There's no need to worry about that.
If the winner asks you to reroll he obviously has to give the game back or buy a new one if he already activated it. If he doesn't you simply don't request a reroll.
There is no way to request a reroll other than the creator requesting it.
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No I know a creator has to request the reroll, but say the winner rejected the gift and now I'm asking for a re-roll, but the winner actually activated the gift and still will not comply to getting a new one, you basically have to compensate for it since they just ripped you off.
Does that make more sense?
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Do you mean marked as not received with rejected because rejecting it would mean that the gift stays in your inventory ?
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Now it's getting confusing for me from what you just said lol.
Winner won gift DLC (retail key for example)
Winner activated gift (you can't check for DLCs owned, at least idk how, steamdb calculator doesn't show DLCs owned by user)
Winner now wants to reject/ask you for reroll and claim that they entered by accident or whatever excuse/reason they have.
Support approves reroll
New winner gets gift only to find out it was used
Creator has to compensate, because why would previous winner compensate?
???? rest in peace
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DLC is a special case. Even if you're giving away DLC in form of a key it's better to friend the winner, pretend to buy the DLC from Steam and send it directly over Steam so you can see if the winner already owns it (but do not finish the transaction) and then when you know that he doesn't own it already you give him the key via chat or add it to the GA here on SG.
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Well the worst came and it wasn't even a DLC, winner said to reroll because he already owned it, but when the new winner was selected (took like 3 days for the reroll ticket to be approved), he said key was already used and I ended up rectifying after confirming the key was used.
So basically that's what I mean
you got a retail key, you know it's 100% not used.
you put a giveaway, winner uses it and then claims "I already own it, sorry, reroll"
new winner gets picked, but he now says "key is used"
??? gg, how do you prove that the retail key wasn't used before you put it up, when you just put it up after getting it from a bundle you purchased yourself or the latter?
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Contact the site you got it from and ask them to revoke the original key and send you a new one. Tell them thatit shows up as already activated but you didn't activate it. If they are willing, send the new key to the new winner and you have fulfilled your part of the deal and whoever used the key will have it no longer.
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There will be no reroll unless you ask for it (and support approves of the reason)... if the winner already accepted the gift and you have proof, you have enough evidence to send to support to get them to forcibly marked an accepted.
However, if the winner has yet to accept the gift, you may reroll it and give to others. You can negotiate with the winner if he already accepted it but still insists on rerolling, like getting him to give you back a copy of the game, etc.
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Or you can just check your gift history to prove that you have sent the gift to that individual.
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You can take pictures of the steam chat to prove that you have sent him the key (which is the best way to send a key to someone, by the way).
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So basically don't insert key into giveaway area, send by chat. Gotcha.
But that's interesting considering majority of people still send it via "view key" thing.
But now.. say they -- ah nevermind, you still have proof in the fact that you sent the key via chat, however.. say a key you thought wasn't used, but was actually used (you just forgot it was used), and the winner also purposely sent that key to a friend and now they're saying that it was used, when you say it wasn't (but you forgot it was used lol)
Okay nevermind that situation, because for that to happen it'd be hard for 1. Forgetting the key was used. 2. For them to send to a friend, basically two low chances of both things happening at same time, especially for one to send a key to a friend.
But still, what if they did send it to a friend, but claims it was already used.. BUT YOU know it wasn't used.. (this time you didn't forget it was used).
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Based on your recent edits... well, things run a lot on a trust basis here. You can cover your asses a lot of ways (like screenshots, etc), but all in all, still a lot of trust involved.
I tend to give people a chance, but if you're still paranoid, make it so your giveaway is higher leveled. I usually do that for games that are higher valued... higher leveled people that has contributed more to the site deserve more trust, in my books.
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But that's interesting considering majority of people still send it via "view key" thing.
The majority of people aren't paranoid and the majority aren't getting ripped off. If such a thing was happening with any frequency then things would change.
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Well, considering the recent claims of people having their humble bundle keys used by hackers, you can never know if it was used. xD All I'm saying is that you should be 100% sure that it wasn't used. If you're sure, then ask humble bundle to revoke your previous key and send you a new one.
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Well, for things like Humble, this is why people tend to use gift links, since that shows that the key has been taken, but also, Humble is valuable because they are very cooperative about revoking keys if you need them to. So, no need to worry about getting ripped off there. For other retailers, it's a similar but less clear situation, but most legit places should be able to revoke a key and issue you a new one and/or you may even be able to approach the developer/publisher directly and ask them to do the same thing. As long as you have a receipt for your purchase you are good. The only time you are truly at risk is when you have keys which you are not the original purchaser of or not from authorized resellers, then getting help is more difficult.
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If the winner asked you to request a re-roll, they most likely ignored the key, so it should be safe to send it to someone else.
In fact, it actually happened to me some time ago: I forgot to remove my entry in a giveaway after buying the bundle with that game, so I asked the giveaway creator to request a re-roll.
Of course, the key was visible to me all the time, so I just ignored it, while keeping mine available in case something bad happened. Everything went smoothly, by the way.
In case the key turns out to be used, you should contact the first winner if you suspect they might have used it, or ask for a replacement to the store where you got it.
With Humble Bundle gift links, you can check them to see if they were claimed, and with Steam giftable copies, you can check inventories.
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What happens when a winner accepts the gift from winning and then decides to ask you to reroll on the page? What actually potentially happens here..
or for those who redeem the gift but then mark as not received.EDIT: I striked that part out because I just re-read it on FAQ, but now what if... they redeemed it on another account and marked as not received. ALL THE POTENTIAL HAZARDS.Just bad luck? Since you'll be out of a gift and have to get another to compensate when the reroll finally happens.
EDIT: Well it happened, - I know the key wasn't used because I just got it from a bundle, but winner decided to say to reroll since he owns, but when new winner was picked (3 days from ticket, but it was an even longer duration since the original winner didn't comment for the longest time) he said key was used. rip, bad luck.
Does anyone else worry that this might happen to them, ever? It wasn't at the back of my mind until recently.
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