well then youll find a good story on both SS and DE. but since i cant stand Deus Ex invisible wars just go with system shock.
And you could also play the fisrt bioshock if you havent before.
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Deus Ex because it's friggin' awesome. It has a great story, awesome RPG mechanics like being able to hold any gun in your hands, but it being completely useless if you don't have at least the minimum level of specialization in the skill for using it), alternate paths to mission objectives, freedom of choice system(including whether you'll go about your mission in a lethal or non-lethal manner), as well as stealth game-play and decisions that influence the story. It also has interesting characters and good voice acting and features a very compelling and immersive cyber-punk universe. And you'll want to equip it with the Shifter mod cause it makes it a lot more interesting.
The second game lost a lot of the charm of the series, so I recommend skipping it and going straight for Human Revolution. It's a prequel to the first game and a damn good one at that. It has lost some of the hard-core RPG elements, like the gun specialization. Also, the computer, electronics and lock-picking skills have all been incorporated into one generic hacking mechanic(which is weird even from a story point of view, given that traditional doors with mechanical locks seemed to exist in the future, but not in the past, where they were all electronic) and melee weapons have all been replaced by a generic take-down mechanic, which has a nice cut-scene to it, but limits your choices greatly. It has, however, compensated the simplified mechanics by amping up the difficulty with better AI, making enemies a lot less susceptible to bullets in an open gun-fight, allowing them to wake up their downed, yet still alive(knocked out) friends and replacing the traditional light-shadow stealth system borrowed from Thief The Dark Project with a new one based on cover and breaking the line of sight, which isn't quite as overpowered. But it still retained a lot of the other core game-play elements of the original and managed to recreate the same feeling enough to be a much worthier addition to the series than Invisible War. And coupled with a story that actually surpasses the original, I'd say it's a very, very awesome game that should not be missed. And given that it's a prequel, you can even play it first.
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I'll second masteryoda120988. The original DE is a classic, although its aged a bit. You should be able to download a mod to improve the textures a bit, but its a classic for a reason. At the time, there wasn't much else like it. Even if you don't feel like playing a game that old, I though that DE:Human Revolution was a really good game. People that played the original will appreciate some little bits more, like being able to play a much prettier version of the same story universe, but I also felt as though certain aspects of the game would've been better for people that didn't play the original.
Some aspects of the story of DE:HR lack punch because its a prequel and people that played DE will already know how things end up. Its still a great story, though.
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I dunna...I could think of a few games that have extreme fun factors from all those years. Deus Ex had a nice stealth system, although it was partially stolen from Thief, but in Dishonored sneaking up on people and taking them out went to the next level by allowing you to teleport behind them and stab them like there's no tomorrow, in extremely brutal and satisfying ways. Sure, it's a little less hardcore than Deus Ex, combat being a lot less difficult if you're not in the sneaking mood. And sleeping darts are actually worth a fuck.
And what abut Far Cry 3? This is a game where you hunt Bengal tigers, wrestle with bull sharks, slide on zip-lines, get high as kite, hang-glide around a tropical island and kill pirates by stabbing them with a machete. Oh right, did I mention you can use a bow and fashion explosive arrows for it, in true Rambo style? I'd say that's pretty fun.
Tomb Raider lets you have explosive arrows too. But it also lets you clobber your enemies with a fucking pick-ax and finish them extremely brutally(pick-ax shaped hole in the skull). Plus, it has Prince of Persia style platforming, which is always fun.
What more could I say about Bioshock Infinite? You run around a flying city full with racist fucks which you can kill by gliding on a fucking skyline and jumping on their heads to smash their skulls with a rotative hook. That game makes you feel like Errol fucking Flynn. That is, when your not burning them to death with your bare hands, making them shoot one another or feed them to the fucking crows.
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Dishonored is just not my type of game... Idk why... But far cry 3 was just awesome, got the platinum trophy on ps3:) and tomb Raider sounds cool, but it is too much for my current PC:D also i want To play the whole Franchise, not just 1 game:) but thanks for your opinion on these:)
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Dishonored is one of the counted exceptions. Far Cry 3 may be fun for a time, but the main story is horrible, and of the characters, Bass was the only one interesting. I won't say anything about Tomb Raider, it's a good game. But Bioshock Infinite, I don't really like it. I tried it for a few hours, and it didn't catch me, even with that awesome trama.
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I am not a native speaker, so do not take this as peckering (just seeking to confirm it myself), but doesn't "hardly" have rather negative feel? At least I assume you meant to praise Monkey Island. Correct me if I am wrong please. :)
Anyways to stay on topic, MI is great as well as Deus Ex, as for my recommendations, if OP does not mind strategy games I have thoroughly enjoyed all three Age of Empires campaingns, Starcraft campaingns and especially King's Bounty series (turn-based RPG).
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You might try Gabriel Knight series or Thief series. If you haven't yet played System Shock and Deus ex then you still haven't experienced the greatest games of all time :D.
Look for System Shock portable. You can download it from someplace and it's optimized to run on new systems.
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+1, good choices especially for Assassin's Creed and Deus Ex.
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I cant continue with black flag now, my PC cant handle it... But played all the other AC:) and sleeping dogs is really a masterpiece IMO:) although it is cut in germany and not compatible with any dlc... Luckily i got the uncut Version:) its a shame that the definitive ed is locked for playing in germany:'( sometimes i just hate my country:(
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System Shock 2 (SS2). It is considered the spiritual predecessor of the Bioshock series, hence the "---shock" suffix.
The game is revered, even today. Plot details: You are placed on a spaceship mysteriously over-run by monsters, and you must use your cybernetic/psychic powers (along with the usual repertoire of weapons) to overthrow them. You also have to find out what happened to the spaceship, and its crew. The story and atmosphere are second to none. You will make moral choices in the game, that determine your good/evil alignment. The gameplay is hybrid FPS/RPG; at first glance a first-person game, but you later can increase your stats as you progress, affecting the choice of weaponry/cybernetics available. Your stats also determine what you can access; you can open doors easily if you're hacking skill is high enough (to hack the electronic locks placed beside the doors), but on the other hand you can break the lock if you're strong enough. So there are multiple ways to progress, all adding to the depth of the game.
It is the first choice for me. Considered one of the best retro games on Steam for good reason....read the reviews and you'll believe me.
Deus Ex -- very similar to SS2 but inferior IMO -- comes a close second, followed by Tomb Raider in last place (a good game but not as groundbreaking as SS2 or Deus Ex).
BTW you don't need to play SS1 to enjoy the second game!
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I am rather at the beginning of Max Payne 3 and finished the first 2 recently. But next week I wont have Internet and want to start a new Franchise as soon as I finished MP3. My current options are System shock (although I would need to get the first one from somewhere else than steam), Tomb Raider and Deus Ex. What do you guys recommend? and why? to your information, I'm rather annoyed of Dosbox, but im okay with it when the game is worth it:) Thanks for your help:)
PS: Story is the most important part of a game Imho;)
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