A stranger. It'd be hard, but the human takes precedence over the pet.
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The fact that people are choosing differently is alarming.
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I find it alarming that people can unequivocally state that any one life is less important than another.
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What if the stranger turned out to be the next Newton?
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What if the pet is the reincarnated Hitler and the random person is also the next Hitler! YOU HAVE ALREADY LOST!
Seriously though, the 'what if the person is hitler' assumption doesn't help the argument either way. The point is it is a complete stranger, and the odds of them being one of the most notorious villains of all time is pretty damn astronomical. Pretty sure I'd roll the dice and take the person anyways :P
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What if you're Hitler and you're just trying to change the subject?
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who says the pet isn't in shock and bite you to death ??
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Well, I'm not sure I agree animals and babys are better than grown people, if that's what you mean. Animals/children are just "simpler" creatures and can not make moral choices, or feel things like love/hate towards another being. They just do what they need to do for their species to survive. Humans on other hand can make sense of what they see and can live their life as they wish. I prefer killing a cat that may not be conscious of it's surroundings, than a human who has dreams and complex feelings. :/ ?
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I prefere to kill nobody. No animals and no humans.
Since i have a dog, i appreciate live much more than before.
As little kid, i killed many ants. Now, i feel terrible because of this.
Im sure, without my dog, i wouldn't think so.
Btw: Maybe a cat have no dreams, but it's also a living thing and can feel the pain, etc.
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you obviously never had pets. pets can and do have love hate relationships, one dog can love another and attack another, your dog/cat can wait for you by the door or run to it when you get home. animals can communicate with each other... just because you cant understand/comprehend them doesnt mean it doesnt happen. we are all animals after all.
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So you say, you can understand and experience the Universe as much as a dog. There is a reason why humans are the dominant species on this planet, and it is because our brains are far more advanced. I have not said that dogs have no feelings, or that their live is worth nothing, but would you really kill a living thing like yourself, rather than a animal you have never shared thoughts whit (it is called speaking).
I have had 3 parrots and they were amazing pets!
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actually you said "or feel things like love/hate" is that not a feeling. and in fact many people would do nothing except save themself in this situation. ad actually i belive animals know more about the universe than we do. we have lost touch with our instincts. we depend on technology where they don't. and in that instance they know more about life than we do.
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Ah, yeah, I must have forgotten all the squirrel laws of thermodynamics, and the multiple hadron colliders, build by pigeons.
I just think you would not be so pro-"Kill a human, save an animal", if some kid in Portugal has decided, that your mother has to die for his dog to be alive for 3 more years.
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Animals have a "pure soul"? Huh. Is that why male ducks sometimes gang rape females? Is that why elephants get drunk off fermented fruit and destroy everything in sight, leading to deforestation? Is that why clans of apes engage in semi-organized warfare and have an echo for many human mental illnesses?
So many like to argue that humans are animals so we're not better, but that sword is double-edged.
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The stranger. Anyone who says the contrary should be ashamed of their state of mind.
If you were to be saved by a stranger and he had to pick between you and his pet, how would you feel if he saved his pet instead of yourself?
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You'd probably feel anger and sadness over the fact that you're worth less to somebody than a dog/goldfish, your only comfort being the near death to come.
Your attempt to milder the scenario only managed to disgust me even further to be honest.
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You may not be able to feel while you're dead, but you can be sure that you'll feel death.
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Assuming everybody is a selfish and corrupt person is not a way to treat people. Basing your cowardice under the cloaks of assumption is pretty sad.
If being sympathetic were to be a common attitude, the chances of being saved in a situation like this would be of 100%.
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It depends who the stranger is, what if said stranger is a rapist convicted five times? Would that affect your decision?
And also, a lot of people are selfish, and care only for themselves, if given the choice between a pet they love and a complete stranger, making that decision in a split second, they'll probably pick the pet. Unless the stranger was a child or something
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Then the situation wouldn't be "a stranger vs your pet". It would be "would you rather save a convicted rapist or your lovely pet".
Re-read the last comment.
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I re-read the last comment and my response stays the same. The point is, you don't know who a stranger is. Thats what makes them a stranger.
If you go futher into this question, it could be "Would you rather save a stranger, who could be anyone, a criminal, a child, a warlord, a pensioner, or save your beloved pet"
And then thats leads to another question, would one really have the right to sentence a criminal to death?
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I would be dead. I wouldn't feel anything. Pretty sure anyone with a pet could save a starving child's life with the money they spend on pet food throughout the pet's life. I'm not 100% on the pet, I value human life, it all depends on who that stranger is.
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That's the keyword to the charade, it's a stranger. You can't be sure of who it was, but you can take into account the situation. For instance, you'll probably save a lot of people if you throw out 99% of your income to charities and schools in need, but that's an extreme act of benevolence other than common sense.
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This is a hypothetical question and I'm just throwing out points to get people talking. Ofcourse I'm saving the stranger. No one could live with that on their conscience. No sane person could let a human being die. How many people here do you think would honestly let a human being die? It's easy to throw the answer out with these things when you know you will never confront it.
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You can be sure that there are based people out there who can live with that fact in their conscience. I'm fairly certain only half the people here are actually joking.
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As pathetic as you seem to be, I'd still save you.
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I have two dogs, one cat and a parakeet. I adore them. I'd still trade their lives for yourself in a situation like this. No homo.
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Rationalizing here:
Assuming the pet is a dog or a cat (specially if it is a cat), there's a bigger chance for him to actually make it out alive of whatever situation he is in. As for the stranger, whether we know him/her or not, he will probably live longer than any other pet, and actually has a future (doesnt matter which one, i dont care); so if i were to do the humane thing (kinda odd coming from me), i'd save the stranger.
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That is a touching comment, but blatantly ignorant at the same time. Not everyone is homeless because they purposely screwed up or chose to live that way. For many homeless people, life just served them a bad batch of lemons. It's really hard to integrate back into society when you've been on the streets for a while. I've known some people like that. A couple reintegrated and now lead productive lives, but some are still out there.
All in all, don't make such dumb and insensitive comments!
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It depends on the details of the scenario. Do you have to take action yourself (meaning kill your pet/a human being)? Are you in the same room? Do you see it? Hear it? Do you know anything about the stranger?
Saying "everyone who would choose their pet on the given parameters [almost none] is an immoral human being" is a little pretentious to be honest. Everyone who owns a pet could give away used money to save starving people somewhere in the world. Most people don't do that. Still that doesn't make them monsters.
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This is from an article I just read:
"So how does my philosophy break down in dollars and cents? An American household with an income of $50,000 spends around $30,000 annually on necessities, according to the Conference Board, a nonprofit economic research organization. Therefore, for a household bringing in $50,000 a year, donations to help the world's poor should be as close as possible to $20,000. The $30,000 required for necessities holds for higher incomes as well. So a household making $100,000 could cut a yearly check for $70,000. Again, the formula is simple: whatever money you're spending on luxuries, not necessities, should be given away."
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That's a Socialist mind-setting in a capitalistic world. Going full socialist in a capitalist world, while honorable, will render your life miserable in most cases.
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This, especially since it's my girflriend's pet as I'm not much of an animal person myself unfortunately.
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One has to die and you can save the other. Who will it be?
I obviously hope this never happens to anyone.
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