I really didn’t want to make any posts, but it feels wrong not to say goodbye to my fellow forum peeps. This is where my SG journey has begun back in August with my first train and this is where it will probably end one day. One day, but not today. Today I am saying goodbye until spring 2016. I am taking a break like certain addicts, but I promise to come back!

I didn't plan anything but thankfully I had a couple of okay-ish bundle leftovers to share with you. I spent twice my Holiday budget on random gifts so no Fallout 4 for you (or me) Q.Q

I should hit Level 8 before this train ends I am level 8! Let’s celebrate it too!

Quick PSA before the party begins (since many people asked me about it T_T). THIS PERSON is not me, not my evil twin and not my impersonator. We just both like Helix Nebula :'( Sigh… I guess it’s time for me to change my avatar. I really liked it. =\ This is the main reason why I am leaving! nah, not really :P

As always, the best person ever, Rachellove will be conducting the train!

With all that “important” stuff out of the way… Here is a traditional level up celebration train, featuring very helpful SG Filtering Tool! If you are level 3+, didn’t break rules and didn’t win much more than what you gave >>>GET ON BOARD!<<< ENDED

Happy New Year, SteamGifts! See you later!

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Who comes up with an analogy like that?

8 years ago

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Someone who likes to watch SC VODs? :D I used to watch A LOT of them (pretty much daily) a couple of years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We´ll be here waiting dont worry.
Entered two so

8 years ago

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Make sure no one smokes in here while I am gone :P

8 years ago

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hahahah ill take care of them. dont worry
but come back.

8 years ago

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Bibbity bumpity boo!

8 years ago

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Don't worry, I'll hold down the fort until your return :)

8 years ago

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You will need an adult :P

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8 years ago

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Well, that rules out 97.82% of the SG community (anyone under 18 and all males).......

8 years ago

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Have a good break and happy holidays!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it is too bad to see you go even if for a while dkny... I am actually beginning to feel bad and I am wondering if I should do the same someday since every1 seems to be doing it :P

see you soon :)

8 years ago

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Break is not a bad thing. Otherwise everything becomes stale after a while ;)
If you are having fun, keep on having it! :D

8 years ago

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I am actually going on vacation for a couple weeks... will try and enter to check on ga's, but cannot promise anything :P

8 years ago

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Everybody is leaving... feels peer pressure :'(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'll be waiting

8 years ago

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0.5 Real CV away, wish I had a job. Oh well, thanks anyway and bump :)

8 years ago

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Nooo! So close :'(
You need to get those free games from Tremor for giveaways!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've never seen The Sound of Music... :( don't tell Rachel D:

8 years ago

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Thank you!

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear you go-- look forward to your return.

8 years ago

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Bumpety. Thanks, and enjoy your vacation!

8 years ago

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Oh! See you Dkny, have a happy end/beginning of the year!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We will be sad to see you depart even if it is for a few months! Hope you get everything you are wishing to get accomplished finished by then! Have a wonderful new year and see you in the spring! :)

8 years ago

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I am pretty sure 2016 will be fantastic! :D Best wishes to you too!

8 years ago

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Thanks hope to see you again

8 years ago

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Happy New Year, see you next year! XDD
Bump for train!

8 years ago

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but I promise to come back!

That's what they all say. See you in Sovngarde!

8 years ago

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See you in Sovngarde!

Great idea! Maybe I'll finally play some Skyrim. I haven't even launched it yet xD

8 years ago

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Prepare to lose your life then-15 hours in and I haven't even completed the first quest...

8 years ago*

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I may need to start with something easily beatable then, otherwise I will never get rid of my backlog D:

8 years ago

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  1. 3 days break
  2. Make a big announcement
  3. ???
  4. Get numbers of many girls
  5. Get laid


8 years ago

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Damn it... I should've asked for numbers...
Ladies, make me stay! :D
sigh... no one likes me :(

8 years ago

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Bump! Thank you both for the train ^_^ See you in a few months dkny!

8 years ago

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I shall be lonely without you.

8 years ago

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No, you won't :P

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8 years ago

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Your Real CV sent/won ratio is too low: 0.64, minimum required: 0.65

For fuck's sake. If I'd actually care for entering every giveaway I see, I believe I would be royally pissed.

Kidding aside though, I hate to see you leave, but happy to hear that you'll be back. We'll reserve you a seat in the VIP lounge until your return. Damn, every user I have whitelisted seem to be leaving SG lately. :(

8 years ago

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Noooo! So close :D I wonder what would happen to your ratio if you unmark one won game as received :D I shouldn't give other people ideas though D:<

Damn, every user I have whitelisted seem to be leaving SG lately. :(

So it is your fault after all, isn't it? :D

8 years ago

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So it is your fault after all, isn't it? :D

...You keep that to yourself, kapeesh?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump! :)

8 years ago

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