I don't think you can. Especially not if he has activated it already. Next time look at the rep he has here (I also hear that steamrep is a good place to look). The rep on steam is easily faked.
BTW: calling out is against the rules of this site, so you might want to remove his name, or you'll risk suspension.
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Oh thanks a lot, i had no idea that sites such as Steamrep existed, i would have checked there first if i i knew, is there a way to find his profile ? i don't remember all of his Steam account's name and i can't find him to report him on Steamrep.
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I use Enhanced Steam, it adds links to a person's steamreps and steamgifts profiles on their steam profile pages.
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Told them that it was activated on a wrong account, not sure if they'll believe me tho :(
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cause he isnt careful enough and let him scam, he shall now scam hb?
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it dosnt depends on how much someone has, scamming is scamming ;)
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Is it considered scam if i revoke a key from HB ? i'm not sure i'm understanding what you're trying to say ...
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Well, yeah. Lying to them that the key doesn't work is just uncool.
Tell them the truth of what happened, even if you choose to color the details of who you sent it to and why.
They're nice and dedicated enough to offer a limited amount of revokes for you without question, the least you can do is not try and screw them over :X
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revoke? you want to give the used key back? could be difficult. but feel free to try it.
and its scam if you tell hb, you got a used key and want a new one, cause you still have used your key (in a different way - you gave it away) and seemingly the key worked well^^
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It's still dishonest. You got what you payed for. You transferred it to somebody else. Then you made Humble eat your loss by telling them a half-truth. (As far as it being wrong, it's no different than if you gave the key as a gift and then made Humble replace it. Either way it isn't their fault you don't have it.)
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you are just telling them a lie, so you are scamming them.
better if you tell the truth, "i got scammed, can you deactivate that key and give me another?"
if it doesn't work, ok, you lost what? $1?
don't break the rules and be scum just because other people do it...
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The scammer has won. He has what he wants. You don't correct that by lying to, and then taking property from, an innocent third party. (I'd think that was obvious.)
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So, if it makes somebody happy it isn't wrong? With penetrating moral reasoning like that you will go places...
You could use the same reasoning to justify stealing the replacement key from me by dishonest means. In both cases you would be stiffing a third party, and in both cases it would lead to happiness. You're basically just saying you don't care that it's wrong. (Nothing you've said does anything to show the rightness of lying to part innocents from their property.)
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So it's fine to steal from innocents as long as they belong to a certain sort of organization? That's what you've just said: a corporation just is a number of people. And in Humble's case they're a fairly small group of people working for a charitable cause.
Would you also steal from the Red Cross if it would make two people happy? How about IJM?
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So wait, are you saying that the reason you wouldn't steal from the Red Cross is that you haven't bought anything from them? Are you serious?!
Who you purchase things from is irrelevant. If they give you what you pay for then they owe you nothing. So you can't very well use the fact that you did business with them, and that they held up their end of the bargain, as a reason to scam them.
So again, I ask would you steal from the Red Cross? Would you steal from the Red Cross if you HAD bought something from them?
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So, I'm laughing, but I'm also not sure what I'm looking at or how it relates... :S
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I wish we had an upvote system here cause I would upvote the shit out of this comment. Summarizes perfectly just how ignorant jacobjub sounds and acts.
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You can only be a winner against a scammer by not getting scammed in first place, scamming others (HB) because you have been scammed for being naive doesn't make you unscammed, it's just that 2 sides have been scammed, HB and you. The scammer still has what he wanted in first place and can keep it and doesn't care about that you feel like a winner getting another key or whatever.
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I never really thought about that, i don't know what to do know, can we edit a request sent to the support ?
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i don't even know how their keys work, but i'd rather do that instead of lying to them. maybe you can send another ticket, dunno about edits.
they are doing some charity work and people try to abuse their system in all ways possible. it's really sad.
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I sent them another ticket and explained them what happened, i edited the thread with the message that i wrote them, sorry i wasn't aware that what i've done was a scam too.
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Even if they didn't give him another key if he told the truth, I could see them at least telling the publisher to have it revoked. I think they do that for bundles bought with stolen credit cards and such.
Lying to them doesn't make you any better than the guy who scammed you. :-P
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No, just no.
You are worse.
You get scammed and turn to a scammer yourself.
Edit: That's not all, Humble Bundle spends money for charity, you indirectly stole from people that are in need.
