Steam in the future will survive?
Is this a real thing that they tell you? That's absolutely egregious.
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I can personally verify that these responses are the norm.
I've yet to have Steam Support actually properly respond to an issue, and I think I'm over a dozen reported issues in, now.
I'd, uh, copasta you some examples..
..but I haven't had access to the Steam Support section for some time, now.
Been getting this screen for a few months now:
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Support Tech Toby The Train... Choo-choo, idiot coming your waaaaay
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here's a famous one (i just got reminded of it)
pastebin with all the tickets:
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
This issue is not open for further discussion.
Unfortunately, we will be unable to assist you further with this issue.
If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.
Unfortunately, we will be unable to assist you further with this issue.
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
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Theirs answers make you really want to punch them in the face.
They don't even read!
Don't understand, why work at something if you won't do it right? :/
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Because these are the worst examples. They aren't the norm. No one posts about their cordial interaction with customer service. Not with Steam, not with Comcast, not with Verizon.
Steam support is relatively bad, but the people who get banned and deactivated are pretty much big rule-breakers who feign ignorance when the banhammer comes down on them.
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Yeah, but that particular response reads way too much like a support guy on a power trip, trying to shut the ticket down before his supervisor notices what's going on. Even if the user is feigning ignorance, it would have cost the support guy seconds to copy and paste the information that was supposedly provided previously.
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Power trip? Nah. It's pretty much Valve policy to inform you that you are being punished for breaking rules and then clam up afterward.
There are a few companies out there that operate like this. Sometimes it's because of the way they want to handle things, say for instance the way Valve wants to handle VAC bans; Valve is going to say you were detected cheating. They are not going to say when, where, or what you were using. And as far as I know they're not going to get into a protracted discussion about it. You're banned, you were cheating. Accept your ban and be quiet.
Whether or not you agree with that sort of policy is another story, but some of it is absolutely intentional as part of a strategy instead of just a staff member being a jerk.
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That policy is actually the main reason I don't trust Valve much. I could get machine-banned by mistake at any point, and I'd have no way of requesting that a human actually check what happened. I know the likelihood is extremely low, but it's not 0, so it's a constant threat looming over my Steam account. It's why I try to not get too invested in my account and why I don't particularly value Steam games - they're more permanent rents that can be revoked than actual purchases, so I make sure to spend as little money as possible on them.
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If the likelihood is extremely low then it isn't a constant threat.
"I don't trust Valve"
You should never trust a corporation whose interest is making money from a collective in concerning themselves with your well-being or satisfaction as an individual.
If you want to avoid spending money on Steam, that's cool. But you shouldn't be all that concerned with losing your account unless you actually do something that could cost you your account. Mistakes (both good-faith and poor-faith) do happen, but you need to actually be demonstrably within an indifferent or malicious corrupt system in order to actually think about it a lot without it being paranoia.
Some people like to think that GOG is the model for the industry. This is naive. If one wants to give GOG one's money, that's fine. That's good. GOG offers DRM-free versions and that's fantastic. But this industry is almost certainly never gonna be about ceding full control over the product to the end-user precisely because it's neither in the interest of the producer nor will consumer dissatisfaction ever reach a critical enough mass to force the industry to adapt. GOG will always be a niche. The dominant company will always be a company like Steam.
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Steam IS an indifferent system. That much is proven consistently. So I don't think I'm paranoid if I always keep in the back of my mind the thought that if anything goes catastrophically wrong with my Steam account, I can't rely on it being fixed, or ever even looked at by an actual human. Given the rate of seemingly automated responses from Steam support, they may as well not have any people working there at all.
As for GOG, I don't actually agree. If GOG had arrived before Steam became massive, that would have become the standard. Steam isn't dominating because it's inherently superior, but because it got an early lead. Since prices are more or less the same, and GOG is now catching up to Steam's features with Galaxy, the only thing that separates them is that people in general don't want to manage multiple game managing applications and websites, so they go for the one where they already have a large library. Because of this, developers target Steam primarily, which results in tons of games exclusive to Steam, and in general makes Steam keys the default distribution for games bought from third party websites. Which in turn causes a feedback loop with people's Steam libraries growing ever larger with every bundle, further encouraging them to continue sticking to Steam, which further encourages devs to prioritize Steam, and so on.
