pregnant teens and hipsters and mainstream shit has nothing to do with it. Next time why dont you read. It's abut men and the discrimination they're pushing and how they want me to fall into it as well.
no theres no fucking hidden giveaway, thanks for the help
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I read, but it's the same - today's society. Everyone is the same. Why they are like that? It's because of the music, television and so on. Everyone would be more decent if things were different. Everything around us sort-of hypnotizes our brain.
Why don't you stop being so rude?
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My god, you're an idiot. You rant how you hate certain people and when someone agrees with you and explains how he hates people, you get all pissy because he is not talking about your specific point and start arguing with him. You complained about fratboys, why the fuck not add to it some other things? It's how you have a conversation in the real world. It is never about you. Granted, since you hide in your room every time something doesn't go your way, I imagine you know very little about having a conversation.
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Please stop being so sexist and check your privileges before posting
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It's really rude how you discriminate people with mental disabilities with this comment, you should think about that again. Why don't you learn to be more open?
This is reffering to Mezza who said: "okay, thank you for that. I'm trying to look for a way to fix it. Why dont you learn to actually be more open to talking as opposed to asserting some sort of RETARTED masculine dominance over the topic."
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Thanks for skyrim.
Also chill, you ain't the only one like that in this world. I avoid people like that on a daily basis, be it girl or boy. I got my own goals for life, finding the right person and try my best to keep her close-by, if shit goes wrong, means i'm not meant to be with that person or i don't diserve to be with her (in a good/bad p.o.v).
I've had friends wanting to take me to a strip club aswell (at some point i was considering giving it a shot, because a man is a man and we like chicks), i've had friends trying to force me to go bang a chick i felt nothing for or never spoke with. It's like they know that chick or met her just recently and see that she's horny and hungry for "...", then they come to me and ask me to jump on her, this happened a couple of times and once i did a mistake of following the lead of a friend of mine, told me to go bang this chick who lives about 20 km away from my home, had to catch 2 trains, slept with her in her bedroom while her parents were on a 2 day trip, 18+ stuff happened throughout the night which i felt that was wrong so i stopped in between and left just like that. Basically was just going to end up being a sex-tool for her, that's wrong and not the way i want to go with my life.
I value a girls feelings over my own selfish manly pleasure. It's hard to resist at times, yes. But i do my best to stick with my own goals, i want to be different from those common retards in now-a-days society. Being on my own and unique is always best, and that's one of the reason why i got so many chicks to come and speak with me because they seem to like "weirdo's", get to know me and stuff like that. Instead of coming to them making myself look like a retard who hits on dozens of girls in the same day, i stick with my closest friends or sometimes alone, people who know me, will always come to me and start speaking about life and things related to them or me. Shortly after, there's always the chance of creating close bonds with those people, happened quite a few times, but sadly i had to step away when things got off control a couple of times.
PS: Yes i did say i value feelings over pleasure, a man doing this. Hard to believe eh? But it's what real ladies like, and within time, real men know how to work out things using each others feelings for the better in a relationship. People who put pleasure on top of everything else are stupid and shouldn't be considered men, they could physically be considered men, but not psycologically.
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I agree with you, as a woman i find that highly offensive and its almost like rape. Thats why we need feminism in our lives, opinions we disagree with shouldn't exist and we're just too fragile to live in a society with open debate.
Do you have tumblr btw? Add me there so we can discuss lack of female rights in videogames, movies and literature while women in third world countries are actually being opressed
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I'm not going to add you on Steam if you don't tell how much do you weigh first
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Body pillows equal sex now? What if a guy is lonely and just wants to cuddle?
Personally I find them creepy but never equated them to sexual...
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I wonder what is it then, if a girl sleeps with a dakimakura ;o I've never seen one with a wee wee :<
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My point exactly, it's always the guys who get punished when girls buy them as well. They usually don't have penises directly (just as a body pillow generally doesn't have vagina's shown, but it does show boobs/nipples sometimes) but they're still pretty great. Trying to get myself a Uta no Prince Sama 1000% one, but it'll take some time.
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No no, I was thinking about 3d wee wee. 2d wee wee is normal.
