I really liked both but I only have enough money for 1.. Which one is worth pre-purchasing?
Dont like MK? Something is seriously wrong with you... and youre very very stupid if you think GTA V wasnt realistic OR dark, you should try having a life, catching some movies, , see how MK is fun an very in-depth interesting, youre missing out buddy... p.s. GTA IV was better but less realistic...
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I don't prepurchase anything and I think it's a bad idea, but you'd probably get more enjoyment out of GTA V if you aren't a fan of the specific genre to which Mortal Combat X belongs.
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Unless the 1v1 combat fighting genre of Mortal Combat X is something you enjoy a lot and would consider to be a favorite genre of yours, the safer decision would be GTA V, which is much broader a genre and contains a lot more content which general audiences may enjoy.
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50% less, my country is 50% more :( get both man ;)
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Missing out on gimmicks and virtual content that doesn't add much to the game, if anything? Nah, I'm good. I'd rather spend my money responsibly.
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"I really liked both but I only have enough money for 1.. Which one is worth pre-purchasing?"
watch the video in this post, it says it all...
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i found the image of the message
and a previous post of preorder stuff here in sg too
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That usually means "we'll charge you for him later". Something about getting $2 DLC included in the preorder price and how it's supposed to incentivize purchasing. Stupid publisher logic. ^^
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both!! I want to get MKX & I might have if it was a wee bit cheaper, oh well maybe in a few years it will be cheaper
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If you are going to be getting both at some stage might be better the get the PrePurchase of MKX as you get Goro =D
MKX will be really good if you have friends that play it too
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I'd advise to GTA V, even though we don't know how good of a port will be, and around what fps will run (not being launched and all).
But based on content and the immortality of the franchise i'd go (and did actually go, got in in my library) with GTA V.
MKX looks cool but.....it will be cheaper & yes it's a good old franchise that i started playing since i was ~11 years old, but i doesn't appeal to me so much now, like it did then. On the other hand this is more of a YOU WANT thing, so if MKX appeals to you more than GTA V you should get it.
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I loved MK9 and the story, charatchers, fatalities ( i love you Sheeva <3 ! ) and in the new MKX game you could have even biggee fun as in videos you can see how realy fast its gonna be and smooth but i hate the three specilization thing though. That global faction fighting for points sounds awesome as you get rewards and the story could be gloriously magnificent as you will probably face Shinnock and see what happened in the 25 years trough battling chapters and Goro... playable.... OP. But lets be honest, all you can do in Mortal Kombat is.... fight... fight and fight some more, just... fighting while in GTA V you can fight (shitty fighting but still) shoot, drive, customize, earn, , missions, play all sorts of custom maps, play the great story which i kinda hate for reasons like RIP Jonny Klebitz and more, IV was so much better, they even cut off San Fierro and Las Venturas from "San Andreas" in V... i think GTA could be the best but.. its a tough choice, if only you could buy one game that is the first to come out and try and pre purchase the other...
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Mortal Kombat is only valid if you are a big fan of fighting games, and concretely of this particular one, if you didn''t dedicate hundreds of hours playing previous Mortal Kombat and you don't have any friends who are big fans of this game, there is no point paying for it that much. If you were a big fan of fighting games and played hundreds of hours, you wouldn't ask this question.
So better get GTA V, because it's a game that can be enjoyed by many more ppl, and easily put tons of hours in it, and doesn't require you to spend many hours just to learn how to play good, you will just enjoy the game.
You dedicated 40h to previous Mortal Kombat.....this is just nothing really. I dedicated for example hundreds of hours to Super Smash Bros Melee & Brawl, from Game Cube and Wii, I'm not a pro player, but I learned a lot about this games, I can control any character and won't have problems playing good, but obviously with the characters I dedicated most time I will be just very good.
But 40h like in your case is just the basic to learn how to play good, like I did in Skullgirls for example, and not even with all characters, I can play good, but this is still not enough there is still tons left to learn, I can't do large combos, I can't play good with all characters, etc. Also in current Mortal Kombat multiplayer is laggy, unless you played with friends(who play good) in one PC you just dedicated most of the time beating bots.
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preorder is never a good idea.
especially recently there were lots of overhyped wannebe AAA games which turned out to be halfdone crap. as long as people preorder such games the will continue releasing shit. wait till few days after release and check reviews. if there are massive bugs or other issues - do not buy it.
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Tough choice :(
-Cobi Treasure Hung Deluxe
-Numba Deluxe
-Victim of Xen
EDIT: I decided to get MK X first since its pre-purchase bonus is much better. Like I said, I like both titles and I'll get both eventually but I only have a budget for 1 at the moment.. Thanks guys!
EDIT: I bought neither of them.. I got NBA 2k15 for $24 instead! It's on sale right now here for $29. I just used a voucher code KPMN32-6VRM69-6INRND to lessen it to $24. Hahaha!
EDIT: F*ck my wallet! I pre-ordered Mortal Kombat X!
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