Finished the games posted here
Little Misfortune
Smile For Me
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Yakuza Kiwami 2
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Thank you.
Game | Bundle | Achievement |
Figment | Humble Monthly September 2018 | Completed |
Override | Humble Monthly October 2019 | Beaten |
PLANET ALPHA | Humble Monthly October 2019 | Completed |
Smile For Me | Humble Choice November 2020 | Completed |
Styx: Shards of Darkness | Humble Monthly June 2018 | Beaten |
TSIOQUE | Humble Choice November 2020 | Completed |
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Done! Had a great time with my picks this month. Thanks again for this fun event.
Game | Monthly/Choice |
Jotun | Jan 2017 |
Kentucky Route Zero | July 2016 |
Orwell | Oct 2017 |
Quantum Break | Jan 2018 |
Ryse: Son of Rome | Feb 2017 |
11-11 Memories Retold | Nov 2019 |
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I'll try this month.
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Ugh I'd love to enter but I've got a busy month ahead ><
I'll see what I can find that I may be able to complete.
For now... bump ^.^
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thanks again for offering another awesome game this month, i always look forward to seeing which game will be given away next. though i technically don't own control, i'm gonna sit out this month anyway because i do have it via steam family share, and already 100%'d it. i hope whoever ends up winning it enjoys it as much as i did. awesome story, graphics, gameplay.. this game has it all.
also, yeah, fuck daylights saving time.
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Game | Achievements | Status | Monthly/Choice |
This War of Mine | 16/55 | Beaten | April 2016 |
Epistory - Typing Chronicles | 55/55 | Completed | September 2016 |
Dead Island Definitive Edition | 30/57 | Beaten | November 2018 |
Do Not Feed the Monkeys | 33/33 | Completed | May 2019 |
Niffelheim | 35/35 | Completed | March 2020 |
NEOVERSE | 28/37 | Beaten | May 2020 |
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I'll try my best. Thanks for doing this.
List of games I'm considering:
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
Tiny Echo
Finding Paradise
Call of Cthulu
What I actually ended up playing:
Game | Status |
Call of Cthulu | Beaten |
Overgrowth | Beaten |
Silence | Beaten |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | Beaten |
Tiny Echo | Beaten |
TSIOQUE | Beaten |
Forager | unfinished |
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy | unfinished |
Sonic Mania | unfinished |
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Yay Control, I shall try this month!
Game | Monthly | Status |
Little Misfortune | November 2020 | Completed |
Smile For Me | November 2020 | Completed |
The Shapeshifting Detective | September 2020 | Beaten |
A Case of Distrust | August 2020 | Completed |
We Were Here Together | August 2020 | Beaten |
NEOVERSE | May 2020 | Beaten / Screenshot |
The Stillness of the Wind - Abandoned
We Were Here Together was sadly the biggest disappointment. I loved the first one & despite some complaints with the second it was still a fun experience. This one the puzzles were either confusing/difficult (as in required a bunch of steps) or only one person had to do most of the work, idk felt like a more frustrating & tedious game. Still had it's moments, but overall bummed we didn't love it :( Hoping the next one in the series is more up our alley.
Little Misfortune some of the humour missed the mark for me, but as the game went on it definitely grew on me & got a couple big laughs and even made me emotional. Considering I wasn't loving it initially it left quite the impact.
Smile For Me was a fetch quest simulator but pretty interesting, definitely had a neat distinct style to it. The characters weren't super fleshed out or anything but it was a fun, chill P&C style game. Gave me a bit of Jazzpunk vibes.
NEOVERSE was fun for a night, but don't see myself replaying it compared to Slay the Spire etc. Still will probably play a couple more playthroughs and see if it sinks it's teeth into me.
The Shapeshifting Detective had nice acting & atmosphere, an interesting single-sitting adventure game. Really put me in the mood to play more FMVs/choose-your-own-adventure style games.
A Case of Distrust had some incredible style with the graphic design, super clean and fit the tone well. The music too! Got a bit bored with the story/mystery side of it by the end, but it wasn't bad.
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We'll see how I go this month. A few slightly longer games I want to play, so I'll see if I can get them done. I have a few smaller ones to change to if I run out of time..
Game | Monthly | Status | Other |
TSIOQUE | November 2020 | Complete | . |
Little Misfortune | November 2020 | Complete | . |
Tomb Raider | January 2018 | Beaten | 4.8 hours idled |
Rise of the Tomb Raider | October 2017 & September 2018 | Beaten | Screenshots |
Rover Mechanic Simulator | November 2020 | Beaten | . |
A Short Hike | April 2019 | Beaten | . |
Total | 6/6 |
Started to run out of time at the end there.. A Short Hike is beaten for the last game. Might go back and 100% it and Rover Mechanic eventually :P
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Definitely have to do this month too. Thank you cj.
