What also we have to ban? You are annoyed by political posts, so it's surely fine if we ban everything that annoy someone, right? For example I'm very much annoyed by russian users on this site. If they will get banned too - well, I'll gladly agree with your suggestion. It's all or nothing!
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But if you do this, how do you want people to BL you just because you have a different point of view?
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I'm level 7+, you are 9, and you gave 10 times more than me.... Out of curiosity: what your point?
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I was just curious, hence the first line saying "out of curiosity".
Typically, people blacklist others to prevent the other person from entering their giveaways, but that doesn't seem to be the case here as you don't host any. However you do prevent yourself from entering others', so I was just wondering about your train of thought.
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I BL people only when I see I've been blacklisted, I don't care if people enter without giving back, maybe they just can't...
But in those forum, generally, if you say "green" and someone that prefers "blue" see your comment, he will BL you...
I also give no more since the rules changed here. You are here since the while, you know how it was at the beginning...for me it was better before.
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Yes, 6 years ago.
The logic here is if someone BLs you, but then sees you make a giveaway they want to enter, they'll (temporarily) remove the BL. If the giveaway ends after 7 days, they can enter it, wait until it's over, and BL you again. If you BL them back, they can't do that.
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Community trains, christmas things etc., so all the big stuff, runs longer as the max. 7 days that someone have a cooldown (if he had you a lower timeframe as 7 days on his BL it is shorter).
The public GAs have a part that runs longer as 7 days and, of course, the invite only GAs, that are often puzzles etc., run often longer too.
And i had a half dozen of temporary unblacklist to enter my GAs experiences. It give more then enough greedy ones on SG that do ANYTHING to win GAs.
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The answer is in the poll. Most of the comments are from the typical "vocal minority".
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Is this really so hard to ignore (don't read) threads that are out of ur intrests ??
Let's start massive bans ..
This is not gaming site, this is precisly giveaway's site and you are not contributing to community.
If there is group of people intrested in politics just let them be and stay out of it,
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i don't think we need to ban them just have an option or way to remove threads you no longer want to see on here
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...I know no-one gives a shit or has a reason to give a shit, but here's my two cents on the topic, for archiving purposes, I guess.
There used to be a rule in the site guidelines explicitly forbidding topics such as politics and religion. I'm not sure when that happened (probably when the guidelines were "updated" over 3 years ago), but it was quietly removed.
There have already been requests for the ability to hide individual discussions without having to deal with unofficial extensions. Those requests have been ignored, as far as I know.
I... really really really wish there was the option to hide threads... an official one, not "use this 3-rd party thing because we can't be arsed to give you the option". The current category "unsubscribing" thing doesn't get the job done at all. Until then, I don't have the option to "just ignore it" as some people are saying. Because I have working eyeballs seeing those threads in the list. Constantly growing. As people make each other miserable over things none of them can affect in any way. I don't need to open them for them to supercharge my depression for the day and make me question the point of still breathing.
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I don't usually go and check discussions, I just randomly noticed this thread and I see so many votes for "yes" and not much of these people say something. Because it's not that disgusting kind of people who enjoy shitstorms and hating each other. They don't want to see this and don't want to be part of this. And no shit they're aware. When you have an internet connection, you are aware of all the shit from those places where it's allowed or ok. People just enjoy it, sending and reading only the "good" news, even if it's not real.
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Probably because despite the unpleasant atmosphere these threads in question create, they also don't want to censor information if it doesn't break the site rules, although you can see it gets to the point where threads need to be closed because users don't respect the rules, with their excuse being "my opinion that we should share this is better, screw your site rules".
Also, were they to take the side that agrees that these threads make a mess, they'd just get crapped on by the userbase. Would they be wrong in saying so? No.
Just my assumption of course. They might be busy solving my ticket from like a year ago as well.
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I completely agree with you here.
It started with Ukraine vs. Russia and now it's Palestine vs. Israel.
And the really sad thing about all that:
Many people here who are supporting one of these countries/religions, think he/she is the only one right and everyone else is wrong. That's exactly the same base as the war itself, but these people don't recognize it, cause they think the world is only black and white.
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Yes, there is no nuance, almost all replies are just people endlessly yelling their one sided beliefs in each others' general direction, there will be no conclusion, no one will agree on anything that doesn't support their existing bias, what is even the point besides fueling our addiction to anger?
There has to at least be an option to hide discussions we don't wanna see.
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I think it is the staff's responsibility to take a clear stance, whether for or against....And if they decide to allow it regardless, moderate thoroughy the threads
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It would be nice to exclude topics, so they won't show up on the Discussion thingy on the bottom of the site.
This is the last place I want to see propaganda from anyone - this site is about making people happy with little gifts, not making people foaming from anger.
So maybe don't ban such stuff per se, but please enable the user to have it disappear out of view.
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Yay! Snowflakes won again! Remember to update to your topic :3
I'm out!
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Can we ban political posts (non-gaming related) or any other controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm?
This is a gaming site. There is no need for them to be here.
It just makes more work for mods who bother to still do their jobs.
Or at least add a new category, so I can at least hide them.
Edit 1: Specified non-gaming political posts.
And stop throwing me "your post is also political". This post is about the site itself, so it's pretty much on topic.
Edit 2: I didn't say I am against all off-topic posts.
Edit 3: I am not against topics "I don't like". I am against "controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm".
Seems people don't read what I wrote, just so they can argue and tell me how much of an ass I am. That's exactly why I don't want those topics. They just invite people to be assholes.
Edit 4: Official: New Content Guidelines
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