Dear SteamGifts,

Somehow I found Wasted on Steam and looked up my profile and friends profiles just out of curiosity.. So, after being bored with that I saw that I was like 23194124# rank for steam hours.. so my curious nature got to me and I went to see who had the Most hours and number one.

What I found was QUITE interesting.. everyone that was between Rank 1 and Rank 15 had over 100,000 Hours... might I just say... ****ing IMPOSSIBLE! I know for a fact these people hacked there profile somehow.. as if my math is correct. there is only 8048 hours in a year.. since steam was made that would only be 80640 Hours.. So, How in the world does Rank #1 have 2284912 Hours.. and 19410 Hours in one game.. He'd have to keep his PC on for almost 2 years never exiting the game. Ontop of that.. the second person on the list I looked at had 75.5 EXACT Hours on EVERY game She,Him,It had.. in it's profile in the last 2 weeks..

Now, I guess what pisses me off. Is, I wish I could do this so I can add all the offline hours i've played.. :'(

EDIT: So, We as a community have narrowed down what it could be and came up with the following 5 conspiracies(I absolutely hate spelling that word).

A: Steam Time Machine or Time Travelers are now coming to the past

B: Microsoft Clock

C: Opening Multiple Windows then leaving them open for countless hours to increase your hours...and your electricity bill.

D: I am SAM. Or, are you Sam?

E: Steam Error Graciously made you look like a God among Gamers.

EditX2: Not really related. But, I was taking care of a small abandoned liter of week old kittens(I think the mother was hit by a car as she never came back for the kittens) and have had them for about 6 days now and have been feeding them every 2 hours with KMR so they are putting on weight. Unfortunately, When I woke up today to feed them I found one of the kittens had moved himself away from his brothers and sisters. He wasn't cold so we brought him to the vet and unfortunately he died on the way :'(

11 years ago*

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365 days * 24 hours = 8760 hours in a year.
Your point still stands though.

11 years ago

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Whoops was off by 120 hours xD

11 years ago

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Isn't it 365 and 1/4?


11 years ago

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I refuse to recalculate now.

11 years ago

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8766 :)

11 years ago

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Actually if I'm not wrong, that 1/4 accumulates in 4 years and that's why once every 4 years we have one more day.So actually it's only 365 days a year.

11 years ago

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But you'd need to count that 1/4th stillXD

11 years ago

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So there is a 1/16?

11 years ago

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Well, the only thing I can say is that I noticed that steam counts every running game while you are online. So having multiple games running in the background gives you hours for all those games...

Noticed the background timing by accident after minimizing a game and then forgetting it there when i went to bed... after that I of cause had to test it with more then one game, and that works as well. But I'm not all that interested in racking up playing hours so I never really tried to use it to blow up stats...

11 years ago

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Well, the point I am trying to make even if they had all 290 game launchers and games open 24/7 it still wouldn't account for all the hours they have in total played.. As, they would have to played on Steam before Steam even existed to get 200,000+ Hours.

11 years ago

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I think this is partly right. Running multiple games at the same time does count for each game. I often run Universal Sandbox in the background and currently at 413hrs played in two weeks (336hrs). What I think you are seeing is people who mass idle, or use to at least, TF2 for items. Common practice was to start up in textmode as many times as possible. If each counted the hours seperately it would easily get insanely high hours.
You can could try checking which games are the most played and should show it as an item dropping game.

11 years ago

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But that would be done with sandboxes, all running a different Steam account, not one. Otherwise you'd not get all the drops. So that doesn't factor into one profiles' hours.

11 years ago

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Top dude has 29 years worth of hours total, and only been with steam for 2 years.. Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa.

11 years ago

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Exactly lol Look at the others! No way in hell Toug or w.e the hell the guys name is has played 75.5 Hours of EVERY game in his playlist in 2 weeks.

11 years ago

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It's possible that guy has OCD. And yes if steam counted offline hours I'd have almost 600hrs for Civ5. A year without net and Civ5 the only game that didn't break. Steam offline needs some work done to it, it breaks a lot of games. :(

11 years ago

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Gosh, If he has OCD for 29 years of steam hours.. that guys need to be hired lol.. Time Traveler.. I would have him go back in time with some winning lotto numbers.

11 years ago

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I think you can run multiple games at once and it counts the hours of all those games.

11 years ago

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I meant the guy with 75.5 on every game.

11 years ago

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I had net and I still beat your offline hours for Civ5! And would gladly do so again. :P

11 years ago

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...........All I want for Steam to count my offline hours.

11 years ago

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And, Space Engineers... Why does no one ever put up a giveaway for this game... I've been waiting forever!!

11 years ago

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I thought there was a giveaway recently, last week or so?

11 years ago

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it must of been a short giveaway I didn't see it :(

11 years ago

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People give games from bundles or games with good discount, it obvious that almost no one buy games in full price to give them away (except fortix ;D)

p.s i'm thinking only about public giveaways

11 years ago

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The kind of people that do it are no lifers who thinks that it means something.

11 years ago

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Some of them also have lots of 000000000000's behind there hours... so I guess they tried to overdo it and broke there hours.

(why do I have a feeling they used cheatengine on steam or a game, and secondly, is that even possible?)

11 years ago

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So what ?

