get a part-time job, lots of places(malls, hotels, basically any offering goods and services) will hire students and work around their schedule if you work evenings/weekends. Serving/bartending brings in good money as you get tips.
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Don't let the stereotypical 'it's the worst job you can have' bullshit get to you. The worst job you can have is not having one at all. McDonalds isn't even the worst fast food restaurant to work at.
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This guys clearly never worked at McDonalds. If he had, he'd know it's called one of the worst jobs for a reason.
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You clearly know shit all then, and to have the nerve to call me out on my knowledge without asking me how I know. All of the fast food jobs are the same. I've worked at a Wendys and I have some friends who have worked at a McDonalds. Neither are considered bad other than the fact that the average terrible customer treats anyone in the 'service industry' or anything equivalent, like shit.
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This guys clearly never worked at McDonalds. If he had, he'd know it's called one of the worst jobs for a reason.
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Unemployment benefit while I look for a job. It isn't much but I survive.
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Same. I had to resign from my retail job because my college courses are pretty much filling up the whole week for me. Fortunately, I still live with my family and most of my benefits go to my rent contribution
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sure fire cant miss method you get your pick of the ladies if you know what i mean :)
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I'm sorry, when i said college i meant university :) But mowing lawns is not an option around here. Houses with big frontyards or backyards aren't a common view where I live, and the people doesn't just thrust a random boy who wants to work for them.
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I have a job. I recently went from part-time (24 hours a week) to full-time. That's where the majority of my money comes from. I don't get a lot more from the job than I'm spending on things like rent, utilities, food, transportation, etc.
My favorite place to get incidental income, though, is Quirky. Since joining the site 5 years ago, I've earned close to $6000, for doing nothing more than occasionally answering questions to help invent products. That includes $2800 last year alone. I also just asked for a payout that's been building up since last July, to have extra money for Comic-Con this year, which was just over $1500, and since getting the payout 2 weeks ago, my account has already earned another $110. The money I get from Quirky I use for extra money when my normal paycheck won't handle the money I want to spend (such as Comic-Con, or shopping for Christmas presents). It takes a while to start making money, but once you do, it's nice to just let it build up until you need something.
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Heh, the couple coworkers I told about it are very leery of the site as well. They don't think it's possible. My siblings, having seen the money I've made, and having bought some of the products from Target and seen my name on the list of influencers that was packaged in with the product, have actually started using the site themselves.
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When the site was new, they charged $100 for idea submissions, but they don't even bother to do that anymore. It should be completely free, unless you'd like to purchase products from them.
You earn a tiny bit of 'Influence' every time you answer questions on an idea, or a name you submitted for an idea gets chosen, etc. When Quirky starts selling the idea, they take 10% of the gross revenue of the product and split it between all the influencers. The more people who influence a product, the less influence you earn. The more stages of influence you take part in on a product, the more influence you earn. The more you contribute on each of the stages, the more influence you earn (if you submitted the winning name, you get more influence than if you voted on names). Because that 10% of revenue is split up between thousands and thousands of users, it really isn't a lot of money. On many of the products I influenced, I might earn a penny for every 3 to 5 of that product sold. It does add up over time, though.
My biggest money maker was the Cordies, which I earned .35% influence for. Despite there being products I've influenced that have sold more units, and products I've been able to influence much more than the Cordies, the high influence and the high sales of the Cordies makes it responsible for close to half of the money I've made on Quirky so far. If the original idea is yours, or the name is yours, or the tagline is yours, you get much more influence. The guy who came up with Quirky's biggest seller, the Pivot Power, has made something like a quarter million dollars from the main product, and more from products that branched off the Pivot Power.
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Same >_<
Needless to say, working is the most tedious way to earn money... :D
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^this. Prostitution is a great way to make money quickly. And the customer gets a lot of bang for his buck! Its good for everyone.
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With the job market being practically non-existant here, I've had to get creative in order to earn some money.
Now, I live in Canada so I do get government checks from time to time to help me get by, but that money is generally used for immediate needs. The money I get from these options I save up, either for that elusive doll I just have to have, or for college courses to better my chances of getting a job in future. Hopefully this helps you out a bit!
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And where exactly do you live? I wasn't aware that the Canadian job market was practically non-existent, by how you are putting it.
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I live in Canada and I can tell you the area where I live doesn't have the best job market, though I wouldn't say it's non existent. You can still (with a bit of time/luck) find a job working for minimum wage at a fast food store and they're not the worst jobs, but they will, generally, be minimum wage and there aren't as many as you'd expect.
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Well, there's about 4-6 Tim Hortons restaurants scattered around my general area within... 25-ish km? Then there's several other restaurants, too. I live in an area surrounded by cities so I don't really know a lot about the more under-developed parts of Canada.
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No, I understand. I'm having a problem finding a job too. All I can really do is just shift through endless job boards and what-not, as well as applying to the mainstream places, while also occasionally going to the smaller businesses that don't advertise. It's a cycle of handing out a few sheets of paper. Job searching 101.
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Join the military. Keep yourself safe. Retire after 20+ years. Get paid for the rest of your life. *Offer good only in the U.S.
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In the Philippines, military men are forced to live in slums in and around military bases, while high ranking officials are swimming in cash. fucking corruption
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Check with your school's Finances department (The people who help with Grants/loans etc.)... should be able to get a few tips and tricks as well assistance to find a part time job while you attend.
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I work 40 hours/week as a software developer. I've been out of college for 17 years now. Just look for a part-time job that can be done on evenings/weekends.
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youtube and selling dota 2 / cs:go items like a parasite
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Keep your grades high and go ask people to give you scholarship money.I get about a total of $350 every month from 2 differents institutions that way, my GPA is 3.29.I just show my "Certificate of Honor" (something that you get for having over 3.00 GPA) to institutions and they give me money every month.
200$ for rent and bills and I survive with 150$ a month.I also have a cat to feed.Sometimes my parents send me 50-100$ in a month which I never ask them to.
I also make some cash on web, buy games on discount, sell them on profit and turn every steam wallet into TF2 keys, then sell them for Paypal.I also sold some games for good money on a website like eBay ( Like Thief which I got for free, for 30$ ).
College life is hard, but it's so damn fun ^^
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I got a sweet job in which I watch netflix 5 hours a day for 10$ an hour.
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Actually yes I do, not everything I watch is good. 60% is not lol.
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As someone who is disabled and could really use some income... How did you manage this... literally I can barely afford the place I live in, and it's the cheapest in town.
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I did a quick search for "paid to watch Netflix" and apparently they hire a very limited number of "taggers", people who watch Netflix programming and assign categories/tags to the program.
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I got the job through my college. If you live in CA there is actually a few positions left.
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So, the question is, what are your ways to earn some money? I'm 18 and I started college this year, so i'm looking for a way to earn some money (real money, not steam wallet and stuff). For example: Do you work part-time somewhere? Do you sell something of your own? etc etc etc :)
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