but the person who gift you a game has the right to check wether you activate his gift or not, according to sg rules.
so its legit.
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and therefore most private profiles are scammers and private profiles shouldn't be allowed on sg.
Hitler was a vegetarian. Therefore most people who led a national attempt to ethnic cleanse the jews(*) didn't eat meat.
Vegans want to exterminate the jews.
That in mind, to prevent another holocaust(+) I propose the regular forced consumption of meat.
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yep. this is internet. It was calling for godwin. 110 comments and no hitler?
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I wonder who comes up with all these shitty cartoons and why people watch them.
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*( and gypsies the mentally disabled, some christians(2k jehovas whitnesses, 20% of polland's clergy with the rest imprisoned ect(and about 14% of polland's non jewish population overall not counting soldiers)) most of the slavs(with exceptions of croats and slovaks due to germany's military alliances), the deformed, art critics,ect. so even non jews should fear the meatless freaks. You should really take this menace seriously
+(Well, of white people anyway, cambodia and darfur are too late and can do whatever the hell they want to "undesirable" sections of their population for all we care so whatever. (eat a dick asians and black people-signed america circa 1970-present(speaking of dicks and brown asian types you can probably guess from context what india's first female prime minister forcibly did to her less desirable subjects genitalia same time period without a raised eyebrow in the west))
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I'm pretty sure he was asking, cause of this giveaway.
Am I wrong? :D
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calling out is also a reason to get suspended here^^
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Is calling out a person who's calling out an infraction?
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just replace the link with the quote. its just as informative with no identifying info
"It's a steam key and i ONLY give it by adding you on Steam. Not by mail. So if your profile is private .. bad luck."
a 10 point bundle game, public giveaway, no min contribution.
and a 5 point bundle game, $12 min
there, no need for a link and nobody can say you're calling out
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What they can say though is that said quote is made up on the spot because there is no link to the source.
P.S. "No calling out" rule is kindergarten level. Plus it's open to interpretations.
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Black Ops II free weekend
What's more, he has only one friend with private profile. However it's not a very strong evidence.
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The register date is a date when you tried to sign up for the first time even if you didn't meet the minimum to register.
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Calm down, it's not a strong evidence that it's your alt account. Everybody was new to this site, so it's not a crime :)
I didn't write anything about the crime too.
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No problem. Sorry that I didn't make it clear enough.
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I think he talking about a persons giveaway. I just saw a public giveaway for a steam key. The person giving away the key says that they will not email the key to the winner. They will add the winner to steam and give the key by chat. He then says if your profile is private then too bad he won't give you the game because he doesn't want to email it.
Now that's against the rules as he can email it and emails have more proof of being sent then a steam chat.
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but maybe the gifter had problems in the past with people not activate their wins.
i think thats why he put this rule.
and what is the problem for someone who gets a free game to let the person who gifted to him see that he really activated the win.
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There no problem at all. I myself like to know this as well. But from my understanding of SG, a winner in a public giveaway can't be refused the gift unless they break the rules of SG in some way. Not sending the key to the winner just because they don't want to use the email system is a poor excuse.
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No it's not. You must have over 75% of gifts sent. You can choose if you send it or not.
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Please provide me that rule as what I read for public giveaways are that the gifter must gift the game to the winner as long as the winner is not breaking the rules. The rules also say the gifter CAN'T make up his own rules for a public giveaway.
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You can't make official rules. But as long as you are willing to eat the bad feedback, you can not send the gitfs.
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Yes you can be a fake gifter, which won't end well for you. I don't know this for sure, only a SG support member can answer this for sure. But I got a feeling that the winner can report you and that SG support has the right to suspend you for so many days as not gifting the game just because the winner profile is private and the gifter doesn't want to use the email system is probable cause.
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No, you can't be suspended for not sending gifts. Unless it's PROVED that you had no inention to send them in the first place.
