Simple page to filter out games you own, so they don't appear in the listing of open giveaways.

1 decade ago*

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i have installed and opened dota2, but its still not appearing on my games list, so its not getting filtered :((((

1 decade ago

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Sync your account...

1 decade ago

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I'm having the same problem with DOTA2, but I don't know if I've installed and opened it. I synced my account yesterday (when I realized this) and again today. Still no DOTA2 showing up...

That aside, I do agree with everyone else - it's a great update.

1 decade ago

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problem it is filter out payday: the heist as if i own the game but i have only played the steam trial and that is over

1 decade ago

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As long as Steam reports the game as being on your account, you will be considered as already having it. You won't be able to enter any giveaway for it whether you filter them or not.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for this nice change to finally have a server side implemented filter! :)

1 decade ago

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Great, now I need to download the Dota spectator client to get it filtered. Ah well...

1 decade ago

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awesome feature! thanks cg :)

1 decade ago

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nice update thx

1 decade ago

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Why I can enter to the giveaways with Killing Floor Bundle?I've bought it yesterday,I've synced my account.

1 decade ago

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Very great work, really appreciated!!!

1 decade ago

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Thanks a lot! Now SG is a lot better imho

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Very good but I'd like to see a way to filter other games you can't enter for - like DLC for games you don't own, and contributor giveaways that you don't have enough for

1 decade ago

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Absolutely this -- SG Add-On does contributor filtering, but you've got to manually ignore every DLC you're missing the base game to, which isn't really a big deal but more convenience is always wonderful.

1 decade ago

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+1 for the DLC thing :)

1 decade ago

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Only problem with that, is that Steam doesn't add DLC to your 'Games List' only to a non-viewable part of your 'Profile'. Thus, the only way to do what you are asking for would be to add a fairly large amount of data to the database manually, which leads to, a. a fucked up DB because typing in all the names and the associations leads to mistakes, b. HORRIBLY pissed off devs because they would have to fucking type every single god damned DLC name and then associate it with the proper game.

Basically, just deal with it because that is the best option as it stands.

1 decade ago

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Whether due to a lack of comprehension/technical knowledge on my part or a lack of clarity on yours, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here.

I'm not asking for a filter to remove DLC that you already own, but rather a filter to remove DLC to which you do not own the base game. SG already seems to know somehow whether or not you have the base game for a DLC, so I don't see the problem. As an example, if I don't have Skyrim (and thus can't enter giveaways for its DLC, Dawnguard), I don't want to see Dawnguard giveaways.

It wouldn't rely on a DLC being added to my games list, but rather the game to which that DLC is connected.

1 decade ago

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Shindou- I believe you misread the idea. I was referring to filtering giveaways for DLC for games that you don't own...these already show the message "Missing Base Game" if you try to enter them. It has nothing to do with whether one already owns the DLC or not, but the base game, which steamgifts already knows. Also, chill out.

1 decade ago

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You are a savior =!

1 decade ago

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thanks cg all those dotas are gone now .. thanks ;D

1 decade ago

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Ahh fantastic.

I haven't yet lauched Dota 2, downloading it now, just so i can clear it out :)

Makes this site that much better.

1 decade ago

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you just made this whole site astronomically better

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I used the add-on for that, but it's great that it gets official support. Now I might also uninstall the addon. great, thanks.

1 decade ago

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The addon has a TON more features, the filtering being done serverside however is such a vast improvement I do not have the words to express how happy I am about this upgrade. I use the addon now to shrink the pag size as well as the scrolling and filtering out things I cannot enter and other such usefulness that would add WAY too much strain on the server.

1 decade ago

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how do i filter out contributor giveaways? i typed in contributor in the filter settings, but it had no effect.

1 decade ago

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Freaking love you, awesome!

1 decade ago

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Dota 2 does not filter. I have downloaded it and launched it and kept it open for around 10-15 mins before closing it. This was a couple days ago and I've synced multiple times since then and still it does not filter or show up on my games list.

1 decade ago

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Good one!

1 decade ago

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it's so annoying to constantly have to manually scroll past all the contributor giveaways. i keep seeing games i want but can't enter. doh! someone said theres a way to filter them out, but i cant figure out how. doesnt anyone know?

1 decade ago

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yeah, i had already installed that. but it has no option to filter out contributor giveaways. well, someone in this comments section said it can do that, but so far no one is capable of telling the secret of how to do it. i tried typing in 'contributor' to the filter settings, but it had no effect.

1 decade ago

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Use the check boxes. Checking C.Green will only show contributor giveaways you can enter. You probably also want 'Group', 'Regular', 'Filtered', and 'Wishlist' checked.

1 decade ago

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cool, that worked, thx!

1 decade ago

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Could we get a filter that gets rid of an giveaway that we do not have enough contributor value for? That would be very convenient.

1 decade ago

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Sometimes, Steam makes trial for games, and now they are in my filter list, it seems I cannot remove them ...

1 decade ago

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sync your account

1 decade ago

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Does not work, i'm stuck with Rock of Ages ...

1 decade ago

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Is there any way "Majesty 2 Collection" would hide "Majesty 2"?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cg.