I was thinking this idea however a few days ago and was meaning to talk to Cg about it.
But it looks like i have an ideal companion! :D
Now we can get those greedy dogs out of here and get some true love back in games once again.
Kijib you surprise more and more everyday <3
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This is the worst Idea I have heard in the forum so far.
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no, the worst idea got to be giving a star to contributors, which they can spend on an entry for ANY game, and they get it back if they dont get it. lolwut?
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that one was pretty funny. hmm, ok those would be in my top 3 of worst ideas on this forum.
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I think it would be better if you could spend more points in order to get more than one 'entry', so if you really want that game, you would get more chances, and those who doesn't really want, they won't waste more points, and instead of it, they will use it in other games they would really want. So at the end, it's more or lees the same, cos they spend more points but just in the games they want. There's no need to complicate the point system, just let make more chances to win a game by doubling your entry points.
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If you can't make rational proposals then falling back on jokes about physical appearance doesn't help.
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The site has had arguments in the past and elsewhere about the system and how fair/just it is. The conclusion was that "one person, one chance" was basically agreed on as the fairest system possible. If you allow multiple entries you'll just have people exploiting the system, and cheating the spirit of the giveaways.
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Quantitatively it's much larger than that and the point of the rules isn't so You get to have the highest chance of winning. The rules are there so everyone has an equal chance of winning.
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Okay, I understand this. It's reasonable. But I think entering giveaways that you just don't really want is not easy, it's just a fact and is what people are doing. And this... this just break up the better chances of the ppl who really entered the giveaway just because they love and really want that game. Isn't fair to calibrate this a bit?
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You're trying to quantify human behavior as it embarks emotions. I'm sure people also entered the Valve Summer Camp giveaway not really interested in winning games and they may have won. It's just a fact of life. There doesn't need to be a council or equation to decide who is more deserving than others. Calibration would make the entire system unfair.
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better chances of the ppl who really entered the giveaway just because they love and really want that game.
You're skewing your theory to play toward emotions, instead of what is mathematically neutral.
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I don't get your argument, kijib. If you have too many points, and you're tempted to enter a giveaway for a game you're not all that amped for, then it isn't the site's or anyone else's job to rein you in. Get a hold of yourself, and either invite people to the site or just wait for those golden opportunities.
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yeah, it seems very much like he's being subjective about the whole thing. Others are interested in a lot of games, he's not interested/ or has a lot of games already. That's not a problem with steamgifts.
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Well, instead of increasing the cost to entry, we would lower the percentage of points distributed. At the moment, it's 10%. If users are finding they have extra points, and enter for giveaways only to use them up, it should be lowered. For example, if we lowered it to 5%, you would be able to enter half as many giveaways, but at the same time, you would have double the chances of winning those giveaways, since competing entries would be cut in half. It's a simple tradeoff, you just have to let me know which you prefer.
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Would you consider my idea? Let me try to explain a bit more: Let supose you only REALLY want one or two games, but you have enough points to just waste them in tons of other subs. Well, the idea is supose to be more or less fair, so winning a game to just fill up your game list is just... a mess. So if you just waste your points on that game you really want, you will get slightly more chances to win, because it's just that game you want. Maybe a combination of that and this could be even better. This site is growing so fast, and I think that 1 entry for each game and lots of points to waste on is gonna make this in something like the grand pize on a national lottery, something near impossible to win. Probability is cruel.
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I like your thinking maybe also a way to decrease percentage based on amount of giveaways being made so on days where there is a lot of gifting the precentage is lowered and on a slow day it remains the same. But I think an increase in entry admission would work well too.
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What about letting a giveaway sponsor set a point multiplier on creation? For example if I thought it might even the odds for people who REALLY want Bunny Poker 2099 I set the multiplier for 5x, so when you go to enter it now costs 50 points instead of ten. But someone else doing the same item may still set their for 1x.
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What economic models would prove its effectiveness? Stochastic, Non-stochastic mathematical, or Qualitative models?
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that's already in play with the current system. Your idea throws in extra variables with unintended consequences. You're making the system more complex so any statistics can become biased.
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Inflation isn't just caused by increases in the money supply. It can also be cause by prices being set arbitrarily high. That's the foundation of economic principles.
