Actually... Almost everywhere else DOES. They still kill people for it in most places.
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Naah, more than most of the world, but not the rest. You still have all of the hillbillies who shoots gays on sight
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WOULD does not equal DOES ... a lot of you Internet Heroes SAY you'll do something but at the end of the day, you just fap to some anime and pass out. Sharia, or Islamic law, interprets homosexual activity as a punishable offence as well as a sin. There is no specific punishment prescribed though.
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In the US and Canada killing homosexuals on sight rarely ever happens. but killings of homosexuals just because they are homosexual does happen in the US. Texas Teen Killed gay Take note of some of the dates on those news articles. They were not from that long ago.
But there are many other parts of the world where just being accused of being homosexual is enough to get you killed and does get people killed.
Killed after being accused of being gay
And I never said I was any kind of hero, I have argued for homosexual rights. I have never had to do anything other then vote for rights in my country. I have not had to march on any government building because my friends have been denied rights.
I have not had to beat the crap out of anyone for threatening any of my homosexual friends.
I don't have the money or the ability to take up arms against those who would deny homosexuals rights, and even kill them just because their religion says homosexuals are bad.
I do have the ability to speak out against those idiots. I do have the ability to help bring to light crap thats going on just because some people think kissing someone of the same sex is icky. I do have the ability to FU to people who want kill homosexuals just because they are homosexuals. I do have the ability to show how wrong people are when they accuse homosexuals of doing stuff that they don't actually do.
I have done all that stuff and I still do all that stuff.
So just because you think it doesn't happen, and are unwilling to actually do any research on the subject doesn't mean it does not happen even in the USA and doesn't mean that it only happens because of Sharia or Islamic Law, which btw was not mentioned.
Homosexuals being killed just because they are homosexuals can and DOES happen in the US even in this point in history and its not because of Sharia or Islamic Law, but it usually is because of religious crap drilled into someone. Now it doesn't necessarily happen because some hillbillies seen them kissing the same sex or having sex with the same sex, but I have no doubt it has happened. I just didn't spend any time researching and looking for it.
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So does Christian Law, which clearly prescribes killing said homosexuals.
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Catholicism isn't fond of it, no are most South American countries that ascribe to it.
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And you call me a retard...
Take a look at this. How about some of this?
Maybe time to cut back on that good ol' lysergic..
Most of the world has an enormously draconian view on gay rights, or merely tolerate homosexuality while they still espouse homophobic humour in private and derisively address gay / bi / transgender people as somehow lower class people, and take them less seriously in general. Western Europe has some of the most gay/bi/trans-friendly rights and societies in a general sense (as in; including the views and behaviours of their citizens), and even there there's some anti- movement / sentiment.
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.. You really, really, really need to do less drugs, mkay? Try to preserve the few brain cells and correctly firing neural pathways you have left.
For your information, I am an entirely straight as an arrow male with no gender confusion whatsoever, physical or otherwise, living in the Netherlands. I am not defending America, nor do I disagree that it is in many ways an ass-backwards country. I am simply saying you're dead wrong in everything you've said concerning this topic, and I can easily prove it with facts. That's not the same as saying that the opposite of what you say is true, nor am I even saying anything about America whatsoever as I don't need to to disprove the nonsense you profess like a braying jackass.
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What are you trying to say with your first sentence asking what a hermaphrodite is? Do you not know what it is and are you seriously asking me? No? Then what on earth are you trying to convey??
My IP begins with 62.131. I live in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, just as it says on my profile. You probably don't believe it though because I speak better English than you (an Englishman if your Steam profile is correct) do.
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Also, good going on yet again failing to address anything I have said with something that has any merit to it whatsoever. Grow the fuck up you asinine pond scum, stop trying to "win the argument" by trying to brush everything I say aside rather than either reply to it, or admit you're wrong, like an adult.
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Hey you're blaming someone for using generalizations and you're doing it yourself!
LSD does probably, i said, probably cause no harm to human tissue.
Rather, you'll show risky behaviour when being under influence. But that's nearly it.
Although i do totally agree on the rest of your opinion.
