I am a bit of a collector cough cough hoarder cough, so I have no room to voice my opinion on this. You'll see a lot of <4 hours games in my library.... I also have integrated graphics on my current laptop, so that presents a problem with some (in the process of a super tower build)
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Yikes! If your steam is on C:\ that's bad news! I partitioned a large portion of my original drive to where my games, music, etc. would go and just send everything to that directory. It's still not a ton of space on this laptop, but it's enough for playing a few games with a good bit of wiggle room.
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That doesn't matter, I have steam in C: yet my games in D:
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I just do it for personal preference. For me it has relevance, and I won't get into the overall benefits of partitioning off the OS, as there is a wealth of information anyone can google about it. Why does it matter what I want to do with my own computer? I simply made a reference to the picture above... I never really implied that it has any real benefit that I personally take advantage of, but it certainly can help in various ways, depending on how it is set up. No offense, but this adds nothing of importance and contributes zero to the OP's topic, so there is really nothing to talk about as far as the pros and cons of partitioning, in this particular discussion.
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It helps if you have to format or some thing goes wrong with ya windows, all ya games etc store on the partition are safe and don't have to be redownloaded should something happen.
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If you want more details, the BSOD appeared some seconds after login, while windows was starting services and it was a REGISTRY_ERROR (0x51). I could start in safe mode with no problems, and disabling applications/services at start just made the error to appear faster. I think I had around 2GB free in primary partition
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NTFS supports symbolic links, so you can move game folders (or even individual files) to an other drive while keeping the games runnable. Automatic updates for the given games are better be disabled, at least I do not want to try how Steam handles when the link points to a disconnected drive...
I use FAR Manager for this task, but other file managers should also do the job (Explorer is not enough). F6 (Move) and Alt+F6 (MkLink) are the magic buttons in FAR Manager.
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I have won a few games I cannot play, but I am in the process of upgrading (just need a few more random smaller pieces (fans, hdds, etc.), and one more expensive piece. I have given away games I cannot play and gotten some - when I share I do so with absolutely no strings attached. I do see your point though - when somebody can play it now and wants to play it right after they have won it, but I wonder what percentage of people actually play each game they win and continue doing so. I see a lot of collections (mine included) with 1k+ games and less than 3 hours played on at least 95% or more of the library's contents.
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Simple! When they get a new OP Computer/Laptop (or they upgrade their PC), then they will play the game that he/she won. Let's say i won GTAV as an example and my pc is too low for the requirements. Then, after a long time, i get a new OP Computer and i can now play GTAV no problem. I see people doing that. Wins a game that he cannot play on his PC and then he plays it on a new PC that can actually run it.
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that makes no sense, why not wait 1-3 years till they can afford a new pc so they can buy that same game for a fraction of the original price?
let someone will a powerful rig take advantage of the game now! there's no point in stockpiling goods that will lose value in the future (and with that i mean games).
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I've actually got someone blacklisted for winning games they know their machine can't handle. It's greedy and obnoxious. Get a new machine FIRST then enter, by then it'll likely be a bundle game no one cares about instead of a new title someone who CAN run it really wants.
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I only enter for games I want and plan to play, but am currently selling my desktop and have been relegated to using an old XP laptop that struggles to play youtube videos. Trying terraria on low settings is an interesting experiment in patience.
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I can sympathize with this, but unless it's a collector with 1000s of games in their stable I wouldn't be too quick to pass judgment. A lot of gamers have a backlog. I'm currently working through four other titles at the moment depending on my mood. Heck I've got games in my library that I purchased two years ago during sales that I haven't gotten to yet. But I did start playing my first GA win though. Outland. It's a great game!
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I did a giveaway of one of my favorite games on my birthday a year ago.
Guy who won it added me on Steam, told me he had wanted the game "OMG SUCH A LONG TIME" and that he was going to play it "ALL DAY EVERY DAY". Checked on him every now and then since, and he didn't even boot the game up until a couple months ago. He's only logged 1.2 hours into it, probably idled for cards (this was before the 2 hour thing was instated).
Yeah, I feel you bro.
I've since been giving away games here a lot less. Sometimes I just give my spare keys to people I know will play them on my friends list.
