I regret winning games that i have won and will not play anytime, the title says it all. I feel guilty about it and i wish there is a way to send them back to the owners. Back in time i did not have the right mental attitude to participate giveaways that I am only interested in, i was randomly participating every giveaway that i can, and this ended me up winning games that i wont play, even for a second. If someone is kind enough to calculate the fair value of what i win from here, at least i can return the favor by creating a giveaway that matches up the damage.

Have a nice 2022 folks!

3 years ago

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How much game do you win that you never going to play?

View Results

see here

Gifts Won
67 ($682.97)

3 years ago

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Yes, i know that info already, but actually most of the games i win come from bundles, i guess that shows the store price.
thats why i ask for a fair price calculation (if possible)
anyway, if the fair price is that, I can go for it. Right now i dont have the budget but, that can be a target.

3 years ago

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or real cv (bundled games get reduced value): here

3 years ago

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thats more like it :) thank you very much!!

3 years ago

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:) also: don't feel bad!

3 years ago

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After 1.5y of entering i finally won a game... Maneater... i activated it.. went on Xbox and i seen its in xbox pass (and read its way better with controller) so its pointless win to me :] ... noice

3 years ago

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Played it recently with mouse and keyboard and it was pretty fun, I recommend that you at least give it a try, nothing to lose. :)
To me it was the kind of game that allows me to just turn my brain off and chill.
Currently waiting for a good price on the DLC so I can try to 100%.

3 years ago

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If you have an Xbox, you basically have a controller for Steam as well. Why not play it on Steam since you have it already? No subtle judgment intended.

3 years ago

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Actually, I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of SG users acted this way for some period after joining this site (myself included). Don't feel bad, at least you are among those who've realized their mistake.

3 years ago

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Thank you for lowering my pain :) After reading the thread, i think i will give the games i won a try.

3 years ago

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I played two of the games I've won. I can't speak for others, but I tend to enter for either WL games or games I'm casually interested in, and then they drift into the wayside by the games that have a higher priority.

Like Psycho said, don't feel bad! Could make a great setup for a 2022 gaming resolution. :)

3 years ago

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Happy cakeday :D

3 years ago

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Hey thank you very much!

3 years ago

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Happy cakeday! I try to play the games but once I try them, a lot of them seem a lot harder or not like what I was expecting. I found that participating in PAGYWOSG helps me to actually play the games or at least try. There have been a few I won that I refuse to play no matter what though (like deleveled, hardest most annoying game ever).

3 years ago

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Thanks Queenie! <3

I'll have to check out PAGYWOSG myself. At least you've given it a shot even if you don't like it. :)

3 years ago

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I will check that myself too, thank you

3 years ago

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a few games ive won that im unable to play. but i mostly play everything within a week of winning

3 years ago

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nice one :) keep going!

3 years ago

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When I first joined, I would sometimes just enter as many giveaways as I could (especially if I was bored and had nothing better to do). I ended up winning a number of games I really had no interest in. But several months ago, I started participating in the monthly "play a game you won on steamgifts" events, where you play games based on a theme chosen for the month. It got me to play a lot of those games I never thought I would touch - and I ended up enjoying a lot of games I never guessed that I would (turns out I actually LIKE those hidden object games. I never would have known otherwise).

Regardless of if you decide to check that out or not, I'm glad to hear that you have adopted a new attitude towards giveaways. Best of luck to you!

3 years ago

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thx! :)

3 years ago

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I know I was like that at first, too, but before long I just entered ones I was interested in, though there are quite a few of those that I either have barely played or not played for various reasons. A couple were not nearly as fun as I thought they looked, and some I was excited about playing when I entered, but just never actually felt like playing since I won..
I am now pretty selective of the GAs I enter (I've rarely gone below 200 points, haha) but even now I think for a bit "Am I actually going to be really happy about winning this?". And I usually don't enter unless I think I would be willing to buy the game myself at some point, especially when they aren't public.

3 years ago

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I have same mindset now, but i thought recently that, some people without budget would be far happier than me winning the games i own. Anyway, i will give back to community.

3 years ago

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It's okay, we all suck.