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.. I am someone who himself dabbles with certain drugs, occasionally. Also LSD. And it is about the least toxic or damaging, purely physically, of all the drugs out there. But people who do it regularly, or often, (let's say once a week or more) do have damage done to their psyche, whether they're aware of it / admit it, or not. And other studies have also shown that damage to someone's psyche can eventually damage or affect the brains' neural pathways. Even if that weren't so, someone's psyche, over time and frequent use, will be severely affected, or even compromised. Hence my comment on this, to him.
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Way less than 50%
No one but america is making a big deal out of it because its really not a big deal.
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Wow I wasn't here for a week then return to see my comment started a...uhm..well..long debate It indeed shows the subject is quite controversial and yes I think its about time the world grows out of its retardation about it. I'm glad to see some people are quite informed about it though while others are...not so much.
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Euthanasia... if it's done without consent, it's illegal. If you have consent then it's legal depending on where you are.
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Have to agree on that one. (Don't do this folks! it's bad and your soul goes to hell and gets raped by satan himself)
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Wrong. God doesn't care about that. Satan either... He just wants being who are willing to destroy all the Heavens, and then all the planets, and then make the whole worlds be like the Heaven of the Demons... A place in which ONLY a magician of Hellfire can live without pain and suffer, thankfully, I am a magician of Red Fire, Black Fire, Hellfire, Pure Fire, and as well the Fiery Fire! The whole set of the Magic of Fire... That's why I am unstopable... Sadly, I have to live one life as a stupid human being... Damnit.
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Because in doing so, you steal money from one of the most evil companies in the world (EA), also videogames are a way of making you waste money and time doing something that is only good for you, so yeah, rapes for eternity.
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actually, don't do it in America. You'll get a life sentence and fines equal to the entire US debt. Go kill someone instead. You get a couple years probation at least, and at most you get a lifetime of free room and board, health/dental/vision insurance, a gym you don't need a membership to, and all the bitches you could want. The last provided, of course, you are the biggest motherfucker around. Hell, play your cards right and you'd have better protection than the president
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It's sad how true this is... The guy who murdered Michael Jackson is staying in jail for a few years... Go and pirate one of his songs, you get lifetime and a hugeass fine...
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in some countries it is legal to download but illegal to upload stuff. so you can just download the games there
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Vincent: "Breaks down like this, okay: it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it, and if you're the proprietor of a hash bar, it's legal to sell it. It's illegal to carry it, but that doesn't really matter 'cause, get a load of this, all right; if you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it's illegal for them to search you. I mean, that's a right the cops in Amsterdam don't have."
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I once read this sort of... riddle that claimed that one person from a pair of conjoined twins can commit any crime and not get sent to jail for it because his innocent twin would also be sent to jail. I'm not sure if it's true, but your idea about identical twins reminded me of it...
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The president doesn't take any money. The president doesn't even control the tax laws, Congress does. Also, it can't both be legal and theft, as the definition of theft is the action or crime of stealing.
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1) They are most certainly not all the same, and if you believe that then your education has failed you because any responsible American citizen should know the difference. Since you do not, I kindly ask you to refrain from participating in the democratic process until you actually get educated.
2) As I already said, theft is a criminal offense. Therefore, an action cannot both be legal and be theft. Even if it could, taxes are not theft. They are whats required of you to participate in society. If you don't consent to paying them, you simply give up your right to participate in society. It's an equal exchange, and no one is forcing you to pay taxes or participate in society.
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Trick your "friends" to steal for you, i used to do that when i was a child. LOL
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Its the perfect crime ! Just joking but, can you get arrested if you try to kill yourself? I'm not familiar with what happens if you fail to commit suicide aside from probably getting help since my friend did before.
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in my country you get arrested for attempting to suicide, according to the laws, suiciding is still "taking a life" which is illega.
seriously that is bullshit, not only you continue with your miserable life, you also get serious wounds, live with the fact that you failed to kill yourself, and get arested
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nope they are trown into prison, my mother is a judge so i know about that kind of stuff
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Be a lawyer, u can legaly lie on court ,even though u swore not to lie..