And if you don't want to send it through email I'm quite sure you can send an email asking them to either add you or accept your friend request and if they don't you can ask for a rerroll (and will be granted one) after 7 days.
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Yes you can ask them to add you but if not requested then your just not sending them the gift they won. Again the suspended part "I" can't speak on and I don't think you can either as this is up to SG when looking into a case of non-gifting a winner.
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I can't find the exact post now. But I've been told that you won't be suspended for not sending a gift unless there's blatant evidence that you never were going to send it.
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The one I saw didn't really put it that way. It was still rude but I don't think the gifter understands the rules. I don't think the winner has to worry because I don't see SG re-rolling his giveaway just because he doesn't want to send the key by email to a winner with a private profile.
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If you contact the winner through email telling him to add you or to accept your friend request. You can ask for a reroll if you are ignored for 7 days.
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yep legit because you want to check if the game gets activated
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no problem as long as the gifter can see that it was activated.
friendly only profile works too for this
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nope sg only acted after support messages as i know.
So if you win a game from me and your profile is private i would only send you the gift when you change your profile at least to friends only for a short time to check whether you activate the win or not.
If not -->reroll
A gifter has the right to check whether all is going according to sg rules or not and that includes the activation of wins.
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So what do you have to hide when you don't want to set your profile to public for few minutes?
On the other hand, you're ok, if there's nothing in SG ToS about always public profiles, you have the right to keep yours private.
Last but not least, it's nothing funny/nice in writing from alt account. I hope I'm wrong but your profiles looks fishy.
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As far as I know, you can set own rules only in private giveaways, so the special rules in public ones aren't "legit". Anyway, it's always good to know where your gift is going and if it won't be regifted or traded.
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If it's that big a deal that a winner can't let someone see their library for verification of activation (I see absolutely nothing wrong with this) then it raises suspicion in my opinion. I was also thinking the same thing as him to be honest. What do they have to hide then?
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no you can use it.
but if you win here just change it to friends only(like private but friends can see) a few minutes only to let the gifter see u activated his game on your account.
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Some games are bugged and let you enter even if you already have them. Also, syncing happens every 7 days, a lot can happen in that time...
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Sorry but that's not true. You can enter some giveaways even if you already have that game or enter dlcs giveaways without the base game.
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You could acquire the game and then win it before your account is synced.
You can still enter for game collections or bundles despite owning all of the games in said collection or bundle as well.
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"Legit" or not, if someone says they wont send the game unless they get to see the winner's library they probably wont send the game without seeing the winner's library.
Even if the mods don't approve of a rule (I'm not saying they don't approve this particular rule) it's possible not to send the gift - there are worse things in life than a red stamp saying a gift hasn't been sent.
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There is absolutely no reason to keep your Steam profile private. That of course unless you have a tendency to write confidential or sensitive information in description. So yeah, I think the gifter is correct in enforcing such principle.
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What you can do is just add them and make it friends only.
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It's a legit rule on a private giveaway. If it is a public or group giveaway you're talking about, that rule is completely against the rules as you can have no extraneous rules on a public giveaway. No mod would grant a re-roll for that rule on a public giveaway.
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Does saying that he won't send the code to a private profile really fall under the "no special rules" category?
How are the "Don't enter for games you already own." and "Winnings must be redeemed on the winning account." rules supposed to be enforced anyway? The sync feature isn't enough. There are buggy game titles, packs and DLC that can still be won by people who already own them and the obligatory sync doesn't even happen that often.
I see nothing wrong with the contributor wanting to check the winner's profile. It's not something I usually do, but it sounds reasonable enough.
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They're very tough to enforce, I admit, but just having a public profile doesn't solve all problems. Many of the buggy games are buggy because they don't show up in your library, which would make enforcement by armchair detectives impossible. For example, Galactic Arms Race doesn't show up in your library. Do you know how many people got called out or reported for not activating it even though they did?