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What was the game? I'm really curious what one of your favorite games is!
Like you, I tend to give games to friends who have it wishlisted before I put it up here on SteamGifts... Except when a LOT of my friends have it wishlisted, and then I do a SG giveaway (whitelisted and/or group) so that they'll know I'm not playing favorites ;D
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I feel the same way with some of the winners of my giveaways. But I'm not sure if I can say anything, because I haven't played some of the games I won either (although I am trying my best to make time for them).
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I have yet to play any of the games I've won here, or the games I recently bought, as I'm too busy with work & uni. I've restricted myself to clicker/idle/super casual games so I don't waste too much time not working (only starting them up to check the progress, maybe get a few levels further). I've already made a list of which games to play when I'm done with university, only 2 more months (hopefully)!
So, I don't know about your winners, but I have an excuse ^^'
Also, from a gifter's perspective: I wouldn't have the time to check on all the games I've given, over several months, so I just hope whoever got them gets something out of them (except trade stuff, of course)
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I've always tried to play all the games won here. Actuallly, I have 4-5 remaining.
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Another point with having a crudload of games in your library.... The games I intend to play seem to fall into a void and get swallowed up by the massive amounts of other games in the library. I don't really organize it in any way - don't have time for that, as I already don't have enough time as it is to play the games I want to play! That's another reason I don't always get to games as quickly as I'd want. Another thing is being busy with cooking, girlfriend, and a lot of doctors since I have a lot of chronic illnesses and other problems.
If it is on backlog, I suppose I could always keep a running list somewhere, but I usually forget after a while, and it's hard to find the games I was most interested in playing first, and just pick the first one I see that looks like a neat one, or go back to one I played before that I really enjoyed, etc. It's nothing personal usually... just that I didn't have a chance to get to it when I first got it, then getting swallowed up.
I don't have nearly as many games as some, but still a lot of the games I want to get to take a while to find when I am hunting for a new one to play and I have time to devote to playing!
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A useful tool, in case you didn't know about this.
In your Steam library, if you right click any entry you will see "Set Categories..." as an option. It allows you to create tags for your games to organize into various groups. You can create a Must Play group to break those titles out from all the rest so they are easy to find. I do something similar to this as well as a "Completed" list where I throw stuff I've finished (and then collapse the sub-window so I can't see them).
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Yeah - I know, but I haven't found the time to get around to organizing yet. It would be a good goal for me to do this sometime though! I'll get to it for sure eventually when I have a little time to devote. The longer I wait, the more games I will have to go through to organize!!!
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My "Want to Play Soon" and "No, Seriously, I Want To Play" categories are still too full of games that I want to play that it's still a challenge every time I finish with a game to pick the next. And then I overlook the games I have DRM free or on GOG, too. :(
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You haven't played these games yet:
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Just give these people some time...
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Well, if you ask these people they might tell you 1000 excuses why they didn't play these games yet, so my point is that you shouldn't pull the trigger so easily :)
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I guess that's because all your giveaways were public and they had no CV (levels currently).
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You are right, the only good game i have give is bioshock, and it is one of my favourites, and the winner didn't even open it, and i have won some games, some of them realy good ones and i hadn't play them neither, thats a little sad, i don't have a lot of time to play, but i will try to give a little time to try them :)
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bro, I have like 6 Playstation games that I bought and never played it. Most of gamed that I own on PC I never played. I just don't have time. I work, study, workout, have a girlfriend, take care of my stuff and everything else and I feel like I want to be out of this real world, full of obligations.
I myself only won games that I really wanted to but I had no time to run them. Maybe I never will have enough time to play them. So, if really matters to you what people do with your giveaways, you should restrict to people who you are certain that will play it like a group or whitelisted...
sorry for bad english and typos... i'm on cellphone
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As well as the games he won are his own too. Used to belong to the "gifters" up to a point :)
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Made me want to check mine, I just joined here a week ago, haven't won yet but made 6 giveaways. Out of those 6, only 1 guy played the game, for 0.2 hours lol :D
Another thing I noticed, some guy didn't even redeem the game, doesn't have it in his library. Need to report that I guess?