I want a Mami-without-a-head one and then buy a little pillow with Mami's head only :3 But I need money first v.v
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Or with Charlotte. Either way it would be so cute <3
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It's from Kobato
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I was fine with everything you said, til you said "proves that men have no drive for anything other than sex.". You are completely wrong about that. If you want to stop seeing a drive like that, then stop hanging around with assholes, not all guys are the same, and I sure hope not all women are the same as you. Some men are driven to create technology (ex. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.), others are driven by science (ex. Steven Hawking, Michio Kaku, Copernicus.), some by sports (I'd have examples for this, but I don't really know sports that well.). In short, we men are driven by a lot more than sex. You can't say stuff like us only being driven by sex, or else it invalidates literally everything else you say, because it shows your opinion is heavily biased.
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Well, if women want to show their boobs and asses to men, then why men should not use this ;o If someone don't respect himself, why should others do?
And men are pigs. But better be a little piggy in a place meant to be it, to whores, than in real life, to real women ;o
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It's not like the strippers haven't agreed to be objectified. It's a transaction in which all parties are happy.
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Not always true, some do it because gasp....they like it and its empowering(Or just fun, doesn't make them whores also) to them, hard to beleive for some but yeah, but yeah some fall into the category you speak of and that is truly sad.
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Or maybe it's good money for the limited skills they possess, and they willingly enter into this societal contract. You never know.
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I am unsure of why people act like all strippers do terrible things honestly, I mean hell they dance a bit, mostly not even fully nude, its not like they are prostitutes....I feel bad for them getting such a bad rap.
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Well, I don't really see a problem with voluntary prostitution either. I don't exactly like it. But what I think the OP is forgetting in his black and white view of the world is this: Is the alternative profession or life choice better?
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Honestly I agree, that was harsh of me, I feel like its your body and you should do what you like with it. Yeah but I don't like it myself....but thats just my opinion, it shouldn't stop other people and we as humans should be accepting and not look down so hard on it, truth is it should be done like in Amsterdam, they are treated better and are don't have to deal with abuse, lack of health help, etc....
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People act like prostitution is to stop them from having too much sex, those people obviously never heard of any STI/STD. Prostitution would be legal if things like AIDS weren't a global problem, in fact it would likely be a taught course in some colleges, as it brings big economical benefit, and economical benefit is what the Government is based on. So I say prostitution should stay banned until STD/STI's stop being a problem.
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That's the biggest load of shit I've heard in a long time. STD's have always been around and always will, but they're pretty easy to control, and having legalized, regulated prostitution does that far better than unregulated black market prostitution. The business of modern government is staying re-elected, so they cater to the repressive moral views of the most outspoken segments of society, and that's why it stays illegal.
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I think you are doing a dis-service to women by making claim they are 'forced to work' as a stripper .. and 'people only want women for their body' .. I could be wrong but last time I checked, 'women' work in alot more fields then the adult industry. Where I live, I cant think of any job that does not have both sexes.
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Go or tell them to no? Whats the problem?
"What can I do to convince them to grow out of this frat boy attitude and how can i get them to realize how mysoginist they're being?"
Seriously....stop trying to control people, I have went to a strip club before, I also have respect for females probably more so then most guys, problem?
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Yeah, you're just continuing to exploit the system and think its okay because you turn the other cheek everyone once in a while.
Thanks for the amazing suggestion of telling me to go, sorry unlike you I actually had a religious upbringing and have standards to follow
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Haha whatever, tell them no or go, whats the issue? You think everyones gonna be like you and feel the way you do? You can't control people like that...
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"I'm not trying to control them, I'm trying to educate."
Said the atheist to the christians.
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Yeah and I do, would never cheat on one, never control one, never hit one, and I am actually really caring to them but believe what you will. Have fun in your black and white world. ;-)
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Its funny because I have seen husbands and wifes go together :-P.
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...ooh, ooh, ooh - what about women who drag their men off to a gay strip club - in Japan I was asked that all the time by female friends who always said they had the best shows. Never actually confirmed that for myself, but how would you feel about that - women "exploiting" gay male strippers AND asking straight men to join them to do it - in a somewhat aggressive manner as your friends did to you...?
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There is always a 70-30 ratio of Male to Female (CUSTOMERS) at clubs here. There would be more females if they were allowed in by themselves (they have to be accompanied by a male for various obvious reasons).
So what do we call "women like that?"
