Just kinda making sure cuz I could see how people could pull entitlement from my post. Like when I don't openly insult people, I expect them not to leave vulgar insults on my steam profile. Such entitlement, I know, I was totally spoiled as a child.
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OMG that gif makes me sick. Doesn't even look like he thanks the guy afterward, though we can't be sure.
There seems like maybe there's more context, though, as several people are pointing to the little bastard.
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Kudos to the kid with the cap for giving the ball to that crying spoilt little brat... that's annoyed me so much...
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for me thats the most annoying part of all, one of the kids was clearly taught manners, the other one... well.... the tantrrum speaks for itself
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maybe it was a baseball grenade :3
yeah too much fallout 4, i can't help it ;_;
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Awwwww he hurt your feeling??? Oh no!!!! Poor soul :( WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!! IS NOBODY SAFE FROM EVIL COMMENTS ON THE INTERNET???? BAN THE INTERNET!!!!
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That's actually false.
You can set objective standards for intelligence, such as tendency toward self-preservation [through addressing things like clean energy], and thus objectively state that a majority of people are stupid, when a majority (especially in a localized region) fail to address such a concept, since they don't match up to an established threshold of intelligence.
Another way is to evaluate if their actions are primarily logical, or primarily irrational, and simply assert intelligence to the former- thus, the average level of human intelligence would be determined by the average of such factors presented in people.
Moreover, 'people are stupid' is actually a well understood way of saying 'people do stupid things' [similar to how in Germany, you can state 'Mensch', that is, 'Human', after a mistake, to signify that yes, it is human to err].
Never was indication given that the statement wasn't inclusive, meaning the responder made more assumptions than the initial commenter.
Meanwhile, if the responder is accurate, then they're asserting that the initial commenter's declaration was less intelligent than their own thoughts, and thus ought give that prize to their own hypocritical self.
Moreover, your implication that it relates to the OP is absurd, given that she was attributing a factor of perceived intelligence to an objective state or set of actions [in this case, entitlement, lack of reading, and irrationally elevated responses] meaning that her assertion may in fact be accurate.
Finally, it's totally fine if your perceptions are personal, you're making a statement of ire, not scientific evaluation. Hyperbole is to be expected, and moreover, by your own set of qualifications, your statements may be true- so yes, if you want to state "I find most people to be stupid", okay. People will respond to that as they please, same as any other thing you might say. It's not suddenly somehow more wrong to make an assertion like that, than it is to make any other declaration of ire.
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You're contradicting yourself.
First, you say "People are stupid is just a way of saying people do stupid things", which it's not, at least where I'm coming from. People who say that genuinely believe themselves to be part of some intellectual elite.
As apparently do you considering you then go on to argue that people can objectively be defined as stupid anyway. Sure, the statement can be inclusive, but it's not a huge assumption to think that the person you're speaking to doesn't think of themselves as stupid. And if they do maybe they shouldn't be passing judgement on the rest of humanity. "People are stupid, I'm of average intelligence" is just another way of saying "I'm smarter than most. Oh, but I'm also humble!"
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You're contradicting yourself.
You provide no basis for that assertion in your following comments.
First, you say "People are stupid is just a way of saying people do stupid things", which it's not, at least where I'm coming from. People who say that genuinely believe themselves to be part of some intellectual elite.
Dialectal impressions will always differ, and my assertion was clearly related to my own perceptions, thus indicating to you that such an interpretation exists. As such, any negative response to that is based on an assumption of intent that, even if relevant to your local region or personal encounters, is not universal.
As apparently do you considering you then go on to argue that people can objectively be defined as stupid anyway.
Objective is anything that can or cannot be proven, against a set of established criteria. I detailed potential thresholds of criteria in my first comment. Ergo, objective. Whether the end data is considered relevant, important, or otherwise, is an entirely different matter, since the criteria used may have been arbitrary, ill-defined, or otherwise. That doesn't preclude the objective evaluation itself, however.
Sure, the statement can be inclusive, but it's not a huge assumption to think that the person you're
speaking to doesn't think of themselves as stupid. And if they do maybe they shouldn't be passing judgement on the rest of humanity. "People are stupid, I'm of average intelligence" is just another way of saying "I'm smarter than most. Oh, but I'm also humble!"
Now you're just putting words into everyone's mouths. When doing a direct quote, use " ", for interpreted quotes, use ' ' (single quote). Noone said "I'm of average intelligence", nor is that even a reasonable interpretation- even the comic you linked clarifies that that should be interpreted as 'higher than average intelligence'.
