Edit #2: Status updated. The winner never replied so we're going for a reroll.

Hey guys, the winner of a giveaway of mine that ended 2 days ago has a private profile on steam. I can see him online here pretty much every time I check, I wrote in giveaway's page so he will see it, sent to him 3 emails and 2 friend requests on steam which were rejected!

Should I wait for 5 more days or request a new winner? From his SG profile he seems to know how the site works but he doesn't change his profile to public while he know that he won! I think no one cared so far for his profile and they just sent the gifts to him.

Edit: English is not my native language so everyone please accept my apology if you believe I'm being rude in the comments below.

8 years ago*

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Should I wait for 5 more days or request a new winner?

Yes you should 5 more days.

8 years ago*

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Support won't even grant you a re-roll until the full 7 days have passed.

8 years ago

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He still has 5 days left. You must wait.

8 years ago

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Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended.

I think it should work the other way around as well. So he has a week to accept^^ (and online doesnt mean necessary the person is "looking" - i know a lot of people who have 100+ Tabs open in their browser...^^)

8 years ago

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It does work both ways.

Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.

8 years ago

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Thanks for confirming :)
i'm never sure - newbie as i am^^

8 years ago

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his status is frequently changing from offline to online during these 2 days so he is active and doesn't have open tabs.

8 years ago

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was just guessing. :) Just realax. Why the hurry?^^

8 years ago

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He or she may be accessing the site using the mobile app, and unable to activate a game on Steam at the moment.
It's the holiday season, and many people are away from home (and their PC) at this time of year.

8 years ago

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Using his smartphone to access steamgifts means that he's online and he can simply reply to an email telling me what's going on. That's all I ask. So he's ignoring me.

8 years ago

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And he's allowed to ignore you completely. You may think it's rude, but it's not against any rules.

All he's required to do is activate the game within the given 7 day time period and mark the proper feedback.
If he doesn't fulfill those requirements, you can send a ticket for a re-roll.

Be patient.

8 years ago

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Phone access to the forums doesn't mean he has access to his e-mail though. Or at least not easy access.

8 years ago

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his status is frequently changing from offline to online during these 2 days

Mine used to do that all the time due to lousy internet alone, nevermind using SG in a browser with save-last-opened-tabs activated, and not having any time to check it (because you're busy just using browser for google maps or the like, for work/holidays).

8 years ago

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having an open tab just sitting there doesn't actually make you show as online.

8 years ago

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I don't agree with this but it's ok I will wait and compromise with the rules. Either way he is going to my blacklist after we solved this. If he couldn't make contact with me so far he shouldn't be online either.

8 years ago

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This will sound harsh but no one really cares if you agree or not. In a sense you have already agreed to these rules before starting to use this site. I dont see much point in waiting 7 days as well but it is as it is.

8 years ago

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Yes you should wait 7 days until you ask for a new winner.

From my experience with these giveaways (4 out of 400+) the winner probably just let's their autojoin-script run and only checks once a week what games they've farmed.
Be prepared to receive some dumb comments for trying to gift the game.

8 years ago

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Περίμενε να περάσει το εφταήμερο και, αν δε σου έχει απαντήσει, ζήτα να κάνουνε reroll.

8 years ago

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That's how you stop making lvl 0-1 giveaways ¯_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Struggling to decide between this and keep the spirit of giving a chance to everyone to win a gift.

8 years ago

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Yeah =) I decided to make last giveaways open to everyone and regretted... again

8 years ago

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You can be active on the site using smartphones, PCs at work etc., whereas activation is only possible at a home PC. Therefore activity isn't a proof for intentional ignoring.

8 years ago

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Guilty of smartphone at work right now!

8 years ago

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When I first started using the site before we could add keys here I used to email them, however I'd first send a short email asking for a reply to confirm the email address was correct/active before sending another with the key.

OP has also sent emails so regardless of whether or not the winner is capable of activating a key at present they can still be ignoring those mails if they aren't responding. Activity and activation are not the same thing.