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Yeah, but the whole GAR thing is pretty rare. Just people not realizing the game isn't out yet (still made for some hilarious posts in the forum). I'm talking about practical stuff. Let me give you a personal example: I own Painkiller Black Edition, yet for some reason, about a week ago, I could enter all the giveaways for the game, even though it did appear in my library. Same thing for packs. I bought the Serious Sam pack, but I could still enter and win a giveaway for it. It would be really easy for me to just re-gift it. The contributor should have the right to check. There are thousands of people willing to exploit this kind of things.
The way I see it, when you enter a generous community like this one, a public (or at least a friends-only) profile is simply common courtesy.
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"The sync feature isn't enough. There are buggy game titles, packs and DLC that can still be won by people who already own them and the obligatory sync doesn't even happen that often.
I see nothing wrong with the contributor wanting to check the winner's profile"
the dlc argument public doesn't help. For example I have trine 2, I have trine 2 franchise pack that contains goblinknob or whatever its called. It doesn't show in my list as anything other than "trine 2" so the same failing the automatic check has(this is why it fails in that situation) you would have by snooping around my inventory. Mandatory public would do nothing to prevent my entering and winning an additional copy of gobwinknob, or any of the other dlc I have since so far none of it seems to list separately(actually makes it a bit annoying for me to see what I've got on some of them when dlc go on sale sometimes)
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sorry, used the wrong word. fixed it to questions. I just use argument as the default term for "forum stuff" lol
Its like how theres practice aspects to this other(private link/posted on the forum) givaway I saw that had a contribution limit but the additional term that "I'll be checking contributor value myself and gala store games only count twice, will reroll if you don't meet requirements" but he couldn't pull that off in a public link. theres a practical reason for alot of custom rules.
(since I'm getting replies anyway do you know whats the standard on "don't enter if you've already got the game" being posted on a bundle? not a large one with a ton of dlc, but more like say bastion with soundtrack? it isn't enough for entering to get dlc even if that wasn't posted so it seems a pretty good rule that would at least be respected by most in a public givaway, but is it enforceable? you'd kinda be a dick to enter but can he reroll? I'd ask because that specific subset game packs situation almost seems like the war of the roses glitch where 2 versions count as separate games and almost seems like "don't enter if you already have base game" should be default)
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The mods probably won't allow a reroll on that, especially if it's a plublic giveaway, but the gifter could choose not to send the gift and take the negative rep instead.
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Shouldn't be. Its a public givaway, so for one thing not sure if you even get to add special rules to those anyway(pretty sure you don't. I'd have to check, not sure where I read the rules on gifter rules and rerolls it may have been a faq, it may have been one of those separate threads that isn't in the faq but still gets cited as part of it).
(and for a second weaker thing theres really no need, private profiles have to sync their gameslist like anybody else, most don't notice cause if you're public it happens in the background but it checks my games list every week or so and if I don't do it I lose the ability to use steamgifts until I do. So no reason not to allow private, he can't really get away with regifting or trading it away the site would know within a week right?)
did the giveaway phrase it "I won't send the key if your steam profile is private" or did he say "its a steamgift, will be added through steam, I don't want to end up in your spam folder" ?
(edit- by which I mean Do you know if you requested the email instead or had your account set to "private inventory" when you added as a friend he would have withheld it?)
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Yeah, saw that one and skipped out on it, because I don't feel like going public because some stranger on the internet demands it of me, even if I win fair and square.
Also, whenever I posted a giveaway with multiple games (like the Penumbra series) I just ask politely if people would be so kind only to enter if they have none of the games. I don't make demands or threats about not sending it, just a friendly request. It seems to work just fine.
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No, I am not sure of anything. I didn't talk to him (or her). I am just referring a giveaway that he created. He wrote this on the giveaway page as a note. He thought he was "warning" the entrants i guess. He was specifically threatening the winner not giving the claimed key if they have a private profile. Don't know what happened next.
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If it's a public giveaway, it's no allowed to do that.