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Listen to this man, he speaks truth. Statistics prove it!
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Ha! I just mentioned that and then hit page 2 and see you said it an hour ago. I concur.
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my 2 cents: regardless of mechanism to change it, giveaways are becoming too crowded. maybe points gained per dollar could be tried as a ratio to number of members but from what i see, the points are not limiting enough with this number of members
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Your hypothesis is founded on the problem that too many people are being nice and it needs to be stopped?
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If I answer high or low you will be biased. If I'm high you'll say it's proof that people are getting too many points. If I'm low you'll say I'm wasting it on games I don't really want. It's completely subjective and will turn into another logical fallacy.
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if less people are able to surpass the barrier to enter the marketplace that will decrease total satisfaction considering the majority of users don't win. The minority of people who did win will of course be satisfied.
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3 fallacies in a row man. You're making this too easy. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be answering, you haven't responded to anything I put forth in highest chain on down.
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Your assumption that it will lead to hyperinflation is based on an economic model that isn't at play here. The giveaway sponsor does not profit or gain from modifying their numbers in a way that benefits them beyond personal satisfaction.
If I set it for a 1x point multiplier or a 5x point multiplier the only thing that changes for me as the sponsor is the feeling that the latter group may have had a higher number of individuals who really wanted that game. That's it.
So some would leave theirs at the default numbers, others would increase theirs.
Some might try to post several high multiplier giveaways in order to lessen the competition for another giveaway, but if you look at the existing ecosystem only a small percentage of the existing user base enter any single giveaway.
In the end the sponsor is still contributing games to the point economy.
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hyperinflation does apply because its setting an artificial price in a command economy since all prices are decided by steam, not by the community. This causes a boom and bust cycle. That's why you don't allow givers to inflate the price of a giveaway.
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I'm definitely on the side of having waaaay more points then I could use, and everytime i spend some I'm right back up to 300 almost immediately, and given that the number of members and consequently the number of entrants for each giveaway is increasing so rapidly I'd be completely in favor increasing the point value of each game (or decreasing how many points we get when new games are put up for giveaway).
It seems there are so many points flowing through the system that they don't really mean much anymore, I can spend on anything anytime and I'll be back up to 300 quickly enough that their irrelevant to me.
Make points meaningful, and encourage people to spend them on games they really want... not just anything that even vaguely catches their attention. Which one pretty much can do now.
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I think it would be more effective if it were limited to x entries per day rather than changing the values. As a result more invites would be created from the saved points. On a side thought, what if invites were more expensive?
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limiting to x entries a day though doesnt reflect value of games. for tramper what if 3 games i really want are up one day and none are up for the next three. i would be arbitrarily punished. i also think that invites should be based on number of active members. as membership goes up prices for invites go up
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Sorry, i don't have time to read that all, but i'll state a problem in here. current system (with 10%) is great. The only problem is 90% of users don't need 90% of giveaways (which are DM MP, HB and some old Valve games, like CS and Portal). That's why you have enough points to enter every other giveaway. Once the flood of those useless giveaways stops, the whole thing will work great.
A small idea how to solve a problem about those useless giveaways is make them absolutely free.
i.e. once a same game appears more than e.g. 10 times a week, it is considered a flood and any other giveaway of that game costs nothing to enter and also does not provide any points.
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They should still cost points to enter but dont generate any :)
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if they cost something and don't generate points, it would be really hard to get them.
i think, they should not cost you a point, but you should not enter that giveaway, if you have that game already, or don't want it anyway.
the main idea is, if they don't generate points, people will stop posting them for points. so there won't be a real problem with floods afterall and there won't be lots of free giveaways like that.
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I agree. There is no real chance in winning anything if everyone can enter every giveaway, even for games they just semi want. I know exactly how you feel, I didn't enter any Magicka giveaway so far because im not interested in that game. Today I reached 300 Points. If I see it again, I will go for it, even though there are people who might really wanna have it.
By the rate we generate points (basically most from Humble frozenbyte bundles) we have to address this issue.
Maybe change the way Humble Bundles work (because most of those given away here are bought for like 0.01$ anyway).
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You should go for Magicka. Even the accidental suicides in that game are pretty funny.