Sure, the statement can be inclusive, but it's not a huge assumption to think that the person you're speaking to doesn't think of themselves as stupid.
No, but blind assumptions without clarification are never respectable, and I provided plenty of other reasons the response was inappropriate.
And if they do maybe they shouldn't be passing judgement on the rest of humanity.
It's like you don't even know humanity. Even the comic you linked has one person judging the other for judging other people...
"People are stupid, I'm of average intelligence" is just another way of saying "I'm smarter than most. Oh, but I'm also humble!"
Okay, so your interpretation, leads to ANOTHER interpretation, and asserts something wildly conclusive, despite no evidence to support such.
Perhaps your encounters with the phrase have differed, but at least as far as the OP's statement above, I can't see that interpretation.
Here is the most reasonable interpretation of what they said:
Feelings aren't hurt, I just am annoyed at how a portion of humanity which I find statistically relevant is starting to fail my expectations ...or has it been this way all along?
Again. Nothing to suggest anything but a simple broad, wholly personal, statement of ire.
Meanwhile, you made a reply that implied you were devaluing their personal perspectives and right to be agitated by the circumstances.
Her commented was directed, the one in your comic was not, suggesting you implied the merits of her sentiments were equally as invalid as that sentiment is conveyed to be, thus implying that she was just being needlessly whiny.
(Moreover, the comic is grossly flawed to begin with, since it doesn't signify 'average human intelligence', meaning the entire premise is inaccurate- humans are highly unlikely to be of average intelligence. And yes, that is a necessary clarification in the context as was presented.)
The problem with assumptions is, they will always be just that.
And it behooves any respectaable person to interpret things as best as possible, where possible.
You seemingly just wanted to make a point where you could feel smart by using flawed logic to put someone down. Perhaps it was just a sense of humor I can't appreciate. Who knows.
The point here isn't that you're at any sort of fault, but that, much like the two people in the comic, the OP and you both have rights to express themselves. Unlike in your comment, people should be treated with respect- so perhaps make a winky face in such a post next time, to indicate you're not posting seriously.
After all, this line of discussion is just based on my interpretation that you considered the comic more logically valid than it actually is.
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People don't have manners anymore. And that's their family's fault. They should have taught them manners. -_- He can't just go around, swearing at everyone, without consequences.
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Well, what I meant is to report her and, hopefully, she will get a probation from steam or something. But, to be honest, steam isn't even interested about more important problems. :P
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I remember seeing this image in a video somewhere. xD And yep, true, they're strong as long as they're behind a screen. :P
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I think the biggest thing about the internet is it removes your options. When you get really angry at someone irl, your options are as follows: Storm off, suffer in silence, insult/yell at them, slug them in the face. Online however, your options are limited to such: suffer in silence, insult, leave with the impression that you've given up. Having the option to hit or be hit makes people so much more civil, lol.
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Also for the most part, the're not much consequences for insulting someone on internet. i mean, nobody know who they are and nothing will ever really come of it, so they can go around insulting people without ever facing the consequences of their actions.
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I wouldn't mind for someone calling me a strawberry cake.
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Several potential reasons.
There are physiological reasons. Hormones in youth, middle age, and old age which disrupt behavior, depression has a major effect on interactions. Lets also not forget that the human brain isn't finished developing until one is in their early to mid 20s.
But I'm convinced that people being dicks on the internet is ultimately the result of the theoretical "online disinhibition effect". The false perception of anonymity on the internet has the effect of loosening, or even removing, the social rules which govern human interaction in person. Manners and courtesy are social constructs, and without the implied social consequences of breaking the rules many people simply abandon them. There are various proposed categories of causes for specific behaviors, varying from simply anonymity to the fractured nature of online interaction, to people viewing it as a game.
This is related to Penny Arcade's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.
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Yes, thanks for clearing that, I was forced to look more about morse by steamgifts :-) I don't know how to decode it yet, so always looking for it, if I can find it in threads.
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... : Single long pause
[...] : Single long pause, clarifying something was edited out by the writer.
!!!: Startlement lasting a lengthy time, or of notable effect.
Basically just safe to assume any triple punctuation means 'and then extra stuff'. :P
Certainly, that assumption applies to c*** ... ~~~ !!!
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[ ] = edited by writer, so that's the proper way to write it in papers (I'm stating, according to my experience, not in contradiction to your statement).
~~~ is something you only express in casual conversation, so generally not presented formally (though I'm overly fond of using lingering holds in sentences, myself~)
I can't say I recall seeing another way to present editing in papers (and google results, such as this, only indicate the method as I've described).
