Do you also have fever, aches, fatigue and weakness? Then it's probably influenza which is seasonal from december to march. You can get some antiviral treatment like oseltamivir.
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Depending where you live, you might have access to some cold/flu pills without prescription. Here I have one that is a combination of paracetamol, pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan, which together work against headache, fever, runny nose, and cough. If I don't get better in a week, then I decide to go to the doctor in case it's something more serious. I'm not a big fan of going to the doctor with the most simple matters either, and usually I can solve cold/flu myself if I just act soon enough. Still, it depends how you feel (and mainly if you have fever), as I'd never neglect something more important hoping that I know better what it is, usually you can tell if it's something less or more serious depending how you feel.
Rest helps with everything and is a good idea.
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There are so many viruses scientists creating for us every day... And once per year I "try" a new one on myself
So I'd suggest to visit a doctor.
ANd thanks for GA's
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(Oops. I got it backwards, thanks for pointing it out. Deleted it orz)
Best to see a doctor so you know what's best to recover quickly.
Either way though, drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Hope you recover quickly.
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As others pointed out, antibiotics fight bacteria.
But also, if your case of the flu isn't extremely serious, then it's not a good idea to fight it with antibiotics but instead fight it with plenty of rest, fluids and other natural remedies. Antibiotics are fighting against bacteria, including the good bacteria in you. You're basically using napalm in a forest just to kill weeds. Not to mention the overuse of antibiotics, which has led us to a state where bacteria's become quite resistant to current antibiotics, which just contributes to unnecessary death among those that aren't as strong as the average person and who actually needed the antibiotics to work.
That said, if the case is truly serious, then consult your doctor and see if he'll prescribe you anything.
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My bad, thanks for the heads up 👍
I should really reread up on these one day. My memory is bad : c
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Get yourself some warm tea, rest and do some things that wont need much thinking (watching TV might work cuz time goes fast this way and you might forget about your aches for some time:D!), but indeed if it doesnt get better that way better see a doctor. Hopefully you get well soon:D!
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I'm sick as well :S
Just rest and get well soon, maybe play some videogames if your head doesn't hurt much :D
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Depends on your symptoms. In any case, get some liquids in you and eat if you're not actively vomiting, even if you don't have the appetite for it. Some chicken noodle soup is good since it's basically a combination of hot liquids from the broth, carbs from the noodles, protein from the chicken and necessary vitamins from the vegetables.
Rest a lot, stay away from screens since they cause pressure in your eyes and can cause headaches.
If you're vomiting, make sure that the toilet bowl's ready for you to just rush in, meaning you should keep the toilet seat up, the bathroom door opened and for your own convenience, if you have cold or hard floors, some towels on the ground for comfort. If you have speakers, feel free to play something comforting for yourself through them. Personally, I put on a happier, less serious and a more simple type of podcast.
Hope you're not feeling too bad. Sometimes your body can feel like you're about to get sick but then wake up to you feeling completely fine.
Good luck with it :)
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^ This.
Whatever is bothering you, fevers are serious and can kill you. If you have a substantial fever, see a doctor at the earliest opportunity. Even if it turns out to be "nothing serious," you will have taken precautions.
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I sincerely appreciate all of the well wishing.
I've been reading a bit to better differentiate between the flu and cold. I'm becoming more convinced it's just a bad cold (I found the same chart Mironis posted).
I'll muddle through today and I think if it's worse I'll go in the morning tomorrow.
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I know this guy who just before Christmas (the last one) had bronchial pain, he was on vacation and he was a few days away from retirement.
Everyone told him to go to the doctor so he could be in good shape at Christmas, but no, he just said the same thing as you, it'll pass, it's just a little bronchitis.
At Christmas he was unable to attend the family meal as he wished and went to bed very early.
On the morning of December 27, his brother found him dead at the foot of his bed... it wasn't the bronchial tubes but he was actually having a heart attack.
True story. Now it's up to you to decide;)
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When I see symptoms of cold, all I do is taking a Becozinc tablet 3 times a day and take rest until symptoms disappear.
I believe it helps strengthen the immune system and avoid the symptoms develop.
I have a long history with vitamins helping me avoid antiboitics and doctors altogether.
Get well soon.
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Going to the doctor is only necessary if you have a high fever for a few days, or if you get real weird symptoms. Its normal to be sick for a few days and feel it for a week or two. I'd suggest avoiding antibiotics and just taking the time to rest and recover (if your job/school/whatever allows it :) So get well soon!
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The doctor will likely check for Strep Throat, to rule that out (or treat it if needed). Otherwise, treatment for cold and flu is pretty similar - rest, hydrate, and take a painkiller / fever reducer like Tylenol if needed.
Oh, and get the flu shot if you haven't yet, and it's an option. It may not keep you from getting the flu, but it will help, and will also greatly reduce your symptoms if you do get it. Having had the flu last year and also later a flu-like virus that had all the symptoms of the flu but wasn't the flu, I feel your pain.
Hope you feel better soon!
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We are in the same boat, having "fun" with flu and/or cold here too.
No need to go to a doctor unless you are running a high fever for several days.
otherwise: rest, hydrate, vitamin c and if needed a painkiller.
oohh.....and pamper yourself, or let yourself get pampered! ;-)
Now wait.....did you infect me over the net!? ;-)
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I'm at home today feeling like absolute shit and I'm thinking it might be the flu.
People keep telling me to go to the doctor, but I didn't think there was anything they could really do for you other than say stay hydrated and get rest.
Iunno.... what do you guys think?
Oh, yeah, here are some gibs from that Fanatical thing because I'm stupid and spend money I don't have. Shrug
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