I think that a lot of users already suffered with it here. Some game just have a readjustment on the store, and the price change here too, and is not fair with us. Recent cases were from the games Batman: Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X, that had your prices changed on the store, and it harmed who paid for a higher price before. Not to mention the games that are not on the store anymore and now counts as $0 on our CV, as the game Two Brothers, that I gave away 5 copies and now I receive $0, as you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/inr1OXW.jpg

The solution that I find for this is a retroactive system, with dates, like it works with the bundle system. Just put a date that the game suffered a readjustment, put the new and old prices , and who create a GA for the game after this date, will have your CV according with it really costs. After all, nobody knows if that game super expensive will have a lower cost in the future.

Here's a example of what I'm talking about:

If the game suffered a readjustment any time of your life on the store

Game Readjustment date New price
Potato's Revenge Jan 10, 2016 $15
Dc Monalds Feb 25, 2016 $20
My brother is my father Feb 26, 2016 $0
Potato's Revenge (Now the price back to the original price, and this list will follow it and only who created a GA for this game from this date will have this new price counting on your CV) Mar 10, 2016 $20

If the game never suffered any readjustment, it just won't appear on the list.

I'm talking about the REAL full price on the store. Not gliches or sales. Normally, only few games have this adjustment, so, I think that isn't too much work to do. I just think that is unfair for who bought for a price one day, and later it drops or get higher.

8 years ago*

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So, what you think about it?

View Results
Yeah, this it a good idea to don't be unfair with who giveaway games (especially the expensives)
I think that isn't a good idea and want to keep it as it is now (and I don't think about the others)

Reserved. Please, leave a comment justifying your vote.

8 years ago

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i think it's perfectly fair. everything devaluates with time, and cv isn't the exception. :3

8 years ago

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I think that isn't fair, because sometimes, the user make some sacrifice to up your CV, to it just drops in the future.

8 years ago

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sg wasn't made so users get cv, it was made to give away.

if people are so concerned about cv, they should stick to $1 bundles. they rarely get a noticeable price drop.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but if we have a bundle system to "punish" who bought less in a mount of games, why not a system to award who bought a expensive game just to giveaway to anonymous persons?

Imagine that: You are happy with you life for some reason, and have money left. So, you are level 3 on SG and want to increase your level, but not giving away a trash game, but a Game X, that costs $60, and buy it for a full price and giveaway it on the first day of the game on the store. You bought 3 copies ($180), and suddely, the game drop your price to $20. Or the game leave the store. You will just lost all the CV.

8 years ago

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well, if i want to give away a $60 game, it's because i want to do it to make someone happy, not because i want 60cv.

if i wanted 60 cv, i would give away 4 copies of a $15 game.
or 40 bundled games worth $10 in the steam store.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This has been discussed before. It's too much extra database workload for not enough benefit.

8 years ago

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the amount of data and storage would slow all down and eat to much space/ bandwidth.

8 years ago

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Don't think so. Will only be one more page, and just some games have this price change. Unfortunately who gaveaway this games will lost CV as it was nothing and nobody cares.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It would make more sense for "Potatoe's revenge" to be released after Dc Monalds.

8 years ago

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Hahahah that's right

8 years ago

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This is not right. If I make a GA today and months after the game leaves the store or have the price reduced, I can not be harmed by it because I invested.
It is past time to taking action and correct the enormous failure and injustice.
I have also been hampered by games that came out of the store or price adjustments.
See here:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I think it's fine just how it is. shrug
Product depreciation is part of life, and I don't see why SG should be any different.
CV works the same way. It keeps people giving instead of resting on their laurels.

8 years ago*

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Yeah, I know, but as the game is depreciated with the time, this should hit only who bought it later, not who bought before.

8 years ago

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Well, my TLDR version is this -

I give away games because I want to, not because I want a ton of CV. CV is a bonus. That's all.

And keep in mind, I'm just some average poor shmuck like most others.