Complete games list:
Fran Bow - achievements
Well, this was more macabre than I expected, but it was interesting. Suffers from some common issues with adventure games like "I pick up these items of interest, but ignore others, for seemingly arbitrary reasons." Some of the dialogue feels stilted as well, with not much reason to have dialogue options. Puzzles stumped me multiple times and motivated me to use a guide; maybe I'm a bit dense for the genre.
Still tells an interesting story, and the overall concept of "a horror world through a child's eyes" is a novel one in gaming. I would like to see how Little Misfortune turned out.
She Remembered Caterpillars - achievements
I enjoyed that sort of dramatic depressed poetry through which She Remembered Caterpillars tells its brief "story." For the puzzles themselves, they were definitely harder than expected and I needed a guide for several of them.
Purrfect Date - achievements
Definitely didn't enjoy this at first, especially with (minor spoilers) the first four protagonists going through the same song and dance with research orientation and unwittingly starting the cat transformation process. By the end, I wanted to preserve my save before starting a new game, which probably means it won me over. Incredibly catchy music and the little "relationship status" completionist screen helped.
Passpartout: The Starving Artist - achievements (minor spoiler: "The Ladies Swoon" achievement is one of several possible "good" endings)
The first two hours of Passpartout flew by as I drew whatever I could think of and my art flew off the shelves to the less discerning customers. Unfortunately, I eventually ran out of creative ideas to draw (plus my bad art was no longer up to snuff) and I resorted to cheesing my way to the finish line with spammy paintings. I understand for obvious reasons the ability for a single-player game to assess art would be extremely limited, and the concept is an intriguing sort the industry could really expand upon with the right budget.
Paratopic - achievements (note on achievement timestamps: As the achievement guide on Steam explains, achievements are only tabulated at the end of the playthrough)
I saw this on a friend's Twitch stream and decided to eventually play through myself. Made me feel a little better about staying locked in to the June 2019 Humble Monthly (the one with the Black Ops 4 headliner; never really enjoyed any flavor of Call of Duty multiplayer).
Some of the downtime is mildly annoying, but there is never really an overbearing unskippable pause in the action. Moreover, I understand the intent to encourage the player to take in the atmosphere. And that atmosphere is bewildering and compelling, combining a David Lynch or Nicolas Winding Refn film with the look of a warped PS1/N64 game.
The Suicide of Rachel Foster - achievements
Throughout the game, I felt like the developers wanted to combine the best elements of the adventure genre's recent heavy hitters like Telltale's Walking Dead, Firewatch, Gone Home and Life is Strange. Overall, it didn't really succeed in that respect, because the pacing feels off and the game doesn't quite execute its concepts quite as cleanly as its progenitors. (Moderate spoiler) The big reveal(s) feels like there's something off about it, like it's unearned and doesn't properly align with what the rest of the game built. I also got lost or stuck several times, but I am a bit careless. Despite all of that, I did enjoy the journey, and although it is not a horror game in the traditional sense, the game can build tension well at a few points.
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Game | Progress | Status |
Tsioque | 31/31 | Completed |
Smile For Me | 24/24 | Completed |
Little Misfortune | 35/35 | Completed |
The Shapeshifting Detective | 21/21 | Completed |
Supraland | 60/98 | "Completed" (don't own DLC) |
The Magic Circle | 11/14 | Beaten |
[Bonus] Shadow of the Tomb Raider | 33/99 | 20hrs in... |
Totals: | 218/322 | 6/7 Beaten so far |
Tsioque beaten Cute little P&C. Short, simple, and sweet.
Smile for Me beaten. Weird First-person... P&C game.
Little Misfortune beaten. Cute, slightly crude and disturbing (given the protagonist) with a couple of funny parts.
The Shapeshifting Detective beaten. Didn't enjoy it as much as Late Shift; it was still very interesting, but played out more like Her Story.
Supraland is great! XD puzzle-platformer-collectathon, with some metroidvania elements. The PAID DLC has achievements. grr.
EDIT: Dropped Wuppo as I wasn't enjoying it. Gonna give The Magic Circle a spin instead.
The Magic Circle beaten. Ugh, glad that's over, there were some great parts to the game, but overall it was just really lame. The game mechanics ("hacking" objects and creatures to accomplish objectives) was cool, but the story (megalomaniac and a failed game)... ugh.
