So... You just created a thread here to bitch about your "friend"?
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I guess i did lol. i suppose its a bit of a rant but I was curious about if others had the same issue also. I bring it up because it happens pretty much every time we game together. do you not have a friend where your just dude?
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To be honest, I try to shoot everything in Borderlands as well. I'll clear out whole areas before doing missions since missions give set experience and enemy experience scales down as your level increases.
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I wont go that far but his team work is just not there. he can play stuff like street fighter fine and like single player rts games but its that team work thing it seems lol.
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And he also usually kills your revival pet right in front of your eyes, making you die.
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hell I wish he was doing that cause I was trying to powerlevel. my issue would be here are 15 guys in front of us...he runs off REALLY far away from the mission to go fight 10 other enemies he cant really fight lol. instead of trying to hit all the mobs and get the exp. he did this for 2 hours lol. and yeah I know it scales but he just kept getting killed lol.
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Well you can always play alone if you don't like to play with him.
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We dont game all the time but mondays we usually kill some time together and wanna game abit Im always down to play with a friend and try to show him some stuff. I mean its not that big a deal or rather its not as bad as I am making it out to be. just wanted to see if others had the same issue with a good friend.
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Isn't the point of Titanfall to simply run around and shoot everything that moves? There's sniping too, but it's not as much fun as running on walls, shooting 5 guys, jumping ontop of a Titan and destroying it, then running away again. However, for Borderlands, I can understand that you'd rather work as a team.
But aren't you worried about him seeing this thread? That could ruin your friendship pretty badly.
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naw he now knows my frustration lol. I had to tell him when we were getting food WHY HE KEPT dying. we have been friends since like 96 theres no getting mad cause of a game. if thats the case I should have cut ties back in the snes days cause that fucker was terrible in streets of rage lol.
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well like mentioned above maybe you should do what he does. perhaps he is thinking the same about you so one of you has to stand down the lead role. Perhaps you should find another genre of co-op that doesn't invole guns? ....kinda just nulls my suggestion but... Killing Floor might work for yall
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naw following his lead is best though to some degree thats what I was doing. but yeah no thats actually a good idea since he really likes borderlands type games. Im sure the more he plays the better he will get. hes also semi new to gaming on steam which...means nothing lol
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Your friend 'should' eventually learn how to play better if he sticks with Dota2 for a while and pays attention to what the other players are telling him and cooperating. Dota2 is all about patience, timing and cooperation. Just don't play Dota2 with him till he has learned any differently than he currently plays.
But in the mean time, I agree that you should not bother playing with him in those kind of games you mentioned. Maybe try a turn-based or non-actiony shooter with him so that he can learn how to play better/differently than he currently does. Multi-player Civ 5 maybe?
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I dont really see a problem here, yeah i probably play just like you, and want a certain friend i have to not be like your friend you describe, but i still play with him because it makes the gameplay enjoyable. I play other co-op games not described here in the thread, like Monaco, and some of the mario games on the wii u, but without my friends random way of going about in a game it would make the play time not as much fun.
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playing games with friends.
playing games with other people.
talking to other people.
Found your problem.
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I feel the same about my friend. Screencheat for example. We just got it. We play 4 rounds of it, both completely new to it. I wont 4/4. He says he wants to play BL2. We go to BL2, he completes missions I told him not to, since they are for exploits and stuff. He's just like your friend from what you're saying. I feel you.
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I know a few people like that, they're good in the game(s) I met them playing, but the rest...yikes. They love jumping into multi in something like Spintires, then bitching when they get stuck five feet from the garage...well yeah, you've only been playing two hours total since buying the damn game. >.<
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We all got that friend(s) lol, don't take it to personal. Great guy just different thought process, not worse nor better just different.
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Wait, isn't that the only thing to do in Borderlands? Run around and shoot things, well mainly, you should run around with him and shoot things.
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I avoid coop/mp in general, to avoid this and players who don't understand what teamwork is, as well as avoiding drama and bs from trolls and assholes because I have enough of the in real life. Only person I really ever coop with is my bf, and we work together, with Skype call to talk and coordinate. He takes lead and I cover him and watch his back; I carry loot so he doesn't have to worry about collecting anything beyond enemy drops or chests, if he wants it. If we come upon a part the needs to be thought out, I scout and then I pitch the plan and we go with it. I keep my eyes open for special little spots on the maps that may prove worth looking into. He is the muscles and I am the brains. It has always paid off and worked out great. Right now, we're working our way through Dead Island. There were several times where we'd hear the roars of zombie thugs or big groups while in the city, I would find a ladder, climb up and scout, giving him head count and positions of the enemies as he went in to clear it. Some people are good at team play and some aren't. And some people work well with one person while they may not with others. Communication is key.
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"rub it in each time you beat him" , this sounds strangely homoerotic.
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Sounds exactly like one of my friends. It can get a bit annoying at times but its still fun to play with him.
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I should stop trying to game with him lol. hes just not the brightest bulb sometime when playing MP and coop games. a good example is Borderlands 2. we can be doing the same mission but hes always like....running off and what not. he also has a hard time like paying attention and communicating....when we play titanfall he...runs off and even though we can communicate he just runs and guns just about every game he plays. when you call him on these things he says and I quote"these games are like war man. you just do it. and i am like...yeah...sure thats how it is for EVERY GAME -_-. he wants to play Dota 2 and lol with me....I dont think so man lol. anyone else got a friend like this?
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