Be curious to see what that other symbol you're referring to is :)
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Oh, a wave form. I'm PRETTY SURE that means 'and continues on', and basically similar to saying 'etc', except used mid-sentence rather than end-of-sentence. I think it's just an editing note, rather than an actual grammar function, though..
Not that I can find it on google at all, either, to figure out if any of my recollections are remotely on point :'P
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- .... . .-. . / .. ... / -. --- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. -. / - .... . .-. .
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Any good online morse code translator will tell you that it says "there is no morse code in there". :P
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Then that morse code translator would be lying:-) as it would be translating a morse code and then saying "there is no morse code in there"
Could you please give me a link to a good morse code translator and instructions on how to use it.
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They probably shouldn't have insulted you on Steam but you were acting like a total asshat on your trade thread with your replies. No one is completely innocent here.
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I give people fair warning. If they can't give me the respect of reading the description in my thread, then I refuse to give them a respectful answer. If you actually look at the users I'm disrespectful towards, it's users who offer trash (which is clearly described in my thread), users who offer things I already have, or people trying to use my thread as an advertising billboard. None of these things are okay in my book.
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Some people on the trading section have no sense of realism whatsoever. Demanding (not asking, demanding) AAA games for some key they just freshly got from some large-scale free giveaway, or the exact opposite: asking ridiculous prices for their "treasures". For example, I'm trying to get an insanely large amount of Remember Me keys, trading for my stock, and I'm just baffled that literally everyone is asking for two CS keys for it even though it is a) almost the same amount they payed for the entire bundle they got that Remember Me key from and b) almost twice as I could get it from G2A if I wanted to.
And sadly the majority of the people there seem to fall into one of these categories like if they never made a commercial transaction in their lives and have no sense of value and trading.
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No idea, they added me directly. I will say they're name on steam is a normal name, as opposed to something that's clearly a username. Anything beyond that runs the risk of being a call out, so I'd refrain from pursuing this line of questioning.
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Okie doke. No worries. I'm fairly certain I know who you're talking about then. She's not very nice :P
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If I had to guess, I'd say there's enough people on this site with that amount of negative rep to say that your original question was safe enough...but I wouldn't know for sure. And the person was nice enough until our conversation ended, I hit the unfriend button, and they apparently became a raging lunatic.
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The people aren't usually really "stupid" per se, though that's generally a direct result of their actions, but I feel many of these people have mental, psychological, or developmental/behavioral illnesses that manifest themselves in this way, based on how they are raised, genetics, or lack of understanding or grasping their inner selves in a truer sense, which goes back to the stupidity thing. So they need to be treated like a sick person, and so they need a cure for their sicknesses, in many cases.
Unfortunately in most countries across the world, mental health is overlooked, under-funded, and the people that need help don't get it - and the people that want help have a difficult time getting their needs met in an appropriate manner. It's not something easy to see, so a doctor will just throw anti-depressants at them without doing any tests, and it doesn't generally help anything at all. Meanwhile in my country, you'll have a hell of a time getting a lot of medications in any other branch of medicine without extensive testing! But it's okay to screw with somebody's mind after a 20 minute session with a psychiatrist... something wrong with that picture.
Just my take - they need some sort of rehabilitation or counseling/therapy in many cases, and the behaviors are a symptom of something deeper going on that needs improvement. I find a disturbingly large amount of people (not going to lie, myself included) that have problems with this. I am at least seeking options for some of my issues, and much of mine falls under Autism Spectrum, but I also have neuro-lyme and some other stuff- I just can't get much help as it stands right now. My "meltdowns" are usually from sensory bombardment or illness-related though (who wouldn't have a touch of a bad temper when they feel like hell pretty much 24/7?), and not getting angry at somebody because of somebody informing me of something I should have paid attention to in the beginning.
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haha ive had that happen, my trade thread specifically says "dont go adding me on steam to discuss trades", it is to be done in my trade post, people still add me and start blabbering about trades, or they make trade offers on my post and when i reply they dont reply back because my offer makes the trade fair, not a ripoff like their original >.>
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I just had someone add me for a trade, offer the game "Wild Season", and after I had declined and asked them politely to leave all future offers in my trade thread...they leave a message on my steam profile calling me a c*** and saying that they blocked me. I mean, according to the description in said trade thread, by all rights I should have insulted said person out the door because the thread literally says "I like a good variety of genres. These do not include ~~~ or any sort of sim ever."
So...yeah, I just felt the need to make this thread to vent.
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