How sad are you
+1; though I find streaming easier in times when you don't have time to download torrent.
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ever heard of adblock plus?
and buffering? sorry, but i don't know what crappy sites you've used to stream but i never get any buffering even at 1080p^^
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Not everyone has the same internet speed you do and have you ever heard of Adblock? It takes less time for it to buffer for me than you have to download the torrent, so I am fine with that.
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Where the hell you read that? I live in Canada and I can say that is absolutely false. You will not go to jail for downloading content from the internet (though you'll be open to civil suits if the copyright holder ever finds out) and there is no fine.
You can be throttled though if they suspect you are using torrents.
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The japanese government is supposedly closing anime sites, it's not the only site that got closed :'(
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Never heard of that site posted by OP, and about the japanese goverment closing anime sites, they basically say:
Dear all of those who love Manga & Anime
Thank you
For loving our works.
Thank you for supporting us.
Thank you for wanting us.
We owe you what we are today.
You have defended the future of Manga & Anime.
Thank you
Stop! Piracy (aka go fuck yourself)
Thank you for watching and loving anime, only thanks to this free anime sites ppl could watch anime in other countries, since most anime don't even has official translation or dubs/voice overs, so there is not other way to watch it (unless you wanna buy it and watch in Japanese understanding nothing), thanks to you and these sites anime is that popular, Thank you, and now....go fuck yourself.
Anyways don't seems they are shutting down everything.
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Animefreak is on that list D:. Would have never started watching anime if it wasn't for them :/.
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Hahhahhha when i saw "Youtube" at anime hosts i laughed so much... Then i realized i'm a moron and they are just going to copyright every anime episode/video they find XD. Woah there is even a Bulgarian site O_o I guess it's a real threat to them XD.
I can't wait to see how they "close" all of the big sites like Nyaa and MangaFox.
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I download/stream all my anime from [Removed Link, PM me if you missed it]
I've only recently got into anime, but that site seems to have everything there xD
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I'm glad you told me, the thought didn't cross my mind :/ Link 'removed' :P
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I watch mostly animes in Russian with dubs(but good dubs) or hardly ever in English if the dubs are better there, in Russia the main sites that translate and voice over anime, always delete animes that got official voice over to avoid problems, they only keep the ones that have no official voice overs in Russia, also here in Spain ppl who watch animes mostly have a mentally of "you should watch animes only with subtitles" which I don't share, and here animes sites are very poor, they mostly provide you only subbed animes and lots of low resolution anime, so that's why I watch it in Russian since there this is a way more bigger.
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are you kidding me? O_o
i would prefer anime in klingon instead of that horrific imagination of a russian dubbed anime o_O
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well, cute anime scenes dubbed in a language where a wedding proposal sounds like a murder threat?
not really the stuff i like
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First time seeing someone to who Russian sounds that bad, I may understand something similar with German language, for example comparing Spanish to Russian and German, then Spanish sounds very light, then Russian sounds just loud and tough, and German even more tough but not that loud, German language has a lot of consonants together in words and this makes it sound tough, Russian has a lot too, but not that much.
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Also If you watch anime, I want you to see one thing, this woman dubs in Russian really good, she even sings the fan songs of openings or endings of animes, here is her YouTube channel, click , I'm linking it, so you can just compare the Russian version to the English version or to the German version, since you are German, and say me how it sounds to you, if you didn't watch any anime of that openings or endings, then you can watch this Portal song in Russian fan version, I'm pretty sure everyone know these songs in English.
But maybe you mean male voices, well everyone has different voices, there may be ppl who have very strong voice, it's not uncommon in Russia, but still German sounds to me similar to like you said about Russian xd.
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sorry, i spoke mostly about the russian males voices, yes >_<
but i usually watch anime only subbed and no dubbed versions because it all doesn't sound right to me^^
and i am german, yes, but english is ma fav language even if i'm not speaking it that good ;-)
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I don't know the site. so I am not sad. Most of the time streaming sites are shit. I don't have the any problem even if they kill all sites. But I want an alternative like Netflix, where I can watch Anime with great subtitles. Crunchyroll maybe has future, however the subtitles are crap. Crunchyroll also lacks content.
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Now you have more time to get out in the real world and meet real people who might also like anime so thank the Japs for your new social skills.
I am being sarcastic just for those who do not understand it. :)
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lol, they even listed youtube as a target, seriously? rofl XD
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So... they take down streaming which offers worldwide interest due to fansubs, fandubs and such, and restrict purely to raw language paid streaming sites, or extremely limited "official" subs (e.g Sailor Moon Crystal) which in the long run nets them next to nothing ...
Sounds like a shot in the foot to me. :D
I could somewhat understand Manga. It still gets translated and stuff, but when uploaded that's potentially far less copies purchased by native readers. You don't purchase anime though, you "purchase" a TV package, which has nothing to do with the government other than Tax.
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Agreed, used to stream stuff on my laptop and public wifi but after moving on to 24" and 1080p i cant watch anything under 720p and even that doesn't cut it with really good shows.
I've yet to see a streaming site that offers anywhere near the same quality as a decent 720/1080p torrented encode..
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i mean , i have my TV connected to the PC and its literally imposible , even with the rdiiculously good internet that i have , to watch 1080p streams ... like it just doesnt work.
720p with spikes is the best ive ever got ...
I know that most of the shows would be fine even in 720 , but yet again i like watching the stuff in the highest quality possible , when i can do so ... and not being forced to be limited by streaming services capacity ... and not being able to stream anything above 480p properly .
Not to mention we are in a day and age where 4k is soon to be a thing ...
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Watch Japanese gov closing anime streaming sites
The guy who came up with the idea is definitely not watching anime. Cause if he did he would know that you simply cannot stop the anime fans from watching the episodes of their fav series.
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