I think he want's to portray that gmail is in his eyes the most useful mail service.
I kinda agree. Since I have bought myself a smartphone (I was a long time survivor) I also switched to gmail. The phone needed a gmail-address and I also use most of google's services like youtube or the search engine frequently so I figured I could go all the way. Through my period of usage I can say that I never regreted taking this step. I have all my data on one centralized place in a nice and fast cloud-storage-system and all that.
On the other hand, Google tends to not be trustable with confidential data but given the fact that I don't store any vital data like passwords or financial records or something like this there I have no problem with this. I'm a student fyi.
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You can attach files? I tried past week and couldn't due a fail. It said "the service is not active yet, try again later" After some minutes wishing Gates death Imoved to another mail service. /I use the 3 big ones, so no fanboy, but this was irritating.
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yeah, I was not thrilled that they forcefully switched everyone to outlook and changed up the layout. after using it for a week or two, I got used to it, and now think it is better. The 'sweep' tab along with the 'delete all from' is pretty cool, and made cleaning out my inbox much easier.
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The sweeping and "delete all from" functions existed in hotmail too... for a pretty long time. I got fed up with hotmail and its barrage of junk mail. I also don't know what they did with my entire address book when it moved to Outlook. The "People" tab only shows like 4 e-mail addresses when I definitely had over 50 ._. Switched to gmail a while ago before the Outlook switch.
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That's why there are alternatives. Everyone will never use the exact same service, especially when there are so many alternatives to choose from (including regional alternatives, non-english speaking countries have alternatives only in their language).
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Well the good news is, Gmail is a client for NSAmail already!
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true, my mom still use login@post.sk because she have no reason to migrate to gmail, it work, dont need to be fixed
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Why would it be problematic? I sent my giveaway winnings to a bunch of provider addresses, inculding polish ones, and never had any issue.
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And what gmail have to do with this? Spam checks are performed by the reciever's mail provider, not the sender's one. So there is no problem to send the gifts to any random domain/e-mail provider and it's up to their mail provider to mark it as spam or not.
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Hehe :) I don't think there is any spam-filter that will filter your e-mails becuase they contain cd-keys :) Usually filters look for blacklisted words(like viagra, porn etc), reported spam senders/servers, mismatch with DNS MX records and so on :) If a mail is sent to spam folder it isn't because it contains cd-key :)
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if I could ahve hosting for free with free domain, I would rather use that than gmail, like pomstazlesa@isgonnafuckyou.com
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Well, my .com's are much cheaper than that oO And btw. I'm using gmail for getting the mails of my own mail server :P
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+1 I want my email to be email, not a ton of extra crap tacked on to pad user statistics and/or put all their data on me in one neat folder for easy spamming(jk about the google file stuff, really its that I don't need youtube replies sent to the email I actually use. that sort of thing. I don't need all my logins clumped together into one, I'll use what I want instead)
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I get what you mean about the other crap - I don't like my youtube being linked to my gmail, and I don't have a use for drive, BUT the shared Google docs and shared calendar make life easier keeping my husband's, kids' and my stuff in order.
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Because of something called 'preference'? Gmail is better than the other mail services but it isn't overwhelmingly better like Steam compared to other DRM Platforms that it wouldn't be a question of preference.
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You can search in your mails like searching the web with Google :P That makes it like Steam compared to other DRMs for me ^^
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Really? You guys got really desperate after that Prism PR disaster.
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I mostly use my ISP provided email address for convenience. (Been using that for the past 15 years)
I also have a Gmail account for easy access wherever I am, and an Hotmail account to sign up for stuff that's likely to send me some spam. Probably still have a Yahoo mail account too if it hasn't been deleted for being inactive.
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I love getting letters. A few older people I know still send me letters on occasion and it's really nice.
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Exactly my first thought when I saw the title. XD
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Maybe some people don't like Google? Now, I personally have a Gmail account, and a Hotmail account for my Xbox Live (and spam), but I don't see why everyone else should use it? Some people like Yahoo more, others prefer Hotmail. It's personal preference.
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I tried gmail, I didn't like it. I absolutely HATE how google requires you to connect all their different services all into one account. Stupidest move they could have done, specially when they scream security. Which do you think is more secure from having all 5 accounts broken into. 5 different services each with their own unique login and password, or 5 different services all with the same login and password.
Now you can have each service with its own gmail account, but its a pain in the butt to do that.
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So, you find it easier to have 5 services with different login/password than with 5 gmail accounts? What's the difference exactly?
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What was the last time you tried gmail, when it was in beta? If you don't want to use the other services then don't use them? What's better, going to five different places to do different things or having them all in one place where it's a click of a button away? As for security, they have something called two way verification, only way someone can access your stuff is if they have both your password and your phone. Can't think of anything more secure than that.
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I haven't bothered with my gmail account on more then a couple of occasions. The last time I had to access it was when I was forced to change my login/password info that was unique to youtube, so that I had to use my gmail login info for it.
They don't have my phone number, because I don't have a mobile phone and no way to receive texts. I hate websites that say "we need your number to secure things, we'll send a text to that number". As I said above, I don't have a mobile phone. No I'm not some 60 year old technophobe, I just have zero need for one, and am not willing to spend out 20 or 30 a month just to have it sit there on my desk or in my pocket doing nothing till I potentally need to receive 1 single text message.
I'm also not going to spend money out on those online text services to receive 1 single text and the free ones are crap.
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It's got nothing to do with text message. It's a phone app that gives you a unique code every time you have to login. Here is a link explaining what it is in case you want to read up on it. But since you don't have phone, I guess it's of no use to you.
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You are right, its of absolutely no use to me.
Not only do I not have any kind of cell phone that can receive text messages which is was was required before, but I don't have a smart phone which can load apps and I'm not going to ask any of my friends to put an app on their phone just for me to use and I'm not going to ask any of my friends to lock their cell phones to my account.
Again the problem is that google and other sites seem to believe EVERYONE that uses them has a cell phone.
And again, having everything tied into 1 single login/password is not a good idea. Just because you think it can't be hacked, doesn't mean it can't be. Being a programmer myself, I go by the simple rule, if it can be programmed, it can be hacked.
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Agreed. Service crossovers/tie-ins/forced username attempts (YouTube) are irritating and invasive.
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Requires you? :S I've never had it require me to do that. I just don't connect them and that's that. They do ask you to here and there but I just say no. I use my gmail address for youtube but the accounts are not connected nor do they ever require you to. So I'm kinda confused as to why you're saying they require it...
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It was a while back, but I was using a different e-mail and password for my youtube account. Then one day I try to log into youtube and they give me the message that to continue using a youtube account, I had to connect it to a gmail account.
So I had a choice, connect them and be forced to use the gmail login info, or abandon my youtube account which had years of video load, thousands of liked videos, thousands of saved linked to videos I like, and the fact that I had been giving out the url to the account so friends could see videos I had posted.
Maybe its changed since then, but every time I tried to log into my account to watch a video that had an age limit on it, I got a basically either/or message to connect them or don't use the account anymore.
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It's like asking why everyone's not using Bing instead of Google. Gmail is not better than hotmail/outlook, that's why.
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Damn you. Now i will have to open yahoo search :/
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It's about getting used to something I guess. Google is better because it's been around forever, and we can say the same thing for hotmail.
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I don't think you're involved in the demonstrations in your country, are you?
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Yes I am actually, but they're mostly cooled down now. There are some silent protests are going on, but it doesn't mean the resistance is over ofc. Why?
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I wonder why people still use e-mail services other than gmail?
I know it's a pain to migrate to a new e-mail but still....
Why haven't you changed to gmail (in case you didn't)
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