Are you excited?
Wow, very impressive! Do you have any tips for someone that can't reach the 5-7 day mark xD
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mystery lake cabins. make your way there with as much supplies as possible and choose one of them as a base of operations. surviving there is probably the easiest place in the game with as many resources as there are in that area.
edit: i'd still explore all the other areas of the game and gather resources. but only brief explorations before returning with gathered supplies.
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yeah, having some place or even a few places to store supplies really helps a lot. preferably near a patch of rabbits to snare & a fishing hole. as long as you can keep the scrap metal coming in from breaking down metal objects, and snare a rabbit every couple days avg (for fishing line from guts), staying alive off of fish meat is really easy.
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Honestly, I'd say enjoy dying fast, lol. Once you get to the point you know all the maps, you'll notice you're always overstocked on supplies, and the game begins to get real dull because you don't really need to do anything, or worse, have nothing left to do. That's my opinion anyway.
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lol +1 to getting overstocked and beings to get dull/easy. xD
between day ~200 & day 365, it was just eat & sleep for a month, fish for a couple days, repeat.. and i only did it cause i had nothing left to do really. great game though, so that's why i'm happy and can't wait for story mode.. great excuse to come back. ^^
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Yah, I couldn't even push myself to reach day 200. Wish I had on my 100+ game, but I didn't want to just sleep non stop. Now sleeping non stop isn't even an option, which would make it even more of a nightmare. I've suggested on hinterland forums a few times in the past for them to make shelters colder, so fires are a requirement to survive, giving us something to do to keep us busy, but the closest we get to that is making fishing huts our base, or timberwolf mountain cabin. Still, that's not very challenging to me, hell, I once survived over 30 days (didn't die, just stopped) on a challenge, where I had to use a fishing hut as my base, and wasn't allowed to use knives or hatchets. Was in response to someone complaining Stalker didn't have enough hatchets, making survival impossible, lol. That was back when you could forage wood standing outside your front door though.
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I've suggested on hinterland forums a few times in the past for them to make shelters colder, so fires are a requirement to survive, giving us something to do to keep us busy,
couldn't agree more.. i also wouldn't mind if they were vulnerable to a small degree.. like, allow the occasional bear to rip open to door, or wolf to jump in thru the window.. i'f i remb correctly (it's been a while), even the fishing huts were too safe from wildlife really, and it was just the cold that would effect you.
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Yah, fishing huts are 100% safe from wildlife, it's part of how I survived that challenge I spoke of. Was at Mystery lake, would wait for wolf to attack a deer, scare it off with a flare, and then harvest as much meat as possible before it froze. On top of it, not sure if they ever fixed it but I mentioned on forums before... The Pleasant Valley farmhouse has a bear that spawns around it, you can shoot it and hide in the enclosed porch and wait for it to bleed out. That's like a 28 day supply of meat if I recall, with no risk.
Love the game, but I find the biggest issue with it in terms of Stalker difficulty, is that it's focused more on wolves as the major threat. Yes wolves can be an issue if you're not prepared, but I'm almost always prepared. The cold needs to be the biggest threat imo, but it's only an annoyance for maybe 10-20 days. Once you have good clothes, it's never an issue again. Ofc having bears tear down doors on shelters would be awesome too. Sadly it would be limited to shelters without loading screens though.
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I mostly found the first 10 to 20 days the challenge, but I know most the maps like the back of my hand, so once I have clothing and some tools/weapons, then it's just hoarding supplies with little to no risk, until I reach the point everything on a map is cleared and in my home, then the boredom kicks in.
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When did you play last? They have made some pretty major changes over the past year. Bear meat gives intestinal parasites so it's not risk-free at all; you can't collect wood from thin air, you actually have to harvest real wood; the clothing system got changed completely; and they added a new level that is ridiculously challenging (Interloper).
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Yah, I've played since all the changes, replied to your other reply about interloper. I do like the changes to gathering wood, though it's still easy to stay stocked since fires aren't really required in shelter. Clothing system changes are neat, but I didn't notice it making anything harder really. Only thing I wasn't aware of was bear meat, but last few times I played I just stuck to my tactic of taking out a wolf after it takes out a deer.
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First of all... I LOVE YOUR AVATAR! I almost didn't recognize you :O
Second of all, me too! I need an excuse to suffer at my lack of survival skills xD
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Thank you! You're the first to show some love for it :)
I think you won't need survival skills for the story mode, at least that's how I understood it. I never figured out what people like so much about dying and having to restart all over. I hate that. I played this game till I died, and the game was over for me there. Now I'm happy for the new mode which I expect to be some kind of thing like a Telltale game, which is great, because I really liked the setting and the graphics of The Long Dark. Finally more of it!
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One of the best gaming experiences i ever had was in this game.. getting lost in a snow storm, almost frozen, low on food, about to pass out, stalked by a wolf... ended up finding a tree with a kind of nook in it, some sticks, made a campfire, and stood between the fire and the tree and waiting with my gun... seeing those eyes first, as wolf came out of the darkness, and shooting it to death was so intense. I was ridiculously close to death, and managing to survive that night after being so hopelessly lost, was thrilling as hell. Cant wait for a reason to get back into the game.
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I had a similar experience! Honestly, it was truly amazing! I had been trapped inside all day trying to get water from the snow and gathering resources. I just had to get outside and explore the area. So, I'm walking and I suddenly stop. I had a bear a few feet ahead over the hill. I had been walking a while and had no idea where my set up was... I instantly turned around and ran away. Night was hitting and I was cold and had no more food and little water/soda. I was in the woods and I see a wolf, I had no ammo for my shotgun I had found so I ran in a random direction... Bam, another wolf and this one spotted me. I tried to get away and hide but it was aggressive and attacked. I went down and woke up bleeding. I get up and turn around and get attacked again. This time it was death.
