I believe that people come to the game sites to relax from shitstorms of the internet and bad news. Anyone who want to read the tales from Ministries of Truth from Qatar, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Murdoch's empire etc. will certainly find them. But if these copy-pastes fill the top of Discussions, people won't stop playing games, they'll just stop coming here.
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The SG main page shows 7 discussion topics. We already have two war-related topics with possible a third one coming (expected Azerbaijan invasion in Armenia), and a lot of hot political things not covered yet. These topics block viewing of updates in games-related topics, forum events/trains/etc.
If political topics continue to multiply, it will not be about "You don't like a topic - you move along", but about "Nothing new on the site - you move along" that’s what I’m afraid. I hope to be wrong
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If you are so involved into games-related topics then you obviously need to look inside these specific parts, not just the main page.
I see a lot of uninteresting (for me) stuff in the main page topics, usually I mark them as 'visited' and move along.
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I wouldn't mind a "News and recent events" or similar category. We already have Movies / TV, Hardware, Game Showcase, just add a new one to these categories.
I get it that some people are interested, invested and/or affected by the news, but I would prefer not to have these on the top of the recent category all the time because of ongoing flame wars.
I'd like to have an option to opt out of it.
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This is exactly why I disagree with the people saying 'just ignore it'. It's fuckin' annoying to have theads like the one that inspired this poll clogging up the recent discussions at all times of the day. The option to ignore threads you're not interested in from showing up to you would make the site a lot cleaner.
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You can use ESGST for this. It can mark a thread as "visited" so it will be dimmed in the list.
No one will introduce a total censorship here. It'll require a vast amount of resources which the site doesn't have. The only thing that cg could do is disable the discussions completely.
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What's political for some might be another person's entire reality of being Everyone has a right to raise awareness over this or that. Doesn't mean I have to listen or care, but unless and until said awareness directly leads to someone doing something deleterious, I object to restricting people from talking about things and topics that are important to them for the sake of convenience.
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Because people can and will create shitstorms over nothing so rewarding people willing to create shitstorms over nothing by giving them a route to outright banning topics they are willing to create shitstorms over is not a good idea. Your suggestion is way too abusable, basically.
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Can we ban political post or any other controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm?
It would be a good thing to hold the political and religious stuff away from sg because it only lead to problems in the end but it will not happen.
Some mods don't like the political type of threads because it is clear that it will give problems and stress there but other, mostly higher, mods don't care and cg, the owner and only admin, don't care too.
So, the active, mods are spectators that can't do much against the problems with/in such threads.
And i have the feeling that the most, formerly active, mods gave up to try and invest their lifetime in a better way....
The best you can do is not to jump into some "awareness" threads etc..
Whatever you would write there, it would backfire. The one or other way.
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It is more than a giveaways site, there is a community here. SG is one of the few sites I daily hang around, because of the discussions. Mostly games related since that's the main interest, however that doesn't mean we can't talk other things here. We're humans and we're affected by many things in our lives. If someone sees here as a some kind of mental haven, I wouldn't blame them.
If there is desideratum, someone's gotta fill that. It's the nature. You may be not interested, I may be not interested but someone is affected in their lives directly or indirectly and they should be welcomed if they want to talk. We are social creatures and talking is a juice for our brains.
I understand that no one wants to see conflicts here but sadly nothing has changed for the last thousands of years. We cannot solve a conflict without facing it. If they're gonna find a response here, I say let them be, obviously someone is interested in this either supporting or opposing or even being neutral. It's a good thing we see these in the openness.
So, maybe cg should add an extra category for news related things and let us choose which categories we want to follow or not. That way you wouldn't see topics you are not interested in when you log in.
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Wait, request to ban something means "suggesting an opt out option"? That would really be a fine example of Newspeak. I think, that you've missed the fact, that OP is asking for a ban or at least a way to opt-out. So a main proposal on the table here is a ban.
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Please read again. I say, BEGINNING of OP post I AGREE WITH YOUR POSITION.
The END of the post not.
The OP is suggesting an opt out option in the end, which is not infringing.
My last statement about OP's post before my statement of the opt out. Is about the END of the post, which logically means my next part most likely is referring back to it.
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because it can be seen as infringing on freedom of speech.
Neither me nor the site are associated with the government, so it doesn't apply.