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The point I contested with you is not that Steam's CS is good, or that your concerns are not valid on their face, my point is that the validity of a concern for harm is proportional to the risk. The likelihood of a serious problem with your account is very, very small. It's not that you shouldn't be cognizant of it, or that you shouldn't care, or even that you shouldn't consider not buying from the Steam store because of it--it's that it isn't a constant looming threat. I don't take issue with the concern specifically--I have the same concern--but with your characterization of it as an ever-present risk, by implication seemingly worthy of frequent consideration.
A child whose stepdad is a violent, abusive drunk is under the constant looming threat of getting beat because his stepdad may come home with a need to take his anger out on someone at any time. Steam's poor CS is more akin to getting your home burglarized and finding the police seem cavalier about it and make it clear to you that they're not going to put any real resources or concern into finding who did it or recovering your stuff. Unless you live in a very high crime neighborhood or are a frequent or attractive target for burglars, you aren't under a constant looming threat of having your stuff burgled with little legal recourse. This is why most people don't even know that in many locales home burglaries are an extremely low priority for police--because the risk of being burgled is very low for most of us--and it isn't until you have an indifferent officer in front of you that you may realize that law enforcement barely cares.
As for the GOG model somehow becoming dominant before the rise of Steam, the problem with that scenario is that major publishers don't like giving their stuff away DRM-free. The number of people who are not going to purchase the latest Grand Theft Auto or Elder Scrolls game because it has DRM are functionally irrelevant to Rockstar and Bethesda. Steam is not dominant merely because it was first. It is not dominant merely because it was attractive to consumers. Steam is dominant in large part because it was attractive to major publishers. The only major publishers who don't have a good relationship with Steam are the ones trying to compete with it, even though they're a day late and a dollar short. If Steam had tried to be GOG that's precisely what it would be right now--probably a bigger player because of how long it had been around--but just a place mostly where you play Valve games and indies.
Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, Rockstar, et al aren't interested in DRM-free. They don't have to be interested in it. They make money regardless, and nothing we as consumers have done in the history of the video game industry or of capitalism is likely to have convinced them thus far that abandoning core corporate principles of protecting one's IP is in their best interest.
The industry itself--especially the major players in it--must embrace the sort of consumer-friendly practices that GOG espouses as part of its role as an alternative. But some alternate universe version of Steam that embraced a GOG-like ethos from its inception would not have been the force to do it.
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They are not going to say when, where, or what you were using.
They probably don't want to share much details because they might help cheaters to get away with similar things in the future
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Yeah. That's easily defensible when it comes to bans for hacks and exploits. Maybe not as much for some other things that they clam up about.
I think that sort of "you've already been told; move on" thinking affects their whole approach to CS, not necessarily for the good.
I am glad I have only rarely contacted CS because I do think their CS is poor (Valve even admits it), but there is always going to be a noisy minority--most of whom are bad actors--who tried to get you righteously offended on behalf of their usually warranted punishment as if it is injustice.
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for the price thingy u can click sell and there will be a graph. u can point at the extreme right to see recent sale price. thats what i do when they disappear
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I've had the same price bug usually clicking around fixes it for me other than that I've been lucky no real issues with steam or valve so-far.
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I get the dissapering prices bug sometimes, but you just need to reload the inventory to fix that.
Never seen any of the others happen or anyone else complain, so it's quite wierd.
Your download speeds are all over the place, but that's not on steam for sure. Does anyone use your network or do you download other stuff while using steam?
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Early this year it was getting at best 1.2mps but often dropping to 0.6mpbs or less. Thankfully he ISP fixed the issue and now its 4.2mbps.
When it was going the slower speed, sometimes it would look connected and I could talk in chatrooms, but downloading anything or viewing internet sites completely failed or get errors doing anything.
Next time you get really slow speeds, do a speedtest, there is an internet site for it, to see if its just steam or you connection itself. If your connection is poor try resetting your modem for a better one. Sometimes that will work, sometimes not, but in the end you likely need your ISP needs to fix the issue. They may be overusing the line or you may have a faulty connection.
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The download speed you have is similiar to what i have sometimes, summer break means i get the best possible connection in my area because people are away in the summer for vacations, etc.
