I understand what the word hybrid means, and what hybrid drives are, I just didn't know WD Blacks were hybrids. Just googled and indeed they are.
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If you're just using it for gaming, 8GB of RAM is probably enough, you don't need 12 unless you are going to be video editing etc.
Knocking the RAM down to 8GB lets you up the GPU to a 7950 (for $15 more), if you want. Here. 7950 has 3GB of VRAM compared to the 7870 with 2GB which (in theory) is supposed to be better for texture-ery stuff.
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Thanks, this seems to be a good amount better than the other GPU, for only a bit more (though I'm not quite sure how it will end up being, since I will probably get most of the parts from a store, instead of offline). I guess I don't plan on doing any video editing any time soon, and I suppose if I did, I could just get some more ram another time.
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For the money you're spending you are far better off getting Intel over AMD. Give an actual budget and I can suggest something for you.
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I guess in terms of budget, I guess I'd want to try to go under $1500, but I heard from some sources that AMD is as good (and in some cases, better) than Intel, and for a cheaper price.
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I'm not exactly sure where/who told you that, but in straight up performance Intel has been stronger for a long time. AMD performs better in some games, yes. Games like Tomb Raider which were built specifically for AMD with TressFX etc.
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Their extra raw cores can also help in heavily multi-threaded games, but there aren't many out there right now (that will change, of course) and then an i7 would simply beat them, so until AMD pick up their game, there's not much going for them in the CPU market besides the under $140 market.
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Well, I first heard it from this video, then from a few other sources (that I can't quite remember where from) afterwards.
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For 'graphic processing power' per dollar (bang for your buck), AMD blows nVidia out of the water. For actual power, regardless of cost, nVidia is the way to go, or at least that's what I've heard.
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I haven't really looked into the 4670K and assumed it would OC just the same so stuck it in. Seeing as he's willing to go to $1500 an i7 is probably better anyway.
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I would agree, although, if he's including a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc, then it would likely be best to stick with the i5. There's nothing wrong with the 4670k, it's just overpriced. At stock clocks it's only about 10% faster than the 3570k, BUT it runs hotter and the chips seem to be lower quality. Few people have reported getting one over 4.2-4.3 stable. So a 3570k at 4.5 or 4.6 will easily beat it.
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However, it's worth noting that the newer Haswell series use the 1150 socket, rather than the 1155. In theory, Intel will stick with the 1150 for the next generation or two.
In other words, if you want to future proof yourself a couple of years, get the 4670k; if you'd prefer a slightly more powerful and more easily overclockable CPU now, get the 3570k.
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Hard to say. Yes, Intel us a Tick-Tock model, where every two years they design a new socket, do a die shrink, rinse and repeat. So there will be one more generation on 1150. However, rumor is that DDR4 memory may launch in 2014 alongside the new Intel CPUs, meaning that your motherboard won't be forwards compatible anyway. It's hardly a big deal, anyway, since upgrading your CPU every year for gaming isn't a good idea. Might as well just buy a new motherboard and the latest CPU in 2015 or even 2016.
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PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU | Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor | $189.99 @ Microcenter
CPU Cooler | Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler | $29.98 @ Outlet PC
Motherboard | ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard | $134.98 @ Amazon
Memory | Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory | $69.99 @ Newegg
Storage | Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $65.63 @ Amazon
Video Card | XFX Radeon HD 7950 3GB Video Card | $269.99 @ NCIX US
Case | Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case | $49.99 @ Newegg
Power Supply | XFX 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply | $45.99 @ NCIX US
Optical Drive | LG GH24NS95 DVD/CD Writer | $14.99 @ Newegg
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) | $89.98 @ Outlet PC
| | Total
| Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $961.51
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-06-20 17:41 EDT-0400 |
Ok, that's better, but this forum is still very strange to me...
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Damn, you're right. I knew I was missing something.
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yeah I remember I watched that guy, I have AMD FX 6300 six core, and it's good enough for me + cheaper than Intel, though it's for me I can't say and recommend something. in your reg I would just take a better psu and less RAM like about 8 Gb as I have it's totally enough for all taday's games and for 2 near years
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Well there are a lot of intel fans and fanboys, I won't deny that intel cpu's are better overal. In terms of general applications the i7 is much better, but in terms of games you can get similar performance for half the price, if you are on a budget and only want to do gaming the 8350 will give you more than enough performance for the price that you pay and will continue to for a while once developers start optimizing games to work with 8 cores, games at the moment only utilise 1-3 cores.
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AMD CPU's generally offer better price-to-performance, but your original choice was a $200 CPU. For $20 more, you can get a 3570k.
The FX-8350 is a bit faster (5-30%) in multi-core applications (server programs, editing, etc.)
The i5 3570k is nearly 50% faster in single-core operations (games)
The i5 also consumes less power and can be overclocked more effectively. Needless to say, the more you overclock it, the larger the difference between the two processors becomes.
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I've been seeing a lot of people doing this, and I plan on getting a new computer as well. I was just wondering if people thought these are good parts for a computer?
Old: pcpartpicker.com/p/17AX2
Edit: Thanks everyone!
I've changed my planned build a bit from your suggestions, and I think it looks a lot better now!
New: pcpartpicker.com/p/18yqO
Here's a giveaway for being awesome.
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