I can relate to that feeling. I'm just little over 100 games and I still feel like there's too many. I'm not really good at suggesting people what to keep since I wholeheartedly support the idea of a library purge, but like someone already mentioned: Be sure to keep/hide the games you've won here to avoid any trouble!
At least try Jazzpunk. I see you've already decided to keep Goat Simulator, so I think you might also enjoy the sort of humor Jazzpunk has and it's not a very long game.
You've also decided to keep Hotline Miami 2, so I'd suggest also trying out Party Hard since it's a similar game and you could enjoy it.
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You have 365 games
Install a game and play it each day. If you like it, keep it. If you don't like it, hide it. You can write a short review for every game, a sort of diary.
After a year, you will know perfectly which games you want to keep and which don't. Then, you just have to play the games you liked, and you will have the rest of your life to play them :3
PS. If a day you find out you dont like a game after playing for a short time, you can play one of the games you liked previously
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Well.. after viewing your list a bit.. i say just hide it..
Or u can sort your library first by games that can be complete or games that's sandbox that will continue forever.(good example would be spores and CKII would be consider infinite)
according to the above site you can only 308 games that you need to decide to keep or not.
among those 308 games there are 228 of them take less then 10 hours to play!!
Once again 100 of those 228 games takes no more then 4 hours to play!!
Just give those 100 less then 4 hours to finish main story game a quick try. IF you like it.. spend 4 hours or less to finish it. IF you hate it.. not much time is lost and you can hide/remove the game from your library.
It should take no more then 1 week go through all 100 and kill your backlog by 1/3!!
Your mostly own action and action/advanture games and your most played games are darkest dungeon and enter the gungeon both rogue like level crawler so game of those genre should be better fit you and instead of buying bundle you should buy those games instead.(start torchlight. you will love it).
in all serious note. Your library are filled with great games with great ratings.
sorting though your 300+ library only about 40 games are under 60% approval rating...
And about those 40 i can tell at least 15 games that really worth playing...
So don't remove anything just hide it...
PS: If only my back logs are this easy to kill..
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Tengami is about 30-40 minutes long (depending on whether you manage to get stuck for a bit on the only scene that requires some backtracking), and it is a nice art project/walking simulator.
Part of me is also sad to see Crimsonland on the remove list, as it is probably the single most popular/famous indie twin-stick shooter on PC in the last decade, but I guess top-down shooters are not for everyone.
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Definitely keep:
Before the Echo
Bioshock titles
Borderlands titles
Chroma Squad
Condemned Criminal Origins
Counter-Strike Source
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Dead Space 2
Grim Fandango Remastered
Hitman: Absolution
Jet Set Radio
Mass Effect 2
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+
Retro City Rampage DX
Rock of Ages
Sanctum games
Shadow Warrior
Shadowrun games
Shantae games
Super Hexagon
The Talos Principle
Tengami (finish it before removing, it's short)
Toki Tori games (they are beautiful puzzle games)
Worms Armageddon
Didn't look at the first column (Keep column). Excluded red games.
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Definitely keep Monaco and Broforce imo.
The others are on my to-play list for the most part.
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like other people said: why don't you just hide the games from your library? you spend money on them. if you remove the games they're gone.
I have had games untouched for 4 years without any intention to play them. when I finally decided to play the games anyway, I found that most of them were actually fun
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We seem to share some similar game taste, some of the games in your keep list are some of my favorites. Let's go over games in your other lists...
Before the Echo - One of my favorite games, and the songs from Jenkees are totally awesome
Bit.Trip Runner - Spent many hours completing this, just the right kind of challenge
Bioshock Series - Not many will argue it's a classic and must-play
Dishonored - A great AAA single player experience. May start a little slow, but worth it.
Dustforce - If you like a challenge like Super Meat Boy, you'll like this
Escape Goat - Very nice puzzler that doesn't take too long to get through
Human Resource Machine - If you've ever taken a programming class, give this a try
Letter Quest - If you enjoy Scrabble and other word games, check it out
LIMBO - Truely an indie classic. Set aside the 3-4 hours for it
Mass Effect 2 - If you enjoyed the first game, play the whole series
Octodad - Great if you have a partner to play with
Super Hexagon - Try it for 5 minutes, get hooked on improving your time
VVVVVV - Same creator and music (i think) as Super Hexagon, very fond memories of that
On your must play list...
The Swapper - I got bored of this fairly quickly. It has a nice presentation but didn't "hook" me.