8 years ago

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Would you be willing to track all price changes, clean price glitches from the database?
Edit: Would you be willing to answer every support ticket "Why do I get less CV than user A? I bought the game for $40 too!"
Plus it is too much additional server load, please read old threads on the same topic.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Right now it should be something like "search game name - get price".
Implementing a more stable CV would lead to "search game name - search date - get price".
Thinking my simple way, it is 33% more server operations. Now it would be nice to know, how often each CV is calculated: Each time you load a GA page? Once every 30 minutes? Once one of your GAs is over (+each sync)?

And yes, implementing anything well is quite a task.

8 years ago

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Is really hard to track the bug glitches, but not the REAL price changes.
And about your second question: Just put it on the FAQ.

8 years ago

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FAQs don't stop user tickets now and they won't in the future.

8 years ago

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It's a good intention, but if you're going to go down that road, then why not also keep track of steam sales? If you give away a game where the price is and always has been $60, but you give out a full-priced presale copy and someone else gives away a copy after it has gone on sale for 50%, 75% off? In general, sales probably affect prices more than the games having actual full-price adjustments. Keeping track of all that kind of stuff is probably too much to ask

8 years ago

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I'm talking about only the REAL full prices. Not glitches or sales.

8 years ago

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Yes, but it wouldn't make sense to bother accounting for real full prices, and not account for sales since sales cause a lot more CV discrepancy than full price adjustments do. People get their CV occasionally deflated over time due to full price reductions, but they also get their CV massively inflated by picking up non-bundled games on sale for 50%, 75%, 90% off. Why bother replacing a broken light bulb when your house is on fire?

8 years ago

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Nope, will never happen. CG has stated it will never ever happen, and why, and I'd gladly link the topic if I could remember the name of it.

Since I don't, I'll just say it helps to prevent people from exploiting price errors. They can't just do a giveaway for a game when it is valued at half a million dollars (as happened recently).

Tracking everything manually would result in much more trouble for support. Deal with it. And I say this as someone who gave away $800+ of games for my birthday, including pre orders for stuff like Just Cause 3, Fallout 4 and Deus Ex 5.

8 years ago

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As I said for the other guys above. I'm talking about the REAL full price on the store. Not gliches or sales. Normally, only some games have this adjustment, so, I think that isn't too much work to do. I just think that is unfair for who bought for a price one day, and later it drops or get higher.

8 years ago

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And as I said above,

Tracking everything manually would result in much more trouble for support.

Doesn't matter how easy you think it would be. You aren't the guy working with the system. The admin made this call. I dare say he knows a bit more about the site than you.

8 years ago

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I understand.

8 years ago

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Oh, so that's why my CV dipped a bit?

Anyways, I disagree with this topic (sorry @OP).
Let's say you reach level 10, what would be your incentive to create any new giveaways in the future??? You could sit on level 10, and enter any level restricted giveaway for the rest of your life without any problems.

8 years ago

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My incentive is that mostly of my GA's are from private groups, that "force me" to giveaway. So, I will always give away, even I'm level 10

8 years ago

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Yes, but joining those groups was your choice, not everyone would do the same thing.

8 years ago

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Most systems are exploitable to one degree or another but the system as it stands now strongly favors shoveling trash.

I conjecture that a system based on price * log(wishlist entries+2) at auction start would result in more happiness for both auctioners & auctionees.

Of course this isn't my site, it would require more work by the dev and people that exploited or intend to exploit the existing system will probably want to keep it.

Added +2 because log 0 is undefined and log 1 is 0. More complicated demand scales could be used but are probably past deminishing returns

8 years ago*

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It's the only thing left that inflates CV. Otherwise it'll be a standard pyramid scheme, so newcomers would need more and more investment to achieve the same levels as old-time users. Heck, I'd like to see a system where your CV naturally drops over time, regardless of Steam price changes.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by IAMERROR404.