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about half or 40% are females that show up at some clubs where i live.. women are welcome & can go alone if they like there is no constraint for them to go with a male...
we have the largest amount of stripclubs in the states...
i find this whole thread amusing...
i have friends who are strippers...
they would find this Op amusing with his opinions on how he sees these poor unfortunate souls...
they love doing it, they get paid well...
they like their jobs & they work on their routines...
although the ones i know, actually have acts....
its more of a performance art type thing...
they fire dance, contortionist, or some kind of performance routine, it isnt always about just stripping..a bit carnival like...
there is one strip club that even has a workers union for the women...
they fought for it & are owned by women, in the heart of SF...
not sure if there are others like it..
i know that there are some places that are a bit more run down & just not well taken care of & drugs can be a rampant thing as well as prostitution but generalizing that all are like this is not true...
maybe in your city, i dont know..
i do not get the whole, one sided argument where males arent seen as sex objects or objectified in the same ways as females...
im not saying that either is right but i still dont get the difference...
b/c ive seen it both ways...
now on the other issue that was mentioned that was prostitution...
the reason prostitution is illegal in the states is due to slavery/human trafficking...
it has nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases...
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I don't even know why I'm posting but if you want to have any sort of discussion you should stop insulting everybody that disagrees with you in any way. Your attitude probably isn't making anyone want to help you out here. Your roomates may be immature frat boys but from what's I've seen in this thread you're just a self-righteous ass.
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Don't think calling him names is going to sway him to your way of thinking. Just saying.
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Stop letting Kordell control your life.
It's a girls night out. You've gotta participate.
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I really hope you aren't trolling by the way, that is against the rules and all, and considering you have comments on your wall using derogatory racial comments (n-bomb) I tend to believe you are, especially since most of your comments / profile description seem to be the same unfunny humor that tends to be used by people who troll
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"nigga" =/= "n****r"
I'm from LA, and I am a part of the culture I know what it's like.
Some random friends of mine are really retarded and I wish they wouldnt act like that but I try my best to change it.
also, thanks for bringing in personal attacks, you're really nice.
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So you don't mind saying nigga? Ok. What do you say to those people who think you're promoting racism and need to be educated?
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If you respond to a difference of opinion like this, how can you expect anyone else to react any differently?
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not everyone is me, sadly. i actually am accepting about something like gender politics.
I dont believe in race, race is the creation of whites trying to segregate and clasify people in certain ways to ascertain that they are on top of the rest. this is the downside to western culture. People arent vegetables, stop trying to split them apart.
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Nigga is acceptable to you. For some women, taking off their clothes for money is acceptable. For some men, looking at and giving money to those women is acceptable. You don't want that to be acceptable. Do you not see a double standard in that? I really don't care how you feel about race. I was just trying to illustrate a point.
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I'm in no way trying to change the topic. I'm trying to show you an example of similar behaviour and illustrate that you won't change your friends' minds in this situation because you won't change your own mind. It's like trying to teach math when you can't do math.
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You're looking at it the wrong way. It's not that they're pigs, it's that they're fucking stupid. They're gonna go and blow all their money at a strip club when they could have achieved the same thing staying at home and watching porn on the internet for free. If it wasn't for stupid guys, there wouldn't be any strip clubs.
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Personally I only went once, friend was REAL depressed, it got his mind off stuff and I had some interesting conversations with some people, life is about experiences, that was one of them, but yeah going all the time is a total waste of money.
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Oh, I'm not saying never go. I'm just saying it's not smart, just like going to the bar instead of the liquor store. The difference is that at the strip club, you'll generally spend a lot more for a lot less. They don't like letting people walk out of there with money still in their pockets.
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Guess I was smart, stayed for like two hours, probably spent about 20ish bucks in total, left with plenty of money :-P. But yeah I see your point for sure.
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Well GI joe is not that bad but i had a feeling something was missing. It all depends if you like the previously Gi joe , then it will be ok i guess :)
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Is your sister working in the strip club your friends are going to? If so, then we'd all definitely get why you don't want them to go...
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yeah, I'm a man and I'm angry and I swear. Thats not the point, I'm not a conservative, I voted for Obama.
Stop changing the subject. I'm seeing a heavy amount of ignorance of gender politics here. I know you guys are all just video gamer guys and shit but really it would help if you stopped playing and actually learned about the world.
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Yo he voted for Obama, he must be open minded :-P.
