Re-gifters are the scum of the earth! Let us burn them with holy fire!
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Greed, foolishness, not being aware of the rules that they really should be aware of, etc.
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I didn't and I am still not stupid enough to re-gift, hell I only enter ones I want to play anyways.
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They'd be tagging credit that should've only gone to one person, potentially letting them enter more giveaways, for one, so yes, it matters. More than that, it's listed right in the rules that it's against the rules
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It's a bit absurd to up your own CV with a gift from someone else but that's just my opinion.
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It depends on the person. It is sorta like if you gave someone a gift, then they regift it to someone else and takes all the credit. That person is kinda an asshole and all, but what matters is someone gets it in the end and it makes them happy. Regardless of what everyone's opinion is on the topic, it is against the rules. I honestly do not involve morals in my opinion that it shouldn't be done. Why? There is basically a cluster-fuck of the same giveaways that people keep regifting around. Imagine seeing the bundled games we see as it is ten fold because the indie games people keep entering isn't of interest to them, they just entered knowing they will win faster the more giveaways they enter and they know if they win the game they do not want, they can regift it for CV.
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If you're going to regift anyway, though, why enter for the game in the first place?
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What i am trying to say is i would be open to the idea if someone does not wish to ask for a reroll for what ever reason there is a feature where you recive no CV but can drop off games, for example instead of the key drops or maybe a regional locked game
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If there is any reason you do not want the game, you shouldn't have entered the giveaway. Regional keys should be marked in the giveaway's description... period. There is no flaw in the system, just flaw in the people. There is no reason why the giveaway cannot be won by the person that actually wants the game, fuck the middle man. Steamgifts IS the middle man, we need nothing more.
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Region-locked keys are against the rules anyway, so if they're aware the key is such, they probably shouldn't be making a giveaway for it
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OK fair point, i see where i went wrong, I was just thinking out some ideas, never thought people thought so strongly on this, i was just thinking of a way to end the key drops, and most of them do it becasue they dont know what game the key unlocks, or dont want any cv. thats all never meant to suggest re gifting, just put out ideas
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I will never re gift nor have, and always only enter games that i intend to play, also i never join a giveaway just to "store" points, what i am saying is if someone has a bundle key and lets say its worth a dollar, euro, whatever does that one dollar mean that much to you?
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Oh god I am so behind on playing some of my games. It makes me feel so genuinely bad. Damn these winter sale games taking up my time!! Lol
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If you form a community and allow it to gradually increase over time, the ideals that helped form the community will become corrupt no matter what you do. It's social entropy. Gifting is supposed to be an act of kindness with CV being an incentive. But the community is now filled with profiteers who are only interested in increasing their cv so that they can enter better giveaways. These are the people who dont give 2 shits about regifting.
And then you have the regifters. They cant be arsed to spend a dime on a game to gift it but they resort to underhanded tactics which are clearly against the rules. Leeches and freeloaders. Rules need to be enforced with severe consequences. No one would put themselves at risk by regifting if the suspensions were permanent.
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I guess it's not that bad, at least he is not trading the game.. He is giving away,because he does not want it,and hopefully this time game will end up in someones hands who will appreciate it. Kind of better than being greedy and the game that you don't even want.
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It is kind of sad. People show kindness by gifting free games, and then some people show their greed by taking those free games and profiting from it. I personally make sure the game I gave is activated before leaving the winner of my giveaway alone.
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Personally, I sit on the sidelines with the whole regifting issue, it is a lot more common then with just the "Dwarfs" game, that's for sure, especially with any bloody humble-junk that hits the fan. I've gifted several games myself and could care less what the winner really does with it in the end, it's theirs .. regift it, trade it, play it ... if you get caught, well you pay the price. I can say, this site would probably not be as abundant in members thou. Both contributors and regifters are your reason for even being here in the first place, you probably wouldn't have half as many points to spend on giveaways without both of them. Not saying it's right, I understand the need for the rulebook and if you can prove it, well make a statement and report them ... but there will always be peeps out to better their position, some have the money, some don't ... just know your giveaway most certainly isn't without a benefit to the winner(s). How many people do you think would even bother with this site, if they came on everday to spend maybe 50 points towards a giveaway ... kinda seem like a waste of time really ... something to chew on when you next spend your 200 points on "Skyrim: Legendary" and "Bioshock Triple Pack" and whatever latest game a developer puts up, in hopes that the members of this site will vote for ...
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not saying it keeps it going alone, but there is enough of it to make a good contribution to everyones points, those 10 buck games add up and there are quite a bit of the same old games ending and suddenly reappearing within the hour ... I'm just saying saying, but no one can complain over those points adding up that peeps can spend on more games offered. regifters might be a pain and rebels to the rulebook, but we all benefit from it regardless
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Well bundle games are not exactly expensive, so it's not surprising so many of the same games are given away. Can you prove that many of the games given away are regifted? I think only a small percentage of users on SG (new users who don't know the rules) might regift. Also, it's not all that difficult to find out if someone regifted a game and the punishment is suspension. So if they want to keep winning on the site, they wouldn't take the risk.
