Damn, I bought it full price, not expecting it to go on sale due to the fact that it was early access. :(
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I was looking at the StarForge Steam forums and opinions seem incredibly mixed. Most people say that they don't trust the dev team to deliver what they say, especially since apparently the devs don't actually say what they have planned any more thanks to another company copying their ideas or something like that.
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Looking at the Steam forum put me off purchasing this. The concept sounds good, but the devs don't seem to have made a lot of progress of late. Add to that the enthusiasm with which negative forum threads get closed, and I just don't get enough good vibes from these people to be laying down cash for a game that seems to be a long way from completion, and a long, long way from resembling the game the developers intend it to be.
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Forums tend to say last update was last month and another one should be here in a week or two, its really really alpha like right now, most of the stuff in the trailer seems missing.
I bought it, not sure how I feel about it, I do love the way building works though, its incredibly quick and fluid, thats a plus. Hopefully it grows, hopefully beta later this year or early next feels like a good game, not suppose to have a full release till 2014 it seems.
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I think that Steam needs to set some actual rules for what early access is before promoting it too heavily. Developers have such wildly different expectations and uses that it's hard to really know what to expect from an early access game. Some games, like Planetary Annihilation and Solforge, use early access as another source of crowdfunding, and have incredibly high prices in order to make sure that only dedicated people will purchase it and that their feedback will be valuable and good. Other games, like Don't Starve and Arma 3, have their early access cheaper and with a variety of perks to encourage as many people to come in and test it as possible. And then, of course, there's the difference in level of completion in all early access games. Folk Tale is essentially a tech demo while Kerbal Space Program just needs more content to be done.
I think the only real problem with Early Access is that Valve doesn't really have a clear image of what it wants Early Access to be and how it should function.
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I would assume Valve has numerous sets of rules and that every early access participant had to sign a contract agreeing to certain terms. Just because they aren't known to the public, doesn't mean they don't exist. It's only a matter of time until a developer flakes out while in Early Access and then we'll be able to see the true extent of Valve's control once the repercussions start to hit.
We've seen a few situations where they have pulled games from Steam due to them not having the promised features. Since Valve is going out on a limb and promoting these games through their service, I imagine they'd be a lot stricter about the games delivering what they promised. As long as the developers don't make Valve look bad and they cut their cut, I doubt they care how people use Early Access.
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You're right, I'm sorry, I should have said it appears as though there are no guidelines as to how Early Access is used. In the first few weeks, when it was pretty much just Don't Starve, Arma, Dota and KSP, it looked like Early Access games were pretty much 'pre-purchase at a discount and get access to the beta,' but every time a game is added, it seems like it's harder and harder to expect what the game actually is.
Akaneiro and Solforge are F2P games and buying early access gives you beta and a few in game items, KSP and Arma are pretty much completed games, Planetary Annihilation is essentially charging you to alpha and beta test their game, and 1 2 3 Kick It was a completed game where the dev said 'nah, this game isn't really done. Back to beta!"
Anyway, I'm just saying that early on, Early Access was great and it was very easy to decide whether or not it was worth it, while now it looks like it's more of a (pardon the expression, but I can't think of one better) clusterfuck where anything goes. Is it a new form of kickstarter? Is it closed betas? And what exactly does Valve want it to be? It seems way too much like the wild west now, and I, for one, would like some consistency in it.
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I loved ROBLOX! But then I got bored and hated the premium crap and started playing my good games...
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Gnomoria was on sale a few weeks ago and it's early access.
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That is true. In Gnomoria's case I think was to just get the word out more. I honestly wish I had gotten it on IndieGameStand to only save more money, but I think it was worth the full price for eary access.
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Oh yes I fullheartedly agree, Gnomoria just needs more attention. It's a hidden gem for sure, but IGS seemed like a poor spot to draw more attention to the game; IGS itself is an indie and unknown (Well more known now, but unknown then for sure!).
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Yeah, though when it was on IGS it was just an alpha, so it was just technically just an idea. So IGS still helped it get to beta stage.
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I bought Starforge pretty much when it launched together with Early Access on steam and I must say I am very disappointed with the developers.
All they done was REMOVE the terrain digging mode from their non steam release, then after some months add infinite terrain and vehicles.
Ressource gathering is still not possible, procedural weapons that were long promised are still not implemented properly and there has been pretty much no feature update since steam-"release" beside the vehicles and infinite terrain (which to be honest does look good).
I just hope they will get it together and add some things soon, but like I said - so far I am disappointed.
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To me, it shows that it was poorly priced to begin with.
Early access should be no more than $10.00, ever.
Move the price up when it's in Beta, then again when it's complete.
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+1 to that.Might buy for 15$ but I'd never buy an early access game for more than 20$.
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Trailer looked awesome, I realized its in Alpha but I can't do half the stuff in the trailer...Uhh what gives? That and the fact that I get like 15fps...but I expected stuff like that in alpha I guess, just the lack of well stuff shown is disturbing me.
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I'd be interested in this game in its final form but from what i've heard it's going forward terribly slowly.
On the other hand, i'm kickstarter supporter for Planet Explorers, looks a lot like Starforge but the devs are far more active and communicative (also, v0.60, the first "backers/paid only" alpha version, just released, older versions are free to try out).
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It's probably for promotion. To get word out of the game. Any game that goes on sale gets featured pretty prominently on the main Store page. Drawing people in that otherwise never would have taken a look.
Also, yes, they probably want money to help with development and what not. Hence the expensive "Founder" purchase option being more pricey than it probably should be. Though Founder appears to be a pre-order only type of purchase option
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Founder gives two copies. One for yourself, and a gift. Both are founder edition too.
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133 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Ninglor03
For those who didn't check yet, StarForge is the daily deal. This is a pretty recently 'released' early access game. Is this the sign of a problem for them in that sales weren't nearly what they expected? Or is this a good thing since they're comfortable enough with their development that they're willing to put it on sale and boost the playerbase?
Also, how do you feel about early access games going on sale at all? As far as I know, aside from the ten percent prepurchase/recently released discount standard to most Steam games, this and Kerbal Space Program are the only two early access games that have gotten a sale so far. Should more early access games get sales? Or should early access games rarely, if ever, go on sale?
I'll put my own opinions in a post to keep the OP as unbiased as possible.
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