Any good settings for IdleMaster?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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uninstalled :D

7 years ago

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why? its a great program, if u have single account.

I asked this before, why everytime someone make a thread about Idlemaster, people run here to make comments "Uninstall", "Use ASF" and others. Not to help OP, just promote another program. And don't tell me ASF is better - i used both programs ¯ \\ (ツ) / ¯

7 years ago*

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I paid them all to promote a free software I don't make a buck from :3

And no, even for single account ASF is much better, considering all the quirks ASF is aware of, not idling refundable games for instance, which is super neat.

7 years ago

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i knew it ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

I'm talking about my experience. If u have single account - asf is not better than idlemaster

7 years ago*

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If u have single account - asf is not better than idlemaster

There is a personal subjectiv opinion which is based on the functions you personally use and the problems you encounter or did not encounter at the time of usage (e.g. random steamfuckups). Here you are entitled to your own opinion.

Then there is a objective opinion based on facts, features and stability (including handling of steamfuckups you MIGHT encounter, etc.). Here ASF is clearly better. Only the setup is more complicated.

So please do not complain, if people state an objective fact, because your (most likely limited) personal experience did not show any advantages.

7 years ago

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ppl didn't state anything, ppl rush to spam with useless "Use ASF" comments, thats all. And i'm "complaining" only about toxic community ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Also this

7 years ago

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I asked this before, why everytime someone make a thread about Idlemaster, people run here to make comments "Uninstall", "Use ASF" and others. Not to help OP, just promote another program.

I answered that question. ASF IS (objectivley) better than IM. Your are literally saying, that notepad ist better than word or paint is better than photoshop.
Less complicated? Probably. Better? No.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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lol, i dont want config! Did u read my reply?
I used both programs. I have ASF installed on my PC as well as IdleMaster. In my personal experience, Idlemaster is better. Thats all.
And i don't want discuss about it anymore, sorry ¯ \\ (ツ) / ¯

7 years ago

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I've used both. I find Idle Master faster if you have ~100 games to idle. I will idle 30 at once, once all 30 games have 30 minutes of play time, I open/close them and get 30 cards.

Surprised neither of these programs have utilized this change over a year later as the default. It's irrelevant if you have 1 game idling or 30 idling at once.

7 years ago

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you do make money from tips tho, just not fee for service

7 years ago

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Archi is honoured SG member and we don't know who is Idlemaster's creator :-P

7 years ago

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not everything in the world revolves around steamgifts.
Registered Users on steamgifts - 1 million, Active users - 50 000 - 60 000
Active users on steam >10 millions daily 💮

7 years ago

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Idlemaster's creator is jshackles, mostly known for Enhanced Steam.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Idlemaster stopped working for me 6months ago and so I switched and even liked ASF more in the end...

7 years ago

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if u can't config some program - its a bad reason to promote someone to uninstall this program

7 years ago

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Configuration of the program has nothing to do with people being constantly told to fix it through clearing appdata, cookies, and similar.

7 years ago

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Probably you didn't have the latest version.

7 years ago

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Considering it hasn't gotten an update for over a year...unlikely :D
And well the fixes from the grouppost didn't work, I gave ASF a try and didn't look back^^

7 years ago

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Can't remember when it had the last update, it stopped working for me, and then updated to what was then the latest update and it worked again.

To each their own.

7 years ago

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Me too and I guarantee it was less than a year ago

7 years ago

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IM has received a couple of fixes when the creator has deemed them "easy" but support for it has also been discontinued.

7 years ago

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ASF......... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Idle Master.

7 years ago

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ASF is love


*Ad non paid by ArchiSteamFarm

7 years ago

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Idle each game individually if i recall right it goes a little bit faster, also as a personal preference idle first the more valuable trading cards.

Let's hope someone gives a useful response and not the generic ''use ASF'' comments

7 years ago

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Of course, the tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body!

An useful response. For everything else use ASF.

*Ad non paid by ArchiSteamFarm

7 years ago

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Surprisingly the strongest muscles are in the head/face area, tongue included, it always seemed interesting to me so, thanks :D

7 years ago

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As you can read in the ASF wiki Idling the games individually is good if you have unrestricted carddrops, i.e. cards start dropping after 20-120min playtime (game dependend).

If you have restricted carddrops (first card only drops after 2hours) then idling individually is a waste of time. And these accounts are literally the only reason why idling games together exists in the first place.