The Dwarf thing is a bit different. So many copies were given away that it's difficult to track down if someone is regifting the game.
tl;dr I don't think there are that many regifters to make much of an impact on points. The games in question are cheap enough for most people to buy and they alone don't give much points anyway, not like the more expensive ones.
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fair enough, I'm sure your knowledge base is much better then mine within this site. I can't prove it, nor care to go out of my way to find certain individuals in a large community base and spot the regifters. I can say that my time here, I've not only seen the Dwarf issue, but continue to see the effects of "Fear" epidemic this site does have, as well as the "Orcs Must Die",, which both continue to haunt the pages over and over. These are common games most steam users own and seen on several occasions where a couple of the giveaways end and not an hour later, the same ones are back up .. say for an hour or sometimes 8hrs. I don't bother trying to see if that gifter won then .. I just think "meh, another giveaway .. thanks for the points" ;P
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I think only a small percentage of users on SG (new users who don't know the rules) might regift. Also, it's not all that difficult to find out if someone regifted a game and the punishment is suspension. So if they want to keep winning on the site, they wouldn't take the risk.
I agree with that it's just a small percentage, but you would also be surprised by some of the people I have seen that regifted. One had over 100 wins, over 1k CV and registered over a year ago. But there have also been cases in between, like about 10-20 wins and 50-250 CV and registered from a couple of months to 2 years ago. So they should definitely know the policy about regifting. I at least surely don't feel like it's a thing that happens a lot to the new users only, but maybe that's also because new people getting a suspension for that are more likely to stay away or something.
But maybe people are also less likely to give a winner a thorough check if it seems he contributed a decent amount.
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yay, regifting ftw! ^^
i think i didnt activate a single game i won. would be stupid, if i can get CV instead, right? ^^
(now go and check my profile, quick!)
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On this site a game should go to someone who wants to play the game. Not someone that is going to trade it or regift it in order to up their CV. Imagine, in the case of Dwarfs!? there were about 22,000 people entered. I have to assumed that most of them wanted to play the game. So one regifter robbed about 12,000 people of the chance of playing the game. Even if he regifts it, odds are it will not have the same people in their giveaway let alone those numbers.
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If the Giveaway'er (Person giving the game away) Doesn't care if you re-gift it or trade it away will the receiver still get suspended if they do in fact trade it or re-gift it? (I know its yes but I want to start a discussion about this), I agree that re-gifting it away is pointless as it should have been given to someone who wants it in the first place but as for trading I'm not too sure. I hope the giveaways I hosted went to people who actually wanted the game but if someone traded it to get a game they really wanted I don't think I would mind too much since that game would hopefully end up in the hands of someone who wants to play it, I would much rather the winner want to play it though. I should check if the winners of my giveaways have activated their games by now.
Ps. This is just my opinion, I'm aware of the rules and I don't condone or promote breaking them in any such way.
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If consensual regifters are not punished, it gives incentive for a group of users to continuously regift private giveaways. The giveaway creator cannot be allowed to make the decision to spare the winner from punishment.
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As a former Admin/Mod I learned that FAQ's and pinned threads seams to be invisible to people. Also some people are ignorant or stupid. Maybe both. While I admit that I skim through the FAQ and not 100% read the rules, at least I know the basics. In this day and age you have to take people by the hand and show/explain things to them because they are to lazy to read FAQ's/pinned threads or do a simple Google search.
Besides re-gifting massive giveaways, another one of my favorites that happen often here are when new members make a giveaway without owning a key/gift. They think steamgifts magicaly provides free game for them to give out.
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"Besides re-gifting massive giveaways, another one of my favorites that happen often here are when new members make a giveaway without owning a key/gift. They think steamgifts magically provides free game for them to give out."
As a "new" member I'm shocked by those many dumb people wich are actually doing that.
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Here's more of a question for support/admins of the site ... honest truth, how many regifter's are accually caught by them alone and banned? It takes a few to run the site, but is there enough manpower behind this community to catch the law-benders? I can see the rulebook being written to keep the masses down, new and old members, there are always people who will bend the rules, regardless of the penalty. In short, I think it takes the effort of the contributor of the giveaway to make sure the winner does in fact, add the game to their library and not regift or trade it. Laziness in reading FAQ's is one thing, but if you feel strongly enough over regifting, then contributors as well need to start stepping it up.
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The community is wonderful regarding catching people who break the rules.
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It abuses the generosity of gifters. If everyone regifted then CV would mean nothing.
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Yeah and if I have my alt account enter giveaways that would be fine too right? I don't think this is a rule that we can bend. Where would we draw the line?
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From the site rules:
"Don't trade, sell, resubmit, or give away games you win."
All users who break this rule will be suspended, and the regifts will be deleted (if on site). It doesn't matter whether the gifter or the winner has different opinions regarding this rule. If you see users breaking this rule, please report them by creating a support ticket.
If you do not wish to adhere by the site rules, there are many other sites that allow you to do custom giveaways. You can feel free to use them.
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Since the 10.000 copies of Dwarfs were given away, I see a lot of people re-gifting their won copy of Dwarfs.
Why have they entered that giveaway if they don't want the game? Is it greed?
Personally I only participate in giveaways with games I would actually play.
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