I wish they slowed down. Currently going through Fallout 2, then I might go for a second playthrough. After that, there's Fallout tactics, Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Not sure if I'll make it to the release of the new one and I wish I would :(
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I know, I know. I takes me a really long time to hop into a new game world. I had the Fallout trilogy for ages but never really made the decision to try it out. And once I did few weeks ago I really wanna go through all of the parts as they only seem to get better with time (at least reviews state so).
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well maybe this person is new to the series and has not been gaming that long
so maybe for them they have not had 16 years to play it i bought the older fallout some time ago and have them on cd but have not gone back and played them yet but i bet Slow is like me a lot games but not a lot of time to play them all
none the less i know they are making one but i just hope it is more like Fallout 3 what i mean is i hope it plays like New Vegas but has content like Fallout 3 as i felt New Vegas was a bit small for map it felt more like an add on made into a game
and i do hope they do change some things like new creatures and what not i think it would be nice if it had CO-OP of some sorts so i do not have to rely on worthless companions they are nice but still not even close to having a human companion
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I don't have quite that many, and I already have too much. I'm trying to limit myself with not all that much success
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Map was the same size, NV had 3 times the amount of quests and a branching main quest...
NV also added in many gameplay elements and better faction systems.
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map size was not quiet as big as fallout it took me a lot longer to walk across Falllout 3 then did NV so it made it feel bigger but in the end it is about the same size you have me on that one
and having tons of quest does not make a game better it just means it has more but more is not always better
also FO3 had better DLC minus maybe the Zeta one but it was worth it for the gear
it had a better story,more things to look for,more places to go personally i just enjoyed it more
Fallout falls more onto looting and exploring more then it does about side quest those are things i do after i beat the game unless they are required to progress the story
bottom line NV wins out on content but as far as everything else imo it fell flat with the story,with the guns and the factions to me where more of distraction then fun because no matter where you killed them or who saw it they disk liked you less
i felt it was just less annoying to avoid them,then to deal with them unless you want to be attacked pretty much everywhere you go and kill anything that moves so it kinda took away from me
i just like FO3
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Thats alright, I disagree with all your points though haha.
Size technically is the same, I remember an article about it, yup.
I liked New Vegas DLC Much more honestly, some of 3's was good though, I hated that artic one though a lot.
NV had much more superior writing to me which made the side quests and main quests better for me.
I feel NV had more to do after I beat it, not sure about loot but I beleive it had more items in general, I could be wrong.
I Just liked NV more :-P.
Fair enough though, everyone is different, both were technically good games.
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map size was not quiet as big as fallout it took me a lot longer to walk across Falllout 3 then did NV so it made it feel bigger but in the end it is about the same size you have me on that one
and having tons of quest does not make a game better it just means it has more but more is not always better
also FO3 had better DLC minus maybe the Zeta one but it was worth it for the gear
it had a better story,more things to look for,more places to go personally i just enjoyed it more
Fallout falls more onto looting and exploring more then it does about side quest those are things i do after i beat the game unless they are required to progress the story
bottom line NV wins out on content but as far as everything else imo it fell flat with the story,with the guns and the factions to me where more of distraction then fun because no matter where you killed them or who saw it they disk liked you less
i felt it was just less annoying to avoid them,then to deal with them unless you want to be attacked pretty much everywhere you go and kill anything that moves so it kinda took away from me
i just like FO3 better and i like the mods they tend to be better and add a lot to it i do like NV hardcore mode and hope they have more it in the next one
you can like NV more and i can like FO3 more we all have our reasons
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Because games magically disappear if you don't play them fast enough? O_o
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No thanks, NV had a better map once you actually dug into it and didn't go "oh look a desert full of nothing", the dlc added amazing places to visit also compared to 3 if you ask me which all seemed half baked.
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Fallout 3 had a much better atmosphere and higher quality design for exploration, in my opinion. One example would be the alien crashed UFO in fallout 3. The New Vegas version just had 3 aliens standing on the edge of the map, just standing there... that was half baked. Especially when you could tell the edges of the map as just a wall surrounding it. Definitely wasn't as rich of an experience in terms of the map. I also ran into many glitches and invisible rocks on the NV map. Fallout 3 felt much more realistic. If you want to say New Vegas was more interesting in terms of story and quest, sure I could see that. But, as for the map it was very cookie cutter. One thing Bethesda is good at is making a nice world to explore.