Not to mention there are multiple ways to activate keys aside from a PC. You could install Linux on a tablet and then install Steam for key activation on the go. I've actually been considering doing just this for a while now, I just haven't got around to looking for a suitable/cheap tablet. Or you could adapt ASF to work on Android/iOS,which also allows for key activation.

8 years ago

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Of course, I just wanted to point out the activation thing. Didn't want to defend the ignoring of emails.
And thanks for the info regarding ASF, will look into that.

8 years ago

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Theres a possibility he has Archi farming cards, then you look online 24/7 even if you personally are not anywhere near a pc.

8 years ago

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Private profile aside (that's certainly an issue) you should wait. I've had plenty of people take 2-3 days to redeem a gift despite being online here dozens of times. You need to be at a PC to redeem a key and not everyone can get to theirs as frequently as you or I. Of all the times this has happened only once has someone said they wouldn't be able to redeem for a couple days.

Most likely that's the case here. He might know he has a week and doesn't feel the need to reply to you. Of course the courteous thing to do would be to give you a heads up but hey. There's a week of room so maybe he doesn't think it's necessary. I agree with you, he really should have responded, but at this point all you can do is wait.

8 years ago

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You need an 'N' at end of your name. You would then be 'thedogman' which would be way cooler :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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arent private profiles against the rules? request a new wiener.

8 years ago

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No, they're not. Only requirement is to un-private for scan and sync once in a while.

8 years ago

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No, he can keep his profile in private and change it once a week to sync with the site.

8 years ago

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Here are wieners you requested sir

View attached image.
8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Uhh ... you can't just send him the key/gift? Why do you need to contact him first?

8 years ago

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No I can't. I want to make sure he won't sell it or whatever. What you said is against the rules so why are you asking me?

8 years ago

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Asking you why you need to contact him is against the rules?

Can't you check with that Real CV thing if he activated all the previous wins? SGtools ?

8 years ago

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I don't care for his previous wins. At the end it's my gift and I will send it in the way I think is right if I'm not against the rules, don't you think? I won't send in a private profile, he is the one who should care first, not me but hey, I'm here trying for his happiness.

8 years ago

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You are wrong here but thats none of my business

8 years ago

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I'm just saying, if he activated previous wins, he will probably activate yours as well. If he's given away some games, and if he seems like he cares about the site, he will activate it. He won't throw all of it away just so he can sell a single game he won.

8 years ago

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I have this same problem,
winner is online often, but with private profile. i tried sending gift by mail but he doesnt accept, i have no idea how to contact him, and my GA also ended 2 days ago. think we have the same person? lol

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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LOL nice one.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Actually, requesting early is more likely to get the ticket closed early with a snarky (yet justified) comment about waiting, and may lead to future requests being ignored by precident. Opposite of optimization.

8 years ago

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Depends on the premise. The OP (presumably) has a valid reason for requesting the ticket [private profile/library check], and hasn't been able to check that data himself. As such, putting in a ticket at this point is totally the correct response (since the OP can't respectably send out the GA until that clears). If the OP also can't get the game to the (now-proven-valid) winner by week's end, then they can put in a new ticket under that basis.

Flip side, if they start with an invalid basis (such as "no response" within the first week), then yeah, you may be right about the outcome. :P

8 years ago

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Remember to take screenshot of the emails and your friend requests on Steam (in case they are blocked), to proof to support after 7 days, that the winner is "rejecting the gift".

8 years ago

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Already did.

8 years ago

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Then enter a couple of GAs to use your 5 days wisely, until you can request a new winner.

8 years ago

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Thank you sir.

8 years ago

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If his profile is private, you can put in a request to support for a check on his Steam account. Never send gifts without checking SGTools first for inactivated gifts and multiple wins.

8 years ago

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Ignore him harder !

8 years ago

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He may have checked his "win message" before you sent the key. So he's not checking back on that GA because he hasn't seen that the key is now available. Instead of writing on the GA he won, try writing on a GA of his, that way he gets a notification.

