... with English as official language.
Although English there, from what I read, many people speaks Hindu, given the short time trip, I'd rather go somewhere where English is the official language, want to go out in the streets and practice all the time, read the signs, know everyone spoke that language, so it will be helpful to the study
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*Hindi. A Hindu is a person that follows Hinduism, Hindi is a language.
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Rude? Maybe. Truth? Yes.
I have been working with them, on some levels, as an English tech writer/editor for some time, and they are the only people who actually managed to get confused by the CLI instruction line "Press Enter to continue". (And said person was a software engineer. Made me question their claim on how their technical universities are among the best…)
Plus, well, seeing their mails and their documentation work (again, these are the people there who are hired in India for their English skills), I have to reach the conclusion that most, if not all people in India who actually could speak English have either left the country long ago to get a well-paying job abroad or are in the entertainment industry. Heck, even those who work in the support centers are not in India apparently, because one such office full of Indians is literally a floor under me, and the one our company uses has their people sitting in Poland.
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The education system isn't... proper
Only few proper schools/institutes/colleges, the rest are just there to make money.
But, I must say. There are many people in India who know proper english. You just ran into the lot who just want to go out of India no matter what :P
(Also, there are many call centres where they speak English with an american accent.. )
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Those are often residing in Mexico. :) Indian tech support is more in the IT services. Chat support, remote desktop help, that sort of thing. When it comes to call centers, many companies in Europe tend to hire people from Central or Eastern Europe.
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I don't know about Europe but many call centres in India are for USA... I don't know what exactly they do but I know that they work during American work hours and that they are required to speak in an American accent (not sure if it's still a requirement)
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Well, they were joking about he Mexican call centers that they are often hired by Indian companies, because they do an outsourced job that was originally outsourced to the Indians.
And to make another twist, I had worked with a Ukrainian who had a call center job before, outsourced from Mexico, outsourced from India, outsourced originally from the UK. The management part of the call center world must be a very… interesting place.
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I confirm your words, as a Mexican that made multiple tests to enter to a Call Center for tech support in the past, every people in the building spoke with flawless English and good accent.
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i agree rude but English is not an official language of India so doesn't seem like a very good choice =P
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born in India i can safely say that English in India is not bad... and most probably wont make his English bad. but if he wants to learn to speak English properly then India is not the country he is looking for.. there are more fake teachers here who will promise you that you'll English in this this amount of time.. but are only there for money. and yes that was rude.. xD
also, as "Tsukiruka" said earlier... you just ran into a lot who don't know proper English.. not there fault, Governance in India is fucked up leading to lack of Literacy. xD
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As I said, I met quite a few who spoke English well. Heck, we have half a floor of them one floor below. One of my local colleagues at the last company was also Indian, born and raised there. But they all had one common attribute: all of them moved out from India for quite some time by then.
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Ay, a wee bit. Onerstaun? Shu a speik mair slowly?
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From and live in Toronto so my choice is obvious ....
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I was actually going to make that joke but decided not to at the last minute :P.
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From a practical standpoint, for four weeks ... you may need to also factor in cost. Singapore, for example, may be prohibitively expensive.
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I think The Economist found it to be THE most expensive city in the world to live.
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why is people still living there, i would have move right away
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This thread made me curious about your country, I will read about it.
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The Canucks or Kiwiland. Maybe a more commercial part at the Brits. The urban parts of Oz also tend to have people who speak without a thick accent, 'oy. (But who'd want to go voluntarily to a place filled with blood-sucking drop bears, truck-sized spiders, and laser-eyed sharks?)
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I know a guy that went to New Zealand for a few years and loved it. I voted for Canada though, because I personally like Canada (despite never having been there). So either one of the two, really.
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Athens (Greece). Please come here and feed us. xD And, to be serious, I would personally prefer to go to a Scandinavian country, so I will advise you to do the same. :P
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If you like the outdoors New Zealand can be pretty good as is pretty small so can see a lot of it over 4 weeks, known a few people doing working holiday here and have loved it, even one that ended up marrying a New Zealander recently. but all countries are good to visit & each speak the English language a bit differently
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I live in a third world country (Brazil) but I live here and I know my turn, but recently I visited Mexico and public transport is so disorganized as here, had many problems from drivers unwilling to understand what I wanted and they took me to another place, problems with dishonest taxi drivers. So, I intend to travel to a first world country to avoid having these problems. It's too much money involved, for me to disappoint because of problems with the country's infrastructure (I probably would not rented vehicle due to the daily cost, so I need that public transport is organized)
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Ireland - lots of Brasilians here already, and the country is small enough that you could see plenty of it in your four weeks!
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I've been to four of the countries in the poll and overall had nothing but good experiences. Still, if I had to choose I'd rank as follows:
I'll be in the UK in March, not sure where it'll fit in this list. Hopefully it doesn't rain too much when I'm there.
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I've only been to the UK which is nice and packed with history if you are interested in that sort of thing ( plus it is smallish so you can get around easily, their train network is super organized) but Canada also has nice people ( or so I hear). Since you won't be traveling during the winter extreme cold isn't a problem. I'd say one of these two.
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Canada, or USA no jet lag and probably cheaper than going across the pond
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Hi all, I plan to do an exchange program this year to improve my English. It is not confirmed, but if all goes well, I'll take working vacations in May (I know, it's a bit at the minute). I still can not decide for me what country I'll go (I can not close a contract with any school yet because my boss might change the date of my vacation).
The fact is, that when I take, I will make a 4-week program (maximum time of my vacation).
I want your help! What country / city you find it interesting to spend a month and why (If you live or know the place, please give me tips of what to do in free time)?
(I did not put South Africa because I'm afraid of having problems with transport etc.)
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