Edit2: You talk about principles but you steal yourself and consider it as okay.
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I sent another Message to HB to explain them what happened exactly, sorry if i offended you that wasn't my intention at all, i wasn't aware that what i've done was considered a scam too, i edited the thread, you can see the message that i sent them.
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I didn't mean you. That post was addressed to jacobjub.
So many lines/replies are confusing.
I don't think I would have tried to help you, if I meant you. ;-)
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Just discovered that I replied to your post, sorry I didn't mean you with that answer. But I suppose you know who I meant regarding the context. (jacobjub)
Edit: Oh wait, no, I actually did replied the proper message. Those multiple lines give me a headache, sorry. X-(
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If that's the case, then yeah, it wouldn't be scamming. And yeah, that is impressive. Go Humble!
It seems pretty clear, though, that jacobjub didn't know that's what was going on. By his own account he was scamming them.
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Humble has continuously impressed me with their support, repeatedly going over what they needed to, with politeness, respect, and careful attention. The recent layoffs have made support a fair bit less awesome than it used to be, but they still get to you in time, and still are awesome by the end of it.
They're definitely the kind of support you can come into, friendly and trusting, knowing they have your back-
Versus the usual lot, where you have to spit and kick and yell before they even pay you enough mind to tell you to screw off.
Looking at you, IndieGala and GreenManGaming, you reprehensible sites, you.
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np, but your information is nice and important O.o
why did you deleated it?
humble bundle is great <3
(and you as well^^)
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Actually, in thinking about it, this might not be a great thing either. Think what a dishonest person might do with it: trade an expensive key, then get it deactivated and refunded. It seems to leave a lot of potential for scamming either way (though also a lot for honest use, and I'm still impressed if they allow it).
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Two things help prevent that:
One, the key was IN your library, then deactivated, meaning Steam will look into it if prompted.
Two, if you (as the tradee) contact Humble about the deception, they have power to take appropriate action against the trader.
But no, there's definitely risks involved for humble, which is why they approach it as a one-off thing.
In fact, I'm not entirely sure they WILL do it if you don't tell them you got scammed, without the other party contacting them.
In essence, honesty is the best policy, especially with the excellent support staff over at Humble :)
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You made him mad and the guy in your gif keeps laughing. ;-)
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Not trusting anyone is a bit extreme in my opinion, there's still honest and good people in this world, I'll just be more careful next time, it was my bad ^^
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It was my first time being scammed, i felt so strange, my heart hurted a bit when i realised it, trusting someone and immediately being betrayed seconds after lol, nice pun with my name btw :D
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use enhanced steam. it shows links on profiles like steamrep and steamgifts.
always double check if the guy you are talking to matches the profile they sent you with rep.
and don't trust steam rep on profiles, it can be faked.
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This. People can choose what appears on their Steam wall, and also the Steam community is not, on the whole, very reliable (they may leave misleading messages; there is no policing). So what it says on a Steam profile is next-to-useless to you.
When I have used feedback here it has yet to lead me wrong. I have had some bad interactions, but they always resulted from either not dealing with somebody from SteamGifts or from ignoring bad feedback. (And I've yet to lose anything valuable.)
Also, make sure to follow the lower-rep-sends-first rule. That will likely mean you sending first for a while, but it gives you a degree of protection later on.
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Thanks, i didn't know that, i'll try to keep that in mind next time !
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Yep! You can check rep here under the reputation tab of a profile, but make sure it's not an impostor; I use enhanced steam because it adds links to the profile page on steam, so people can't send me a link that looks legit and falsify it. Also, many scammers have fake accounts give rep or trade rep in order to look established.
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It took a very long time until I understood what these +rep spams mean.
I don't care those comments.
Sorry that you've been scammed.
Anyone can write on (public) profiles and the user can delete what he wants to.
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Thanks for the advices :)
Is there any way to find the scammer's profile tho ? i remember a bit of his profile's name but i can't find the exact profile so i can -rep him on Steamrep.
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I don't know.
If you used a non-steam browser you may find his profile in your history.
If you remember his ID in the URL, you can type it in here to find his profile:
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Oh I remembered something, I don't know if that works though, as he unfriended.
Try this:
Tell me if it helped.
