Which is the best?
No, it realy is censorship, they have clothes,their not nude but to want more clothes on them, it's just like with the redesign of Kali from Smite and Sally from Sonic, that's censorship. Interprate how you like it but covering up skin in censoring, even if it isn't purposed censoring, it still counts as such. Either way Paladin heroes are no such need, I don't want anyone suffer the censorship fate of the likes such as Overwatch heroes lol. Only thing unique about the females from there is their heads.
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Why? It's true. Imagine yourself as a "skimpy" lady, you wouldn't like being told or forced to cover up all of your SFW skin and only leave the head naked, it's annoying, distasteful censorship , nobody but virgins, gays and parents want that. Why do you hate beautifull bodies man? I can't stand people like that. You'd think you would have gotten sick of the clothing censorship in real life but no, gotta eliminate any signs of the person being a female, remove all the female charm and female traits am I right? No, just no, no complaining about skimpiness please, it litearlly hurts no one in no way, why gotta be such a downer I won't Know. But face palm? I could say the same thing about you, making problems out of things that give no problems, if you love censorship so much, why aren't you hunting for games to write on forums about and send angry emails ? Nobody has complained about Urien from Street Fighter, I recommend starting there. That is unless you hate only female bodies, which Paladin's has well dressed, more than enough than not.
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you're argument is weak.
you can't just say "imagine you're a skimpy lady"... that's like trying to convince someone who's against pot to " imagine you're a druggy ". also from what Im picking up your view of what's SFW is a little skewed.
the female body is gorgeous and the only people who don't respect it are otakus, jocks, and scum. I can't stand those people.
if the game is rated for a more mature audience then by all means but paladins is targeted to a younger audience in terms of violence and language and having " under cleavage " mages feels so out of place.
I won't even touch games like soul caliber or such because I'm talking about paladins, which is in beta and has potential for change.
do everyone a favor and get to know a girl instead of ogling after them.
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It isn't weak, no one wants to admit when their wrong but whatever,just don't become a game dev alright?
How about you do a favour for yourself instead and realize how perfectly fine, common and accepted underboobs are, remember, America rustles their jimmies when nipples are visible, so save your comments such as these for when the occasion Arrises alright? You seem kinda late to the world , casual, accepted, non comlained underboobs has been a thing LONG before Paladin's, Just saying. My definition of SFW isn't skewed, it's more logical and tolerant, you should be paying attention to the violence instead, like in Paladin's for example, you think it's funny and friendly child games when a demon armed skull guy shoots you in the face with a revolver or a robot king attempting to blow you apart like soldiers do in TF2? Oh right I forgot, America loves violence and gore and let's the younger audience see all of it,my bad, I forgot, it's just only when female skin and nipples are in question when people like you go on a witch hunt, my bad. Plus's who gives a shit about the younger audience? They learn swearing from CoDs and they learn the human body from Rust, and pretty much any movie they secretly watch, there is no younger audience past age 8 lol my brother Adrian's is a fine example of a adult in a kid body. Anyways, if you could just keep the censor talk to yourself, i would realy rapreciate it, I would, just saying. Cya.
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No, it realy is censorship, they have clothes,their not nude but to want more clothes on them, it's just like with the redesign of Kali from Smite and Sally from Sonic, that's censorship. Interprate how you like it but covering up skin in censoring, even if it isn't purposed censoring, it still counts as such. Either way Paladin heroes are no such need, I don't want anyone suffer the censorship fate of the likes such as Overwatch heroes lol. Only thing unique about the females from there is their heads.
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Eh double posts so I dont know where to reply.
Personally I do not mind fanservice at all, but its completly understandable for people to dislike when only females get skimpy clothing\sexual poses, in mulltiple games, just to attract players. Movies and TV at the beginning also exploited this a lot but now provide better equality, still they are far from perfect.
Gaming started as a male thing, for kids. But now it also attract females and adults. Its natural to want a more equal field. Theres no problem in having a femme-fatale who uses her sexuality to express herself and get what she wants now and then, but this is a trend currently, not unique at all, quite the opposite.
I googled around Kali design and... she currently isnt very dressed, doesnt seem much different from the other skins. Sally indeed is different, since she did not have clothings at all before, still this seems more of a asthetic thing than "trying to cover up skin".