7 years ago

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I can only talk about my own experience, but I always idle them together as this is mostly way faster
if you somehow pause the program card drops for all idled games at the same time
at least it was like this the last time I looked

7 years ago

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This are (most likely) unwanted and undocumented bugs that can or cannot happen.

7 years ago

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Look for Tzaars post a few replies down, he tells the same thing

7 years ago

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Not really. It's up to you to choose what you prefer.
Also people saying "switch to ASF" are fucking ridiculous. If you can't fucking help OP with his question, don't reply at all.

7 years ago

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I want to see a thread in which OP asks how to commit suicide and you replying in the same way.

If you can't fucking help OP with his question, don't reply at all.

7 years ago

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That's a ridiculous comparison.

7 years ago

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No, that's suggesting actual solution to the problem instead of answering the question inside it. The proper answer to "which drugs should I take" is "don't take drugs". If somebody asks which bicycle he should buy for swimming across a river, you should suggest buying a boat instead.

And this thread is no different. If somebody is asking how to use thing X to achieve goal Y, then it's a normal thing that people suggest using thing Z which achieves the same goal Y, but in much better way.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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If you can't fucking help OP with his question, don't reply at all.

7 years ago

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I'm not talking about the action of suggesting using ASF. It's the general attitude of the community not even offering the option, but rather pushing ASF down OP's throat without addressing the actual question. ASF is a good software and definitely better than IM, but what if OP doesn't want to use ASF in the first place? At least put some effort in your answer to provide information why ASF is better.

It's just a matter of not being a dick when replying to someone's thread.

7 years ago

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but what if OP doesn't want to use ASF in the first place

If that was a case and explicitly included in the original message then I'd be happy to join your side and tell all people suggesting ASF to read the damn OP. But it's not the case, so you shouldn't assume it is and based on that false assumption tell people what they should do instead.

7 years ago

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Read the first 5 replies and tell me they're being helpful to OP. None of them even explain what "ASF" means.

7 years ago

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They answer the asked question, regardless how helpful or unhelpful you consider them. They contribute much more to the discussion than your own reply if you want to be pedantic.

7 years ago

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They answer the asked question

"Any good settings for IdleMaster?"

"uninstalled :D"
"ASF......... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Idle Master."
"ASF is love"

Sure. Okay. Definitely answering OP's question, and definitely not being an elitist prick.
Anyways, I know arguing with you is a waste of time since you won't change your mind, especially not when I'm involved.

7 years ago

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"Any painless ways to kill myself??"

"don't kill yourself"
"think about family"
"we're here to help you"
"it's the biggest gift you got"
"please don't do this"

Sure. Okay. Definitely answering OP's question, and definitely not being an elitist pro-life prick.

Anyways, I know arguing with you is a waste of time since you won't change your mind, especially not when I'm involved.

You're wrong jbondo, and you know that perfectly well when I can scientifically prove that you are. Answer to the question has no premise or condition of being helpful. It can be helpful, or it can be not. Only because you see it as unhelpful elitist response doesn't mean that other people share your view.

woah I use idlemaster too and I didn't know about ASF, thank god you guys mention it.

Now convince me how unhelpful those responses were and how they didn't answer the question. No need to hurry, you can use your entire brain power for the next response. I'll be happy to prove holes in your logic.

7 years ago

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Now convince me how unhelpful those responses were and how they didn't answer the question. No need to hurry, you can use your entire brain power for the next response. I'll be happy to prove holes in your logic.

You know jbondguy007 said:

Read the first 5 replies and tell me they're being helpful to OP.

It is not OP thanking anyone for those answers.

7 years ago

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It is not OP thanking anyone for those answers.

It's also not OP being salty about people suggesting him to use ASF. Only SJWs that have nothing to do with the thread.

7 years ago

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I don't know why you keep coming back to the argument that asking how to kill yourself is even remotely similar to asking how to use a software. I get what you're trying to say, but it's a fucking ridiculous comparison - Both ASF and IM are idling software that function as intended, albeit IM being far inferior. That's hardly even close to someone saying they want to kill themselves. The fact that you imply using IM is an absolutely unacceptable option (comparing it to killing yourself) just proves my point. You're completely ignoring my argument that the first replies are not answering OP's question seriously by comparing the current situation to an extreme situation that calls for an entirely different approach.