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I enter both for games that I know I want, but haven't bought, or I also sometimes enter for games that I think I might like, and that I am interested in. I don't personally see a problem with that. I might win a game that I might not have bought, and end up loving it to death.
Of course, I don't enter for games that I don't want, or games I don't have the slightest bit of interest in, but I don't see a problem entering for games I have an interest in.
I think a better way of doing it would simply be to add more filter options when you create a giveaway. Things like a max number of entries allowed, the same as we have a time limit we are able to set.
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There absolutely is an issue here. I've been a member of the site for about a week now - mostly entering in giveaways that I really want, want, kind of want, or "ok, it would be nice to have this game I guess." And I'm still sitting at a comfortable 247P. There are far too many points being distributed with far too many entries per giveaway. The realization recently occurred to me that there is no need to hoard points because there aren't many AAA or sleeper hit titles hitting the front page at all. I like the ideas of lowering it from 10% to 5%, or even 3%. Also raising the cost of an invite to 2x or 3x. Additionally, consider "perks" for senior members or those who are REALLY contributing to the site with their giveaways, because freeloaders will always outnumber the generous. This would be really help out.
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This is getting unbearable, too many members, too many giveaways (I'll explain what's the bad thing) and too much points. We need the giveaways to be more expensive, to make this community be even more select with what they waste their points on. Right now you get RUSE 25 Copies at 1100 entries, lol. Expensive giveaways meant harvesting points would actually make sense (since right now you can enter pretty much everything and still have points) and make people, although enter less giveaways, participate in giveaways that offer the games that they really desire, not those would they just now heard about or saw 'em in the front page and thought "Mmm, why not? I have 200P left anyway"...
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I agree with Making Enter's cost More Point's, Due to the Fact that 1. People will have to spend there point wisely and 2. It will give people that actually want the game a better chance at getting it (Like you said, people prob enter for the heck of it). Though, I would only say Double the Current Cost.
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People will collect points faster, reach the max of 300 Faster, and hence have less points to spend unless there fast enough to spend them as they get them.
or, Double the Point Cost, Half the Point Gain from each one made. So it gives you the same amount of points you current get then.
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I think this is just a temporary issue. We just had a huge steam sale and people used this opportunity to make giveaways. That means extra points -> extra invite codes -> new people with lots of extra copies of portal, HB, or Potato Sack games.
I'm quite sure in a week or two things will go back to normal without doing anything.
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I hate to do this, but we have a different definition of floating.
The closest similarity would be floating in terms of currencies
but neither definitions allocate that there is "too much" floating capital.
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I agree, this is how economics works. Things go up, things go down. Trying to force things down, or force things up, is wasteful.
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How about that the person who creates the giveaway can adjust the points needed for the entry.
BUT they may not go lower than the minimal requirement of points of the giveaway.
As example :
Portal 2 = 50 points. The creator of this giveaway can adjust the amount of points, but cannot go lower than 50. He can change the points to 51, 52, 53 etc, therefore people who really want the game will participate and blablablabla
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Given the rash of fake giveaways, people selling invites, people having multiple accounts, people entering giveaways for games they already own etc I don't have a great deal of faith in that working out well. Leave people to their own whims and they tend to take advantage.
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So I was chatting with my close, personal freinds down at the Mana Cooler and we all came to the realization that we are close to the the 300p cap of this site. Now this leads me to think that there are plenty of people who have more points than they know what to do with and that's not exactly a good thing because the whole point of the point system (see what I did there) was to stop people with no self control from entering every giveaway that they don't already have the game for.
I don't REALLY want Borderlands,(I think it looks fun) but never enough to actually buy it myself.
If I win, do i feel bad for depriving some guy who would LOVE to have won? No. I accumulated my points just like everyone else. I am not alone.
Frankly, we have too many points because people can enter for any game that looks slightly interesting or they might like.
What if we made the giveaways cost double or triple points they normally would?
You might not like this idea at the moment.
But do you really expect to have a decent chance for any games once this site gets even more members?
We are all in the wrong state of thinking. We SHOULD'NT be able to enter giveaways as easily as we can now. Instead of the multiple times we enter giveaways now, it should be something like once a day.
That's right, once a day. (depending on how many points the games you are interested are of course)
Having less points to spend means a better chance for you to get that game you REALLY want.
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