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My profile is in private because one of my friends keeps mocking me whenever i play a game that is related to japan whether is VNs or JRPGs, and i hate it when he keeps teasing me ... i understand that you might have suspicions because of the private profile, i can't unprivate it if you want to see anything in particular ...
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Oh i didn't know that, but thanks i'll keep that in mind :)
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unfriend the asshole and set your profile back to public ;)
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He can be pretty mean sometimes but he's not doing that on purpose, he actually is a nice person but i can't stand the constant picking on me :p
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Maybe just tell him to stop that behaviour as it's really pissing you off. Maybe he just doesn't realize it then and thinks it's a harmless joke.
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Just want to second what Jastrzap and LittleBibo1 said.
You need to synchronise your profile in Steamgifts at least once a week. It does that automatically once a day but this works only if your profile is set to public. You also can do it manually, but it would become a chore I guess.
Just tell your friend that it bothers you much when he does these jokes and ask him to stop. If he doesn't stop and you still don't want to unfriend him then switch to offline mode before playing these games.
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You can try to revoke the game, Humble Bundle support is pretty helpful in that regard. However, they might want proof, which is why many people screenshot when they send keys to show that the user actually received a key from you and is scamming. That said, they might revoke the key for you, they tend to be helpful. They might not give you another without proof, but they might revoke it so at least the scammer doesn't benefit.
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As long as they revoke it from the scammer, i don't mind not receiving the key back honestly ... i should have taken a screen though, i'm so stupid sometimes ...
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It's not stupid; I've never bothered with screens either, though I've never traded anything super valuable, so I'm not typically particularly worried. It's an extra step of caution that helps, but is not mandatory. If you want a safe trading experience, I recommend using barter.vg or the like (or carefully using the trades section here, but there are impersonators who make that a little more difficult than would be nice) and referring to rep. You'll be a little vulnerable until you build up a reputation, but trading with higher rep users who are trustworthy until you build enough rep to ask others to go first works if you're smart about it.
I did once have someone I was trading with go offline the instant he got my keys, which was a little terrifying, but he came back online and gave me my keys in return, so all was good. He and I both have a glitch with steam where it sometimes crashes upon key activation, which explained the issue.
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my rules for trading anything ever in all of time, NEVER go first, i know that i wont back out on a deal, the other person? who knows? i dont care if he has a million zillion billion +rep or reviews, i always make them go first, ive never had a bad trade in any game and very few have ever backed away from the trade, i would be royally pissed if i were scammed, and so i make sure to do my best so it wont happen
i trust no one but myself
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i wouldnt blame them, but in the end i hold the decision, if they want to trade they go first, if they refuse theres no deal, i havent done any trades on this site or on steam but in my lifetime of gaming ive done many ingame trades, some for items worth a few hundred, i have not been able to complete a few trades because they refused the deal but i cant live with that, i either just avoided a scammer or lost a trade for the moment, the item will eventually be traded off, patience is everything
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sorry mate but if everyone was like that, no trade would ever be completed :)
no seriously, if there is a trade where both people refuse to go first... ^o^
yeah i get what you are saying though, as trading on the internet can be a bit scary at first, but after a bit of practice its very easy to spot a scammer and in my year or so of trading im yet to run into one of those :P
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He looks pretty mediocre except for glorious "12 years of service" badge.
I think I would go first with him unless it's >$15
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I've been recently Scammed by a guy ... i saw all the +rep messages on his profile so i thought he could be trusted, but i was so naive and sent the game key first, i never got what he was supposed to send me in exchange and next thing i know he erased me from his steam friends, can i get my key back if i ask it to be revoked from HB support ?
I'm pretty new to this site, and i still don't know how to trade without being scammed, i thought that i could trust the +rep messages on his profile, is there anything that i should take in consderation in my next trades to avoid being scammed another time ?
Edit: After reading what the other users had to say, i wrote another message to HB support to explain them what happened exactly, i just want to say sorry if i offended anyone with my first message to HB, i didn't know that it was considered as a scam towards HB team, and i learned from my mistake.
Here's the message: "Actually i thought that i could give more exact information about what happened, i've been scammed by a steam user, i wanted to trade this RE5 key for a CS:GO key, but never got the key in return, so as long as you can revoke the key from that user, i don't mind not getting another RE5 key in return, i just don't want that scammer to keep doing what he's doing, thanks for your help HB team, i hope you'll take my words in consideration, and sorry ..."
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