Throughout the year my speed connection is like normal/decent/fast from midnight to around midday. Then gets slower from there on untill 10 pm, which usually ends up with a crappy download speed. My upload speed seems to be stable most of the time, 2.5 Mb/s to 5Mb/s, download speed varies from 1 Mb/s to 50 Mb/s, sometimes i can download things at around 5 MB/s then the speed usually drops after sometimes to like 1 MB/S, then goes back up again.
All of this happens because i live near a train station and the anthena that spreads the signal is on the other side of the line, so connection speed and strength is constantly varying on this side of town, also the largest impact seems to be the amount of people at home in the area i live in, when people return from work to their homes (around 5pm or 6 pm), my connection speed usually drops ALOT, from like ~15 Mb/s to less than 6 Mb/s, then at around 8 pm, my connection drops even further to less than 3 Mb/s, sometimes the connection speed goes way too low, like 0.13 Mb/s. Also it is a satellite based connection, everyone in this area uses satellite packs from operators, because its the only thing that can be used here. So people using their TVs/Phones/Internet in the evening will heavily stress out my connection.
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There's a common download bug where Steam will download just a tiny bit, even if you manually ordered the download, then pause and reschedule for a later moment. Although it usually does get the job done over the course of some hours (assuming the download if running properly should be done in minutes). A workaround that usually works is to switch to big picture mode and launch the download through that. For some reason this usually stops Steam constantly pausing and rescheduling and you get the download in an orderly fashion. It's not 100% fool-proof though, as I've also had the issue persist in big picture mode.
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I have none of these problems over here (except for the resetting download, happened a long time ago). Maybe the issue isn't Steam, but your computer/internet?
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Only you. Get better internet and stop QQ. I have 20ish mb download speed on steam (kinda bad compared to 90-95 on Utorent). So the point is get better internet and all your problems about this are gone!
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steam no longer wants me to shop on regular browser.. i login with the "remember me" checkbox selected, browse around for a few minutes, logged out... repeat over and over.. tried clearing browser out entirely too.. started only in windows browser and linux browser was not effected at first, but now even linux browser is doing the same thing..
not the same issue at all, but is a "steam getting worse" issue.
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it was fine for me until approx. 10-12days ago. since then i cannot keep it logged for even 10mins before it makes me login again. shopping around on the store page can be extremely annoying without being logged in for a comparison to see what i already own or not. and i hate to be picky but i cannot stand shopping around inside the steam client, i feel to restricted without having the multi-tab browser.
and busting out the phone (for steamguard) to login ~5-7x per hour is unacceptable imho
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I've had issues with steam logging me out for no reason for over a year now. No other site does that to me. It's actually got better over the last 2 months.
And yeah, I agree, the steam client is not great for shopping. It's also a lot slower with loading pages than Chrome.
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it does seem to randomly log you out, or if you happen to check the store page while the servers are somewhat on the fritz it least of all appears logged out until the servers calm down and catch up with requests. however this latest issue has been a constant battle for me. i thought at first maybe it was the latest win10 anniversary update somehow, or possibly windows chrome. but it still does the exact same thing for me in linux chrome as well.. chrome did a patch release that coincides with when these issues arrived, but i feel like others would have this same issue as me and i seem to be alone with this exact situation.
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Version 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit) / Windows Chrome
Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit) / Linux Chrome
public notes in case anyone wants to compare
update1 on linux>> facepalm... now it seems to be staying logged in chrome (was just a lucky 15min timeframe), but now i find my steam mobile authenticator wants me to login again, & the steam client made me login again.. i think im going to just deauth all devices, clear all cookies, clear all cache, restart pc and try all of it again.. maybe it will finally start remb devices and logins.
update2 on windows>> well, i tried clearing cookies and cache, deauthorized all devices, resat phone and pc. logged all back in, and in less then 5mins i was already logged out of the store again on chrome browser.. this is a headache that i am beyond sick of dealing with. checking back on linux again..
update3 on linux>> same, still is not keeping me logged either.. i wanna give up so bad, but cant really.... i ignored it for over a week, tried to basic troubleshoot it, tried to advanced troubleshoot it, now completely out of ideas except trying a different browser all together (which i really want to avoid if at all possible)...
update4 / google chrome report an issue>> the following was sent to google to see if they maybe able to fix this issue.