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Another USA-centric argument. World does not end on first amendment of US constitution. Freedom os speach is also an idea.
Not that somebody who suggest: "ban things I don't like" would understand. There is a chance that it might happen though.
There are couple of topics that are not welcomed here so I don't see why mods won't add "avareness" threads to their secret definition of what "inapriopriate behavior" means.
Forum looks dead in comparision to how it was idk 8 years ago. Why not make it look even more dead by banning more things.
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Another USA-centric argument.
Huh? I am not from USA.
Just because someone has an opinion, doesn't mean they should be allowed to voice it everywhere. USA or not.
Forum looks dead in comparision to how it was idk 8 years ago. Why not make it look even more dead by banning more things.
If heated political threads are the only thing keeping the gaming forums alive, the the forum is already dead.
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I didn't said you are from USA. I said that your argument was USA-centric. Have you even clicked your own link? You bring up 1st amendment of US constitution and you wonder why I told that your argument is related to USA legislation?
EDIT: I attached picture from your link so so you can see what am I talking about.
Also - yes - I feel like forum is on the brink of the death. Sanitiuzed and sterilized by trigger happy mods. Thanks for giving them another target.
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As a satanist I extend the freedom of speech to every single beeing. Because it's freedom. And freedom is Satan.
But seriously - this is quite old idea. Ancient even. And I'm too tired to explain it to yet another cancel culture enthusiast. Why don't you live your own life? Can't you just Ignore things that are not interesting to you? You really must BAN everything that you disagree with?
And your only argument is that you can do that because you are not a government.
i never said that CG and his SG is somehow obliged to respect freedom of speach. Because it's his site and his forum and he bans right and left thigs and people he don't like. I'm just saing that doing that will turn this place into a desert.
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I miss things like Hunger Games and drawing contests, but other than that I don't really remember what was the glorious past. Bundles are more expensive, regional locks, no inventory means one can't make a big event out of the blue, and everyone is still free to discuss the hundreds or thousands of games, shows, movies, hobbies. I don't think any of these are blocked by those trigger happy mods, who barely can be seen on the forum in the past months, or almost years. Mskotor was the single one who I've seen giving a warning to anybody in my recent memory, but maybe it's just me getting senile and not seeing the looming mod-threat
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I miss couple of things. Probably mocking threads the most. Now they are "too hostile" even as a joke.
While it's harder to give games - bundles and key stores are still a thing and it's not so hard to gather some prizes for events. It's just quite a lot of people who were creating these events were banned and suspended for stuff related to unclear rules/voicing their opinion on various stuff/or inapriopriayte behaviour.
I think that many creative people who made this forums fun were chased away or discouraged from doing events by always unhappy about something critics like OP here. With clear support of the mods ofc.
Mods are keeping low profile for most of the time. But then there is some sort of purge occasionally. Like suspending without warning people who used zalgo font during christmass event because they decided to extend the meaning of one of the rules. Who knows maybe tomorrow all "avareness" threads might be banned.
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One started with zalgo font, others jumped on it in multiple discussions and comments. I would say around 20 - 30 at the end and it was annoying.
The mods (1 or 2) appeared and said stop, after this they gave "inapproriate behavior suspensions" (= 2 days) to the involved ones.
And it hit a few that jumped as last on the "funny train", without to realize that the zalgo stuff happened in multiple discussions and comments, and without to see the warning from the mod(s) about the "stop with it".
That they done something against the zalgo stuff was good but, of course, the question came up why they don''t act in other cases too. As example against the autojoiners with activated thanks script... very easy to spot and they would be much more important.
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Please don't take this as a bad-faith comment, I was just thinking for a while about how things changed.
People who spend their time and money on the site are gone. Creatives who made interesting things are gone. As you say, "it's not so hard to gather some prizes for events" and while I argue that the gamevalue / spentdollarino went down, it's also correct.
Where is your place in the whole picture? (I know you bump a topic or two every now and then, that's an important part of activity too)
Other than wishing that people who did something are gone, and now wishing (silently) for more people appear who will spend their time, money and effort on the site? It's been a while since I also made any meaningful topic that wasn't a yearly cakeday post, but judging by your giveaways, you didn't participate in the community train either. Which is okay, you have your reasons, that's not the point.