3 years ago

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true that :)

3 years ago

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There is another recent thread with a similar subject. Basically the entire first paragraph of my comment there is about how I'm an idiotic selfish asshole for taking several multiplayer-only games because they looked cool at the time, but it quickly became apparent that I don't like multiplayer at all. Well... no way to ever play them now- that was so long ago they are all dead (as is typical for most multiplayer games). :/

Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm any better nowadays than I was back then- there are some very... "risky" games which I keep entering for despite my better judgement- I'm highly interested in them and would play without hesitation... but I have no clue if I can actually run them on my antique of a gaming laptop. Monster Hunter World (I have been told that I should be able to run it just fine, but the source of that remark is horribly unreliable) and NieR:Automata (I know there are mods to fix it and make it run better, but Square Enix's ports are so infamously bad I can never be sure) are prime examples. I'm just awful... T.T

3 years ago

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Don't feel too bad about yourself, that won't accomplish anything, the past is gone and cannot be changed.

If feeling guilty, give back if / when you can.

3 years ago

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will do! thx

3 years ago

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if you win here, and have the game already or for whatever reason you dont activate the game... is it possible to make it a gift here again ? i mean ... i´ve seen pple with more than 1000 gifts given. is that possible or what consequenz do you have

3 years ago

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no, its against the rules. I already activated all of them.

3 years ago

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i played all my wins but I do regret winning some. I regret or rather feel remorseful about winning 14 games

3 years ago

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saw your post and it inspired me to do something similar. Thanks!

3 years ago

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From the start I was only interested in entering wishlist GAs or games that I thought (after some research) would be enjoyable, the fact that I'm achievements hunter I try to search every game well enough before adding to Steam wishlist or entering its GAs
But still I ended up with a couple of won games that turned out not as enjoyable as I have thought.

3 years ago

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meh I'm sure you've often seen people with thousands of winnings, high level. do you think they play all their games? you just don't have enough life. I am sure that half of the people will not play their games. this site at the same time looks like a barter, you change your games to someone else's (although there are people who are joining the giveaways only). but for others, this site is something more.
so I don't think you should blame yourself too much. there are special groups with the condition "to play the game". sometimes the creator asks you to play. everything outside doesn't matter. and I see no reason to blame myself and others for not playing when no one even asked for it

3 years ago*

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I think of it slightly differently. The vast majority of my time gaming, I play games I've won on this site. Some I play a little, others a lot.

For me, it's part of the fun. When I won Hollow Knight, I gave it a try and HATED IT! Then I tried it again a little while later and LOVED IT! I never would have bought it for myself (unless it was on sale at a GREAT price).

3 years ago*

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Honestly, it was probably a factor in why I stopped coming here for a few years. I tried to sort of keep the CV similar to what I gave and got, but it did start to feel like I was falling too far behind and had other game priorities so I took a long break. Technically the same now, but I've been making time to attempt everything since I've come back (to basic clears, not 100% achievements).

But from the past my guilt has different levels:

  • Almost no guilt: things that are huge giveaways like 1000 copies of something especially during the time when some devs made game giveaways that were just basically to get people to farm cards and sell them on market. Or vote for their greenlight game. Not always the case, just mentioning it.
  • Low guilt - GA creator didn't even care about it. Or it's some non essential dlc.
  • Modest guilt - sequel issues: some pre/sequels aren't even necessary to play, but sometimes I got a few that were sequels and I was like I'd wait until I'd get through the original or picked it up on a sale and never did.
  • Regret - "so so" visual novels and point and clicks. Not all VN entries are bad for me just the ones I won long ago, I realized I wasn't interested in.
  • Big regret - got it for free later elsewhere even if it took some years. But I hadn't played the one I got. Or won it and wasn't actually able to run it (I'm not 100% sure this applies to anything I won in the past but I would still feel the same if it did).

I'm glad I do have a few cases of equalizing it though. Like I won Lost Planet 3, but was also able to give away a copy of it at some point so it sorta balances out.

But nowadays anything I enter that's a normal small giveaway, I try to ensure it at least looks like I'd try it and I have more time to keep that promise now. Looks can still be deceiving but at least I'm coming from a better place with my entries. Anything on the fence, I just hide it to avoid temptation. I'm also often hiding things in the less than 5 points range. Considering raising that to 10. That's not to say good games aren't in that range, it's just way less risk to buy it if I want it at that price point.

3 years ago

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Hey it happends, at least you are aware now. Everyone could see a place offering free stuff and anyone would be excited and would try to enter as much as they can, not really thinking what they will get. No need to feel too bad.
I've just been entering what I want I have on my wishlist, so like 1 or 2 giveaways per week lol. I don't feel too bad if I lose that way I guess

3 years ago

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