if you really liked ds, you should pay more attention to its steam forums and klei forums. or at least read the description of dst.
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okay, let me put it like this.
if you really liked ds, you should pay more attention to its steam forums and klei forums before creating a thread on sg. or at least read the description of dst before creating a thread on sg.
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it is what it is. deal with it sanic. i'm telling you, you should read more about it before coming here and creating a thread. would tell again. this is not pointless. deleting what you wrote would make the thread pointless. also it would make my comment pointless, since people couldn't understand why i wrote it. but it's not pointless at the moment.
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lol no im still asking if people think some of the giveaways being made might be beta key giveaways :P, and yes u understand why I don't delete, I hate coming back to a thread and not understanding why the comments make no regard to what the OP says
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makes me wonder too. not a lot just a little bit. it's a crying shame, royal pain in the neck. most of them most probably are for beta keys.
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Well since we've made quite the conversation here im going to add one last thing....probably, so after a lot of my brainstorming to justify if I should enter I have concluded that I can :D even if they are beta keys since I ALREADY own don't starve once the beta key is Nulled I will get my full version DST so it would be the same as if I had bought DST early access. Can't say the same for people who enter for beta keys and DON'T own DS...but, yay for me :3.........not sure if I should still mark as unreceived if I happen to win though....it's still a beta key
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it's just a beta key and it cannot be that bad. honey don't you love me and you know it makes me sad. it's just a beta key like you always used to play. i was [something], i [more something] yay!
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You should carefully read the description before go ranting: “NOTE: Players who currently own Don't Starve on Steam will get Don't Starve Together for free when it exits Early-Access." They've made it separately temporarily, because people start to exploit keys for closed beta, and they decide to make keys available to buy rather seeking out through shady deals. Everyone who had the game WILL get DST for free when it out of beta (and not separately, it will be added to the main game), and everyone who want to participate in Beta and don't want to wait can buy it now. And when you buy it now you get additional copy to give to a friend, so that's what giveaways coming from.
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It would be more simple if they just added Don't Starve Together beta to users who already have or buy Don't Starve.
But I don't see a problem if they put it on Early Access and grant a second copy to give away. Sounds like a fair deal and more money for development for them.
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Well, they wanted to deliver finished product and beta was supposed to be closed and used for it direct purpose - testing the game. But because a lot of people start selling they beta keys (and of course a lot of scamming goes with it) they decided that since people want in beta that much - well it much safer and proper if they will buy it from devs. And all their customers will get their finished product for free as promised at the right time. So I say it's a right and decent move from devs towards all - fans, customers and scammers.
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Don't fear that this will become the new DayZ. They took many months of early access to get vanilla Don't Starve into good shape, and this will probably take a while too, as hammering online co-op into a game not built for it is hard and there are lots of possible latency issues.
I'm happy to wait as people beta test it for me. When it's done, I'll get it for free with my copy of one of my favorite games of last year.
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Stop reminding people of DayZ, it hurts too much.
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I'm a little mad when vanilla is being entirely separate from chocolate... sometimes.
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If you ever want to play add me, we can gather our sticks together, and perhaps start a fire between us ;)
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DST was the reason i got Don't Starve. Not really a fan of games like this if they are single player only but after hearing about them making multiplayer i picked it up during a steam sale. I just hope they don't pull what the Primal Carnage people did and decide at the last second to not give it to current owners after months of saying that current owners will get it free and then charge everyone for it. If they decide to charge for this i will be pissed since it was the entire reason i bit the bullet and picked the game up.
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297 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by DeliberateTaco
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914 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by rufioh
Alright so first of all, im a little mad about Don't Starve Together being an entirely separate game from vanilla, from what I had heard is that they would raise the price of Don't Starve once it included DST. Seriosly, the major reason I wanted Don't Starve was for the later release of DST. I will probably still buy it anyways, and that pisses me off, but what else can I do but rant.....
Secondly.....do yall think the DST giveaways are real or people trying to give away their beta keys, for a lot I have seen come from people with no CV. I would like the chance at not having to pay for DST, but I also feel like I might be getting my hopes up too much :(
Edit: Welp nvm, its free when its EXITS early accesss, yay!....unless it turns into the new DayZ......
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