It's easy to watch from afar and just waiting for others to do stuff, and thinking back about the good old times, but that alone won't do anything. And I suspect there are dozens of people who do as much as you or me, so little to actually improve activity. Apathy, lack of time, lack of hope, can be many reason for that. I definitely got disillusioned by the amount of game-hoarders, who only collect the games like prizes to only look at, and have no intention of playing that. It definitely lessens the motivation to make a more unique or interesting puzzle, with some good game(s) as a prize at the end.
This whole topic could be a new discussion I guess, I'm sure others have their reasons for lesser activity/passive presence as well.
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judging by your giveaways, you didn't participate in the community train either.
I suppose that as top contributor you don't really notice small ones :) But I was there
I tried to make some events in the past (with shitty results though).
What completely stopped me from even thinking about making new was my first suspension. Which was for spamming (but actual reason was for bumping "wrong" thread). Soon after that thread maker was permanently suspended. Reason? He was too noisy about site rules. He refused to shut up so mods get rid of him. If that happens to people who are contributing to the site and also try to make it better place by making clearer rules - then why would I bother.
Actually quite a lot of people abandoned discussions in general because "inappropriate behavior" is a wonderful tool to remove anybody from the site. Why take unnecessary risk by posting anything?
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I suppose that as top contributor you don't really notice small ones :) But I was there
ah sorry, I checked the end date of your giveaways, and I could have sworn that it was August 28th, not September - my bad, I'm not really at 100% capability in the past weeks.
And yeah, that makes sense :\
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I personally compared to individual, proper forums and sites that I remember - likely they are not around anymore, I wasn't really active in this front. I want to further clarify it - I don't have problem with people discussing the topics, though I do not like to participate. But it's really gwtting annoying that forum games, cakeday topics, puzzles, jigidis, topics I'm actually interested in are constantly pushed back, because 10 people are constantly yelling at eachother in a topic or two. I want a proper, working without extensions solution to opt out. Especially as more and more reply-topics grow out, that are unavoidable and stiffle a lot of other content
You are absolutely right about the change that is happening with the vast majority of internet. Usually there's a
route of going open, have to weed out controversy and uniqueness for the sake of advertisers, then the streamlined content doesn't sell, so new monetizations pop up. It's nor a sustainable of esepcially - liveable future.
Edit: I personally don't find "unmoderated people yelling at eachother" valuable content, and it's lot of the content we lost here, but some people enjoy it. I don't think that necessarily strong-handed moderation is the solution, but some separation is needed. If nothin else, idk - moderators moving the topic from off-topic to a new section (as I said, news and political discussion or similar is a good title, or a base for discussion), if the creator doesn't already open the topic there. No punishment, just a different category - for which proper subscription and unsubscription works.
It's just ridiculous to think that a few pictures of my cat, and war&genocide are both off-topic, and apparently you can see both or none*
*the none option won't even hide them as it should
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Yeah, but it still takes up an "invisible slot" at the main page, at least for me. Also, it only works on PC.
But then the category-filtering (off topic, puzzles/events, etc) can be unsubscribed from, that may work, if a new category is generated for these. I say "may work" because either because ESGST or other reasons, I'm unsubscribed from group recruitment and bugs/suggestions, yet they still appear in the main page recent part - that's how I even found this topic.
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You know.. even an option to simply hide threads would be an option. Political or not, I don't care about some threads on here. I don't need to see them every single time I'm using this site. So that feature would be welcome.
It would also solve the issue of moderation and abuse: users who want to participate in those threads can still do it, users who are tired of stuff like that can simply hide it from their own view. win-win-situation.
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+1 A simple "hide this thread" option would be wonderful.
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...when we never had Call of Duty, Battlefield, Rainbow Six and other massively popular games :-/
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Games havent changed on that, unless youre one of those that see 'agendas' everywhere
All that changed is the internet. First there was none. Then only static sites, then only foruns where just those really invested and likeminded joined in 1 place...
Now its in our pockets 24/7. Heck i avoid social media and then i see drama from social media on tv. Its everywhere.
All that constant stage for any and everyones opnion turned the public debate political. Its people putting politics everywhere. I was playing team fortress 2 other day and folk were arguing politics in voice chat. Its a 15 year old game now. So what the old game that wasnt political now is?