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what about the encounters in vegas, bethesda knows hot to create a nice place, but just a place not something that feels like life has come trough it, when you explore a dungeon un skyrim is always present in your head, this is a dungeon... a game dungeon in gona find a boss and a conveniatly placed exit at the end... take DC for example at the start is something you can see when you get out of the vault looks enticing and exciting what could you find in a HOLE city, and what they did is put a bunch of corridors together.... nice?
But when you explore New vegas vaults, cities, or caverns you feel like life has passed trough this places, different ways to enter, different wways to interact with something or someone, and therefore making the hole exploration more exicintg about what i could find, what some1 could have left behind.
At least thats how i feel.
Not to maention, the weird enconters in new vegas, the indiana jones fridge, the gosth that is right outside the starting town... and more, and lastly, that alien weapon power xD
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Pretty much, anyways, Obsidian already is in talks about making a sequel of New Vegas, that was confirmed months ago.
So yay!
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well i would think after a nukes being dropped that top side would be pretty bare and that is why i liked FO3 there was not as much to interact with it was just the exploring to see what was left behind what i could find and what i would discover that was more fun for me then just filling every area up with NPC and junk to make it seem like nothing much as changed despite the fact that nukes where dropped every where but some how in NV it was pretty much untouched but everything around it was not
that aspect i did not like i did like the exploring vaults but i was a bit disappointed in Vegas and the Casino aspect and thanks to the shitty engine Free Side had stuff cut and removed so you had to go through all those doors to get around and that got old fast it would have been so much better to have it all open it felt more alive
the bottom line is both games could been a lot better with a better engine
and i think the next one will use a better engine and maybe they will use it to show new tech or maybe it will be Unreal Engine 4 or something
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I fully agree with StarshipGhost, I for one played Fallout 3 & NV, both for 2000 hours combined. I have found all hidden areas, caves, underground worlds, with other words all sidequests available and even after that I kept grinding for fun. F3 is better in atmosphere, level & world design, surprises and other aspects, FNV was better for the story and the options you had with the factions.
DLC's of FNV were better than Fallout 3 by far... :-s You have a weird opinion HillaryClinton, I hope you are not trolling and wasting people's time.
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"You have a weird opinion HillaryClinton, I hope you are not trolling and wasting people's time."
This is usually the part where I stop talking, god thats annoying, Luchingador pretty much covered it, FO3 doesn't even feel like a Fallout game, sorry. Also places like Vault 22/Black Mountain/Searchlight/Vault 11(Probably one of the best vaults in all of FO)/Nipton....and the best of all Sierra Madre, holy shit, that place was amazing, the only place I really remember from 3 was that neat sequence when you enter virtual reality, I enjoyed that.
I hated the way Fallout 3 was laid out, the tunnel system was a chore, and everything just seemed dead and not in a Fallout way, in a "Hey we never played fallout before but we made a game based on some still shots of 1 and 2...".
Imo there was not much atmosphere in 3, NV had a ton of atmosphere, and I am not alone with that opinion and its not "weird", Fallout 3 was fun for a little bit and I do play it occasionally, but I basically have to put it in my head that I am not playing Fallout to enjoy it at all.
What surprises did 3 have btw in your opinion? I felt like I was going through the motions, I played pretty much everything in that game, had it was before I had it on Steam, everything seemed predictable to me.
Gonna end it with this, I have had people argue that 3 also had a better story, so yeah opinions can be vast, point is 3 doesn't even feel like a fallout game, feels like a Elder Scrolls game with a skin to me, its more like a playground then a fearful world.
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"I played pretty much everything in that game, had it was before I had it on Steam, everything seemed predictable to me."
Learn to read, I should have not even bothered to explain why...my fault. Also what are you 5? "Le troll." really....ughh -_-
P.S: Go look at my game time on Fallout 1/2, guess I never played those also, no gams were ever released off Steam Rolls eyes...
Btw: You said "both for 2000 hours combined." yet you have 36 hrs on record for NV....which is a Steamowrks game(Steam Only) unlike 3...which you don't own on Steam yet called me a liar....lmaoooooo
Crawl away now
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Are you serious with this nonsense..? >_>
The painful irony in your posts is hilariously sad...
Calling someone a liar while lying to try and make yourself, what, look cool?
I really hope you're a child, because if not then you're one sad adult.
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Kicker is I didn't find FO3 on his game list also...yet he said I didn't play it really lmao.
I personally think my reasoning of why I like NV better was solid, even if one doesn't agree its better...
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Your reasons are perfectly solid, I prefer New Vegas myself as well.
