you can pirate it and see how much shit the game is
Although its fun to play with friends, it's not too hard to convince them to pirate it aswell and use hamachi to multiplayer
The first one it's pretty ok tho, but it's the same story
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To claim there's NOTHING wrong with pirating in those cases is... questionable.
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No, I got that. And to say there's absolutely nothing wrong there is questionable, because it's still an illegal act, whether or not you plan on buying the game or whether you can't get the game through any other medium. I agree that it's a far lesser evil, but it's still.. risky, since, theoretically, you could get in legal trouble for doing it. Unlikely that'll ever happen, but still theoretically possible.
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Piracy is intellectual theft. It's "borrowing the game" you didn't fucking pay for it, so why should you be able to try it? Also, if you use the library example of getting to use it but not owning it, just remember there is only one physical copy, not infinity.
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Are you arguing with me or him? Because I mostly agree with you and haven't said anything to the contrary, yet you replied to me... If you meant to respond to him, then cheers!
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We're all allowed to have opinions and then voice them. One could certainly respond to your comment here with the exact same comment.
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Nope, let me go get the peanut butter. leaves returns tosses peanut butter at you
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I personally loved it. It can sometimes be a grind.... but with a mixture of a solid shooter, a gun hording RGP, and the best written dirty saturday morning cartoon. It's well worth it.
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This guy took the words right from my mind.
I played all 3, 1 was enjoyable, 2 was also enjoyable (dlc's might be trashy for you, just a fyi), pre-sequel, it was fun in the beginning but i got to admit, this game... ugh, so freaking boring! I bought it day 1, don't think i have gotten past level 20 in both of my characters (yes, i started a new character to try out the season pass dlc character in hopes it was better, and it wasn't).
If you like what you see, i shall give you my thumbs up and you should totally give the game a chance.
PS: Avoid online playing when you see weird stuff occur, alot of hacking runs about in borderlands games.
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Honestly, I played about a few hours, 4 or so, of it and I have no idea what it is about it that I HATE. I have no idea. In those few hours of playing it felt extremely padded and an overall clusterfuck. It felt like a bullethell FPS.
For those wondering, I got the first outside area where you get a vehicle for the first time. For some reason, the controls for the driving felt extremely sensitive. I swear the vehicle kept on spinning out. Unbearable.
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You steer with your mouse. You drive toward what you're looking at. It's the most simple driving you can imagine
Edit: I really did enjoy this game very much. Great humor, and some dark humor too. Play it with friends, that's much more fun.
The DLC's are fun extra if you enjoy the game, one DLC is absolutely genius and that's Dragon's Keep.
Edit 2: Borderlands 2. Borderlands 1 was too old a game, i played it after 2 so I guess i was spoiled (better UI and voice story teller).
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Then clearly there's a problem with the game because there's no problems with my mouse or my skill.
EDIT : Even then, I was actually playing on the PS3, which is easier to control.
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I quite enjoyed it, been playing coop with my fiancee. It's fun. I'm not sure I'd suggest it solo though.
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It's somewhat okay. I think it's a hit or miss. If you don't like it, you'll probably hate it.
I personally was extremely disappointed after all the good I had heard of it. It's a level grinding RPG-like first person shooter set in a cel shaded world.
It's probably much better to play with friends in co-op, but like I said, it's pretty much a matter of taste. You'll either love it or hate it.
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I found it fun, but I play it as a normal (humorous) FPS, not as the bizarre, play-it-through-twelve-times-to-get-the-absolute-best-gear, spreadsheet farmfest that everybody else seems to. If I wanted to play a game that felt like a job, I'd re-subscribe to WoW.
The humor leans more toward the "HAHA, POOP FART. WOW A SPORK, SO RANDOM LOL" end of the spectrum but is (to me, anyway) nonetheless enjoyable, although Mr. Torgue took the whole thing a little too far, IMO.
Basically, if you liked Borderlands, you'll like Borderlands 2: it's the same basic premise, but with the UI and gameplay polished and modernized. One caveat: the guns "felt" a lot better in the original - expect a lot of really underwhelming drops this time around and make liberal use of golden keys as needed.
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Yes you should. Have played 1 and 2 solo and they were great stories!
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I played the first with 3 friends, realized it was absolutely terrible (being a giant fetching quests fest with a stupid story and bad gameplay), then heard the sequel was actually worse in all possible ways. That's as far as my feedback goes. I don't get why this series is so popular.
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Really fun game with interesting pixel-shaded cartoonish graphics, a really funny story with bat-shit insane characters and, of course...lots of GUNS. Organized in a nice Diablo-like loot system of colors: white for common, green for enhanced, blue for rare or unique, purple for ultra-rare, orange for legendary, pink for special seraph weapons and teal for special perlescent weapons. It also has a class-based RPG system, also similar to H&S games, but with only one active ability for each class and a but-load of passives organized in 3 skill-trees for each. It's a good game in single-player, but it's tons more fun when you pay it with friends (but as we all know, EVERYTHING is better when played with friends). it's also got that post--apocalyptic wasteland feel to it, which you see in games like Fallout 3, Bulletstorm or Rage. All in all, it's an experience that is really worth it.
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I didnt liked BL1, cause when i kill mobs i dont want them to respawn in a single player game...
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