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Yea, I totally understand that. The time needed to get those levels down to perfect is insane and so far I have lacked the dedication for them. Truth be told if I could just enter the bonus levels without replaying the normal level before EVERY TIME I would have it by now .....
And it seems we share some common gaming interests.
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If you remove "Porcunipine" from your account then you will have to serve a suspension for not activating SG win.
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Before you remove anything, I suggest you get first ASF or IdleMaster, just farm ALL CARDS available and once you've got the cards you can either sell them or craft badges ( more games more badges more chances of getting a boosterpack -> profit ) or just sell the cards to atleast earn some money back. ( my suggestion for you )
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I'll try to almost exclusively comment on things that I've played (although there's 2 or 3 I haven't played yet that I'd suggest to keep)
On your undecided list:
Infinifactory is a keeper. I loved that game up to the puzzle I'm on now that I can't finish. Probably my favorite game for the year. About 80hrs or so. If you're into puzzle games.
Limbo is excellent. I'd keep that. Just played it. It is a superior puzzle/platformer. More puzzle than platformer
Orcs Must Die. I really enjoyed what I've played of that one.
Psychonauts. It's on my to play list, but alot of folks say it's a classic everyone should play.
Toki Tori: Cool little puzzle game that I enjoyed alot. It got to hard for me eventually, but up to that point it was fun.
Unmechanical. I enjoyed this game alot. It's also a puzzler w/ real physics.
World of Goo. I really liked this one. Fun game. Also sortof a puzzler.
I haven't played it, but Gauntlet is on my "to play" list. There are others I haven't played that I intend to, but I'll stop with that.
On your Remove List:
Nihilumbra is one I played and enjoyed quite a bit. It's also a puzzle platformer, with emphasis on puzzle.
I've also played Qora and Tengami. I can understand if you don't have time, but they're not terrible. Not great either though.
On the Hide/will play list:
I started Lumino City, but sortof lost interest. Wasn't as good as I was expecting. fwiw.
On the Keep List:
I was underwhelmed by A Bird Story. (not nearly as good as To the Moon).
Definitely play Brothers-A Tale of Two Sons. One of the best games I've played in several years. Excellent
The Stanley Parable is also one of my favorite games.
The Swapper and To the Moon are also excellent. Must plays imho.
Hope this is a bit helpful ;-)
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I just wanted to add also, in case. You can create folders/categories in your steam library where you can file games away if you don't want to look at them. I have categories where I stash completed games (good, meh, and bad) so I don't see them anymore. You could create a similar category of "neverplay" and assign any game you don't want to see to that folder and leave the folder shut. I only mention that because if decluttering your library is the goal, it's doable without having to ask steam to hide games from you.
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Well, you're gonna REMOVE the games from the library? At least you should farm their cards (offspring fling, on your "remove" list, have 2 emoticons worth about 1$ each, etc.).
You have a lot of little gems that I play a lot and I would for sure not remove.
Knights of Pen and Paper, if you like D&D (book, played with friends, no computer) is one of them! Platined it on my smartphone (didn't play on steam, though). Never played the 2, as I don't have it, but will for sure!
World of Goo is amazing and have a lot of computer science jokes! If you're related to the area you'll remember some Tanenbaum's book jokes there!
Plants vs Zombies is a classic, also full of jokes (Well, the Michael Jackson's thriller zombie was changed after his death, but it's still funny).
One Finger Death Punch: If you liked Xiao Xiao flash (look at youtube), give it a try for a least some minutes. Casual game, decide on removing it after playing for 10 mins.
Never Alone - KEEP IT FOR GOD's SAKE"
Magicka: Give it a try!
Ittle Dew: It's a 2D Zelda like. If you liked "Link to the past" from SNES, keep it.
HOARD: I liked this game! Casual, I would hide it, not remove...
Gauntlet: KEEP IT and let's play it multiplayer! It's a good and funny hack'n'slash!
for removes... Counter strikes: You'll only play GO, at most... don't know if source is used for another games... well, your choice
Valdis story could be a good game, but very bad controls make it on remove list :/
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I saw that Fotonica was on the remove end. It an underappreciated game for sure. Just recently I won it in a giveaway and I decided to give it a shot. It was a nice game. Though a really short one. One thing that comes to my mind is that it would be out of the world if it were in VR. The developer knows this too but is not releasing it due to health risks. Besides that is a great game to unwind. Sometimes on a really bad or messed up day you simply want to run away, far far away, with no one around you, just endlessly run away, for peace of mind. This game is exactly for that occasion. The music blends very well with the game. The control scheme is very easy too. Just a single button. You should reconsider whether to remove it or not. I too have a shit load of games. Dunno if i will ever play them. However while acquiring most of them, I had only one thing in my mind, some day I'll look back at the games we used to play, the kind of futuristic worlds we thought of and where we have come so far in that respect. My dad has a collection of old books and stamps, my grandfather has a ton of vinyls, guess it runs in the family.