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in my opinion the only DLC i really liked for NV was the Honest Hearts
the rest to me seemed half baked and they dropped ball on Dead Money
none the less we all like what we like
in the end we all play what we want and all think what we like is better then what we do not like
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Really? Thats the least liked one, I actually enjoyed it a lot, I liked Dead Money best, that atmosphere was amazing.
We are polar opposites man lmao....I just dont like being called a troll for my opinion, thanks for not doing that haha...some people in this thread are to much and actually go that far O_o.
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Well here is an image summing up most of the people who are fans of their buggy products.
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it was more the game engine then anything else and i hope that they will change it and use a better engine
because most of the bugs where from a shitty engine or if they use the same one i hope by now they have a lot better one
even really good modders said the game engine is crap
maybe they will use what they did for Skyrim
and i know a lot people are skeptical of Beth doing the work but no matter how good a company is they can fuck up any game that is just how life works sometimes you do good and sometimes you drop the ball
all of them have been guilty of screwing up a game
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i think they want their games to look more, impresive, i mean Oblivion made a lot of people upgrade their rigs, but not so much Skyrim...
And i think FO4 will have a new breathtaking engine, not really made by them but, from id Software, remember they got bought? xD, and what they do best? Engines.
Offcourse thats just my crazy mind thinking.
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That will never happen. id Tech is for contained environments, not open world. It can't technically do a fallout game unless you made it like RAGE, which is too linear for Fallout/Elder Scrolls.
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Actually if anything RAGE proved the engine can be used for big environments(Just because in RAGE it wasn't doesn't mean it cant), never say never, honestly Bethesda needs to let that engine go, its a mess. I fear that they wont though, there is always hope though....
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There is a difference between big environments and an open world map like Fallout and Elder Scrolls. id Tech is not made for that.
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An engine can be altered though no? Honestly I am just guessing, and I do think a new engine altogteher would be great for the nest FO games and Elder Scrolls. I feel it needs it by now.
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Lets hope they don't let Obsidian get their hands on it and screw it up like they did to New Vegas.
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That makes no sense. New Vegas was a bonus game. If they didn't let Obsidian make it, you would have nothing. You act as if the game sucks. Guess what? It doesn't. Just because Fallout 3 is a better game, doesn't mean New Vegas is a bad one.
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o_O What the hell are you talking about..?
New Vegas is a great game.
Sure FO3 is better, but that doesn't diminish New Vegas in the slightest...
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I mean I like NV better but to say that about either of them is sorta loopy. Neither of them are train wrecks....but he might just hate these types of games in general.
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I prefer NV myself as well, but I can still admit that FO3 is just a better game.
I like the comic feel of NV, it just suits my personality. lol
If I had to classify myself, I'd say that I would definitely fit right into the Big MT setting in the Old World Blues DLC. When I played it, I just felt at home. o_O
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Thats the thing, NV feels like a fallout game, not sure why FO3 would be better, has less quests, less pretty much everything including captivating quests, felt like I was doing stuff for no reason in 3....idk just felt odd, still a fun game, just not in the Fallout way....hard to explain, sorta did on another comment in here, got called a liar/troll even though the guy arguing with me lied about stuff lmao...
Its almost like is a fanfiction....you know those stories people write about stuff that come out ick sometimes lol....but are still funny to read.
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Come on you know thats how its gonna be, it will be fun, sure, we have to wait on Obsidian though.
Good news is it will probably happen.
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In some ways I liked it better...almost a toss up for me, might be because I like FPS games a lot also though.
Both are great.
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not looking foward to a Fallout made by Bethesda... xD, well see.
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You know, just because they mispelled Boston doesnt meant anything. It could be a mispelling. Look at some locations in the Fallout universe. For all we know, it could be a purposful way of saying that Bostion was supposed to be a Bastion of safety.
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Do you have a link about this? Would love to see some proper info
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"Bethesda Softworks @Bethblog 7m7 minutes ago
The German trademark filing that's making the rounds is a hoax. This didn't come from our offices"
nothing to see here, move on. :c
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Play stalker? Fallout probably will never take place outside the US.
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Aww, I really want a Fallout set in Massachusetts. :(
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I wanted it to be set in a cold place, maybe the Antartida, wonder how that would go.
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Fallout 4 was pretty much confirmed like years ago?
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Bethesda, please, please, PLEASE don't hurt my heart this time. This is the sole game I'm waiting for ages.
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375 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AnonymousBroccoli
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Looks like Bethesda has trademarked Fallout: Shadow of Boston.
And here.
Also here.
What do you think? Another hoax or real deal?
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