Honestly, I don't think you understood what I originally meant (I was unclear in my first post) so I'll summarize in one reply;

It's perfectly fine to suggest ASF. I also recommend ASF over IM, as there's no reason you should use IM unless you're too dumb to setup ASF properly. It's a fact that the first few replies to this thread are being elitist/trolling/dicks (if you can't see that, then there's nothing I can do to help you understand my point of view). My problem is not with suggesting ASF - I encourage it. My problem is with the attitude of the community when it comes to these threads because they do what is absolute bullshit in lots of online communities - being an elitist prick who doesn't really want to help the OP, but instead just boast about how the software they use is superior (not quite the situation here, but I'm simplifying for the sake of argument).

I totally get that ASF is your thing and you really want people to appreciate it instead of struggling with shit software, and I agree. But no matter what the topic is, there's no excuse for being toxic in your replies when participating in a discussion. I'd have the exact same opinion/reaction if it were for anything else (GPU comparison, games, movies, etc) - one/couple of word(s) replies about something being superior to another don't contribute to the quality of the forum.

If you disagree, that's your choice. My complaint was personal opinion, because forum users being toxic is bullshit to me, but maybe you feel fine with that, and that's fine - everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I just hope you won't take it personally.

7 years ago

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I'm too logical to take any response personally. I even told you that a while ago on our chat - if you called me an idiot, I wouldn't take the offense, since you'd have actually no clue what you've just said :3.

You switched from those comments being an answer to the question to the actual style in which they're written in. And now once you made that switch I'm very happy to say that I share your opinion, since people actually should write a bit more what they're suggesting, why they're suggeting it and how it's supposed to help. One-worded responses could indeed look like people boasting about themselves and stuff they're using, which is seen as unwanted not only by you, but by me as well and you have my full support on this.

At the same time those are still answers to the actual question that involves particular goal. They might seem as toxic and elitist, and could be written much better, but they're still answers. Your original response included "if you can't help", which is wrong. They did help. If you instead wrote "if you can't help in civilized way", then we wouldn't have that discussion :3.

7 years ago

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I still don't believe they are actual answers to OPs original question, as OP never asked "what's a better/alternative software than IdleMaster" - So no, in no way does it answer the question (but then again, that depends on your definition of "answer"). However, I do agree recommending ASF would indirectly attempt to help OP in a way (and therefore contribute to the discussion), if anyone would have actually made any effort in their reply to point OP in the right direction.

A perfect solution would have been a post containing a reply to OP's question, then a side note mentioning that ASF would be a better option when idling games. But it's apparently a lot to ask from the usual SG forum users.

But well, at least I'm glad we're finally - generally speaking - on the same page.

7 years ago

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We love dragons too!!!

7 years ago

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I'm sorry, but since when is "ASF=true", "uninstalled :D" and "ASF is love" an answer to the asked question: "Any good settings for IdleMaster?"

EDIT: Looks like jbondguy007 just made the same point before me :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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See, the problem is that your examples don't really line up with what stephenmans is asking. He already has a boat, and he wants to know how to best utilize it to get across the river. He doesn't wan't a bunch of random people to tell him to get the new model of boat, just because it is newer and better than his. Stephenmans wants to use the one he has as efficiently as he can.

I am not going to comment on the drug and suicide one, as those are far too outlandish to use for a discussion such as this.

7 years ago

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Not buying another boat would be dictated by the fact that you want to utilize your old one and avoid unnecessary cost. This is entirely different than asking for the way of achieving particular goal where the decision is not based on things that are already available to you, or if you'd like more complete response - it depends on things that are available to you equally. If you had a free choice of using the old boat which requires 7 hours or effort, or picking up new one which requires only 3, assuming both would have exactly the same price and availability, you'd suggest second one. Considering 2 different free programs that achieve the similar goal that you want to achieve doesn't cost you anything, it's like choosing between walk and sprint to get to given location. The decision between those two has exactly the same cost - none.

If you don't like the example we can as well discuss a question where user asks how to make a fire using 2 wet stones. Would you suggest him to do it like in prehistoric era, or tell "dude, wtf, just use freaking matches or anything". This is really not different. You could assume that user knows better than we all here how he wants to achieve his particular goal, but then he'd not ask about that in the first place, so that assumption is immediately invalid from the grounds up.

