kong King is an extremely well-made, both graphically, and layout-wise map that was made by a community member and required little effort on Valve's part to get into the hands of players. I doubt people will suddenly stop caring about it. Although, I agree about Doomsday, and like to pretend it never happened.
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Even if the map took little effort, it was still an update that broke trading, servers and item servers as well. I disagree that it is a well done map. Not even because it's a clusterfuck but also because it has design flaws such as spots where you can place mini sentries and they can't be seen but are still able to attack. The game is not just broken because of the crappy imbalanced weapons that get released with every update, although that helps a lot, but there are other things like updates that break servers, that break trading, etc.
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Odd, I expected a game that is regularly updated with new content on a regular basis to always be fine, and never have any problems that are fixed relatively quickly.
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I've yet to see, for example, a patch that doesn't make item servers crash every few minutes. It usually takes a day before they are fully functional again. Same with regular servers. Most of the time I don't play on patch day because I know that most servers will crash or that I'll have no loadout.
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I know right? How dare I not like something I'll never play that will break what I do play. Silly me.
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Oh you'll play it. You'll play it like all the people who swore they'd boycott BF3. You'll play it like all the whiners who griped about Diablo III. You'll play it like all the knobs who whinged about Mass Effect 3. You'll play it, and you'll LOVE IT!
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Bought BF3, gave my account away 2 days later. Bought diablo 3, finished all the difficulties and never touched it again, and I've never played ME3. I'll play it, yes, because I want to know what it is about, just like I did with doomsday, and I'll drop it like I dropped doomsday 2 days later.
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I was surprised when it said that the Mann brothers dying was canon.
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u should know already valve likes being a cock tease
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Day 1, 2, 3 same crap they did with pyromania and same thing they are doing with the upcoming revamped community. Apparently that's valve's way of hyping things up and it seems to work.
It's not that there's more, it's just that they show the features little by little.
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I've always found it strange when someone thinks that because something is free people can't complain.
Hey, I'm giving away shit. I literally shit in a bucket and throw it at people walking on the street. So far nobody has complained because, well, it's free shit :D
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It's easy... people who don't like the new mode can just ignore it ._.
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This might actually make me fire up TF2, looks fun...
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I just cant wait just two more days well a day and a few hours
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That trailer looks amazing. Oh my, I cannot wait ^^ Oh, and this!
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"A Tour of Duty Ticket gives you access to Mann Up Mode, and can be purchased from the Mann Co. Store for $0.99." Lol way to go. An extra reason to not play it.
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