Just saw a copy for 4 keys on steamtrades and saw one giveaway 3 copies.

1 decade ago*

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Hooray for bundle listed. Also, the app is really buggy and never works properly.

1 decade ago

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Anyone tried it today? Is it more stable? Showing the right images?

1 decade ago

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Bugged as hell...no Image was right

1 decade ago

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I played just now and it seems to work ok... it still has issues and annoyances with IP checking... as if IPs are always tied to people.

1 decade ago

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it worked fine for me. Got all the right images. Now to see if I get a key out of it.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for quick feedback. Worked well for me on my run. Crossing fingers.

1 decade ago

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yes worked fine for me today, too.
In the last two days it was bugged as hell so I'm glad they managed to fix it.

And yes let's double cross our fingers and hope all of us will receive a copy. :)

1 decade ago

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+1 also got a time of 0:59 if this isnt fast enough i dont know :/

1 decade ago

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well, shit. I did it this afternoon and got 2 minutes with no images

1 decade ago

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Just did it and it had the right pictures but one of them had the clickable part for it way off, had an extra 45 seconds added trying to find the right part to click.

1 decade ago

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worked fine today and showed the right images. got 12:56 seconds with the tabscope trick Crazycatz explained above :)

1 decade ago

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And did you receive a key with that time?

1 decade ago

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didn't get anything yet :(

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

1 decade ago

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It's in the message?

1 decade ago

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You just finished your race... You don't win anything until the "judges" say so and send you an email.

1 decade ago

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AHAHAHAHA. My earlier post showed it was bugged to hell.

I still won.

1 decade ago

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Me too, got same thing to find :P

1 decade ago

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Same here XD, i had a time of like over 3 minutes 'cause I was actually trying to click the right spots LOL

1 decade ago

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so today i was finally able to finish the race without all the bugs, but i see all these times that are like 15-16 seconds. wtf.

1 decade ago

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the video laggs so hard D:

EDIT: Just had a glitche race, it was just 1 video with no puzzle coming up. Gota a score of 0 sec! If I don't get a key then I dont know what score to beat...

1 decade ago

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Those don't count for them. They review the game somehow. Yesterday my video glitched for me and couldn't stop buffering right after the game started and gave me a score of 0:00:93(93 milliseconds). Didn't get a code today so I think your score won't be counted.

1 decade ago

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I glitched with a 00:00:00 score and got a key. Judging by the scores I hear people winning with, it seems partially based on randomness too.

1 decade ago

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Well then...lolz XD

1 decade ago

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Did anyone get a key today? And if so what was your time?

1 decade ago

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I won, I had more than 2 minutes. It looks like that winners are random generated

1 decade ago

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that's good to know

1 decade ago

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luckyy i got 1:39 and no key

1 decade ago

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The glitch of the day, my time was 1:55.01, I am showing on the top rank list with a 0:17:55 time. Beautiful.
Still haven't received any key though.

1 decade ago

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there is a top ranglist?

1 decade ago

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When you end a race, on the score screen on the right there's a list of times with people, if my eyes read right it's wrote "Top times" or something like that, even if it's all glitched xD

1 decade ago

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Didn't see it, guess I won't get my key either...

1 decade ago

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just received a key with a time of 2:20 minutes. :)

1 decade ago

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i got 1:39 D:

1 decade ago

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1:08 for me today no key yet, did it a few hrs ago

1 decade ago

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they dont give people who live in nz as well T_T

1 decade ago

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No key for me 1:14 >_>
Could it be that only the first 100 get a key and not the fastest?

1 decade ago

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No, people are getting randomly selected.

1 decade ago

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Not really, after some days I have realized by checking steam profiles of the winners that even if you use a proxy the giveaway is still only available for the eligible countries.

Check the steam profile of every person that wins here, they are either from Canada, US, UK or Germany.
Tell me if I'm wrong, i've seen nobody out of those countries that won a key yet.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Where are you from ? It doesn't show on your steam profile.
I still consider that nobody out of those countries won a key.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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And what hiding method did you use ? :P

1 decade ago

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Proxy. Turned off before clicking Race now.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I finally won <3

1 decade ago

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Just won one from yesterday's race :D Time wasn't that impressive, 3:30 i think.

1 decade ago

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Heck yeah, I just got a copy (time was over 3 minutes). Seriously, I anticipated waiting a couple years before I get GRID 2, so this is really nice. :D

1 decade ago

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Oh come on. This thread is still open?

1 decade ago

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So we get the key 30 mins after the race?

1 decade ago

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Next day. Seems change 16 GMT (one hour before steam dailies change)

1 decade ago

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If only my proxy trial lasted for more than 3 days...I hope I get selected today at least...so unfair that it's not open worldwide...they don't want us to gift friends keys Q_Q

1 decade ago

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Timer was bugged out for me today. Finished the race in under 1 minute.

It's a good thing this is running for 100 days cos it's the buggiest giveaway I've ever seen.

1 decade ago

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Only thing is, I'm guessing that it will not improve at all, no matter how many days it goes on.

1 decade ago

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I've been trying for several days, but at the end of the race my "time" is just an empty box, as is the leaderboard. Turned my ad-blockers and such off today and still the same :(

1 decade ago

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If it doesn't display your time, it didn't save your time.

1 decade ago

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Well wtf, it's been like that every time I've played. Guess I'll never win :(

1 decade ago

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i have the same problem. why god.

1 decade ago

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Remove all your cookies (or atleast the fb related one) and try again? Also try to remove the app from your FB apps and start it again.

1 decade ago

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Just deleted FB cookies and removed app, tried again, still the same.

1 decade ago

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What browser are you using?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hmm... Strange, have you tried it with another browser?

1 decade ago

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It's in the other thread. IE didn't let me get past the email entry. iPad wouldn't click "Start Race" in Safari OR Chrome.

Not going to install another browser just to test. Guess it's not meant to be for me.

1 decade ago

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But to race you have to put an E-mail,which you did in Chrome, right? Did it ask again for E-mail in IE? Strange, I tought E-mail was bound per account and not on the browser.

1 decade ago

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I think its safe to say that your computer is a time machine.

1 decade ago

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BTW, Is that GRID 2 region locked to countries allowed to take part in the giveaway/contest?

1 decade ago

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It's Grid 2 Retail. No region locks on that.

1 decade ago

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Thanks ;D

1 decade ago

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Won today as well :) Fun contest and great prize! Good luck everyone!

1 decade ago

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I won to. Murrica!

1 decade ago

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What do you mean with "I win the race in blah minutes and win the key"? What race in what game? o.o

1 decade ago

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You might want to read the whole thread =)

1 decade ago

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Ah found it. Thank you :)

1 decade ago

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So all the cheaters win this little video contest and move on straight to grid 2 multiplayer?
Codemasters brainstorm: we don't have enough cheaters online, ideas?

1 decade ago

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Grid 2 use VAC.
And the multiplayer is a pay2win, if you don't have any DLC cars, you can't go as fast as other guys with DLC cars, or you need to be ultra agressive to push everyone off the road, or lucky.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by RanchMeAmadeus.