I seem to be in one of the lucky regions that still have them all available. Phew!
That is strange. I wonder why it happened all of a sudden?
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Thank you for the explanation. Vivendi is taking over Ubisoft? I wonder if that will end up being a good thing or a bad thing, and what it will mean for UPlay?
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Bad thing. INCREDIBLY bad thing. Vivendi is actually doing a hostile takeover. They have been peddling media companies large-scale for quite a while now, and they usually just use them to squeeze them dry before selling the husk. Many bad things can be said about UbiSoft, but at least in their sea of carbon-copied open-world fuckarounderies, they do fund and publish actual video games of good play and/or artistic quality.
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That sounds ominous indeed! Then let's hope they don't succeed in the takeover!
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Not necessarily a bad thing if it happens. Activision Blizzard was owned by Vivendi until 2013, and they did grow quite some since 1998 when Vivendi started to own Blizzard. And these days Vivendi has actually e.g. Canal+ in France or Universal Music Group (which is e.g. a participant involved in Vevo, which many here may know from YouTube).
So while it of course isn't exactly clear what would happen if a takeover takes place, Vivendi seems quite in a position to make as if internal use of recording studios and plenty of music and other creative talents, and perhaps deliver bit more in depth story-rich video game titles with all that.
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That's about as damning an association as you'll find, given Vevo being associated with exclusively offering low quality, censored tracks, while aggressively removing higher quality tracks [from youtube]. I'm not sure if they're still doing the last two, but they do still have plenty of low quality tracks up on youtube that I've come across just recently.
Of course, it's a matter of perspective- if you don't feel high quality, uncensored tracks should be up on youtube (where they can easily be ripped), then Vevo probably isn't as easy for you to vilify. It is, of course worth noting that they were reported to have strongarmed youtube into allowing them (and them alone) to have, for a time, sexually suggestive advertisements up on youtube (which is normally prohibited). Likewise, it doesn't matter what snippet of music you used, how valid your reinterpretation was under fair use, or even if you covered the song on your own- Vevo's aggressive copyright enforcement practices were pretty wholescale, early on, (and youtube accounts were even reported to have been suspended for hosting licensed music) and it's hard to justify them being excused for that without even offering an apology, simply because they've toned things down since.
But, in more concrete consideration- what has Vevo actually offered? Their partnerships with artists have been purportedly disfavorable, and given that Vevo's gimmick is low quality offerings, they're certainly not doing anything for the music side of things. Even if you're not in favor of youtube and its free expression (often in open defiance of copyright), there's still nothing positive to say about Vevo itself.
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I mentioned Vevo in context of that many of its videos have hundreds of millions of views. About that it can also be argued that no surprise if UMG, Sony and Warner Music Group as the three biggest record companies are behind it with even Google having some shares (which owns YouTube these days), and furthermore that it is somewhat surprising what anti-cartel officials are doing if anything at all.
But a point in the context here is that I mean to mention that they are somewhat more involved with music and differently or more than just being as if depicted Wall street sharks.
The other point is simply about realities of video game market/s, in which mobile games and micro-transactions have more revenue than console and PC games each - with AAA games being quite expensive to make and not really as if always profitable venture. And while myself not someone to purchase e.g. an album of LMFAO, assuming eventual video game involvement of them or Lady Gaga or Lana Del Rey or Lorde or Jennifer Lopez or Gwen Stefani or Metallica or PSY or Dizzee Rascal or Marylin Manson or any of many more who seem quite popular with many and are or have been involved somehow with UMG (or with EMI which was apparently absorbed into UMG) - if such makes many interested to learn about GPUs etc., it doesn't exactly sound bad about that itself. A capitalist idealist would probably even argue that it will make Valve have to consider lowering their cut as to stay relevant for being a place persons go to for video game purchases if publishers may decide to just use Uplay.
And that copyright issue doesn't sound nice, but matter of fact is that musicians and also publishers sign contracts of own free will, and they themselves arguably in many a case prefer to be with some company who looks after copyright so they have time to smile while their pics taken, if they themselves actually have some intellectual property rights and aren't just as if hired singers presented as if artists. What actually makes sense about copyright and what not, such of course being a topic in itself tho.
That said, I myself am not a fan of some whole conglomerate to rule which music about everyone on the planet gets to listen to, and who doesn't sign a deal with them those have no way of some wider exposure if actually more than a few would care about more or something else than just some lalala (regardless of whether it is directly Vivendi calling the shots or UMG board, etc.). But in terms of customers having some free will of their own about what they spend disposable income and time on, and Vivendi arguably being among those who mean to deliver products which art critics may not find nice but many kids seem to enjoy, then the topic seems to be more about tastes and especially for people to realize that e.g. Google holds a stake in Vevo and due to such probably pushes videos of it with it not really being as if a real curator service - in other words, if many are interested to develop a taste in music then they ought to be looking at least a bit deeper and/or broader than what is just served up to their nose. That a corporation uses its channel/s to promote its products, such is itself not really something that surprising at all that, and as I meant to point out is that it isn't really as if everyone were forced to only the video on YouTube's main page while the actual audience of tens to hundreds of millions e.g. YouTube has can arguably make way more persons interested in video games when Vivendi uses that to promote some video games as well (however limited and commercial that offer may be at that point on their channel, but still would probably make many get a GPU anyhow with which they then can explore if they are at least somewhat inclined to).
