I am so sorry for your loss!
He surely had beautiful life with you and your family. You did the right thing.
It's okay to cry for your beloved pet. Now I am crying too... ^^
Be strong and keep those nice memories of your time together close to your heart!
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i didn't even get chance to say goodbye to my cat, she was happy, i heard a loud noice , then i found her dead body
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it's okay i'm getting used to it slowly but sometimes i feel responsible for her death
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Man that sucks, my condolences.
I can definitely identify with the importance of your loss. Had a cat for 10 years - loved the outdoors and was an absolute menace - one day she brought back a rabbit with her. Absolutely hated other cats but was the best with people. Went out one day and never came back - didn't have a cat for a few years after that, wasn't the same.
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:( oh noo :( i know how you feel man, i'm so sorry for your loss
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My condolences:( It is always painful when a family member dies.
He went to the cat paradise "realm of eternal hunting".
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Sorry for your loss. We used to have three cats, one shared the same fate (it was panleukopenia I think), one ran away twice (1st time we found him, 2nd time he was lost forever), third one (old age) was run over by a car. This was ages ago though.
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Time will heal that wound :) And you didn't let him suffer anymore - that's a good thing.
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I know your pain, I lost two cats in the past few years that I loved deeply, it broke my heart completely. I know also that no words will make you feel better for a while but I'll share a few anyway. All our pet friends go away forever at one point, it's inevitable, all that matters is he was loved and had a good life, better than most cats, better than most humans actually. If he could talk he'd thank you for giving him a good life, I hope you find confront in that.
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Sometimes it takes more courage to let go than it does to hold onto that vain hope that things will get better, you did what was best for him so you should have no regrets about that decision.
I don't know if it'll help any but this poem stuck with me after I read it on thecatsite.com forum. No, I didn't write it and don't know who did.
"Before Humans die they write their last will and testament.
They give their home and all they have to those they leave behind.
If with my paws I could do the same, this is what I'd ask...
To a poor and lonely stray I'd give:
My happy home. My bowl, cozy bed, soft pillows, and all my toys. The lap I loved so much. The hand that stroked my fur, and the voice which spoke my name.
I'd will to the sad, scared shelter Cat the place I had in my Human's heart, of which there seemed no bounds.
So when I die please don't say, 'I'll never have a Cat again, for the loss is more than I can stand.'
Instead go find an unloved Cat, one who's life has no joy or hope, and give my place to them.
This is the only thing I can give, the love I left behind."
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Losing a cat to sickness is awful, I'm with you all the way. My cat was such a gentle soul. It was heartbreaking to see his final moments -- and when we weren't expecting it either D:
But I'm sure your Lee was lucky to have you and your family. It's a precious thing that you all cared for him as much as you did.
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Sorry mate, I don't know how you must be feeling. I can barely imagine, and it does hurts.
I have 5 and lost none yet, they all are family. They are young, 2 years old the mother, 1 year old her 3 childs, and Ivan (2 months old), who my parents brought home after rescue him from the plaza nearby, and there were dogs around. Can you believe that he is brave as fuck? Barely gets frightened.
This is life, and that's the price we all living creatures have to pay.
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condolences. the pain of never seeing our loved ones again is too much. but we must be strong and endure. i love animals too. they are our friends and family. keep the faith. Lee wants you to be happy
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My condolences. It's always hard to say goodbye. Lee's journey comes to the end but there're still other families are with you. And I believe that you're a good person and Lee is always happy during these years with you.
That post reminds me of my beloved pet who left me 17 years ago, even now I would dream about him from time to time.
In some fairy tales, when good people passed away their souls would become stars on the sky.
Looks at the stars then you'd find Lee is shining for you.
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Really sorry, Soraiah - I feel your pain and your post bought a tear to my eye too. I have been through that before and it is devastating. Your sadness and anguish will eventually be replaced by loving memories and fondness for your lost friend.
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I feel so bad for you. I remember when my fat cat passed away from respiratory infection at age 17 (he just fell asleep with me on the floor and didn't wake up), and now my pup is getting up there in years, and I dread the day she leaves. It's hard to imagine a day without her.
All we can do is dote on them and spend as much time as we can with them, and cherish all the joy they brought us once they're gone. My sincere condolences. ;_;
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Today, one of my beloved cats, my dear little Lee, fell asleep forever. He was sick and the vet said he could not help him anymore. My mum and my brother took him to the vet while I stayed home with my other cat.
Lee didn't have to be alone in his last moments, I only wish, I could have been with him as well. But I'm glad that not only for me, but also for the rest of my family, our cats aren't just pets, they are beloved family members.
Lee was sick and me, my family, the vet... we all thought it was better to let him go instead of make him suffer for the sake of having some more days with him.
For 12 years, he made my life better every day. He purred all the time, he was the sweetest cat, never hissed or was aggressive. He was clever and knew how to open doors. He loved unconditionally.
I miss him already and I would do everything to see him happy and healthy one last time... but I know that it would have been selfish to make him endure a treatment that would not cure him. He would have been suffering so... goodbye, my beloved little kitten. I'll never forget you.
I know, for some here, pet's might not be as important. But please, allow me to grief. For me, my cats are important, they are family and I just need a little place to be sad and to cry.
Thank you.
You all moved me so much with your kind words. Thank you so, so much.
I'll try to answer all of you. Just not today. I still try to realize that he's truly gone and everytime I see his brother, or the places he used to sleep, I start to cry again.
I wish none of us would have to say goodbye to a beloved one and I'm sorry to hear that so many of you also lost some friends already. At the same time, I'm glad that all of them had a loving family and I'm sure they were very happy.
Dear flutesong made a Giveaway. Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you hug
In memory of Lee and our other four-legged friends and family members.
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