Congrats with new job and thanks for giving away great games!
I would like to thank so many users, but I will go crazy to write about everyone... so I would like to mention Tewam who gave me idea how to hide additional giveaways while creating publics. Also, he plays his wins alot, this is one of the rare occasions when my gift was played at 100% :-)
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Well, I'd like to apply for your WL. I guess my previous post here got skipped, but I'd like to thank everyone who sets up events rather than just mindless GAs. Its fun to solve things and earn your victories. I don't want to name people, because I'm sure I'd forget someone, but thanks to all those who really contribute :)
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Congrats on the new job!
I had both games on my wishlist (and Breathedge) so I think I need to compliment you for such an awesome taste. ^^ (and no, I don't add every game on my wishlost)
But tbh. there are a lot of awesome people here at steamgifts and it's to hard to pick someone.
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I'm thankful to Garandro for their lootboy thread as I've been using it quite alot, although I'm no particularly fond of lootboy. I appreciate the way people in the comments collectively keep track of new codes and what codes are expired.
I'm also grateful to OP for such a nice and rather easy way to be included in their WL as I sneak my way into it. c;<
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Thanks for heavenlyFlame 's Fairy Fencer which I won.
Great role and story make me feel inspiring from real life about harassment.
Recently satisfied for me.
And Congratulation for your new start, too.
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Congratulations on your new job and thanks for the GAs.
Fortunately I've mostly had good experiences with this site and there are a lot of nice people here. I particularly appreciate the users that are active on Guess the game, monthly play a game you won, community trains and BLAEO.
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This is the place for compliments but it is hard to pick one person and one compliment....
So i make it easier and say YOU ARE GREAT to all the people on my whitelist and all that whitelisted me :o)
You are whitelisted too
Congratulations to the new job
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If compliments you counts, I want to tell you that you have a great taste on film. I'm a big fan of Satoshi Kon's work too, but I love Paprika more than Millenium Actress. And since Millenium Actress is loosely based on life of Setsuko Hara, do you love watching Yasujiro Ozu's films where Setsuko Hara was mostly appeared?
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Haven't yet watched them actually? Is there any particular that you would recommend? :O
And Paprika is my 2nd favourite from him. I didn't full get or appreciate it at first, but this (superb!!) video kinda opened my eyes to a lot of things and since then I pick up new things on each rewatch. Paprika really is a special gem.
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You can start from Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari), 1950s drama about family that can relate with modern age. But it's black and white film and has slow pace, just warned you first, if it's not your thing :D
Wow, I've never known that Paprika could be the subject of philosophy. Great video! And make me want to rewatch that again, thanks! :D
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Congrats on the new job, and thanks for the giveaways! Have a bump!
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Congratulations on the new job and thanks for the giveaways!
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Congratulations on the new job and thanks for the giveaways!
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Congratulations on the new job and thanks for the giveaways!
I'd give a shout out and a thanks to FiddlerontheWeb for putting together the community train awhile back. It was really amazing to see all of those people joining in on the event.
Also to SuperFabs for some great giveaways in that event and for being a decent and cordial person even in the case of accidental poaching...
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Big Ups To (In no particular order) : SErVER51 For Steam Dungeons - Mully for You're Not Alone #3- jbond007 for Positive Thread!- JustArchi for Archi's Steam Farm- gsrafael01 for ESGST
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Have a Bump! Thanks for ur contributions and congrats for ur new job :)
But i'm actually here for Satoshi KON. When i saw his name, i felt the urge to add something about him, despite i've known about not that much. Probably Japanese friends or strong anime lovers can add more, but anyway here is my thoughts.
I've never considered myself as a good cinema/movie watcher but still i know a few gems or two. Satoshi KON made one of them. Papurika (or Paprika) was a mind blowing experience for me. Not only anime was the psychedelic itself, but also the soundtrack prepared by Susumu Hirasawa fit best to the atmosphere. I have 2 favorites, Parade and The Girl In Byakkoya. Once you are caught, espiecially by Parade, you hardly can stop urself from listening it again and again. It had caught me so bad for a while, i was listening it repeatedly when i was walking to work at 7 am in the morning :p
Another great side of this movie is, it was released 4 years ago than,
-be careful, damn spoiler is coming-
-be careful, damn spoiler is coming-
And i'm glad to have watched it before this "spoiled" movie as well. When i discuss regarding movies with friends and when i recommend Paprika, i always give this reference/resemblance to make them a bit more curious about it :) Btw, noone could stop me believing that Nolan was "highly inspired" from Paprika (:
He has another great work i was lucky to watch, Môsô Dairinin (or Paranoia Agent), a short serial with 13 episodes. Nothing changed from being psychedelic, i guess just by seeing the opening and ending of it will give the enough idea about it.
Too bad we lost Satoshi KON at a relatively early age, i'm sure he'd introduce us another masterpieces such as Paprika. But, life will cease to be unfair as it has been since the start of the time, we have nothing to do except dealing with it somehow :/ Thanks for bringing this subject out Zaugr, at least i could say some words about him and maybe ur post can lead a few more ppl to meet him :) Cheers!
P.s: This post has been written under the high dose of Parade, so all typos or grammar mistakes should be forgiven :p (as if i could write correct in normal circumstances!)
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haven't done any giveaways in awhile and the guilt has finally crept up on me. Plus, I also recently got a new job so I gotta share the joy:)
and two things for my whitelist too:
if you want to get on my super exclusive (not really) whitelist you just have to uhhhh...
Be a nice person. :O
Wait how am I gonna know that...
Uhhh how about giving someone a compliment on this thread :O Try find something you can genuinely compliment on/something you find great about them. It can be anything from their steam profile, to their avatar, to their presence here, whatever. And I'll add you.
Mention a forum user you are grateful for! (for anything as well, maybe a game you won from them and really liked, or a comment they left, the threads they make... etc). That'd be good too :D
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