And 3 other guys big leechers :D One guy joined 1 month ago, and already won 37 giveaways, and gaveaway 0. Another guy joined 6 months ago, won 37 games and made only 1 giveaway. Another one had 50 won to 8 given, only 1 guy was good with 11:10 ratio.
Ah lol :D Don't care too much as these were cheap titles. But when I will be giving away expensive ones I will set an entry level to 5-6, maybe 3-4, depending on how good the title is, to limit the leechers.
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Again just give him or her some time to redeem it. I usually wait 8 days and then I report them (normally it's 7).
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It was a week, so it's already 7+ days. Besides why he marked it as redeemed without checking? Unless he did something else with it. And from what I heard on the forum, by the time support gets to my ticket it will be 1 month, and if I see him redeem it I will close the ticket.
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You have every right to report that winner!
if I see him redeem it I will close the ticket
Fair enough
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It´s one of my biggest fears on SG´s. Also the reason i started only entering giveaways for games i really want to play.
Then again i also know backlog problems, getting into the right mood to play through War in the North (fantastic game) took me about a year :D
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Well, some gamers have a big backlog, so they can't play all the games they want to, including those they won. I must admit, I'm one of such gamers. I have a huge backlog of games in Steam and other platforms (including PS3 that I've bought recently, lol). I enter only giveaways for games that I plan to play eventually, and yet did not play any of the games I've won :(
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I guess it's a bit of both (backlog and people just winning games for the sake of it). For me it's also about the backlog. I certainly won't finish all games in my library, but I want to give most of them a try. There are games like Slaughtering Grounds that I know I'll only 'play' for five minutes and have a laugh, but most games deserve a proper try at least.
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It's funny that you started this post, because I was just thinking about this, about how I was going to start with the first game I won on SG and go up the list - completing them. Well... I'll start with the second game. The first was Faerie Solitaire, and according to Steam I've spent 423 hours playing it. I hope Steam is joking O-O.
Every game I win, I have the intention of playing and I usually put them priority before other games in my library. Unfortunately, a few games were too buggy or too undeveloped yet to play. I thought I'd done my research, but reviews aren't always reliable and many games are without demos. I should get back to them and check for updates. -
I used to use less discretion when entering a GA with a ton of copies...I figured with so many chances, I wasn't really depriving anyone... and I might just happen to like the game... but then I found I didn't like them and still felt obligated to play them, since I won them... maybe self punishment.... Dwarfs - cough... no offense to the generous developers... It does have really positive reviews. I think I just didn't get it... luckily it's number 15 on my list.. I'll read every dwarf magic forest walk-through if that's what it takes.
I just finished a game yesterday, which I won five months ago. I'd intended to play right away, just after I finished the first of the series. But I got stuck in the first one (bug) But Yeah! One less game in my backlog!
It sometimes take awhile, maybe even a long while, but i eventually get around to playing them all and I hope the people who win my games will play them too... eventually ;)
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same here, my wi-fi is decent, but I play away from home offline a lot. I'd say over half my library is off record. I'm pretty sure I played several steam games before achievements even existed. must have been prior to 2009, because I played all the way through half life 2 and no achievements on record. I must have achieved something... :)
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It's one of those inherent paradoxes of Steamgifts. We're instructed to enter only for games we want. Yet I'd argue that in most cases people cave in and buy for themselves the games they want (the most).
So on Steamgifts I enter giveaways for games that I want but not so desperately that I'd pay for the game that day. With a backlog, you have to have some way of prioritizing playthroughs.
I've tried some ways in the past to get people entering who you can be relatively sure will play it, like having a puzzle wall with some simple trivia about the game so you can at least be sure the people solving the puzzle know a thing or two about the game and the people who don't might not be bothered to research the answers.
Or maybe restrict entries for a DLC to only people that have passed a certain achievement in the base game, to prove they've played it (not just idled) and know what they're getting with the DLC.
For public giveaways you can't have special rules but for private ones it might be possible, and if you are careful with your use of who sees the link for a private giveaway (or how you use your whitelist) there are ways to be restrictive with who can enter even without Support approval.
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And that's a bit sad :( I mean, I know, that these were just some really cheap bundle games, but still...
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