In private/group giveaway, you could do it after asking a mod for approval
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I dont know, but, i dont think it's a problem if ur profile is "Friends only" like my one (I have personal reasons to hide it from people that i dont have on my friends list )because the creator of the giveaway will add you on steam to give you the key, BUT, he can always then ask the winner not to delete him so he can see if he activated the key, or not.
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but the op's question was are you under any obligation to comply with a request like that? more of a curiosity than in practice but(obviously it'd be rude not to but he didn't phrase the request nicely anyway "HEY, YOU, YEAH YOU, It's a steam key and i ONLY give it by adding you on Steam. Not by mail. So if your profile is private .. bad luck." so he was more asking if theres a steamgifts rule that backs him up on officially being able to do that) it isn't a private giveaway its public, can't reroll on public so he'd get a mark against for not sending. seems like it'd be better to just do those in a group or forum so he could have those rules be actually solid.(don't know why the hypothetical person wouldn't just do it get the game and go back private, maybe he'd be offended by the implied distrust? maybe hes just oddly particular? maybe hes just got a thing about searches, who knows.)
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There are plenty of people who don't sync and keep joining for games they already have. I wouldn't send a key either if I can't see his profile. I would add him and if I still can't see it I would ask to turn it non private for 2 minutes. If they don't want to do that, i'm pretty sure they have something to hide (like not activating wins).
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"There are plenty of people who don't sync and keep joining for games they already have. "
No, there aren't. thats not actually possible, sync is mandatory. If you set private you've got to blip public for a bit to sync every week or so(like 10 day) or you lose the ability to enter giveaways until you do.
(and even if that were possible the other reason your statement can't happen is being private doesn't help in the situation you describe. Suspicious as we are as a group somebody'll snoop around and see in his won games list the same game multiple times)
what there could be is that somebody wins a game once and trades it.
what can't be is somebody wins all of the copes of a game and never syncs so nobody knows he registered the first one he got.
so the worry is you'll trade your won games not that you'll win extra lol(if you're going to say "plenty" of people do a thing...
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Then lets blame DLC's/collections/bundles/people not activating their wins + other mistakes in the system where people can enter even tho they shouldn't. I've busted enough people by now (but yeh people who don't do giveaways don't know what kind of people there are, huh) ;p
But hey if someone has a problem to make their profile public for a minute even though they are receiving a free game from a stranger, I don't mind getting one bad feedback. I rather destroy it than give it to a douche, like I care at my '100%' which doesn't mean a thing.
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I'm ok with people asking me to turn my profile to public / friendsonly so they can check that I don't have the game already and activate it, but that is a bit over the top me thinks.
But they are the ones giving, so they should be allowed to make the rules.
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Not unless he has mod approval for additional rules.
He would, however, be well within his rights to add the winner on Steam and ask to see their profile before sending them the key.
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nope me too and the other person is here on SG too
probably alt account.
can support check the ips?
i mean it isnt fair to have multiple accounts here.
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I would agree with the person who says it, but I don't think SteamGifts allows this as a reroll reason.
I'd take a temp suspension for this if the person refused to prove they didn't already own the game.
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Seriously Op, you're really too much on the ABSOLUT RULE things.
I had one winner of my giveaway once, who had a private profile. I've added him friend, and asked him to set friend, so i could check he had the game (because it was a DLC), and he did gladly. Checked for the game, gave him the DLC, end of transaction and thank you all. I don't see your point. You don't want to show your profile to anyone ? seriously, a guy just want to give you a game, and all you think about is just rules, like your account must be private all time and you don't have to show it to anyone ? seriously, don't stay on SG. Can't believe about what i read.
You know, there's no laws in real life that tells you can say thanks to people. But somes peoples do it anyway. Just stay in your nicely private world, and don't bother about winning games anymore. Rules are not the only things that keep the world turning.