OP asked for IM settings with the intent of not optimizing/using IM as a program, but cards farming as a process with a goal of collecting cards better, faster, maybe easier. And suggesting ASF fits that goal perfectly. He didn't ask how to use the boat he already has, he asked how to swim across the river.

7 years ago*

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Addressing your first paragraph:

No one cares if they are both free. No one cares if one thing requires more effort than the other. The man is asking about Idle Master. Not ASF. You are defending the "switch to ASF" comments as if they are valid answers to what the OP is asking about.

Addresing the 2nd paragraph/example:

Like, what the hell?

Idle master is a fully functioning card idler. It works. You cannot compare it to wet stones trying to start a fire, while saying ASF is like using matches. It's ridiculous.

7 years ago

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No one cares if they are both free. No one cares if one thing requires more effort than the other.

You mean everybody but you, since those two things are the main two reasons why people consider using ASF in the first place. If you have IM already, then why the hell would you make a switch in the first place? Wait, I know why, because you have at least a few arguments why using given thing would be better for you. And both being free or one requiring more/less effort, such as not a need of constantly fixing it is such a strong argument. Maybe not for you, but for all those users that are now suggesting him to use ASF, for who knows what reasons - maybe you tell me what is the purpose of their responses. I could use some laugh from conspiracy theories :3.

Or maybe people actually do care? Hm...

Idle master is a fully functioning card idler. It works.

Sure thing. No, this is not an exceptional case, it's so popular that "IM stopped working" or "IM doesn't work" that it's mentioned literally everywhere, even in ASF forums. But sure thing, it works for you, so it has to work for everybody, just like flat earth in medieval ages.

You cannot compare it to wet stones trying to start a fire, while saying ASF is like using matches. It's ridiculous.

I can't use logical and fully relevant comparisons in a discussion because they're hard to prove wrong, got it. Forget that flat earth comparison, a million of flies can't be wrong being attracted to shit.

7 years ago*

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Archi, again, Stephenson never asked which program requires more effort. He is not switching programs, so he does not care that both programs are free to use. Idlemaster is fully functioning for him, and he is just asking the best way to utilize it. Telling him to switch programs is not going to answer that question any time soon.

And just so you know, Idlemaster does not work for me anymore, as it now takes 3 hours before cards start to drop on my account. That does not mean that it wont work for others ( people like stephenmans )

7 years ago

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It's amazing to me how many assumptions you can create based on 5 words sentence that doesn't explicitly state anything :3.

Instead of pointless discussion you could just ask him and prove either me, or yourself, wrong. You can't assume that you know better than OP what he actually wants. I also can't assume that he wanted to achieve a goal and not just IM for the sake of using IM (like you imply), but I don't assume that in the first place and I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

7 years ago

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Is it so hard to extrapolate that when someone asks "Any good settings for IdleMaster?" that, just maybe, they might be asking folks to tell him about some good settings for IdleMaster?

But you know, I could be wrong, and he could actually be looking to find an entirely new program to use instead :P

7 years ago

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That's not logical and not relevant. User is asking about idlemaster settings, NOT about idling games for cards, it's just your assumption. It can be totally wrong! In the comparison above - I may ask how to make fire with two wet stones because I'm writing a fantasy story, and your suggestion of matches is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT in this case. You like to fix what is not broken, and it's your right to do so, but when you answer a question someone didn't asked - they will just think you're a jerk.

7 years ago

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Finally some good argument contributing to the discussion :3. Now think for a little while longer and try to tell me why you'd include your note of writing a story together with your fire question. I know why.

7 years ago

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Because of morons telling me to take matches? Yes, internet is full of them.

7 years ago

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Hooray, we're on the same page! Now you only need to think why morons suggest taking matches, and you have answer to everything :3.

7 years ago

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Because they are morons, obviously. And also because they think they are smarter and better than other people, while they are not. No other reasons.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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I would probably suggest one of these, but hey, that's just me

View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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With my luck and sense of coordination I would probably end up drowning using the first one

7 years ago

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That first photo :3

7 years ago

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I tried to use ASF once but couldn´t do it, so I ended up using idlemaster instead. I´ve had no problems with it but I´d still like to be able to use ASF.

7 years ago

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woah I use idlemaster too and I didn't know about ASF, thank god you guys mention it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Use ASF.