The most terrifying thing in a game and I loved it! I can't wait to be terrified again xD
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Fuck mate, I die to quickly even on easy. I doubt I'd complete any story,but I haven't played in a while so I do wanna check out how it is now.
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I actually didn't play on easy! I played on normal and lasted to like the end of day 3... But yeah I haven't played in so long! Need to launch the damn thing¬¬
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Well, I would grab it in a sale! I'm sure it will go on one to promote the update! If not I'm sure it will get bundled in the future!
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I'm really excited to see how it turns out! Thanks for the heads up. I'm around the 60 day mark in survival. Almost afraid to play it cos I don't want to die :D
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Oh wow! Congrats! I need to play it more and survive longer D:
I know the feeling though! I'd play it soon before you forget about what you have done etc :P
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Got into the habit of writing in game notes to remind myself of what I'm planning to do the next day before I exit the game. It helps :)
Btw, fellow PS4 gamer here. What about Last of us 2 hype?! :)
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I was doing pretty well during the Halloween update, but got tired of it being constantly nighttime, so I stopped playing. I did enjoy the goodies they made for that update, but a fair number of people did not, and would have preferred the update to have been optional.
If Story Mode is released, I will load it up for sure! I do enjoy the game, and it is one of the few EA games I bought that was still pretty pricy, as it looked like they would actually finish what they started!:)
So, yes, I am very excited about that mode coming!:):)
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Yeah I was always terrified of going out in the night... So that would be the worst update for me! A shame that it wasn't optional though :(
Yeah I think EA has done a brilliant job on this one. From what I've read they are really putting some effort into it :D
Whoohoo! Get hyped <3
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From my personal experience, it is one of the titles in EA that I have seen the most work put into. I can't wait to play the Story Mode, especially if it is the middle of summer and over 40C outside!;)
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I'm looking forward to it. As much as I love sandbox mode, I find the game to be too easy. Still haven't gotten the 200 day achievement, but that's simply due to boredom. I always end up insanely well off with supplies, with absolutely nothing to do by the time I reach like day 50. The 100 day achievement bored me so much I stopped playing for months.
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I'm sorry to hear that! I'm sure they will add more to it to make it harder and more entertaining for you! Have you tired the harder difficulties?
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Was Stalker (Hardest Difficulty) that I played on. Wolves have never been a problem for me in the game, and I hunt bear's often enough, lots of food, more then needed most the time. Alternatively, I also like to scare deer towards wolves, and kill the wolf once it takes down a deer. Double the meat for half the ammo.
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Why do you need knives and hatchets?
It's unquestionably harder -- loot is much rarer, temperatures are much colder. There are fewer wolves but the ones that are there are a lot more dangerous. It's almost a different game, you have to sprint more just to make it from shelter to shelter without freezing, you have to build fires while traveling in order to warm up, you can't depend on weapons to save you, etc.
I understand people not being a fan of this mode, it's definitely not for everyone.
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I don't need knives or hatchets, but I don't quite enjoy having to collect hundreds of sticks or take ages harvesting carcasses. Not that either make the game much more difficult really, but just annoying to me. I'd rather they balance difficulty in other less tedious ways like say, colder shelter temperatures. I'd much prefer having to do soft/hard wood runs from time to time, as well as maintaining my tools durability in order to survive crafting, sleeping, or holding out in my shelter during storms, as appose to picking up sticks every few feet for ages. I'd prefer they did more stuff like that, stuff that doesn't limit mechanics/features, but rather give them more meaning, which could hopefully increase difficulty, and prevent reaching that point where going more then 20 feet from your shelter isn't required. Yes I know Interloper gets more challenging with weather and harder for hunting and stuff the longer you survive, but... I just don't enjoy the initial tediousness of it. The harsher weather in Interloper was a good idea, and less but more dangerous wolves were as well, but... Weather hasn't been an issue for me in ages, I've become too familiar with the maps, and I haven't considered wolves a danger in ages. It typically takes a combination of every horrible possibility at once to kill me in that game.
And in case you suggest it, yes I have played where I survive in the cabin at Timberwolf Mountain so I'd require fires while sleeping and such. That's probably one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had recently.
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Check it out! Honestly, I haven't played like anything of it really... But what little I did play... Was just incredible :D
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Thanks SadisicKitten, been holding off digging deep into this game until story mode came out so I did not burn myself out early. Also I've never played a game that makes me feel so cold like Long Dark does so hopefully it will come at the end of this countdown and help ease the summer heat waves.
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I don't own it because money issues but YES I'M EXCITED!! Will hopefully go on sale soon for cheap and I can get my hands on it. I've watched so many people play it in playthroughs and it feels like such a nice game to just sit down and play for a few hours with a warm cup of tea (IRL) when it's cold and dark outside, or night. Bonus points for night time AND rain (IRL too).
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“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.”
Thats...a really good quote!
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I bought it June 2015 and only waited for this.
Finaly I can start playing
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I'm up to 700+ hours. The last achievement is the 200 day survival, and I've got a 140 day Voyageur run going, hoping to get to 200. Then I'll go back to my Interloper run, where I am on day 10...which is BY FAR the longest I've survived on that mode.
This game is easily the best solo survival experience I've ever found. It's awesome. I do think it's not for everyone, though. The people that are used to FPS where you sprint everywhere and do everything at a million miles per hour...this is not for them.
If the May 4th date is the Story Mode release, then I think we're due for another Sandbox update before that. And that excites me even more than Story mode!
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