Welp, time to revisit Half-Life! Hopefully my nostalgia-coloured glasses don't disappoint me :)
EDIT: Friggin' game breaking bug in Black Mesa. Seems they keep updating it, and it's normal for the save files to stop working; but in this case, it looks like they screwed a chapter over, and I can't progress. I guess this is why most mods are free...
EDIT: Dropped Black Mesa. It got incredibly hard when I hit the end of Questionable Ethics chapter in the lobby. From then on, all of the enemies became bullet sponges, literally almost full clips of ammo to kill each enemy. Utter tripe.
I guess I have to decide what my new bonus game will be for the third time this month. dang.
EDIT: Shadow of the Tomb Raider will do. Got a week to play it, so that should suffice.
EDIT: Hmm, I don't think I'm gonna finish this bonus game in time :-/ A lot bigger than I thought.
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I actually liked The Magic Circle, but it does have its weak points. Smile for Me is something that I'm on the fence on about playing it. I've heard good things about it, but the visuals just look off to me. Not sure how to explain it. Both Tsioque and Little Misfortune are high on my to play list and I'm glad they both turned out good :D.
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I think people who like games like the Stanley Parable and other such... might like the parts of the game that I didn't like? The gameplay was fine, it was just the overused trope of "failed game/shitty dev/evo-based or recurring gameplay" that just grinds my gears. Some games did this right (The Hex), while others just turn into a whiny/preachy/overbearing mess. This is all personal opinion though XD
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This month had a few games I really wanted, so I will try mostly these
Little Misfortune
Smile For Me
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Yakuza Kiwami 2
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Thank you so much for the giveaway
This month, I will try:
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Can't count Yakuza since a portion was played in mid October. Can you start the game while online? This should cause steam to unlock the achievements you got in the game.
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i will do another game if you do not wish to count yakuza even though i restarted from a new save. and about evoland, I started the game online and it did not give me achievement. I can send further proofs including the game save file if you want.
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I just noticed that your achievements for that game shows that you played it before the event started, so it is disqualified on that basis.
even though i restarted from a new save
Does not matter. The moment there is any play time outside of the event time window, it can no longer be accepted.
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I have never done a challenge like this, so I'm gonna start with some short games to try it out:
Game | Monthly | Status | Achievements |
Lightmatter | October 2020 | Finished | 10/23 |
Little Misfortune | November 2020 | Finished | 26/35 |
Tsioque | November 2020 | Finished | 26/31 |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | October 2020 | Finished | 10/11 |
A Case of Distrust | August 2020 | Finished | 8/10 |
Youropa | November 2020 | Finished | 8/14 |
Question: Can I switch one or more of these games later, if I find out that the game isn't fun or if I get stuck?
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Game | Status | Review |
A Case of Distrust | Completed | Bland. |
Last Day of June | Completed | A chore to play, terrible ending. |
Moon Hunters | Finished | Love this, finished |
MO:Astray | Finished | It's hard and rage inducing and I love it. |
Stories Untold | Completed | Not bad. Just the right length. |
ABZÛ | Finished | Kinda boring, but had its moments. |
Ditched games:
Poi: atrocious controls, boring worlds, fickely gameplay and simplified graphics. I couldn't bare finishing it.
Smile for me: absolutely terrible. Wonky controls, unlikeable characters, day and night cycle constantly interrupting the game. I really can't wrap my head around where all these good reviews are coming from.
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Yay, Control! Not sure if I can make it this month, but I'm gonna try :)
Game | Monthly | Status | Playtime | Achievements |
198X | March 2020 | Finished | 2.5h | 6/14 achievements |
Forager | September 2020 | Finished | 33.8h | 77/103 achievements |
Call of Cthulhu | August 2020 | Finished | 11.5h | 34/49 achievements |
The Suicide of Rachel Foster | October 2020 | Finished | 3.6 | 10/11 achievements |
Etherborn | March 2020 | Finished | 1.5h | 6/13 achievements |
The Stillness of the Wind | June 2020 | Finished | 4.5h | screenshots (no achievements) |
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I was going to find 6 games to play anyway. It's a monthly ritual now ;)
I probably will be playing
Game | Monthly | Status | Playtime | Achievements |
Cook Serve Delicious! 2 | June 2018 | Completed | 176h / HLTB (24h) | 45/45 |
Jotun | January 207 | Beaten | 16h / HLTB (5h) | 21/36 |
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon | August 2019 | Beaten | 11h / HLTB (7h) | 7/13 |
One Piece: Burning Blood | August 2017 | Beaten | 19.6h / HLTB (5h) | 25/50 |
198X | March 2020 | Beaten | 3.4h / HLTB (2h) | 11/14 |
Spiral Scouts | October 2019 | Beaten | 5.5h / HLTB (5h) | 20/32 |
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Jotun OMGGGzz
I too played it this month, it is a 100% flashback to the ragequits of my childhood. 21 achievements tho -- you impress! My seven are probably the bare minimum to finish the game...
