Are you disappointed in some high level users?
When I did my fishing for rule breakers I was surprised how many there were...
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+1 for that. Try level 6 next time to see if changes something.
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High level doesn't necessarily mean "want to be part of this community."
It could just mean, "gets a bunch of keys from devs" or "makes lots of group giveaways."
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Thank you for the ride, Mooyashi! :3
Unfortunately there are rulebreakers in all the SG levels. One can remove them from the equation by using things like SGTools, WL and WL group.
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Bumping and best of luck dealing with rulebreakers but every level has bad sheep as above posts have mentioned. There tend to be fewer in numbers at the upper echelons but people always want to try and cheat the system.
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I am "only" lvl4 but yes it give "black sheeps" at each level.
I can not understand that are so many of them around (sometimes it looks harder to find the white sheeps then the black ones^^ giggling).
My reason why i make no "open for all" GA's anymore.
When i would do that then only to feed bots/autojoiners with really shit (maybe free) games that they use all there points on them and not on good GA's.
Combined with my, well known, keywall that bone dry there key activations for a few hours to zero too :-D.
Yes i am evil guy, by such people, and i like it :-D
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I'm really surprised to find rule breakers at such a relatively hard level. I felt like I had to really work to reach level 5, so I would think anyone at this level would be respectful of the community.
Just curious, but what rules are these people breaking?
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That's certainly frustrating, but at least they can't win the game again.
I guess for me, if I make a general giveaway, I don't really care if people play the game or not, so not activating it would be weird, but wouldn't really bother me. For any game that I really like and want to see played, I give to Playing Appreciated, so that I'll know that it will be played and (hopefully) enjoyed.
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Yeah ... it's annoying. The one thing I just don't understand, why can't we just ask for a reroll until they activate their stuff? Regardless of whether they've been suspended or how long it's been. I understand that they cannot be suspended again, but hey, giving them even more stuff when they clearly don't care, doesn't sound like good practice to me.
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They get suspended for a few days (if they're caught at all). I'm not even sure if they consider that a punishment or rather an incentive to go on like that. It's a bit like, if the punishment for stealing a car were to take away the thief's driver's license for a week, but letting them keep the stolen car.
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Yeah, I kinda doubt that. Maybe they get perma suspended if they do it like a dozen times. But even then, they need to get caught first. In case they wait a month or two between their "crimes", chances are good that most giveaway creators can't even ask for a reroll (the rules clearly state that they need to have unactivated wins this month or regifted to be eligible for a ticket and a reroll). Again, it's like letting them keep a stolen car. The obvious solution would be, that you could always ask for a reroll. That way, they'd be forced to either fix their unactivated wins or get tired of being rerolled and leave SG.
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Ja zawsze zgłaszam łamiących zasady niezależnie od czasu jaki upłynął od ich "wykroczenia'. Jeżeli nie byli wcześniej za to karani to zawsze support ponawia losowanie a winowajca ma zawiasy :) Rekordzistą był ktoś kto nie aktywował gry przed trzema laty xD
Niestety niewielu ludzi sprawdza swoich zwycięzców - i tak na przykład można dać komuś 30 dni (3 za jedną grę) za brak aktywacji.
Inna rzecz - że kolejne wykroczenie liczy się od kolejnego zgłoszenia.
Jak ktoś mimo 2 kar nadal ma problem z załapaniem zasad to za 3cim chyba jest permaban :)
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Czyli jak nie chcemy dawać nic nieuczciwym to trzeba sgt używać? To po co w ogóle moderatorzy? xD
Może to tylko kwestia tego, że jest nowy :) Nauczy się jeszcze :D
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Mam nadzieję, że się chłopak trochę ogarnie, bo nie ja pierwsza marudzę na tą jego nadgorliwość ^^'
No w sumie SGTools jest chyba jak na razie najlepszą metodą na uniknięcie zbędnych raportów, ale z drugiej strony komu by się chciało zakładać nowy wątek na forum przy każdym giveaway'u... :)
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to nie do końca tak działa. SG patrzy na to ile razy zostałaś ukarana a nie ile razy coś miało miejsce. Tym sposobem kazdy ma szansę wyciągnąć wnioski i poprawić się. Za każdą nie aktywowaną grę masz 5 dni suspa za 1szym razem, za 2gim 2 razy więcej, za 3cim lub 4tym już może być permaban. Tak więc jeden typek może mieć nieaktywowane 7 gier, zgłaszasz go i dostaje miesiąc wakacji i tyle, inny ma 3, zgłaszasz go i dostaje perma bo juz miał 2 suspendy. Pamiętam, ze chyba jatan kiedyś mówił, że ponad 99% osobników po pierwszym suspie juz nie łamie zasad. Więc nawet taki z wieloma nieaktywowanymi (mógł nie znać zasad) po suspie prawdopodobnie już przestanie łamać zasady, SG permabanuje tylko tych, którzy udowadniają, że nie zamierzają tych zasad przestać łamać.
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Yeah, I can only imagine that it might result in too many tickets with reroll requests. However, I imagine, checking tickets over and over again, about whether someone already served suspension is pretty tedious as well. I get, that it can't be fully automatic because of false positives, but maybe it could be made semi automatic, e.g. once their SG profile is tagged, a reroll is granted automatically until the non activated game gets reported back as activated with the next sync.
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What if they just say the key didn't work? I just had someone who had a bunch of wins but zero contributions say a key they tried to use was a duplicate. How can I know if they're scamming me or if I was sold a bad key 2 years ago?
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The way the system works, AFAIK, for better or for worse, is you can have 10 unactivated wins, and as soon as it gets reported, it counts as exactly one infraction. Then if they they don't activate 10 more before they're reported, it's only a second infraction. That's why one should always report rule-breakers ASAP. I suppose it's possible in extreme cases like that, they might accelerate the suspensions, but still, it's only an infraction when it's reported, and only one infraction at that.
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Fair enough, my example is too extreme. But 5 unactivated wins, then 2 more-- will probably just count as "two strikes," don't you think?
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AFAIK having a high number of inactivations (like 10) leads to a permanent suspension, regardless of whether it's the first or second infraction.
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I'm pretty sure I've reported somebody with tons of unactivated wins (10+), and they got suspended, but not permanently.
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Might be depending on who answers the ticket. Maybe in my cases there were other things too that led to the permanent suspension, like multiple accounts. Don't know.
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Hmm, there is something to be said in favor of a stricter system than the current one: where the size of the infraction counts. In this extreme example 1 or 2 reports could already be a ban due to the severity.
In any case: I don't get why people have a hard time following simple rules.
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Why there are so many rule breakers on high levels?
I made a few 5+ GAs last week and there was one all valid reroll and few winners that I even haven't bother to create a ticket, because their "crimes" was made two, three or four month ago... I just blacklisted them.
Why someone who is here for like 2-4 years and on high level, is still breaking rules?
I'm thinking about making only private and SGTools protected GAs from now on...
EDIT: What I have learned: "You have less rules breakers on higher levels because well you have less high level users... not because they break rules less" wise words from DontBeSilly.
Now I think that this is really true and describes some of you comments well. Level doesn't matter :)
And some of you are telling me to report rule-breaker no matter what, but I'm just discouraged to do this, by some moderators officiousness in those cases...
Here's your lvl 5+ train ->
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