I've played them all except the first one on PC. And I found the controls on the PC just fine.
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I never played the first Assassin's Creed with Mouse and Keyboard, but at least ACII and Brotherhood work just fine without a controller.
Obviously using a 360 pad, or similar, is the optimal way to play these games though.
On a slightly different note, the first Assassin's Creed isn't very good and you probably shouldn't play it at all, I recommend starting with the second one, if you have that option.
You wouldn't miss much of the Story, and you could always just "YouTube" what happened.
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It's fairly inexpensive on SteamTrades to get the first two, so I'd be buying both.
Why does everyone dislike the first one? Nobody's really mentioned a reason to me why it's not as good as the other games.
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The Original has literally only 4-5 different types of missions that you will have to do over and over again for over 10 hours, that's the biggest problem.
Graphics, Controls, the combat- and the "climbingsystem"(is that a word?xD) were all greatly improved upon in the sequels and make the original feel like a very poor experience even if you can get over the fact that you'll be doing the same few things over and over again.
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It boils down to a numbers game. Kill X people, pickpocket Y people, escape in Z; stuff like that. The story in the first one is mildly interesting. The second one is a vast improvement in every way possible (everything a sequel hopes to be).
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The controls are just fine, but I didn't like some settings so I changed to a Xbox Controller. But instead of buying, you could use this: Motioninjoy for PS3 controller... well it's an application that you can use a PS3 controller instead of Xbox. well it's just easy and free to install
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The controls work fine if you ask me. It just takes a little bit of getting used to.
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Ya it works great on the PC, I'm not a fan of consoles tho.
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Lawl, you really need a controller? Umm keyboard and mouse are probably the best controllers.
One hand rests on about 50 buttons you can access without moving your hand that much and the other hand rests on a highly responsive camera aimer + usually has at least 4 main functions mapped on it. I don't really see how a joystick is better, or as you put it - needed.
I can't see how it would be better to use a controller? In what way?
Controller is good if you are playing a more casually and chill out on the sofa without being in front of a monitor and playing comfy.
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some games play better with controllers.
For example, Jet Set Radio is almost unplayable without a controller.
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Name those games.
You do realize the only difference between a controller and a M/K is that one is in your hand an has both hands on the same controller, the other is simply a typewriter with an accurate pointing device. They both have the same mechanic, input(s) to move the camera around and buttons to click.
It's impossible that a game is unplayable without a controller. Every function that can be done on a controller can be done on a keyboard as you still have 2 hands and buttons to press.
There are bad PC ports if that is where you are aiming at and problems to adjust if you are a long time console player.
Still under one hand you have an excellently precise mouse that usually has 4 functions under it's hand and the other is the keyboard where you can access about 50 without moving your hand.
The most excellent thing is a mouse is basically a controller doubling as a tracking pad, you have your buttons on your movement stick basically if it was a controller. No need to multitask your fingers as your hand simply moves the camera and fingers do the button pushing.
No way can you tell me a game is bad without a controller as the input is basically the same and M/K but with more precision. Besides the 360 degree double sticks that are again as previously said not that fast as you have to physically move your entire finger onto a direction and wait for it to register a click or move the stick that is imprecise, comparing that against a keyboard that usually has you resting on your movement keys.
If you dumb it down controllers are simplified and handheld keyboards and a mouse "pad(s)" put onto it.
I am sorry but this "some games play better with controllers" is total bs.
The only games that play better with a controller is a car game and a wheel. A regular controller has exactly the same inputs as a keyboard/mouse but the keyboard is just squished onto a plastic shell with the mouse being on it.
Name me one game that is bad without a controller and explain how Jet Set Radio can't play well with K/M.
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Someday son, you may join those of us in the glorious PC master race. But know that we have and use every tool available at our discretion.
I checked out your list of games on Steam, and I agree - YOU don't own any games, with playtime on them, that could be more enjoyably played with a controller. In fact you don't have Assassins Creed (on Steam) nor one single game with playtime on it that is a platformer or 3rd person adventure game. I see you have Dead Space in your inventory, if you have a controller available, try it with mouse vs gamepad and notice how it was made for gamepad. Many games are made for consoles/pads and later ported to PC. Mouse/KB controller is just rigged up and patched in. This is also the case for the AC games, but fortunately it seems to have been done decently, and works well for many people in this particular case - and it really is a case by case, game by game basis.
Most of your top 10 via playtime are FPS http://steamcommunity.com/id/scrapest/games/?tab=all&sort=playtime
of course those are better with a mouse. The rest like dredmor, Farie Solitaire, also of course are better with mice. Put some 3rd person adventure games in your playlist, and use BOTH a mouse and a gamepad for a comparison, then decide what is better.
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Jet Set Radio has no tutorials for keyboard and mouse, and the controls are arranged terribly and un-changeable.
Super Meat Boy is significantly better with a controller, although it controls fine with a keyboard and mouse.
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I don't play only steam games. For example I am co-oping Fifa and from that I know pretty well what the limitations are of a controller as I quite often come into contact with it.
I also have played through AC and AC2. I hooked up my controller in fact to try AC2 at a certain point. I didn't see any improvement over MK as by then I knew the control scheme that was obviously designed for a controller and was actually more comfortable with the accuracy of MK as the controls were pretty much learned from AC1 by heart.
Alternative button to switch modes and I simply clicked the needed button to what I wanted to do. Just as you would do with a controller.
Jet Set Radio falls into the bad port category then, can't comment more as I haven't played it.
Here, I drew you what I basically meant with my Wall of text before:
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The first actually doesn't need a 360 controller and works fine with older DInput controller BUT it definitely does need a controller. I just can't free-run without one and that's despite not having a controller when I first played the game.
The others all play best with a 360 controller though.
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it has been a while since I did it, but I played the first one with keyboard and mouse and as far as I remember things went just fine
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I dont really used any controller when I played AC games (from AC2 to AC3). I felt better playing with mouse / keyboard.
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I actually prefer it without a controller, the only thing clunky about it is when you switch from AC3 to ACB (the control schemes are really different). I've had people tell me the controls on AC3 ruined the game for them on console, but they felt really smooth to me on PC.
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I've played Brotherhood and Revelations on the 360 before and I feel the controls get frustrating at times. I assume I would definitely need a 360 controller to play any AC games on PC. I have AC2 on Steam but I never played it, but I'd try it on keyboard and mouse and see if I need a controller for it.
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I was looking at some Let's Plays of Assassin's Creed, and based off of them, it seems like a game you really need a 360 controller for.
If anyone has played the first one (or pretty much any of the, controls in game series' don't change too much), are the PC controls good? Or is buying a 360 controller my best option?
Assassin's Creed III GA ($0.01 CV)
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