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Yeaaaaah I worked hard at that one and I really wanted to 100% it but I got my ass handed to me way too many times with the timer achievements lol
I'll keep working on it though. And keep ragequitting lol
Hey you managed the main achievements, it's no slack! The game is much harder than I thought!
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The game is much harder than I thought!
Haha, I know. Once again fooled by HLTB. "5 hours? I can do that!" 16 hours later: "Why won't this $%&er die!?!?"
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Holy crap congrats on completing CSD!2, let alone in one month!? Getting perfect days on some of those final shifts is tough as nails, impressive!
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Thanks! I thought I'd never get to the other side!
Tbh, I wish I had spread this one more but it's ok, I'll keep playing in CSD for a while I think.
The endgame was tough, that's a fact! I'm a pretty fast typer and I had memorized most letters and recipes by that point so I think it helped and I only had to try 3 or 4 times for the hard ones.
I would say being a professional cook (never worked short order though) helped getting in the groove but I'm sure that weird bug I had with the game sometimes slowing down by half helped tremendously in the last leg of the game ;)
It's not cheating if your computer does it on its own, right?
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Getting in the flow of the game definitely is the best feeling, felt like a total badass with my loud mechanical keyboard tip tapping away. :D I never got quite into the same flow with the second game (had an easier time memorising in CSD!1 since playing it in a short span does help in that regard) but will tackle completing it one day.
Haha I think the game was having mercy knowing what you'd gone thru in just a couple weeks & wanted you to
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Haha I think the game was having mercy knowing what you'd gone thru in just a couple weeks & wanted you to
Blessed! The plus side of having an old potato as your main rig ;)
I never got quite into the same flow with the second game (had an easier time memorising in CSD!1
Yeah I read from a lot of people that the changes made it harder for players of the first game. I'm looking forward to playing the 3rd one now. Hopefully changes won't be too jarring.
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Let's give it a shot
Game | Status | Achievements |
A Case of Distrust | Finished | 10/10 |
TSIOQUE | Finished | 31/31 |
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter | Finished | 25/25 |
The Adventure Pals | Finished | 29/31 |
Ryse: Son of Rome | Finished | 27/73 |
The King's Bird | Finished | 7/13 |
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Excited to Participate again
1) Call of Cthullu-- Played-- fight destiny
2) Horace-- Played-- game over
3) Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered- played-- Red Dawn
4) Night Call--Played-- L'Ange de la Mort, Le Marchand de Sable, Le Juge
5) Grim Fandango Remastered-- Played-- Year 4
6) Dropsy?-- Played-- the longest hug
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state of mind was gonna be it but it was taking so long to start installing that i gave up because i was wanting to play my games. Completely forgot about it until I saw the deleted message above and by that point I just didnt care enough to get rid of 1
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I'll be playing at least 6 of these to completion! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there :3
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
The Stillness of the Wind - Completed Screenshot/Final Scene Before Credits
The Hex
Okami HD
Night Call
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Ok third's time a charm, last time I was really close this time I'll finish them on time!
Game | Part of: | Status |
Project Warlock | February 2020 Choice | Beaten and completed! |
Maize | June 2017 Monthly | Beaten! |
GRIS | April 2020 Choice | Beaten! |
Volume | February 2016 Monthly | Beaten and completed! |
Lightmatter | October 2020 Choice | Beaten! |
Stories Untold | September 2017 Monthly | Beaten and Completed! |
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Cheers for still doing this. I participated once for Persona 4 Golden, this is my second time :P
Game | Status |
Paradigm | Finished (Proof: Koniec achievement) |
Book of Demons | Finished (Proof: All hail the new king achievement) |
American Fugitive | Finished (Proof: Redemption achievement) |
Figment | Finished (Proof: Coming Back to the Surface achievement) |
Neon Struct | Finished (Proof: Bright Eyes achievement) |
Whispers of a Machine | Finished (Proof: Case Closed achievement) |
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Copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta since I'm just that lazy :D.
Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.
The prize: Control Ultimate Edition
Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.
Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.
Why you doing this?
I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for nearly five years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.
Why six games?
The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.
How long are you going to do this?
Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.
This event "ends" on December 4th when the next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.
Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget that daylight savings is bullshit
List of eligible games:
Credit goes to PapaSmok
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