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Lawyers never get sworn in, only witnesses. And they also don't testify at all, so they never lie.
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Hmmm, in some countries - France for example - it's legal to have a "backup" copy of something you own - cd, dvd, video games... So I'd say it can be considered legal to share/download/use pirated games if you already own them legally.
That's all I could think of but I find that fact interesting.
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Yeah, you can scratch "share", I did not mean that. Downloading and using is good, not sharing. I wrote too fast :-P
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You can have a single backup for your own use, you aren't allowed to lend it to a friend (same with an original game/movie tho), that's how it works here anyway :p
Here, we even are allowed to take a backup from an illegal source (not software, only music/movies) iirc. Sounds like bullshit I know, that's how a lot of things work here ;x
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Backup or no backup, you arent allowed to lend that movie to others. You bought it for yourself and the people living with you, no one else. Its probaly complete bullshit to scare some people though. Maybe it's different somewhere else but thats what all legit movies here say before they start (not like I care, my friends also borrow everything). :p
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Operating a Torrent tracker... "The file's not on my server... I just help you get it!"
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double jeopardy. "muder" someone then get charged for it, after such time prove youre innocent because they are clearly still alive, get released and then actually kill them without any worries of going to jail because you cant be charged for the same crime twice
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Once you are found not guilty of a crime, they can never charge you for the same crime again, no matter what. You could literally proclaim your guilt and provide the police with all the evidence necessary for a guilty conviction 5 minutes after they read the not guilty sentence and they can never do anything with it.
The point behind this rule is to prevent the government from bringing frivolous charges against people without enough evidence the actually did it, because if they fail, they can never try again.
Also, he mentioned being found not guilty, not about actually being found guilty and then serving the sentence.
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It really isn't. It's called double jeopardy. Do some research.
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Yeah, all of those are exceptions, and none of them apply to my case. AND, the author is criticizing such exceptions.
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Which second message? My original comment was not an exaggeration, and the exceptions you posted do not apply to my case, so I still have not exaggerated. The fact that I said, "never charge you for the same crime again, no matter what" is the rule, and what you posted is called an exception to the rules. I'm sure you know how exceptions work. They don't mean the original rule was "exaggerated."
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"I imagine that is a major and inaccurate exaggeration in either situation." -wardeathfun
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OK, and that's a lie, because you DID say that what I said, which was the rule, was exaggerated. I never said they were exaggerated.
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No, you said that you didn't say the rules were exaggerated. You clearly said, "I did not say the rules were exaggerated," and then you followed that up with, "I said you exaggerated." So clearly you are contradicting yourself, either you did or you did not say the rules were exaggerated, and you did. Therefore, when you say, "I did not say the rules were exaggerated," you are lying.
Besides, none of that really matters, because the rules were not exaggerated, simple as that.
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Yes, the rule is that they can never charge you again. That is the rule. Just because a rule has a couple exceptions doesn't mean stating the rule is an exaggeration.
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Did you not just read it? just because a rule has a few minor exceptions doesn't mean stating the rule is an exaggeration.
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Are you just refusing to read what I'm saying? Just because a rule has exceptions, doesn't mean stating the rule is an exaggeration. In this case, the rule is, "You cannot be tried to the same crime twice." That is true, and it is not exaggerated. It's a rule. However, like most rules, it has a few exceptions.
Even IF it was an exaggeration, it is not a very big one. It is an extremely small one. Which means YOU exaggerated, or were outright incorrect, when you said, "major and inaccurate exaggeration," because it is neither major nor inaccurate. Just admit you were wrong and drop it.
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But I'm not wrong. I simply said that it isn't true that you cannot be tried for the same crime twice, but you responded it is true. I then said you exaggerated. Now you're saying that, in your defense, that is what the law says so it is okay you repeat it for word to word, it isn't you that is wrong. Sorry, but you're still wrong and still exaggerated.
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OK, well i guess if you refuse to admit you were wrong I'm done with the conversation anyway.
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actually smoking weed is a really good one in the US because the law states that it is illegal to be in possession of marijuana, but its completely legal to be baked out of your mind, that is if you arnt driving or doing something of the like
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