I don't see why you just don't set your account visible for the gifter 5 min of his life. It's not like he's gonna screenshot it and showing to the rest of the world... One person see your account, it's the end of the world ? just because rules don't say so is not a valid reason to refuse to show your account. If i were the giver, i would not give the game too. That behaviour just piss me off.
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well yeah, I'd just switch public for a second if I won, its more an academic question, like what happens(by steamgift rules) if you refused and asked him to use the email instead?
(Reading the gifter's other givaways it looks like somebody did exactly that(or at least asked why and requested the email) and he took offense because it switches from one to the next as "its a steamgift" to "It's a steam key and I ONLY give it by adding you on Steam. Not by mail. So if your profile is private too bad I won't be sending")
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Rules says that people are not allowed to enter DLC for game they don't own. So i think i had the leggit choice to check if he has the game. Refusing me to verify he had the game would only mean to me that he don't have it and don't want to me to find out.
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that must have been awhile ago, since then they've changed it(except that it breaks on free weekends when the site thinks you have the game) so the mechanics of the site don't allow entering for dlc you don't own the game for anyway. same way they prevent entering for games you have(also breaks on free weekends by thinking you have something you don't).
then again based on the limited number of games and dlc I have it doesn't seem to show dlc separately at all. so you can check the base game but not if he already has or never registers the dlc even seeing his list
(besides we aren't talking about a real person who might be reasonable, we're talking about a hypothetical what if, and it takes place on the internet so you can't assume people are sane even if he were real, and even so there are other reasons besides hiding something(that argument is the same used to pressure you into letting the cops search your property without a warrant, or letting the government put cameras everywhere or tap your phone). Maybe he'd be offended by the implied distrust? that you're assuming the worst for no reason, maybe hes just oddly particular? maybe hes just got a thing about searches, who knows. hes not real he can have any motivation required to get the result needed for the conversation))
(and actually theres a thread right now with a perfect example of how you can't see dlc in somebody's inventory to make sure they redeemed it(he shows only the base game in his inventory despite winning it twice and giving away the same dlc as well), but also how even a private profile(his isn't, its public) would eventually get noticed for winning the same thing twice or gifting immediately after winning the same thing as soon as somebody got curious
the system really should prevent you from entering a givaway for the same thing after you've already won it(and you mark as received). just assume you own it now or something. apparently it doesn't do that)
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mechanics of the site are sometimes broken. Check some of the DLC, i'm pretty sure there's always one you could enter without owning the base game. Moreover, people can abuse with free week end to enter games etc... I prefer to check myself, and the winner comply with my request. Refusing to show your profile just 5 min for 1 personn is just meaning someone wants to hide somethings. We don't care about no rule saying we can't see inventory. I'm going to give something to someone i don't know for free, the minimum is at least to prove you're worthy a minimum of the gift and complying with the rules of steamgift (activating the game, no DLC for game you don't win).
People who just can't understand this should really go far away from Steamgift.
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I once had a winner of a DLC with a private profile and blocking me from adding him. Support told me to send him an email informing him that he has won and that he should either sent me proof that he does own the base game or open his profile for a second for me so I could have a look myself. I did that,he opened his profile for me,I gave him the DLC and we had a little chat. He was really a nice guy actually.
So this argument "I don't want to set my profile to public for everyone". You do it at least once per week for Steamgifts,the only reason to not make it profile to a guy who wants to gift you a game is that you have to hide something (for example you wont activate the game) or if you are a bit too much concerned about your privacy. In that case you should be at least willing to provide proof. Otherwise,yes,I would do the same and would not give you the game (DLC case) OR I would sent SG support after you if you really activated your game.
Also depends a bit if the trouble is really worth it...a 1€ game surely isnt...other games maybe are worth the trouble. Had enough ungrateful ppl who just entered the giveaway for the sake of entering and then traded it,sold it,regifted it...whatever.
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"I won't send the key if your steam profile is private" in a giveaway created on SteamGifts?
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