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You're talking about gender ignorance and yet you dismiss people's opinions because you assume they are male. You are just as ignorant as your roommates, but in a different way. Also who you voted for has NOTHING to do with what your values are. Your political affiliation does not have to match your beliefs.
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I must be missing how women using their bodies how they want to is objectifying. If I want to take my clothes off, then that's great, I'm doing what I want to do. If I want to make money for it, that's even better, I'm getting paid to do what I want to do. That's something most people can't say for themselves.
If you can use your femininity the way YOU want to... well that sounds very liberating. If they didn't want people like your friends watching them dance, they wouldn't do it.
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Don't give into the peer pressure mezza. Just remember that I'm always here if you need someone to console with because we're besties ^_^. Also if you do go to a strip club be sure to bring extra cash for tips because it's a tough job being a stripper in todays' society. Ignoring them is also an option or pretending to go to sleep, after all roomies will be roomies.
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Being a female anti-feminist, all I can really say is that if you don't like it, tell them to cram it. It'll end up a lot better for you than just having a stick up your ass about it, especially if they know you're acting like that. You can't change the world, sorry.
Dudes who think like that never end up with fun, interesting, awesome girls anyway.. those chicks tend to be smarter than that and don't stand for being treated like pieces of meat. So just revel in knowing that if they really think like that, they'll probably never know true love.
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That as well as many pro-feminist comments always makes me think of this :P
@OP: "how do i show them that they dont have the right to view a woman like this?" While you seem to be offended, you don't have the right to not be offended. This is something may religious folk seem to overlook when they try to control what other people can or cannot do. You're not right or wrong, you only have an outlook of a situation that you accept as the most valid. If you want them to embrace your morality/worldview, you have to convince them of it. But that would not make it right or wrong, it would only ease that OCD bit of your mind that thinks you have all of the answers because you were raised one particular way out of billions. There is nothing wrong with strippers. There is nothing wrong with thinking stripping is wrong. The river flows, a bird sings.
tldr: G.I. Joe looks good. Watch it.
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I have to say i agree with you. Where did evolution go i wonder at those times. Are we nothing more then hormones or meat puppets of the flesh? It angers me sometimes how man treat women and how women let themselves be treated. Isn't it much nicer and special to find that one person in your life and do these things with and for? I find females dancing for money half nude and man watching these woman so cheap and surrealistic. Both parties are out to get something, woman want money, man want visual pleasure and sex. It sounds like such a stereotype.
I don't think there is much you can do about this. This is how the world works for some, as long as you keep your values and morales and not budge into doing something you don't believe in, the world is a bit of a better place already. Maybe you can try to tell them, that these woman are somebodies daughter, sister and maybe even mother. That thought might turn them of, and if it doesn't, you know that they are just cavemen that follow their hormones :D
Wish you all the luck.
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Very debatable, I actually find it funny that Mezza says this and then goes "It doesnt matter who I am, I believe in equal LGBT and feminist rights and do not conform to gender specific roles.". Men can get hurt and they do get hurt...
Ughh, btw Mezza did you know that there are also Male strippers?
Oh well have fun with that confused view you have there, nighty night.
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Consistency of beliefs is hard. Our brain is remarkably good at rationalizing holding inconsistent viewpoints. I suspect the OP may be suffering from cognitive dissonance though. From wikipedia: "In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel "disequilibrium": frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc"
I think that could definitely explain the way he's acting (assuming he's not just a troll)
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Hi are you a guy or a girl? Asking since I have possible solution for either side. If you are a girl, you might be jealous of other strippers luring your guys away from you. If you are a guy, same concept as being a girl but with the added fact that you do not like naked girls regardless if you tip or not.
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holy fuck some of you are properly pathetic. sort of amazing to see the dichotomy of fucking deluded white knights and machismo-driven idiots, especially the guys who are questioning gender in this thread as if that will change if the fairly evident ignorance is more acceptable or not. The most amazing part is the legitimate amount of vitriol this actually attracted. Seriously, the moment you throw christianity on it you get guys trying to base that as a reason to put a person down? check that privilege broskis
why do you have to be so mad
why dont you go play some video games instead of sitting here looking to leech free things
whatever happened to being friends
i hope you have a wonderful day
stay free guys
also GI joe looks like shit, it's pretty obvious the studios think so because of the delay.
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