7 years ago

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there is settings? btw if u skip to next game and keep restarting idlemaster, it works much much faster

7 years ago

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I use ASF for actual idling and Idlemaster for rapidly clicking the next button in order to trigger bugged card drops. Usually saves me 10-15 hours if I boot up idlemaster first and start clicking through like a madman.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I was going to do that, but after first week, too many games started having cards :(

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's still much better than before, since now you can play the game and receive all cards in one go once they're added, as opposed to not receiving anything and being forced to bump hours after the cards are added.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Install gentoo

7 years ago

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+1, ASF works on Gentoo


7 years ago*

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Im using both but mostly idle master cuz of skip abilty. And imo settings not effects so much just after queue start with new settings randomly.

7 years ago

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Please, allow me to be of assistance. This thread has become completely and utterly ridiculous.

Open IdleMaster.
Click File, then Settings at the top left.
Select "Ignore Steam client status" if you don't want your status changed when idling. Otherwise leave it blank.
Select "Idle games simultaneously up to 2 hours, then individually" (this will idle 30 at a time up to two hours, then idle them one at a time).
Select "Prioritize games with the highest card value" if you're planning on selling them, otherwise "Default" is fine.
Click accept.

There's also a well-known glitch involving any games you've already idled up to two hours. You can click foward to idle the next game, and it will drop a card from the previous game. Keep doing this with 15-30 seconds between games, and you can idle 100 cards in 5-10 minutes.

If you don't want to idle a particular game (for refunding purposes, for example) you can select "File" then "Blacklist" and enter the Steam AppID of any game you want to exclude from idling. You can add and remove games from that list as you please. (To get the AppID of a game, go to the Steam store page of that game and the AppID is the string of 6 numbers in the page URL.)

Have a nice day.

7 years ago

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finally usefull reply :О

7 years ago

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And I didn't even mention suicide or drug use.


7 years ago

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Which drug should I use to commit suicide?

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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You'll need to make a thread.

7 years ago

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No need to make a thread, just save him some time and tell him to use ASF :P

7 years ago

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Thanks for the info. I use IdleMaster and didn't know about that glitch

7 years ago

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I wish there were more options in the settings. Your reply was really helpful, thanks for that.

7 years ago

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  1. Anyone familiar with op would not bother answering the question.
  2. There is nothing wrong with recommending alternative software.
  3. You're all a bunch of idiots :P
  4. I should have not commented in this thread.
  5. If you need to cross a river I would recommend one of these:
View attached image.
7 years ago

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You omitted suicide and drugs questions :3.

It's alright though, OP didn't ask about those two, thank God.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Everyone also makes complaints about the ASF comments that are just as useless and exacerbates the whole thing. The first few comments were spam and not helpful (I didn't have a problem with them though). They could have recommended ASF as a (in there opinion) better program with some explanation and it would have been fine even without answering the question. Even if they had though there would still be comments opposing them. People take shit too seriously and we end up with chains of pointless bullshit (often between people I like and get along with). In my opinion the original question was not genuine given what I've seen posted in the past. In the end we all just need to ignore stuff like I should have done so with this thread :P

7 years ago*

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  1. More valuable first
  2. Each game individually
7 years ago

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I checked Archi's thread about ASF and he said that IdleMaster "could" possibly trigger VAC. Is that true? :O

7 years ago

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Archi says a lot of things.
Don't use it when playing a VAC-enabled game is all.

7 years ago

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The worst that is going to happen if you use it while playing a VAC enabled game is that it will throw a hissy fit (hello CSGO) and VAC kick you which has nothing to do with a VAC ban anyways.

7 years ago

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The answer is "Yes."
Here's a link:
Make sure not to play and VAC games while IdleMaster is on. If you don't listen to the developer then I don't know who else to listen to.

7 years ago

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Thanks for Your responses! <33

7 years ago

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Well, I already got kicked by VAC because of IdleMaster once, but I wasn't banned.
But after that, even closing idlemaster, i was getting some false positives and the game was closing a lot.
So, I don't think it gives you ban(AKA I'm not banned), but it will give you headaches.

7 years ago

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Sounds like people like IM because they can spend minutes clicking a button instead of just letting it be without doing anything. So clearly it's better if you need exercise for your clicking finger or just like doing extra work. Archi is doing his best to make ASF require work too so maybe one day it will surpass IM in that too and you need to learn coding just to config it.

7 years ago

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Idlemaster is fine to use theres nothing wrong with it. Its simple because it doesnt require any setup been using it for years

7 years ago

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