Steam QuakeCon 2024|Animated Avatars + Avatar Frame


📋 Steps|Login and Watch Stream for 10+ min.

Day 1 ended.

Day 2 ended.

Day 3 ended.

Rebroadcast until Aug 21.

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1 month ago*

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Anyone knows how to start this stream FROM THE STEAM APP. Is hidden or what?

1 month ago

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From Steam App, you open your Steam normally.

You should see a pretty big banner of Bethesda QuakeCon 2024 Sale at Front Page.
Click it.

When the stream starts, it should appear a tab or bar or a window taking space around that banner of Bethesda|Follow 1,000,000+ amount of followers

1 month ago

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Thanks cutie your too kind.

1 month ago

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You're welcome. Hope that works for you when it starts.

1 month ago

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stream up

1 month ago

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Thx for the feedback, switching title status

1 month ago

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I just got them all. Thanks! :)

1 month ago

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Congrats. You're welcome! =)

1 month ago

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got it thanks !drop

1 month ago

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congrats you're welcome !drop

1 month ago

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absolutely deranged livechat

1 month ago

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as always XD

1 month ago

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Also new frame added, not sure if droppable or not.
Still checking info.

View attached image.
1 month ago*

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Any idea where to buy it?

1 month ago

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Probably a few hours or 1-2 days later on Steam Points Shop for free.
Would wait until then to make another thread (since this one will be expired once stream ends)

1 month ago

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Finally got it! Thank you!

1 month ago

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Congrats! You're welcome!

1 month ago

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This was fast, good that I remembered to check it out :)

1 month ago

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Nice, glad they fixed the previous days issues, and congrats getting it =)

1 month ago

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They finally fixed the broadcast :)
Thanks a lot MeguminShiro for the heads up, hope you will have a wonderful Sunday.

1 month ago

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Finally yep, they even started early this time =)
You're welcome CommissarCiaphasCain, hope the same for you.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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You're welcome!

1 month ago

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Any FYI, it doesn't work on a web browser, at least it didn't for me. I tried twice and was there for 20 minutes both times and nothing dropped. I spent roughly 5 minutes just now on the actual Steam client and it worked. You can get it right now, they are doing a rebroadcast for those who haven't gotten it yet.

1 month ago

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It worked in the browser for me just now, I think it was just bugged in general earlier

1 month ago

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I didn't want to login via browser so I tried on the steam client yesterday evening.
No Items after 1+ hour in the shop window with the stream running.
Tried the page with the stream + chat, but there the stream would not load, just the chat. tried multiple times.
Gave up yesterday eveining, because the items weren't that important to me.

Started steam this morning and was greeted by the green symbol that I had new items.
Got them, but seems like the delivery was delayed.

1 month ago

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Well I guess should include both ways to get the drops since some works with browser, some only with Steam client.
Either way congrats to get it btw.

1 month ago

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I missed the 3 days! I am glad that the rerun gave away the same items.

1 month ago

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Yep, seems like they'll rebroadcast until Aug 21. So plenty of days for those who missed earlier 3 days.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Well they had been rebroadcasting during the last few days, so probably will stay like that until Aug 21.

1 month ago

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Closed 1 week ago by MeguminShiro.