I think its a matter of perspective, if the situations were reversed and only men got almost nude while females usually wore realistic armor, people who dont see a issue now, would.
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I don't mind fanservice either but this guy is talking about Paladin's which has 0% fanservice , I can't take him seriously or tolerate him completly, wanting to control women, thank God he isn't a game dev. People are babies if they get triggered by just females showing more skin than males, it changes nothing, only the most fun, freedom, differentiation and uniqueness hating people hunt and complain for this stuff and Paladin's has none of that. It's never said that it's meant to attract players and it certainly doesn't deter from the main games (unless it's a indie game like Realms of the Flesh I guess), I honestly need some examples that aren't the most well known ones. better equality or gotten rid of the idea at all? Either way it's not going in a good direction.
Started as a male thing as a male thing and remains as a mostly male thing, who cares? Censorship lovers care. Except there's not that many who use their sexuality for attraction ,ingame wise atleast but still not alot otherwise, it's not as common. You may want a more equal field but the world doesn't adapt to that, there simply isn't a equal desire for both sexes as much as you want or it has to have and it will remain that way for a long ass time if not forever, males will always come first but it's not that way with every games, games want to be just games too. Not so unique but well established in the rare titles that come and get absolutely picked on for those features, reminds me of the King of Fighters 14 Angel controversy, even though that's how the character looked like since the 90s, lol.
Kali is overdressed in gold and with smaller breasts, you should have seen her original design, but fucking India complained and they gave in and censored her,but the funny thing? Their cruel goddess (read about Kali, makes you wonder why they worship her), was illustrated as butt naked on ancient drawings, and yet Hi Rez studios designed her clothed and even THEN it caused senseless outrage by people who don't even play the fucking game, the world is just awfull and this guy is apart of it, complains about SFW clothed females smh. Sally did have clothing, but no genitalia where it should have been so it doesn't matter but they still censored her anyway for no reason while all the males still only wear shoes. Sally started out like that, then had those and a vest, and now all that, plus's shorts and a undershirt, so.much.clothes.its.censorship.and.we.hate.it. it doesn't matter what the intentions are, it's censorship, it's just easy not to think of it that way. At the same time they also removed the jacket\coat from Antoine, leaving him as naked as the males, that is not equality , censorship infects all and only the females get it,as evident in Watch Dogs 2, female with a vagina gets it removed while males with dicks get to keep their dicks, so pretty much only females become fanserviced and only females later get censored and it doesn't even have to be a edit, MKX became so censored compared to MK9
Nope, the SJWs and femnazis don't complain about any naked dude, you know who Urien from Street Fighter is right? 90% naked and no one ever complained, the world wants to make females less femaley And I personally can't t stand it, including this guy who makes a problem out of this air and has no taste in women whatsoever. Whatever, I'm done.
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Err first you ask me for examples, implying you want to continue a conversation, then you say "I am done". I am going to post but if you dont want to talk its fine.
All media uses sexy females to sell more, its a common tactic. It seems arbitrary to ask for examples "that arent common" i mean why? Also whats common for me may not be for you and vice-versa. I could list girls from DOA, Mortal Kombat and Guilty Gear series, Sorceress Crown, Lara Croft (which was the first protagonist female and had almost surreal breasts), Mai Shiranui, The Twins from Dead Rising 2, Samus Aran (which started heavily armored but in spinoff games mostly show her on her skintight suit), Sophitia, Rayne, Morrigan and Felicia from darkstalkers, Cammy (which had a really fanservicey intro on SF4), Rainbow Mika, Ivy, Juliet from lolipop chainsaw, Bayonetta, Kaleena and that Shahdee from Prince of Persia Warrior Within, Catwoman, Taki, Quiet, the girls from Oneechambara, Senran Kagura, the skintight leather outfit of Tracer and Widowmaker...
And then there is the fanservice of girls in normal outfit whos camera pans out at their butt in cutscenes, like sheva alomar or rebeca chang. A friend linked me a video where the game started over top, moved below then went under the middle of characters legs to finally show her front, cant remember the game.
Googling for "sexy male character games" the only ones I found in skimpy clothing: Kratos and Jin Kazama. Dante and Jacob Taylor show their chest in a moment its not their normal "skin". This Video show cases of men in skintight outfits like Snake and Batman (and other character I cant identify), but most of the camera angles were set by the players themselves. The guy infiltrating a place is the best case of a developer angle showing the butt, deadpool actually emphasized it, but that was for a comedic effect.