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Blizzard (later Activision Blizzard, which had also Vivendi Games in it) was owned by Vivendi from 1998 (when the former owner was involved in a huge accounting scandal) until 2013. During that time there was e.g. launch of WoW, with Activision Blizzard at the end of 2010 the largest video game publisher in the world.
Not exactly something that most would call an incredibly bad track record there even if some title series was not supported anymore due to it not having had a financial turnover or even profit as the owner considered a minimum.
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In a way one could put it that way I suppose. Then again, without Vivendi there may not have been Warcraft III, ergo no DotA mod for it (and no exposure of it e.g. at BlizzCon), and ergo no intellectual property rights Valve would have acquired and no modder to be hired in 2009 (with release of stand-alone Dota 2 in 2013).
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I do not dislike or like them, as I have absolutely no experience playing any of their games. Yet, I find it completely retarded that they left the chance, to create a Dota 2 game, slip.
Of course we can't know what exactly happened in order for them to take such a decision, I just think it was an awful move by them.
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Keep in mind that Activision also raked out a lot of money to quickly buy itself out from Vivendi, and since then Vivendi has been continuously looking through a new video game publisher.
Also, during that time, Activision created the new trend of selling a 4-hour long action movie each year for 80-100 dollars, contrary to the industry norm of 40-60. (Heck, the 3 1/2 year-old Ghosts complete is still sold for 100€, despite its age. Not even EA/BioWare are this bad with pricing policy.)
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Maybe, but unlikely as not all games are disabled. Don't see a reason why Vivendi would want to pull them out of Steam if it has purchased enough to control Ubi and can't fathom how this as a defensive strategy for Ubi.
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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Yeah, I noticed that, too. It's not all, but it's a "good number." For instance, I can't purchase Watchdogs_2, but I CAN purchase Tom Clancy games.
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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No, the internet sucks. >:( And they better not start saying that the South Park: The Fractured but Whole will be delayed even more. xD
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No, I don't watch shit. :/ I'm sorry I was surprised. Next time, I'll be like "I FUCKING KNEW IT"!
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Like me, I totally understand what's going on because I've spent 90% of my life watching every kind of Youtube video, but don't ask me, or else I'll just tell you that you must not know how to use the internet and link to videos instead of sharing an explanation here. :P
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I don't know how to use the internet. :( I used to buy sports newspapers every day. These are the real kind of news. >:(
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ayy represent
was wondering what all the commotion was about cause everything was still available for me
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Well, good thing I got Ass Creed 3 and Beyond Good & Evil on UPlay then... if at least UPlay remains unaffected? O.o
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Most things disabled in the UK. Assumed you just meant smaller releases but its actually the really big games affected as well like watch dogs 2.
Could they be making their games exclusive to UPlay?
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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peru still available and the prices went down a lot
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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Anything Vivendi touches, dies, the worst part has yet to come.
As of now, they might be just "switching" copyrights and licenses, other publishers did the same in the past, "game gets removed until new dev gets publishing rights->Game goes back on store"
THQ had something similar.
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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Rhino @swoldier13
@UbisoftSupport what happened to prices in your games in steam store? Why they dissapeared?
В ответ @swoldier13
Hi, Rhino. We are aware of this and are looking into it.
seems like even Ubisoft do not know.
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https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k you really need to use the internet more https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI looks like you missed the first time this nearly happened.
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For those who don't care about following the internet or doing research, I did it for you =https://youtu.be/RIR_8y4ls0k
and https://youtu.be/V5qhJEu27zI
Alot of good games are still available but the fact that I am Alive isnt, upsets me, even though it shouldn't seeing as....Yeah, never mind. Let's just hope Ubisoft pulls through, even though they may not as you can hear in the videos.
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oo, zemljak.
well, it can be due to other reasons too, so who knows.
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Takeover actually happening isn't confirmed yet. Intent from Vivendi to make it happen this year was not confirmed until a few weeks ago. I'd be a bit surprised if takeover was the reason, since corporations usually can't move that fast simply because legal paperwork alone takes longer.
And during a takeover like that, there's usually effort to keep the business going with minimal interruption for customers.
Not saying it's impossible, but unlikely enough that I would not rule out other possibilities. Like Valve letting loose a tag-abuse detecting bot without properly testing it first, and that screwing things up.(that would also better explain why not all titles are affected)
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This doesn't seem to affect some regions (list of available regions seems to vary by game):
https://steamdb.info/app/447040/ | https://steamdb.info/app/242550/
DLC seems to be unaffected at this point, no idea what the reason behind this is.
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