8 years ago

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Definitely. I personally only relate SG-stuff to SG itself, so communication attempts outside of SG (without previous notification on SG that they'd be popping up) typically pass by me for several days, before I get concerned that I may have missed something, and make an effort to carefully check everything. Given that, I imagine it's just as easy to get sidetracked by life, and forget to put in that follow-up effort, without the GA creator taking the time to note it as being necessary.

8 years ago

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In a group GA - Waited 9.5 days for a winner to accept (Also involved the mods) and the asswipe didn't even say thanks.

8 years ago

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You always need to wait 1 week. I've been rejecting friend requests recently. He maybe just doesn't want another +1 on the list. He maybe isn't at his PC and is on mobile. People have lives. Just take screenshots and after 1 week request a new winner. Please be patient in the future.

8 years ago

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Dude, it's a key right? You don't have to friend him on Steam to send that. Just put it on the winners page.

8 years ago

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GA creators have the right to send keys however they please (within reasonable channels). We can make our own personal judgments on their approach, but for the most part, GA creators have free reign to approach it in the manner they're most comfortable with- and thus have no obligation to any particular method.

Generally, there are no differences between the methods (of Steam, e-mail, or SG)- however, if you give a key directly in Steam, you can verify that the user either activated it immediately or (claimed) that the key didn't work. So it does remove the risk of hoarding the key for future sale or trade; As such, it's a reasonably popular approach for SG GA creators, by my experience.

So, as the GA creator stated, "at the end it's [their] gift and [they] will send it in the way [they] think is right".

8 years ago

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People are (rather understandably, given your phrasing) misunderstanding the context, so you should probably rephrase your OP, to avoid getting needless negative responses. For private profiles, you certainly can attempt to contact the winner immediately, but if can't get a hold of them (or want to avoid the hassle), put in a reroll ticket and ask support to check their library for you (as SG keeps a record of their library from previous account syncs).

You are correct in your right to contact them within the first 7 days to make sure they're a valid recipient, but you are never in the clear to harass someone, regardless of context. If at first you don't succeed [and before anything, always try to contact through SG, most of us don't necessarily check our e-mails, or as I'll note below, utilize Steam the way you expect. Likewise, that serves as first contact proof for SG support, which can be useful in expediting a no-response reroll] then just contact support to help facilitate the giveaway.

I can see him online here pretty much every time I check

Perhaps the user is on mobile, and can't check Steam.

sent to him 3 emails and 2 friend requests on steam which were rejected!

How do you know friend requests on Steam were rejected? There should be no indication either way as to if you're blocked or your previous request simply hasn't been answered yet. And lay off the e-mails- they either got it, or it's just hitting spam filter, so more attempts don't matter. Your e-mail provider will send you a message if the e-mail bounced.

Should I wait for 5 more days or request a new winner?

You should most certainly contact staff with a reroll request, just to keep them apprised of the situation. You cannot, however, ask for a no-response reroll until 7 days have passed from your first contact attempt.

From his SG profile he seems to know how the site works but he doesn't change his profile to public while he know that he won (wtf). I think no one cared so far for his profile and they just sent the gifts to him.

I'll give you this one. While some users are cognizant of what an inconvenience private accounts are on SG, and try their best to be respectful with it, the majority do seem to be.. well, the sort you'd expect to willingly cause inconvenience to others. That said, many private users prefer friend adds over profile setting changes (as that rather negates the entire purpose of having it private in the first place).

PS. He is online right now.

If you mean SG, I addressed that above; If you mean Steam, that could be a slew of things, from family members to idling to leaving it up permanently with their internet flickering on and off.

his status is frequently changing from offline to online during these 2 days so he is active and doesn't have open tabs.
If he couldn't make contact with me so far he shouldn't be online either.

These types of comments make you out to be the problem in the interaction, since (as noted by myself and others) there are plenty of reasons for such situations to occur. It's never a good idea to make too-strong assumptions based on such things. As noted, users do have a right to not be harassed, and we never truly know their circumstances. Making harsh assumption-based comments like that are only going to cause people to (rightfully) view you as having a needlessly negative attitude.