Its not the games its the people.
And frankly this meme reminds me of the people that do make things political. I dont see why the covers on the meme were somehow non-political vs the majority of games today (if not all of them). Unless its the people that claim 'i dont want politics' over idk some npc way to dress, lack of representation (or inclusion) or the existance of some option in character creator. Usually theyre the only ones making topics about 'politics' in games that dont bring that up at all.
In my opnion its a very vocal and disturbing minority on both sides of the spectrum. One side who wants to cancel something every day claiming lack of sensibilities or representation, on the other people who see any minor thing as 'agendas' or somehow political. Meanwhile the majority on either side and in between just want to live their lives normally without this nonsense, like just playing games.
Btw its funny that Beyond good and Evil is there. Short haired non pretty female protagonist against big bad opressors and taking the side of minorities (of antropomorphic kind) if released today would be labeled political and agenda pushing. Its almost as if the 'issue' is on the eye of beholder...
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That's your opinion about "problematic" stuff and tomorrow another person will have his/her own opinion about "problematic" stuff which will contradict yours. There's always some "problematic" stuff from someone's point of view, that's no reason to ban it.
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So all a user has to do to get your topic banned is to get some toxic comments in?
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So all a user has to do to get your topic banned is to get toxic comments in?
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They can't, mods enforce rules not invent them.
Yeah, my bad. The rules come from God on a pair of stone tables.
Mods totally are not involved when new rules are discussed. /s
You can't write a rule "ban problematic topics that cause shitstorms" since its totally unclear. You need give to mods criteria of these topics otherwise it would be very biased.
Mods already close threads, that they seem problematic, without giving out the rule being broken. And moderation isn't always black and white.
Surely you have heard the term "moderator discretion".
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In that case your own thread is the most problematic one. Close it asap before it hurts me in my fragile comfort zone.
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Gaming is my favorite apolitical hobby says local gamer whose favorite series are Bioshock,Metal Gear Solid,Fallout,Call of Duty etc
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Can we ban political postor any other controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm?
And just who gets to define what a controversial topic is?
I might not like or be interested in every discussion here, but in that case I just don't read / comment in it. Therefore I voted no in the poll.
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Over the years it has been become clear, that different modas have different standards in things that arent' just a yes / no dicision but someting on a range. Like what counts as 'Inappropriate Behavior' which results in a 2 day suspension, and others things.
So it would still come down to who decides what is or isn't a controversial topic. So I still don't agree with banning topics.
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Or at least add a new category, so I can at least hide them.
🤔A similar proposal to this story has been made by me before.
There was censorship from the Russian side during the Russian clashes in Ukraine, and we discussed that in the community.
(In some countries there is freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, while in others there is not, which makes it a gateway to an unmanageable hell).
For this reason, I remember suggesting that the categories be separated into different places.
Ukraine Awareness Thread 💙💛 - Page 80
The latest detailed instructions for using add-ons are available at this location.
Thanks to pizzahut for the information.
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P.S. Interesting to see the vote count for this survey, up more in 3 hours than in previous discussions.🤔
[this discussion]
Don't care38(13%)
[old my discussion]
[Result at current time]
Do you approve the addition of the category?
NO 96(67%)
YES 30(21%)
Usually this is the number of votes cast even in 2 or 3 days.
I'm sure the CG and moderators will be able to scrutinize the votes, so let's hope there are no Some government organized votes or acts of segregation.
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Those two pools ask different questions.
Mine is about a ban, yours is about a new category.
"No" in mine might also mean that they don't want a ban, but a new category.
"No" in your might also mean a new category is not enough and want a ban.
And I would agree that participation in mine is unusually high.
It might have to do with, how strongly the topics that spawned those polls, were received.
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During the first week, people on both sides "violated" the "guidelines," but there was a temporary spike in posts involving "donations" and "begging."
As I have explained in past discussions, conduct that violates the guidelines in relation to war-related politics.
In other words, actions that could result in a ban (violation of terms and conditions) are in the background of the discussion.
I think the suggestion was to classify the SteamGifts feature from a "subscription" to a "war category" so that those who do not wish to view it can cancel their subscriptions.(War Category Unsubscribed)
Everyone can check the user transition from the Steamgifts status.