It's not like Steam has ever managed to record my playing time correctly. Or that our time works the same as Valve time.

11 years ago

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I'm #17,476 by hours played, yay. No really YAY.

11 years ago

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Rank #34943 - yay for not caring :D

11 years ago

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Piece of cake.
1) Download Steam Achievement Manager
2) Start it bazillion times
3) Run various games (some guides say same game also works)
4) Wait
5) ...
6) Profit

You could start various games just in Steam too, but some don't like alt+tabbing while others don't like being run along (especially source games, they like to be exclusives).

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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is ranked #7745 By hours played

you are not rank 23194124, you are rank #33102

11 years ago

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I think your sarcasm detector is busted.

11 years ago

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I just randomly typed numbers for myself...Point being. I'm not number one on the list >:(

11 years ago

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I did find that running two games simultaneously gives you double time.

I also found that my e-peen is tiny and I need more hours played.

11 years ago

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yeah, this is how the guy with 75.5 hours in each game has that, running all games simultaneously for that long

11 years ago

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multiple games running at the same time

edit: probably still doesn't add up to that huge number, i guess

11 years ago

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Don't let these thigs piss you. I once saw a guy on Raptr bragging about his #1 spot on Bioshock Infinite, explicitly saying that he left the game running since he got it... A truly impressive achievement -.-

11 years ago

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...and a impressive energy bill! :D

11 years ago

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I dont get it. Why does anyone care about how many hours others have on their steam profiles?

11 years ago

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Exactlyyyyy, If people want to "hack" their time I say let them , I had a problem like this before I accidently left a game on and when i came back to it all my games had doubled in time for no apparent reason, It went back to normal after I reset steam though.

11 years ago

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Or even on their own..

11 years ago

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where can i see my total gaming time?

11 years ago

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The fact that there are only 8,765 hours in a year and I managed to spend over 1,350 recorded hours playing Oblivion just hit home with me... Crazy stuff.

11 years ago

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SAM lets you change the playtime in certain games. Not sure if it reflects back on your Total Play Time, but games like And Yet It Moves do have it under the statistics tab.

11 years ago

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Dayum, I have over 600 hours logged on garrys mod. I need a life :c

11 years ago

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who cares for hours you played a game?
Tbh, if a game is fun and short, it is still fun, if a game is long and meh it is still meh. That does not matter. So why care about hours?

11 years ago

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Steam playing time is bugged. I have hours and hours on games I barely played

11 years ago

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Odd my hours have always been 100% accurate, wonder if its just an issue for some peoples accounts? I actually pay attention to it also, mainly as an OCD thing....

11 years ago

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I have had countless hours not record, especially in teh past. These days steam time is much more reliable. In the beginning though, overall I was sometimes only getting half my hours recorded... give or take.

I has one game somehow believing it was in game for about two weeks. My profile would even show me in the game... when I was not playing any games.

So take hours with a grain of salt.

11 years ago

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Thats why I said maybe its an issue with certain accounts...

I have been on Steam forever, never had an error, I always watch the time because I am obsessive like that...maybe it just is flawed for some, could be a number of things.

11 years ago

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Seems to be sporadic. It's fixed now, but it will happen again eventually. I'm used to it anyway

11 years ago

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When Steam profiles were updated, hours played started getting wonky. I know I lost all my hours in a couple of games, but I remember some people got their hours boosted by quite a bit too.

11 years ago

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It could be unintentional. I've had my Dishonored playtime showing up as over 2 million hours before, and I didn't do anything to set it to that.

11 years ago

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But what if you were actually sleepwalking and playing Dishonored on low chaos path every night?

11 years ago

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People can run multiple games at once. I do it frequently for card drops.

11 years ago

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Doesn't that significantly slow the drop?

11 years ago

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Doesn't matter if your away at work for 6-8 hours while doing it xD

Typically, when I run one game that has 4-5 cards, I'll get all of them within 3 hours (if I'm home and doing something else on the PC I'll notice the drop pop-ups).

Haven't really noticed a difference being at work. I'll run 2-3 games and come home to full drops.

11 years ago

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I tend to get around 1 drop per 30mins, but if I run more than one game the drop rate seems to (roughly) half. I noticed this when I had a game idling for cards while I played CSGO. It took hours to get a couple of drops.

11 years ago

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where can i see my total gaming time?

11 years ago

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Some time ago I saw one person wrote that he starts a game, change Windows Time to some years to the future and close the game. I dont know if it works yet and I will not risk trying.

11 years ago

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You can trick certain games (Universe Sandbox, Garry's Mod) but I don't think Steam buys that.

11 years ago

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Valve announces Steam Time Machine

11 years ago

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Now with Steam Trading Cards!

11 years ago

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And, Don't forgot Steam Time Machine Achievements feature including some famous achievements such as..

Back to the Future! - Go back in time then back again to the future! (or just watch the movie)

Dinosaur ate the Cake - Go back before the Dinosaurs got obliterated, drop the Portal cake there.

Change the past, Change the Future! - Go back and time and become the Secret investor/Founder in Valve/Steam!

Coco-Cola still has Cocaine - Go back in time and prevent Coco-Cola from changing there recipe!

(Sorry, only had a couple I can think of)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Badgerized.