Media wont ever be equal because men wants sexy females more than women wants sexy males, and movie\game makers will always attend to that. But it could be less predominant. With more men showing skin and more women having normal outfits, and being the protagonists more often. This is a change that is happening slowly. Blacks barely appeared before, and now their presence has increased tenfold (stil not representative).
Kali breasts seem like before, unless I am not seeing the right skin, I assume you mean the conventional 2013 Here? The regular one is still nothing to scoff at. On Sally I still think its just a asthetic thing they made, but I can see you have a strong opinion about it. I did not know Urien, and he seems to be a quite a rare case. Imagine if most characters dressed that way.
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CS:GO is MUCH more of a team strategy game than TF2, overwatch or paladins.
And for what of those 3 is better, without a doubt overwatch
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Doing the same with some mates on skype right now :p good luck fellow procrastinator
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Imho, EVERYTHING multiplayer can be played in-depth if given enough thought. It just so happens that Counter Strike is the oldest among these and that it made into one of the eSports top spots therefore, it's been "analyzed" and "thought through" the most.
If more people played Paladins or OverWatch or even Murder Miners it would develop the same depth and team play over time, but, that's just MY opinion :)
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Loadouts and in-match bonuses make Paladins more versatile in a way that makes 2 matches even more different. But for me a really lowly reason that makes Paladins the better - it runs incredibly well on my PC that can run Overwatch on a "blurry mess with FPSdrops if everything happens" quality. Being free also helps ^^
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Paladin's because mounts, more uniqueness (love the Bomb King guy look), cards that can improve your play style , it's free thus perfect for people like me as its my only choice besides TF2 that needed money to get premium status anyway, actual stat and skill proggresion per match, very unique. Overwatch is expensive, overrated and lacklustre among other things while tf2 is old and stale and not fun or enjoyable anymore, I honestly can't give a shit about the comic storyline, updates, balance changes or anything anymore (fuck you Valve for nerfing The Gloves of Steel to worse than useless, remember the 60% damage resistance ? Sigh, good times...).
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Interesting question. Did some googling and found these:
How Devs communicate with playerbase Short 52second vid.
Couldn't find a detailed vid that compares all these 3 games besides one in Polish 15minutes long
But found a pretty detailed English one that compares OW, Paladins and Battleborn but not TF2 20minutes long
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We are all terrible, at start of always (me) and can't imagine why you hated to play it, I only hate it now for months because I got sick of playing it so stale and bland and overplayed now, and the nerfs remove fun, Fists of Steel for example used to be a useful, fun weapon, now it's worse than shit, loss of fun .
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I did have Paladins downloaded on Steam but I didn't play it and I was thinking maybe it's better if I don't add another Free to Play game to my list of games I play regularly already. So I deleted it lol.
But I did try Overwatch twice so that gets my vote.
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I gave up on Paladins a couple of weeks ago. Was really into it but there are two major major issues which are cheaters and matchmaking, and the worst part about it is that Hi-Rez is doing nothing about either.
In fact, I picked up a perma-forum ban for trying to bring attention to it. So they can go fuck themselves.
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TF2: dead comp, never gets a good team.
edit: get -> gets
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Surprised to see no love for TF2 here. It seems like the obvious choice in my book. My opinion isn't authoritative because I haven't played the other two, but TF2 is fantastic in everything from gameplay and variety to the aesthetic and setting, background, characters, writing, humour, etc.
Plus, there's the whole thing about OW being a rip-off, albeit a very well-done rip-off apparently. Some people like iKonakona have pointed out really close similarities between TF2 classes and OW heroes and in most cases it seems like the TF2 class is more deep and requires more skill. The video on Pyro vs. Mei comes to mind (being a W+M1 pyro doesn't take skill, but pulling off the various combos and performing other team roles makes it a deeper class).
Anyway, they can both/all be good games.
And yeah, there are flaws with TF2 like unbalanced teams due mainly to the last, rather broken update. But it remains pretty great.
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I've added Paladins because I've recently started playing it and in my opinion it's better than Overwatch. I'm a huge TF2 player (go engineer class!) and I'm curious about what others think.
If I'm missing another team based game well too bad. I've played these ones. I didn't add CS:GO because it's not so much a team strategy game as a COD kind of game.
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