I do not know if my report should go to valve or google, however i undoubtedly know that valve support will not even read what i say, they will simply send me a automated response telling me to try something that is completely unrealated. So I am desperately hoping for help from google on this issue. will not keep me logged in at all even with checking the "Remember me on this computer" checkbox. > will keep me logged in flawlessly, but the storefront for steam will not.
My troubleshooting attempts on both windows and linux:
Version 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit) / Windows Chrome
Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit) / Linux Chromecleared browser history since beginning of time
deauthorized all devices from the steam mobile app and reauthorized them
manually removed the associated cookies and cache
restarted pc
& various combinations of the above repeated in different ordersim not talking about it logging me out after a few days, i mean it does not even keep me logged in for a total of 5minutes most of the time, if im very lucky i might get 10minutes of use before i need to login again.
update5>> am now trying "Version 53.0.2785.70 beta-m (64-bit)"
update6>> over 5hours of success with beta version, which was way more then ive been able to get.. now i would not recommend it for just everyone that has this issue, but if you happen to have the exact same issues i was having at such a dramatic lvl, this so far seems to of solved my problem. lasted a few hours, but not a perma fix... after it logged out, i logged back in and it only lasted mere seconds before i was alrdy logged out again... grrrrrrrrr
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And other people have, myself included:
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Steam is having major server-issues the entire month.
No cloud, no community, no dl, no storefront, allowing me to review games I already reviewed, uploading images I alreayd uploaded...
But I guess getting actual non-crappy servers is bad, rather let their community suffer from the outages which happen pretty much every day now. Browsing community is like Russian Roulette, will their server collapse or not?
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For me, steam client always just crashed when im trying to fullscreen any video in client, doesnt matter frim which source or client page - in store or community or activity. Unlucky. Win 10 x64.
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Getting achievements I didn't earn when I'm not even playing the game.
Happens when I click on the game's title in my library (not installed). Got it 2 times so far.
Today I got an achievement for completing a level I didn't complete, for a game I haven't played in weeks.
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don't worry. i meant to stay in homer form ;)
i like this, but it's not drawn properly. i mean, the homer can be better... i'l find something similar
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and maybe the next one will be Startrek themed still haven't seen Beyond. damn them
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i like the second idea... but i'm with piggy now.
maybe later...
thank you!
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thank you. but as you can see, i've moved past the donut phase ;)
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lol I didn't say anything to not affect your judgement but I find it kind of weird it too =P
Perhaps because we are so used to see him in yellow that sort of biases our perception (or I used a too strong purple)
it reminds me of an aubergine/eggplant =P
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The Zero Byte bug isn't Steam, but rather the developer/publisher of the game having messed something up.
The one that annoys me is the DNS request flood on Linux, which has occasionally occurred on Windows. (
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I get random 0 byte updates for some of my games too. It doesn't bother me very much, it's just kinda annoying.
I do get a really annoying problem, though. Sometimes when I download something, it'll just stop partway through. It'll be stuck at whatever percentage it was at, I've had it happen anywhere from 3% to 100%. I go to my downloads page and it has the graph still moving. The blue lines for network aren't showing up anymore, but the line for disk is. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, but I also haven't looked it up.
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well it happened to me when i was downloading ARK, since my connection is slow (only 4mbps) but unlimited i download games over night, when i woke up i was very happy that only 300mbs are left to download but i was going to office so i shut down my laptop in the meanwhile devs released a new update. When i came back download started from zero, that was the most frustrating thing happened to me on steam.
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163 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Metalhead8489
So it's free weekend with Dead by daylight. I was curious how good/bad it is. I was having 3,6 gb (100mb left) but it was very late so i just off steam and go to bed .
Next day I'm turning on steam, happy to finish downloading (downloaded with 117kb/s - 3,6gb) and then i saw this bug on steam.
It was 0 bytes and i was like "AGAIN?!". Deus ex human revolution and payday 2 cause me the same bug.
P.S. My internet is the weirdest thing in my house. One day ago 117 kb/s downloading, next day 4 mb/s.
Other bug:
I change language of reviews like 2 weeks ago and still steam is showing me my language.
And another:
When I'm in my inventory looking at price of some item it can just disappear! Poof, gone.
Even reload don't work for this.
They are the most annoying things on steam for me so write yours annoying bugs here. Let the rage come out from you!
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