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Okay, this will take a bit. I will mostly comment on the games I played myself. So it is more a list of games I liked myself. Since I don't know your preferences take it as that (I just looked at the undecided and remove part of the document):
Hm, checking the "Keep" section I notice our tastes are a bit different so I will only comment on one game: Guacamelee Gold Edtion. This has as far as I know no content which isn't present in the Super Turbo Championship Edition. So technically you can remove it without thinking about it. Unless you want to play it twice for the differences.
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I left a comment on a few choice games. Overall, though, I totally understand how you feel. I've set up specific rules for game purchases for myself these days to prevent me from over spending and filling up my library with junk. I don't want purge of my library, but I get where you're coming from. And sometimes, when I really have no clue what to play, I got to a random steam game picker. I've had some pleasant surprises this way.
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You have a number of wonderful games in your library. Why not simply hide them and if your taste/moods changes or you decide you do want to try them, they will still be there?
As for your list, I went through your Remove and Undecided columns only, and I'm only listing here games that I have played and would keep:
From Remove:
Canabalt - I am emotionally attached to this game. It is simplicity brought to perfection, gameplay wise and has a really good sountrack.
Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey - While it may not match your game taste, it's a lovely, quality spelling game.
Monster Loves You - It's charming, it's short and it's low maintenance. Keep it.
Runestone Keeper - this one is a fun minesweeper/dungeon crawler hybrid thingie. You probably won't get far at first, but it's a nice time waster.
Tengami - It's beautifully presented, unusual and short. Keep it.
From Uncertain:
World of Goo - great puzzle game
Valdis Story - haven't played much of it, but it seemed quite decent to me.
Unmechanical - short adventure, adorable robot.
Strider - Fun. Pure, mindless, fun.
Skulls of the Shogun - One of the few strategy games I genuinely enjoyed. Haven't tried the multiplayer, but the campaign is quite nice.
Shattered Planet - I found this one to be a fun little time waster / roguelite. It's forgiving, it's easy on the eyes and some of the gear is hillarious.
Shadowgate - Okay, it's a remake of an older title and does have some quirks in its mechanics, but there are a lot worse ways to spend one's time.
Reus - I'm currently playing this one. Slow paced and relaxing. It can be a little annoying to remember what combination of elemental powers does what, but I really like the mechanic of achieving in game milestones (which double as steam achievements) to unlock more features in the game.
Renowned Explorers - Haven't played much of it yet, but the few expeditions I tried were quite memorable. I'm hooked.
Read Only Memories - Before you decide on this one, fire it up and play it for 5 mins. Meet Turing, read the emails. You'll want to keep it then.
Psychonauts - Hmm... I'd keep this one. I hate that damn meat circus level :P but it's a pretty nice game.
Oceanhorn: Monsters of Uncharted Seas - I really enjoyed this one. It's fairly simple, very colourful and hard to put down.
Never Alone - Keep it for the fox.
Mass Effect 2 - Nothing really wrong with it.
Knights of Pen and Paper - I played the first game on a tablet and it was pretty fun.
Ink - I died and I died and I died and it was fun.
Freedom Planet - I love this one. Whenever you need some pure, uncomplicated, upbeat fun in your life, this game is what you need. It looks great, it plays fantastic and it is very, very polished.
FLY'N - A beautiful game... that made me hiss quite a bit, but that's just me being really bad at platformers.
FORCED - This one is great fun in Co-Op. Even if you don't have anyone to play it with now, keep it, as you might set up a game in the future.
Costume Quest - A lovely little thing. Nice adventure, fun presentation, doesn't outstay its welcome. Try it.
Bardbarian - it has good music, an interesting party mechanic and bacon. Give it a try.
A boy and his blob - This one isn't great, but it's kind of adorable. I'd keep it.
Another Perspective - Short puzzle game. Low maintenance, some nice levels.
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