I'm personally thankful that you're taking the effort to check a user's validity before sending a game, for the good of the site's health; but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be respectful about it, in the manner you'd hope your winner would be respectful to you. :)

8 years ago*

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I agree in most of them and I said I will wait sir. Never thought of request a reroll before I ask you here. You all made it clear to me so thank you. I think it's my right to send a gift with my way but as I can see most of the people criticize me for negative attitude. Well, that kinda sucks.

8 years ago

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You're coming across somewhat rudely, but otherwise, I'm totally in agreement to your rights in the matter [given that they're not abusive, exploitative, or against site rules]. I'm glad I was able to help- though you really should change your OP, so as to not keep giving people the wrong impression; We're too used to more problematic reasons behind threads like these, and many will blacklist you without reading too deeply into it (and even if they do, it's apparent that people are misunderstanding to begin with).

(Oh, and you can close a thread at any time by clicking the 'Open' in the top right of the thread.)

8 years ago

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English is not my native language so everyone please accept my apology if I'm being rude or showing a bad behavior.

8 years ago

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I thought you could tell if someone rejects your friend request if the Invitation in your Friend List disappears (if you pay attention). Someone got mad at me about this before, so I'm sure it's the same thing.

8 years ago

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Let's test it by you ignoring me. :P

That aside, you can resend if they simply ignored you, but I've been under the impression that if they blocked you there shouldn't be any way of telling the difference between that and them just not responding at all.

8 years ago

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I rejected it. Then I blocked you because of your typical "block message period", but I see it wasn't so random now.

8 years ago

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I didn't notice any notification whatsoever about my invite, anywhere, either before or after the block. :P
Invite recipients seem to be the only ones to get the pending invites listing.

8 years ago

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Yes, but doesn't the Invitation disappear from your Friend List? I think that's the only way to tell if someone ignored your Friend Request.

edit: I guess it stays.. but I thought it would disappear.

8 years ago

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I never had it appear on my friends list (or chat), though? I only still just showed (recieved invites). :/

Well, feel free to reverse the test, if you'd like. (Screenshot if you get a notification, so I know where to look/what it looks like. :) )

8 years ago

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ah, well there's no need. I just thought this at the bottom would stop showing up

p.s. this guy has ignored me for 4 days :(

View attached image.
8 years ago

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That's odd, I never got that on my list. Mighta simply not have updated onto it, or something?
Then again, Steam chat has been buggy for me ever since the Halloween update year before this one, so it could just be something specific to that.

8 years ago

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I have 'Show Online Friends Only' unchecked.

8 years ago

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Likewise. :X

8 years ago

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Winner doesn't want his game.

8 years ago

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Winner never does. :/

8 years ago

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Wait 7 days (as per the rules), then contact the SG support and let them re-roll the giveaway.

8 years ago

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In occasions when i need to deliver myself, I usually follow a very simple checklist:

  1. I'm contacting the winner right away in every possible way: email, friend-request and a note on his profile, informing him that he's won and i'm available for the delivery here, there and there. (On this step, i might take some screenshots, depending on the winner's level and his steam profile longevity).

  2. I wait patiently, i restrain myselft from searching him elsewhere or checking his status. All these actions don't really matter to him cause he's either far away, really busy with something more serious, or a total dumbass. Now while saying that, taking a screenshot or two prooving his online presence during the days, is simple, painless and very recommended. Other than that is just a waste of energy.

  3. On the 5th day, i send the same invitation and the same email back to the winner. Again, i wait patiently until he contacts me. If he's still a ghost on the 7th day, then ask for a reroll and blacklist his dumbassy highness. No need to worry too much for a game key though. ;)

Tip: level up your more special giveaways. ;)

8 years ago

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Exactly my plan even before I create this topic (which is something I regret, given the responses).

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by p4n0s86.