2022/2 1143480
2023/10 1173624
about +30000
 Incidentally, the number of SteamGifts users has not increased much since the Ukraine conflict.
 The number of users who view and participate in "discussions" is not very large to begin with.
It is strange to see a large number of votes increase in a short period of time without taking into account the past history, so I asked for confirmation on this matter in a support ticket.
The questions we see are as disclosed.
Let's leave the question of voting to the management and see what happens.
Again, spamming by such BOTs is also a concern.🤔
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Here's a little friendly advice from the voice of experience; hopefully, you won't have to learn this the hard way, like I did. I understand your frustration, but the problem isn't the existence of political (or "political") threads; it's the community. When I was new here, I remember seeing lots of positive threads for things like Pride, anti-harassment, etc. and in every single one, it was a miracle if you'd get through the first page without some troll (or worse: someone who actually believes these things) would say something horrible. I quickly learned that while we have some wonderful people here, we have more than enough on the other end to ensure that we can't have nice things; sucks, but just like with GameFAQs, I decided to go back to using the site in a largely utilitarian manner, and spend my social energy elsewhere. Now, if you have a sure-fire cure for people being loud, bigoted idiots, you let me know, and I'll be on the front lines TOMORROW, but banning certain topics isn't the answer, especially when everything from sexuality to wearing a tiny piece of cloth over your face has been politicized.
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There are too many bad actors and people with such narrow world views that it's awe inspiring to see them all become experts on complex issues overnight. I'm not against such topics being created but without involved, impartial moderation you either get overly sterilized discussion or a cesspool of hate. Better to just outright put a stop to such topics if the site can't provide the resources needed to handle them as they crop up. It's not going to get any better. Just look at the last few years to come to terms with the new reality we live in.
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It's not helpful to pretend game business operates in a vacuum. As some games try to support political agendas overtly I can't see how politics can be avoided entirely in a gaming forum.
Sometimes the pure existence of a game is enough for someone feeling their fur rubbed the wrong way. Comments of political nature are inevitable.
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Or at least add a new category, so I can at least hide them.
Wait, you can hide categories?
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Unfortunately it doesn't hide them from the list at the bottom of the page.
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Huh. Seems pretty pointless then if it doesn't affect the main page. Oh well.
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There's a reason most forums prohibit politics and religion. Both of them bring out the trolls en masse, and bring out the worst in people otherwise. I mean sure if you want your forums to be a cesspit go right ahead and do the "free speech" model, but it's only a matter of time before enough people get tired of it that someone will decide to make their own site without the baggage.
Of course, prohibiting certain topics doesn't mean jack shit if there aren't mods to enforce that rule, and I seriously doubt there's enough actual mods here to cover it.
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Actually you don't, you just need a small number of mods who actually do their job. I've been both a forum mod and admin at various times, once on a forum much larger than what we have here. 2 admins and 5 mods kept the place clean but that requires an admin who gives a damn and will replace mods who do nothing or go inactive.
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News about genocide is politics? yeah games outside of politics, and im potato, im stone... Everyone tells me gamers are the dumbest people in the world.
You can see in every news how kgb is involved in the internal politics of countries, but you don’t notice how they buy narratives in games and movies. F%"ing shame in your world john wick is stronger than 007, 007 turned into a crybaby. I know more examples where narratives make you weak and unable to resist.
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If the game is financed from the state budget - this is politics, if an athlete went to the Olympics with state money - this is politics, if a football club belongs to a politician-businessman - this is an instrument of political power.
If peaceful people of Ukraine and Israel are called nationalists and kept in a basement, and then killed like animals - this is genocide.
Don't try to convince me.
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Can we ban political posts (non-gaming related) or any other controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm?
This is a gaming site. There is no need for them to be here.
It just makes more work for mods who bother to still do their jobs.
Or at least add a new category, so I can at least hide them.
Edit 1: Specified non-gaming political posts.
And stop throwing me "your post is also political". This post is about the site itself, so it's pretty much on topic.
Edit 2: I didn't say I am against all off-topic posts.
Edit 3: I am not against topics "I don't like". I am against "controversial topics that just invite a shitstorm".
Seems people don't read what I wrote, just so they can argue and tell me how much of an ass I am. That's exactly why I don't want those topics. They just invite people to be assholes.
Edit 4: Official: New Content Guidelines
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