Its a free game you are not allowed to make GA's for free games
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Thanks... I still have them filed under shifty from when they were doing all those raffles that always ended up here on SG but this looks like a rather nice game for a freebie.
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Someone forgot to announce this one.
Does anyone know where the keys came from?
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it's not that someone forgot to announce it, it's that such promos can no longer be announced on SteamGifts. As orlygift GAs use things like "follow XYZ on twitter", "vote for this greenlight game", "like this FB page" etc in their GAs they are against SG guidelines explained here: and can no longer be posted (same as gleam GAs, GAs etc). You gotta to switch to reddit to look for these freebies now.
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Would it be a problem if we continued doing it without providing the actual link? Not the greatest move, to exploit it now not that many people care about reddit
EDIT: in any case, i dont usually care about Orlygift, thats a must avoid for me, so nothing lost
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yes it would be a problem, the only way you'df do it this way would be to cheat the rules and it's still punishable. It's the same as other ways to "cheat" the rules - like "I was not begging just asking id=f someone has a free game for me", "I didn't falsely call him out, I just said that if someone want to find all his info I posted it on my Steam profile", "I didn't make a fake GA, I intended to delete it b4 it ends" and so on. With your solution the rule would be pointless - anyone willing to farm refferal links out of these GAs (that was main purpose of this rule change - to fight ref farming of SG users that happened outside of SG) would simply say "hey, I can't give you link because it's fiull of referrals, but you can see this link on my steam profile".
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Seems like the rules are still too fresh.
People are still sharing Tremor Games freebies, which includes performing an action like, a survey or a task.
Not to mention it is a site that encourages referrals.
It's not being exploited right now, but supposedly it should be against the rules.
I guess, it was more important to stop sites where you perform actions for one certain individual
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it's not too fresh - at least not about orlygift which was used as an example here. Support themselves in this topic informed that orlygift with their current GA format are no longer acceptable to be advertised on SG. You can check it in this very topic I linked few comments above.
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Pretty sure that this rule will have negative impact (less traffic) for SteamGifts. One of the reasons I visit this site was to be informed about promotional freebies and have all useful infomation in one place. I don't use Reddit and I don't intend to start using it now.
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too bad for you then. But cg was clear - he does not want site to be used for monetization via reflinks or social medias, even if it means less GAs. If sole reason for someone to visit SG was to gather information about such freebies - maybe it's not the best place for him. I'm pretty sure most of people will still keep visiting, if only for SG-hosted GAs themselves so I don't see any serious negative impact it may have.
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SG hosted GAs themselves... you mean the promoted ones from cg ?
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no, I mean SG-hosted so GAs that you see on SG, all kinds of GAs, from public, through group/wl to forum private ones. I don't think a lot of people will stop visiting SG just because SG no longer allows to post about promos involving reflinks and Social Media farming. Because for vast majority of people they were not a main reason they visit SG. Maybe for some they were a nice addition (while for other opposite because of hidden reflinking), but even without them they will still keep visiting SG for other reasons, so there will not be negative impact.
To give anoter example - a lot of people enjoyed trolling konrad on all his drama QQ threads, so when konrad got permabanned they lost something on forums they enjoyed. But does it mean site will receive less traffic? No, because while for some these topics may have been a nice addition, for noone were they only or extremely important main reason to visit website.
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I doubt many people will stop using the site completly but the frequency of their visits will certainly go down.
You probably see that different with 2k wins but there are a lots of games I wouldn't soil my ratio with (like most Dev GAs) but I'll gladly take them for free.
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You are a good person. My inner jerk and my inner ass were still debating if I should tell him or go the "You gotta know the right people" route :D
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Why i cant make GA with this game "EVO EXPLORES", but he can
Idk mb im slowpock or some else,ty
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